[临床基本知识] 细说 APACHE II 评分

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[临床基本知识] 细说 APACHE II 评分

2024-07-16 22:19| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

现在的位置: 首页 >临床话题, 基本知识>正文 RSS 小 中 大 上篇 下篇 [临床基本知识] 细说 APACHE II 评分 2012年08月28日 ⁄ 临床话题, 基本知识 ⁄ 评论数 12 Explication for APACHE II 整理及讲解:杜斌 (CSCCM原创,转载请注明) [ 有关名称 ] •. APACHE 的英文全称为 Acute Physiology and  Chronic Health Evaluation,中文译为 急性生理与慢性健康评分 •. 有个别文献也将 APACHE 的全文写为 Acute Physiology, Age and  Chronic Health Evaluation,尽管出处不详 [ 内容 ] •. APACHE II 评分 包括三部分,即 急性生理评分、年龄评分 及 慢性健康评分 急性生理评分 (Acute Physiology Score, APS) •. 基本原则 o APS包括12项生理指标,应当选择入ICU最初24小时内的最差值 o 对于大多数生理指标而言,入ICU最初24小时内的最差值指最高值或最低值 o 同时记录各个指标在最初24小时内的最高值和最低值,并根据附表分别进行评分,应当选择较高的分值 •. 具体说明 o 体温:原文指肛温,国内ICU多采用腋温,不建议将腋温加 0.3 或 0.5 度进行评分 因为这样会进一步增加误差(核心体温与腋温的差值并不固定,受到病情的影响) o 平均动脉压:如果护理记录中没有记录平均动脉压,则应当根据记录的收缩压和舒张压进行计算 收缩压高时平均动脉压不一定高,反之亦然 o 心率:根据心室率评分 o 呼吸频率:按照实际呼吸频率评分(无论是否使用机械通气) o 氧合:FiO2不同时使用不同的指标评价氧合 采用鼻导管或面罩吸氧时需要估测FiO2 此时可采用经验公式 ( FiO2  = O2流量 x  4 + 21,仅适用于鼻导管且氧流量 70 Arterial pH ≥ 7.7 < 7.15 7.6 - 7.69 7.15 - 7.24                             7.25 - 7.32 7.5 - 7.59 7.33 - 7.49 Serum Na (mmol/L) ≥ 180 ≤ 110 160 - 179 111 - 119 155 - 159 120 - 129 150 - 154 130 - 149 Serum K (mmol/L) ≥ 7 < 2.5 6 - 6.9 2.5 - 2.9 5.5 - 5.9 3 - 3.4 3.5 - 5.4 Serum Cr (mg/dL)                               (double point score for ARF) ≥ 3.5 2 - 3.4 1.5 - 1.9 < 0.6 0.6 - 1.4 Hct (%) ≥ 60 < 20 50 - 59.9 20 - 29.9 46 - 49.9 30 - 45.9 WCC (x 109/L) ≥ 40 < 1 20 - 39.9 1 - 2.9 15 - 19.9 3 - 14.9 GCS (Score = 15 –    actual GCS) A Acute physiology score (APS) Serum HCO3 (venous, mmol/L) (not preferred, use if no ABGs) ≥ 52 < 15 41 - 51.9 15 - 17.9                             18 - 21.9 32 - 40.9 22 - 31.9 B Age Points Assign points to age as follows: Age (yrs) ≤ 44 45 - 54 55 - 64 65 - 74 ≥ 75 Points 0 2 3 5 6 C Chronic Health Points If the patient has a history of severe organ system  insufficiency or is immunocompromised assign points as follows: a. for nonoperative or emergency postoperative patients –  5 points b. for elective postoperative patients – 2 points Definitions: Organ insufficiency or immunocompromised state must have  been evident prior to this hospital admission and conform to the following  criteria: Liver Biopsy proven    cirrhosis and documented portal hypertension; episodes of past upper GI    bleeding attributed to portal hypertension; or prior episodes of hepatic failure    / encephalophathy / coma Cardiovascular New York Heart    Association Class IV Respiratory Chronic    restrictive, obstructive, or vascular disease resulting in severe exercise    restriction, i.e., unable to climb stairs or perform household duties; or documented    chronic hypoxia, hypercapnia, secondary polycythemia, severe pulmonary    hypertension (> 40 mmHg), or respiratory dependency Renal receiving chronic    dialysis Immunocompromised The patient has    received therapy that suppresses resistance to infection, e.g.,    immunosuppression, chemotherapy, radiation, long-term or recent high doses    steroids, or has a disease that is sufficiently advanced to suppress    resistance to infection, e.g., leukemia, lymphoma, AIDS APACHE II Score A Acute physiology score (APS) B Age Points C Chronic Health Points Total APACHE II score = A + B + C = Emergency surgery:       Yes       No Diagnostic category weight: Probability of Death: Principal Diagnostic Categories Leading to ICU Admission Nonoperative    patients Postoperative    patients Respiratory    failure or insufficiency from: Asthma/allergy -2.108 Multiple trauma -1.684 COPD -0.367 Admission due to    chronic cardiovascular dis. -1.376 Pulmonary edema (noncardiogenic) -0.251 Peripheral    vascular surgery -1.315 Postrespiratory arrest -0.168 Heart valve    surgery -1.261 Aspiration/poisoning/toxic -0.142 Craniotomy for    neoplasm -1.245 Pulmonary embolus -0.128 Renal surgery for    neoplasm -1.204 Infection 0 Renal transplant -1.042 Neoplasm 0.891 Head trauma -0.955 Cardiovascular    failure or insufficiency from: Thoracic surgery    for neoplasm -0.802 Hypertension -1.798 Craniotomy for    ICH/SDH/SAH -0.788 Rhythm disturbance -1.368 Laminectomy and    other spinal cord surgery -0.699 Congestive heart failure -0.434 Hemorrhagic shock -0.682 Hemorrhagic shock/hypovolemia 0.493 GI bleeding -0.617 Coronary artery disease -0.191 GI surgery for    neoplasm -0.248 Sepsis 0.113 Respiratory    insufficiency after surgery -0.140 Postcardiac arrest 0.393 GI    perforation/obstruction 0.060 Cardiogenic shock -0.259 Dissecting thoracic/abdominal aneurysm 0.731 Trauma: For postoperative    patients admitted to the ICU for sepsis or postarrest, use the corresponding    weights for nonoperative patients. Multiple trauma -1.228 Head trauma -0.517 Neurologic: Seizure disorder -0.584 ICH/SDH/SAH 0.723 Other: Drug overdose -3.353 Diabetic ketoacidosis 01.597 GI bleeding 0.334 If not in one of    the specific groups above, then which major vital organ system was the    principal reason for admission? If not in one of    the above, which major vital organ system led to ICU admission postsurgery? Metabolic/renal -0.885 Neurologic -1.150 Respiratory -0.890 Cardiovascular -0.797 Neurologic -0.759 Respiratory -0.610 Cardiovascular 0.470 Gastrointestinal -0.613 Gastrointestinal 0.501 Metabolic/renal -0.196 To compute predicted death rates for groups of acutely  ill patients, for each individual compute the risk (R) of hospital death with  the following equation; then sum the individual risks and divide by the total  number of patients ln (R / 1-R) = -3.517 +  (APACHE II score x 0.146) + (0.603, only if postemergency surgery) +  (Diagnostic category weight) (CSCCM原创,转载请注明) 返回 作者: admin 该日志由 admin 于12年前发表在临床话题, 基本知识分类下, 转载请注明: [临床基本知识] 细说 APACHE II 评分 | 中国病理生理学会危重病医学专业委员会 +复制链接 【上篇】[临床话题] 从ICU医生的角度看治疗念珠菌病的临床指南【下篇】[临床基本知识] 动脉血气分析六步法





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