
您所在的位置:网站首页 hyclone培养基dmem 海克隆Hyclone细胞基础培养基、无血清培养基、缓冲液、胰蛋白酶、双抗代理商


2024-06-20 12:43| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Cytiva Hyclone细胞培养基 ——基础培养基、无血清培养基、缓冲液、胰酶、双抗   北京泽平代理思拓凡Cytiva公司旗下进口海克隆Hyclone细胞培养基等产品,提供基础培养基如DMEM高糖培养基、MEM培养基、RPMI 1640培养基、DMEM/F12培养基等,和cGMP标准无血清培养基如CHO细胞培养基、HEK293细胞培养基、昆虫细胞培养基等,以及培养基补料、PBS缓冲液、胰蛋白酶、青霉素链霉素双抗等。Hyclone液体培养基、干粉培养基/粉末培养基,通过专业配方、严格的生产工艺,为细胞创造了更佳生长环境,为包括基础科学研究、上游工艺开发、生物制药生产等各种场景下的细胞培养提供了理想选择,在全球范围内得到了广泛认可和信赖。 北京泽平作为海克隆Cytiva Hyclone一级代理商,大量批发、直销Hyclone各类细胞培养基、缓冲液、胰酶、双抗等细胞培养试剂。北京泽平凭借专业的售前、售后服务,多年来在各大高校、科研院所、生产企业中赢得了良好的口碑。 ①Cytiva Hyclone官方授权,完整进口手续,正品保证 ②专业技术支持团队,中文咨询服务,解决实验问题 ③现场演示Demo、培训 ④完善销售流程,售前、售后服务 ⑤一级代理商,优势价格,热销品现货销售 tips:Ctrl+F,可在浏览器中快速搜索货号、产品关键词,如未能找到产品,请直接点击右侧在线咨询   Hyclone生长培养基旨在提高转染前细胞生长率、细胞密度、细胞活率,支持细胞生长;Hyclone转染培养基用于提高转染效率、蛋白总产量;Hyclone补料培养基,提供细胞培养中消耗的葡萄糖、谷氨酰胺、氨基酸、核苷酸、磷酸盐、K+、Mg2+等,提高细胞密度,延长平台期,获得高病毒滴度。Hyclone提供丰富培养基选择,研究者可根据实验结果挑选更适合的产品组合。   Hyclone细胞培养基优势 高品质——采用符合USP美国药典、EU欧盟药典或JP日本药典要求原料,制造工厂经过ISO 9001:2015和ISO 13845:2016认证,符合cGMP要求,采用精密设备生产,全流程采取严格质量控制,具有高稳定性、高一致性,培养效果重复性好。 供应稳定——大规模生产,液体培养基单批次可达10,000升,干粉培养基单批次可达6500kg,具备稳定、可持续的产品供应能力。 历史悠久——Hyclone具有超过40年的细胞培养经验,拥有多款明星产品,并持续进行研发投入,不断提升产品的性能和质量,积极探索新的应用领域,使研究者可专注于自己的研究。     一、Hyclone经典培养基 广泛用于科研实验中,包括DMEM、MEM、RPMI 1640、DMEM/F12、IMDM、McCoy's 5A、Ham's F10、Ham's F12、M199、Leibovitz L-15等,搭配血清使用,几乎可覆盖所有细胞类型,其成分明确,可通过Hyclone官网查询配方表,提供500mL/1L液体培养基,以及5L/10L干粉培养基。     二、Hyclone无血清培养基 专业用于动物细胞大规模培养,包括无血清培养基(Serum-free media,不含血清,一般含有水解物、蛋白成分)、无蛋白培养基(Protein-free media,不含血清、蛋白,一般含有水解物)、化学成分限定培养基(Chemically defined media,无动物源成分(Animal Derived Component Free, ADCF),不含血清、蛋白、水解物)。 Hyclone无血清基础培养基,成分明确但配方不公开,针对不同细胞系、亚型、生产工艺、载体进行优化,以提高细胞生长速率、细胞密度、细胞活率、转染效率、蛋白表达量和活性、以及产物纯度。   1、中国仓鼠卵巢细胞(CHO细胞)无血清培养基 根据CHO-K1、CHO-DG44、CHO-S等不同细胞亚型的特点,针对性开发了HyCell CHO、ActiPro、ActiSM、PF-CHO、SFM4CHO、CDM4CHO、CDM4MAb、CDM4PERMAb、CDM4NS0生长培养基、以及HyCell TransFx-C转染培养基等,支持抗体(单抗、双抗)、重组蛋白、ADC生产。 CHO表达系统通用搭配 ①生长培养基:HyCell CHO、ActiPro ②转染培养基:HyCell TransFx-C ③补料培养基:Cell Boost 7a、Cell Boost 7b   2、人胚胎肾细胞293(HEK293细胞)无血清培养基 适用于HEK293F、HEK293T、HEK293 sus细胞,针对是否支持瞬时转染、悬浮/贴壁培养、AV腺病毒/重组蛋白生产、LV慢病毒/AAV腺相关病毒包装等不同需求,进行了成分优化,提供CDM4HEK293、Peak Expression(293 PEM)、ActiPro、SFM4HEK293、CDM4PerMAb生长培养基、以及SFM4Transfx-293、HyCell TransFx-H转染培养基等,以支持细胞快速增殖,进行重组蛋白、高滴度病毒载体生产。 293表达系统通用搭配 ①生长培养基:CDM4HEK293、Peak Expression(293 PEM)、ActiPro ②转染培养基:SFM4Transfx-293、293 PEM ③补料培养基:Cell Boost 5   3、昆虫细胞无血清培养基 包括SFX-Insect、SFM4Insect培养基,用于培养Sf9、Sf21、High Five、D.mel2细胞,适用于杆状病毒-昆虫细胞表达系统的重组蛋白、病毒亚单位颗粒、腺相关病毒的生产,以及结构生物学的膜蛋白研究等。   4、病毒生产用无血清培养基 包括VaccineXpress、SFM4Megavir、CDM4Avian培养基等,用于培养Vero、MDCK、BHK-21、PK-15、COS-7、EB66等细胞,广泛用于生物制药工艺中,以支持细胞高浓度生长,提高蛋白产量,并简化下游纯化。 5、杂交瘤和骨髓瘤细胞无血清培养基 包括CDM4MAb、CDM4PERMAb、SFM4MAb、CDM4NS0培养基等,促进细胞增殖,提高抗体产量,简化纯化工艺。     三、Hyclone补料培养基 包含Cell Boost 1/2/3/4/5/6/7a/7b,根据细胞不同代谢途径设计,其成分明确但配方不公开,可补充细胞代谢消耗成分,搭配基础培养基使用,可延长细胞生长周期,提高蛋白产量。     四、其他细胞培养产品 包括PBS、DPBS缓冲液、胰蛋白酶、青霉素-链霉素溶液等。   北京泽平代理的细胞培养试剂  

货号 英文名称 规格 SH31027.01CN DPM CELL BOOST 7b 0.5L  0.5L SH30002.03 DMEM/LOW with L-Glutamine, Sodium Pyruvate 1×10L SH30003.01 DMEM/HIGH with L-Glutamine, without Sodium Pyruvate 1×10L SH30003.03 DMEM/HIGH with L-Glutamine, without Sodium Pyruvate 1×10L SH30004.03 DMEM/F12 1:1 with L-Glutamine, HEPES 1×10L SH30005.03 IMDM with L-Glutamine, HEPES, without Alpha-Thioglycerol 1×10L SH30007.03 MEM Alpha Modification, with L-Glutamine, Ribo- and Deoxyribonucleosides 1×10L SH30008.03 MEM/EBSS with L-Glutamine 1×10L SH30009.03 Ham's F10, with L-Glutamine 1×10L SH30010.03 Ham's F12, with L-Glutamine 1×10L SH30011.03 RPMI 1640, with L-Glutamine 1×10L SH30013.03 Dulbecco’s Phosphate Buffered Saline (DPBS), without Calcium, Magnesium (Powder) 1×10L SH30015.03 Hank’s Balanced Salt Solution (HBSS), with Calcium, Magnesium, Phenol Red (Powder) 1×10L SH30044.01 DMEM/LOW with L-Glutamine, Sodium Pyruvate, without Phenol Red 1×10L SH30044.03 DMEM/LOW with L-Glutamine, Sodium Pyruvate, without Phenol Red 1×10L SH30045.03 DMEM/HIGH with L-Glutamine, Sodium Pyruvate 1×10L SH30048.03 Leibovitz L-15 with L-Glutamine 1×10L SH30049.03 McCoy's 5A Iwakata and Grace Modification, with L-Glutamine 1×10L SH30050.03 MEM/EBSS with L-Glutamine, Non-Essential Amino Acids 1×10L SH30053.03 DMEM/HIGH without L-Glutamine, Sodium Pyruvate 1×10L SH30058.03 CCM1 1×10L SH30061.03 CCM3 1×10L SH30069.03 DMEM/F12 1:1 with L-Glutamine, without HEPES 1×10L SH30171.01 MEM/EBSS with L-Glutamine, without Phenol Red 1×10L SH30197.03 RPMI 1640, with L-Glutamine, without Phenol Red 1×10L SH30211.01 DMEM/HIGH with L-Glutamine, without Sodium Pyruvate, Phenol Red 1×10L SH30219.01 MEM Alpha Modification with L-Glutamine, without Ribo-and Deoxyribonucleosides 1×10L SH30287.02 DMEM/High with L-Glutamine, Sodium Pyruvate, without Phenol Red 1×10L SH30297.03 M199/EBSS with L-Glutamine, L-Amino Acids 1×10L SH30327.01 MEM/EBSS Autoclavable 1×10L SH30333.02 PF-CHO without Glutamine 1×10L SH30350.03 SFX-Insect 1×10L SH30351.01 M199/EBSS Filter Friendly, with L-Glutamine 1×10L SH30380.03 IMDM without L-Glutamine, with HEPES 1×10L SH30517.02 SFM4CHO-Utility without L-Glutamine 1×10L SH30518.02 SFM4CHO without L-Glutamine 1×10L SH30522.02 SFM4HEK293 without L-Glutamine 1×10L SH30535.03 SFM4MAb without L-Glutamine 1×10L SH30556.02 CDM4CHO without L-Glutamine 1×10L SH30578.02 CDM4NS0 without L-Glutamine 1×10L SH30587.02 SFM4MegaVir 1×10L SH30635.02 ADCF-MAb Complete Powder, without L-Glutamine 1×10L SH30800.02 CDM4MAb without Glutamine 1×10L SH30859.02 CDM4HEK293 Powder without L-Glutamine 1×10L SH30861.02 SFM4Transfx-293 Powder without L-Glutamine 1×10L SH30872.02 CDM4PERMAb without L-Glutamine (powder) 1×10L SH30912.02 SFM4Insect with L-Glutamine (Complete Powder) 1×10L SH30933.02 HyCell CHO Production Medium, Complete Powder without L-Glutamine 1×10L SH30948.02 HyCell CHO Medium, Complete Powder without Poloxamer 188, L-Glutamine, Hypoxanthine, and Thymidine 1×10L SH31035.02 DPM HyClone CDM4Avian, 10L 1×10L SH30002.05 DMEM/LOW with L-Glutamine, Sodium Pyruvate 1×100L SH30003.05 DPM-DMEM/HIGH,100L 1×100L SH30008.05 MEM/EBSS with L-Glutamine 1×100L SH30010.05 Ham's F12, with L-Glutamine 1×100L SH30014.05 Earle’s Balanced Salt Solution (EBSS), with Calcium, Magnesium, Phenol Red (Powder) 1×100L SH30045.05 DMEM/HIGH with L-Glutamine, Sodium Pyruvate 1×100L SH30050.05 MEM/EBSS with L-Glutamine, Non-Essential Amino Acids 1×100L SH30186.05 MEM/HBSS NEAA Modified, with 2.0 mM L-Glutamine 1×100L SH30197.05 RPMI 1640, with L-Glutamine, without Phenol Red 1×100L SH30211.04 DMEM/HIGH with L-Glutamine, without Sodium Pyruvate, Phenol Red 1×100L SH30269.06 MEM Glasgow Modification with L-Glutamine 1×100L SH30287.04 DMEM/High with L-Glutamine, Sodium Pyruvate, without Phenol Red 1×100L SH30327.03 MEM/EBSS Autoclavable 1×100L SH30333.04 PF-CHO without Glutamine 1×100L SH30351.03 M199/EBSS Filter Friendly, with L-Glutamine 1×100L SH30377.02 MEM Modified with 3.8 g/L TPB 1×100L SH30518.04 SFM4CHO without L-Glutamine 1×100L SH30556.04 CDM4CHO without L-Glutamine 1×100L SH30578.04 CDM4NS0 without L-Glutamine 1×100L SH30587.04 SFM4MegaVir 1×100L SH30800.04 CDM4MAb without Glutamine 1×100L SH30859.04 CDM4HEK293 Powder without L-Glutamine 1×100L SH30861.04 SFM4Transfx-293 Powder without L-Glutamine 1×100L SH30872.04 CDM4PERMAb without L-Glutamine (powder) 1×100L SH30933.04 HyCell CHO Production Medium, Complete Powder without L-Glutamine 1×100L SH30948.04 HyCell CHO Medium, Complete Powder without Poloxamer 188, L-Glutamine, Hypoxanthine, and Thymidine 1×100L SH30377.03 MEM Modified with 3.8 g/L TPB 1×1000L SH30587.06 SFM4MegaVir 1×1000L SH30800.06 CDM4MAb without Glutamine 1×1000L SH30933.06 HyCell CHO Production Medium, Complete Powder without L-Glutamine 1×1000L SH30211.02 DMEM/HIGH with L-Glutamine, without Sodium Pyruvate, Phenol Red 1×20L SH30269.07 MEM Glasgow Modification with L-Glutamine 1×200L SH30269.08 MEM Glasgow Modification with L-Glutamine 1×25L SH30008.12 MEM/EBSS with L-Glutamine 1×5L SH30009.06 Ham's F10, with L-Glutamine 1×5L SH30013.09 Dulbecco’s Phosphate Buffered Saline (DPBS), without Calcium, Magnesium (Powder) 1×5L SH30014.08 Earle’s Balanced Salt Solution (EBSS), with Calcium, Magnesium, Phenol Red (Powder) 1×5L SH30045.10 DMEM/HIGH with L-Glutamine, Sodium Pyruvate 1×5L SH30050.11 MEM/EBSS with L-Glutamine, Non-Essential Amino Acids 1×5L SH30282.01 IPL-41 1×5L SH30333.01 PF-CHO without Glutamine 1×5L SH30350.02 SFX-Insect 1×5L SH30517.01 SFM4CHO-Utility without L-Glutamine 1×5L SH30518.01 SFM4CHO without L-Glutamine 1×5L SH30522.01 SFM4HEK293 without L-Glutamine 1×5L SH30535.02 SFM4MAb without L-Glutamine 1×5L SH30556.01 CDM4CHO without L-Glutamine 1×5L SH30578.01 CDM4NS0 without L-Glutamine 1×5L SH30587.01 SFM4MegaVir 1×5L SH30635.01 ADCF-MAb Complete Powder, without L-Glutamine 1×5L SH30800.01 CDM4MAb without Glutamine 1×5L SH30807.02 Improved RPMI 1640 w/L-Glut, w/o CaNO3 1×5L SH30859.01 CDM4HEK293 Powder without L-Glutamine 1×5L SH30861.01 SFM4Transfx-293 Powder without L-Glutamine 1×5L SH30872.01 CDM4PERMAb without L-Glutamine (powder) 1×5L SH30912.01 SFM4Insect with L-Glutamine (Complete Powder) 1×5L SH30933.01 HyCell CHO Production Medium, Complete Powder without L-Glutamine 1×5L SH30948.01 HyCell CHO Medium, Complete Powder without Poloxamer 188, L-Glutamine, Hypoxanthine, and Thymidine 1×5L SH30002.04 DMEM/LOW with L-Glutamine, Sodium Pyruvate 1×50L SH30003.04 DMEM/HIGH with L-Glutamine, without Sodium Pyruvate 1×50L SH30004.04 DMEM/F12 1:1 with L-Glutamine, HEPES 1×50L SH30005.04 IMDM with L-Glutamine, HEPES, without Alpha-Thioglycerol 1×50L SH30007.04 MEM Alpha Modification, with L-Glutamine, Ribo- and Deoxyribonucleosides 1×50L SH30008.04 MEM/EBSS with L-Glutamine 1×50L SH30009.04 Ham's F10, with L-Glutamine 1×50L SH30010.04 Ham's F12, with L-Glutamine 1×50L SH30011.04 RPMI 1640, with L-Glutamine 1×50L SH30013.04 Dulbecco’s Phosphate Buffered Saline (DPBS), without Calcium, Magnesium (Powder) 1×50L SH30014.04 Earle’s Balanced Salt Solution (EBSS), with Calcium, Magnesium, Phenol Red (Powder) 1×50L SH30015.04 Hank’s Balanced Salt Solution (HBSS), with Calcium, Magnesium, Phenol Red (Powder) 1×50L SH30016.04 Hank's Balanced Salt Solution (HBSS), without Calcium, Magnesium, with Phenol Red (Powder) 1×50L SH30044.04 DMEM/LOW with L-Glutamine, Sodium Pyruvate, without Phenol Red 1×50L SH30045.04 DMEM/HIGH with L-Glutamine, Sodium Pyruvate 1×50L SH30048.04 Leibovitz L-15 with L-Glutamine 1×50L SH30049.04 McCoy's 5A Iwakata and Grace Modification, with L-Glutamine 1×50L SH30050.04 MEM/EBSS with L-Glutamine, Non-Essential Amino Acids 1×50L SH30053.04 DMEM/HIGH without L-Glutamine, Sodium Pyruvate 1×50L SH30054.04 MEM/EBSS without L-Glutamine 1×50L SH30056.04 Ham's F12, without L-Glutamine 1×50L SH30061.04 CCM3 1×50L SH30069.04 DMEM/F12 1:1 with L-Glutamine, without HEPES 1×50L SH30159.04 BME/EBSS with L-Glutamine 1×50L SH30171.04 MEM/EBSS with L-Glutamine, without Phenol Red 1×50L SH30186.04 MEM/HBSS NEAA Modified, with 2.0 mM L-Glutamine 1×50L SH30193.04 MEM/HBSS with L-Glutamine 1×50L SH30197.04 RPMI 1640, with L-Glutamine, without Phenol Red 1×50L SH30211.03 DMEM/HIGH with L-Glutamine, without Sodium Pyruvate, Phenol Red 1×50L SH30254.03 M199/EBSS with L-Glutamine, without Phenol Red 1×50L SH30269.02 MEM Glasgow Modification with L-Glutamine 1×50L SH30287.03 DMEM/High with L-Glutamine, Sodium Pyruvate, without Phenol Red 1×50L SH30297.04 M199/EBSS with L-Glutamine, L-Amino Acids 1×50L SH30327.02 MEM/EBSS Autoclavable 1×50L SH30346.03 DMEM/HIGH without L-Glutamine, Sodium Pyruvate, Calcium, Magnesium 1×50L SH30351.02 M199/EBSS Filter Friendly, with L-Glutamine 1×50L SH30380.04 IMDM without L-Glutamine, with HEPES 1×50L SH30518.03 SFM4CHO without L-Glutamine 1×50L SH30522.03 SFM4HEK293 without L-Glutamine 1×50L SH30556.03 CDM4CHO without L-Glutamine 1×50L SH30578.03 CDM4NS0 without L-Glutamine 1×50L SH30587.03 SFM4MegaVir 1×50L SH30635.03 ADCF-MAb Complete Powder, without L-Glutamine 1×50L SH30800.03 CDM4MAb without Glutamine 1×50L SH30807.04 Improved RPMI 1640 w/L-Glut, w/o CaNO3 1×50L SH30859.03 CDM4HEK293 Powder without L-Glutamine 1×50L SH30861.03 SFM4Transfx-293 Powder without L-Glutamine 1×50L SH30872.03 CDM4PERMAb without L-Glutamine (powder) 1×50L SH30912.03 SFM4Insect with L-Glutamine (Complete Powder) 1×50L SH30933.03 HyCell CHO Production Medium, Complete Powder without L-Glutamine 1×50L SH30008.08 MEM/EBSS with L-Glutamine 1×500L SH30287.05 DMEM/High with L-Glutamine, Sodium Pyruvate, without Phenol Red 1×500L SH30327.04 MEM/EBSS Autoclavable 1×500L SH30517.05 SFM4CHO-Utility without L-Glutamine 1×500L SH30518.05 SFM4CHO without L-Glutamine 1×500L SH30556.05 CDM4CHO without L-Glutamine 1×500L SH30800.05 CDM4MAb without Glutamine 1×500L SH30859.05 CDM4HEK293 Powder without L-Glutamine 1×500L SH30859.05 CDM4HEK293 Powder without L-Glutamine 1×500L SH30872.05 CDM4PERMAb without L-Glutamine (powder) 1×500L SH30933.05 HyCell CHO Production Medium, Complete Powder without L-Glutamine 1×500L SH31039.03 LM HyClone ActiPro 1L SH31040.03 LM HyClone ActiSM 1L SH30860.03 SFM4Transfx-293 without L-Glutamine 1L BPC 17044820 CYTODEX 1 1.75 KG 1.75kg SH30059.01 CCM1 without Phenol Red 10×1L SH30061.01 CCM3 10×1L CH30154.01 LM- WFI Quality Water - ADCF, 10L 10L SH30028.08 Dulbecco’s Phosphate Buffered Saline (DPBS), 1X, without Calcium, Magnesium, Phenol Red  10L SH30221.24 Water, WFI Quality, Meets current USP monograph criteria for WFI packaged in bulk for commercial use elsewhere. Not for Diagnostic or Therapeutic Use 10L SH30934.04 HyCell CHO Production Medium, Liquid without L-Glutamine 10L SH30942.02 HyCell™ TransFx-C, CHO Transient transfection medium 10L SH30944.02 HyCell™ TransFx-H, HEK293 Transient transfection medium 10L SH30278.06 SFX-Insect 10L BPC SH30860.05 SFM4Transfx-293 without L-Glutamine 10L BPC SH30221.27 Water, WFI Quality, Meets current USP monograph criteria for WFI packaged in bulk for commercial use elsewhere. Not for Diagnostic or Therapeutic Use 100L SH30942.04 HyCell™ TransFx-C, CHO Transient transfection medium 100L SH30944.04 HyCell™ TransFx-H, HEK293 Transient transfection medium 100L SH30278.07 SFX-Insect 100L BPC SH30584.04 Cell Boost 1 (R05.2) Supplement without L-Glutamine 1000g SH30596.03 Cell Boost 2 (R15.4) Supplement without L-Glutamine 1000g SH30612.02 Poloxamer 188 (powder) 1000g SH30825.03 Cell Boost 3 (JM 3.5) Supplement without L-Glutamine 1000g SH30857.03 Cell Boost 4 (PS307) Supplement, without L-Glutamine 1000g SH30865.03 Cell Boost 5 (CN-F) Supplement, without L-Glutamine 1000g SH30866.03 Cell Boost 6 (CN-T) Supplement, without L-Glutamine 1000g SH31037.07 DPM HyClone ActiPro 1000L 1000L SH30021.02 DMEM with Low Glucose, with 4.0 mM L-Glutamine, with 110 mg/L Sodium Pyruvate 1000mL SH30022.02 DMEM with High Glucose, with 4.0 mM L-Glutamine, without Sodium Pyruvate 1000mL SH30023.02 DMEM/F12 1:1, with 2.50 mM L-Glutamine, 15 mM HEPES 1000mL SH30024.02 MEM with Earle's Balanced Salt Solution (EBSS), with 2.0 mM L-Glutamine 1000mL SH30026.02 Ham's F12, 1X, with 1.00 mM L-Glutamine 1000mL SH30027.02 RPMI 1640, 1X, with 2.05 mM L-Glutamine 1000mL SH30028.03 Dulbecco’s Phosphate Buffered Saline (DPBS), 1X, without Calcium, Magnesium, Phenol Red  1000mL SH30030.03 Hank’s Balanced Salt Solution (HBSS), 1X, with Calcium, Magnesium, Phenol Red  1000mL SH30031.03 Hank’s Balanced Salt Solution (HBSS), 1X, without Calcium, Magnesium, with Phenol Red 1000mL SH30034.03 L-Glutamine, 200 mM Solution 29.2 mg/mL L-Glutamine in 0.85% NaCl  1000mL SH30043.03 CCM1 1000mL SH30065.02 CCM3 1000mL SH30081.02 DMEM with High Glucose, without L-Glutamine and Sodium Pyruvate 1000mL SH30096.02 RPMI-1640, without L-Glutamine 1000mL SH30200.02 McCoy's 5A with L-Glutamine 1000mL SH30221.10 Water, WFI Quality, Meets current USP monograph criteria for WFI packaged in bulk for commercial use elsewhere. Not for Diagnostic or Therapeutic Use 1000mL SH30228.02 IMDM with L-Glutamine, HEPES, without Alpha-Thioglycerol 1000mL SH30243.02 DMEM with High Glucose, with 4.0 mM L-Glutamine, with Sodium Pyruvate 1000mL SH30244.02 MEM with Earle's Balanced Salt Solution (EBSS), without L-Glutamine 1000mL SH30253.02 M199 with Earle's Balanced Salt Solution (EBSS), with L-Glutamine 1000mL SH30255.02 RPMI 1640 Medium, with 25 mM HEPES, with L-Glutamine 1000mL SH30256.02 Phosphate Buffered Saline (PBS), 1X, 0.0067M PO4, without Calcium, Magnesium, Phenol Red  1000mL SH30258.02 Phosphate Buffered Saline (PBS) 10X, 0.067M PO4, without Calcium, Magnesium, Phenol Red 1000mL SH30259.02 IMDM without L-Glutamine 1000mL SH30261.02 DMEM/F12 1:1, with L-Glutamine, HEPES, Sodium Pyruvate 1000mL SH30264.02 Dulbecco’s Phosphate Buffered Saline (DPBS), 1X, with Calcium, Magnesium, without Phenol Red  1000mL SH30265.02 MEM Alpha Modification, with L-Glutamine, With Ribo- and Deoxyribonucleosides 1000mL SH30268.02 Hank’s Balanced Salt Solution (HBSS), 1X, with Calcium, Magnesium, without Phenol Red  1000mL SH30270.02 McCoy's 5A with L-Glutamine, without Phenol Red 1000mL SH30271.02 DMEM/F12 1:1, with L-Glutamine, without HEPES 1000mL SH30272.02 DMEM/F12 1:1, with L-Glutamine, without HEPES, Phenol Red 1000mL SH30278.02 SFX-Insect 1000mL SH30280.03 TNM-FH 1000mL SH30284.02 DMEM with High Glucose, with L-Glutamine, without Phenol Red, Sodium Pyruvate 1000mL SH30285.02 DMEM with High Glucose, without L-Glutamine, with Sodium Pyruvate 1000mL SH30349.02 ADCF MAb 1000mL SH30359.02 PF-CHO LS with L-Glutamine 1000mL SH30378.03 Dulbecco's Phosphate Buffered Saline (DPBS), 10X, without Calcium, Magnesium, Phenol Red 1000mL SH30391.02 SFM4MAb without L-Glutamine 1000mL SH30513.02 SFM4MAb, with L-Glutamine 1000mL SH30516.02 SFM4CHO-Utility, with L-Glutamine 1000mL SH30521.02 SFM4HEK293, with L-Glutamine 1000mL SH30525.02 Leibovitz L-15 Medium, with 2.05 mM L-Glutamine 1000mL SH30529.03 Water, Cell Culture Grade, Endotoxin-free (< 0.005 EU/mL), Deionized, Distilled, 0.1 µm Sterile Filtered 1000mL SH30538.03 Water, Molecular Biology Grade, DNase, RNase, Protease free (no activity within assay detectability limits), Deionized, Distilled, 0.1 µm Sterile Filtered 1000mL SH30547.02 ADCF MAb, without L-Glutamine 1000mL SH30548.02 SFM4CHO without L-Glutamine, with 2.2 g/L Sodium Bicarbonate 1000mL SH30549.02 SFM4CHO with L-Glutamine, with 2.2 g/L Sodium Bicarbonate 1000mL SH30557.02 CDM4CHO with L-Glutamine 1000mL SH30558.02 CDM4CHO without L-Glutamine 1000mL SH30585.02 DMEM with High Glucose, Modified, without Phenol Red, Sodium Pyruvate, L-Glutamine 1000mL SH30586.03 GS-MAX 1000mL SH30588.02 Hank's Balanced Salt Solution (HBSS), 1X, without Calcium, Magnesium, Phenol Red 1000mL SH30801.02 CDM4MAb with Glutamine 1000mL SH30802.02 CDM4MAb without Glutamine 1000mL SH30809.02 RPMI 1640 WITH GLUTAMINE, WITHOUT CALCIUM NITRATE 1000mL SH30850.03 AdvanceSTEM ES Qualified Dulbecco's Phosphate Buffered Saline (DPBS), without Calcium or Magnesium 1000mL SH30858.02 CDM4HEK293 without L-Glutamine 1000mL SH30860.02 SFM4Transfx-293 without L-Glutamine 1000mL SH30871.02 CDM4PERMAb without L-Glutamine 1000mL SH30879.02 AdvanceSTEM Basal Medium for Undifferentiated Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells 1000mL SH30913.02 SFM4Insect with L-Glutamine 1000mL SH30934.01 HyCell CHO Production Medium, Liquid without L-Glutamine 1000mL SH30939.02 HyCell™ TransFx-H, HEK293 Transient transfection medium 1000mL SH30941.02 HyCell™ TransFx-C, CHO Transient transfection medium 1000mL SH30949.02 HyCell CHO Liquid Medium Without Hypoxanthine and Thymidine, without L-glutamine, with sodium bicarbonate, with poloxamer 188 1000mL SH31036.02 LM HyClone CDM4Avian, 1000 mL 1000mL SH31039.02 LM HyClone ActiPro 1000mL SH31040.02 LM HyClone ActiSM 1000mL SH31113.02 LM-Cell Boost(TM) 1, ADCF, 1000mL 1000mL SH31114.02 LM-Cell Boost(TM) 2, ADCF, 1000mL 1000mL SH31115.02 LM-Cell Boost(TM) 3, ADCF, 1000mL 1000mL SH31116.02 LM-Cell Boost(TM) 4, ADCF, 1000mL 1000mL SH31117.02 LM-Cell Boost(TM) 5, ADCF, 1000mL 1000mL SH31118.02 LM-Cell Boost(TM) 6, ADCF, 1000mL 1000mL SH31119.02 LM - 1000 mL Cell Boost(TM) 7A - ADCF 1000mL SH31120.03 LM- 1000 mL Cell Boost(TM) 7B - ADCF 1000mL SH31126.01 LM- HyClone VaccineXpress Liquid Medium, 1000mL 1000mL 17044802 CYTODEX 1 100 G 100g 17048502 CYTODEX 3 100 G 100g 17127102 CYTOPORE 2 100 G 100g SH30322.01 Lactalbumin Hydrolysate (LAH) growth enhancement supplement for serum-free or serum-reduced cell culture systems (powder) 100g SH30336.02 L-Glutamine (Powder) 100g SH30337.03 Hepes Buffer (Powder) 100g SH30584.02 Cell Boost 1 (R05.2) Supplement without L-Glutamine 100g SH30596.01 Cell Boost 2 (R15.4) Supplement without L-Glutamine 100g SH30612.01 Poloxamer 188 (powder) 100g SH30825.01 Cell Boost 3 (JM 3.5) Supplement without L-Glutamine 100g SH30857.01 Cell Boost 4 (PS307) Supplement, without L-Glutamine 100g SH30865.01 Cell Boost 5 (CN-F) Supplement, without L-Glutamine 100g SH30866.01 Cell Boost 6 (CN-T) Supplement, without L-Glutamine 100g SH31026.05 DPM Cell Boost 7a 100L 100L SH31027.06CN DPM CELL BOOST 7b 100L 100L SH31037.04 DPM HyClone ActiPro 100L 100L SH31038.04 DPM HyClone ActiSM 100L 100L SH31125.03 DPM| Cell Boost 7a w/o Glucose, 100L 100L SH31127.03 VaccineXpress Powder Medium, 100L 100L SH30028.01 Dulbecco’s Phosphate Buffered Saline (DPBS), 1X, without Calcium, Magnesium, Phenol Red  100mL SH30031.01 Hank’s Balanced Salt Solution (HBSS), 1X, without Calcium, Magnesium, with Phenol Red 100mL SH30033.01 Sodium Bicarbonate Solution, with 75.0 g/L Sodium Bicarbonate 100mL SH30034.01 L-Glutamine, 200 mM Solution 29.2 mg/mL L-Glutamine in 0.85% NaCl  100mL SH30042.01 Trypsin, 0.25% (1X), with 2.5 g porcine trypsin (1:250/L gamma irradiated) in HBSS with 0.2 g/L EDTA, without calcium, magnesium (liquid) 100mL SH30221.18 Water, WFI Quality, Meets current USP monograph criteria for WFI packaged in bulk for commercial use elsewhere. Not for Diagnostic or Therapeutic Use 100mL SH30236.01 Trypsin, 0.05% 1X, with 0.5 g porcine trypsin (1:250/L gamma irradiated) in HBSS with 0.2 g/L EDTA, without calcium, magnesium (liquid) 100mL SH30237.01 HEPES 1M Solution 100mL SH30238.01 Non-Essential Amino Acid, (NEAA) Solution, 100X 100mL SH30239.01 Sodium Pyruvate 100 mM Solution  100mL SH30529.01 Water, Cell Culture Grade, Endotoxin-free (< 0.005 EU/mL), Deionized, Distilled, 0.1 µm Sterile Filtered 100mL SH30538.01 Water, Molecular Biology Grade, DNase, RNase, Protease free (no activity within assay detectability limits), Deionized, Distilled, 0.1 µm Sterile Filtered 100mL SH30554.02 LS1000 Lipid Supplement, ADCF 100mL SH30555.01 LS250 Lipid Supplement, ADCF 100mL SH30586.01 GS-MAX 100mL SH30590.01 SG-200, (Stable dipeptide of L-Alanyl L-Glutamine) 200 mM, in 0.85% NaCl Solution 100mL SH30594.01 Poloxamer 188 (10% Solution) 100mL SH30598.01 MEM Amino Acid Solution, 50X 100mL SH30599.01 MEM Vitamin Solution, 100X 100mL SH30851.01 AdvanceSTEM ES Qualified HEPES Solution (1M) 100mL SH30852.01 AdvanceSTEM ES Qualified L-Glutamine 200 mM Solution 100mL SH30853.01 AdvanceSTEM ES Qualified Non-Essential Amino Acids Solution (100X) 100mL SH31120.01 LM- 100 mL Cell Boost(TM) 7B - ADCF 100mL SV30010 Penicillin-Streptomycin Solution 10,000 Units /mL Penicillin, 10,000 µg/mL Streptomycin in 0.85% NaCl 100mL SV30031.01 Trypsin 0.25% (1X) Solution, with 2.5 g Porcine Trypsin (1:250)/L in HBSS, without Calcium and Magnesium, with 0.1% EDTA 100mL SV30037.01CN Trypsin 2.5% 10X Solution, with 25.0 g Porcine Trypsin (1:250)/L in HBSS, without Calcium and Magnesium, without EDTA or Phenol Red 100mL SV30084.01 Trypan Blue Solution, 0.4% in Phosphate Buffered Saline 100mL SH30173.02 Sodium Bicarbonate (Powder) 105g 17048501 CYTODEX 3 10 G 10g 17048595 CYTODEX 3 10 G 10g SH30394.02 Tryptose Phosphate Broth (TPB) (powder) 10kg SH31026.02 DPM Cell Boost 7a 10L  10L SH31027.04CN DPM CELL BOOST 7b 10L 10L SH31036.04 LM HyClone CDM4Avian, 10L 10L SH31037.02 DPM HyClone ActiPro 10L   10L SH31038.02 DPM HyClone ActiSM 10L   10L SH31125.01 DPM| Cell Boost 7a w/o Glucose, 10L 10L SH31127.01 VaccineXpress Powder Medium, 10L 10L 17127104 CYTOPORE 2 1 KG 1kg SH30173.09 Sodium Bicarbonate (Powder) 1kg SH30322.03 Lactalbumin Hydrolysate (LAH) growth enhancement supplement for serum-free or serum-reduced cell culture systems (powder) 1kg SH30337.05 Hepes Buffer (Powder) 1kg SH30371.04 D-Glucose (Powder) 1kg SH31026.07 DPM Cell Boost 7a 1L  1L SH31027.07CN DPM CELL BOOST 7b 1L 1L SH30002.02 DMEM/LOW with L-Glutamine, Sodium Pyruvate 2×5L SH30003.02 DMEM/HIGH with L-Glutamine, without Sodium Pyruvate 2×5L SH30004.02 DMEM/F12 1:1 with L-Glutamine, HEPES 2×5L SH30005.02 IMDM with L-Glutamine, HEPES, without Alpha-Thioglycerol 2×5L SH30007.02 MEM Alpha Modification, with L-Glutamine, Ribo- and Deoxyribonucleosides 2×5L SH30008.02 MEM/EBSS with L-Glutamine 2×5L SH30010.02 Ham's F12, with L-Glutamine 2×5L SH30011.02 RPMI 1640, with L-Glutamine 2×5L SH30013.02 Dulbecco’s Phosphate Buffered Saline (DPBS), without Calcium, Magnesium (Powder) 2×5L SH30014.02 Earle’s Balanced Salt Solution (EBSS), with Calcium, Magnesium, Phenol Red (Powder) 2×5L SH30015.02 Hank’s Balanced Salt Solution (HBSS), with Calcium, Magnesium, Phenol Red (Powder) 2×5L SH30016.02 Hank’s Balanced Salt Solution (HBSS), without Calcium, Magnesium, with Phenol Red (Powder) 2×5L SH30044.02 DMEM/LOW with L-Glutamine, Sodium Pyruvate, without Phenol Red 2×5L SH30049.02 McCoy's 5A Iwakata and Grace Modification, with L-Glutamine 2×5L SH30050.02 MEM/EBSS with L-Glutamine, Non-Essential Amino Acids 2×5L SH30054.02 MEM/EBSS without L-Glutamine 2×5L SH30061.02 CCM3 2×5L SH30197.02 RPMI 1640, with L-Glutamine, without Phenol Red 2×5L SH30211.05 DMEM/HIGH with L-Glutamine, without Sodium Pyruvate, Phenol Red 2×5L SH30346.01 DMEM/HIGH without L-Glutamine, Sodium Pyruvate, Calcium, Magnesium 2×5L SH30380.02 IMDM without L-Glutamine, with HEPES 2×5L SH30173.06 Sodium Bicarbonate (Powder) 2.2kg SH30897.02 HyClone 10% Antifoam Solution, ADCF, Irradiated (Q7-2587 Simethicone) 2.5L 17044825 CYTODEX 1 2.5 KG 2.5kg 17048525 CYTODEX 3 2.5 KG 2.5kg SH30897.05 HyClone 10% Antifoam Solution, ADCF, Irradiated (Q7-2587 Simethicone), 2X2.5L 2×2.5L CH30154.02 LM- WFI Quality Water - ADCF, 20L 20L SH30028.04 Dulbecco’s Phosphate Buffered Saline (DPBS), 1X, without Calcium, Magnesium, Phenol Red  20L SH30221.25 Water, WFI Quality, Meets current USP monograph criteria for WFI packaged in bulk for commercial use elsewhere. Not for Diagnostic or Therapeutic Use 20L SH30934.05 HyCell CHO Production Medium, Liquid without L-Glutamine 20L SH30860.06 SFM4Transfx-293 without L-Glutamine 20L BPC CH30154.05 LM- WFI Quality Water - ADCF, 200 200L SH30028.07 Dulbecco’s Phosphate Buffered Saline (DPBS), 1X, without Calcium, Magnesium, Phenol Red  200L SH30278.09 SFX-Insect 200L BPC SH30221.28 Water, WFI Quality, Meets current USP monograph criteria for WFI packaged in bulk for commercial use elsewhere. Not for Diagnostic or Therapeutic Use 200L; 4 port bag in white drum 17127101 CYTOPORE 2 20 G 20g SH30173.08 Sodium Bicarbonate (Powder) 220g 17044801 CYTODEX 1 25 G 25g 17044895 Cytodex 1 25 G 25g SH30336.01 L-Glutamine (Powder) 25g SH30173.11 Sodium Bicarbonate (Powder) 25kg SH31026.03 DPM Cell Boost 7a 25L  25L SH31027.03CN DPM CELL BOOST 7b 25L  25L SH31037.05 DPM HyClone ActiPro 25L  25L SH31038.05 DPM HyClone ActiSM 25L 25L SH31125.02 DPM| Cell Boost 7a w/o Glucose, 25L 25L 17048530 CYTODEX 3 3.0 KG 3.0kg 17548702 Cytodex 1 Gamma 300g 300g 17548802 Cytodex 3 Gamma 300g 300g 17548701 Cytodex 1 Gamma 30g 30g 17548801 Cytodex 3 Gamma 30g 30g 17548703 Cytodex 1 Gamma 3kg 3kg 17548803 Cytodex 3 Gamma 3kg 3kg SH30377.04 MEM Modified with 3.8 g/L TPB 4×1000L SH30881.02 AdvanceSTEM Osteogenic Differentiation Medium 450mL SH30886.02 AdvanceSTEM Adipogenic Differentiation Medium 450mL SH30893.02 AdvanceSTEM Neural Differentiation Medium 450mL SH30028.09 Dulbecco’s Phosphate Buffered Saline (DPBS), 1X, without Calcium, Magnesium, Phenol Red  5L SH30942.01 HyCell™ TransFx-C, CHO Transient transfection medium 5L SH30944.01 HyCell™ TransFx-H, HEK293 Transient transfection medium 5L SH30558.03 CDM4CHO without L-Glutamine 5L BPC SH30860.04 SFM4Transfx-293 without L-Glutamine 5L BPC SH30221.26 Water, WFI Quality, Meets current USP monograph criteria for WFI packaged in bulk for commercial use elsewhere. Not for Diagnostic or Therapeutic Use 50L SH30942.03 HyCell™ TransFx-C, CHO Transient transfection medium 50L SH30944.03 HyCell™ TransFx-H, HEK293 Transient transfection medium 50L SH30584.05 Cell Boost 1 (R05.2) Supplement without L-Glutamine 5000g SH30596.04 Cell Boost 2 (R15.4) Supplement without L-Glutamine 5000g SH30825.04 Cell Boost 3 (JM 3.5) Supplement without L-Glutamine 5000g SH30857.04 Cell Boost 4 (PS307) Supplement, without L-Glutamine 5000g SH30865.04 Cell Boost 5 (CN-F) Supplement, without L-Glutamine 5000g SH30866.04 Cell Boost 6 (CN-T) Supplement, without L-Glutamine 5000g 17044803 CYTODEX 1 500 G 500g 17048503 CYTODEX 3 500 G 500g 17127103 CYTOPORE 2 500 G 500g SH30173.10 Sodium Bicarbonate (Powder) 500g SH30322.02 Lactalbumin Hydrolysate (LAH) growth enhancement supplement for serum-free or serum-reduced cell culture systems (powder) 500g SH30336.03 L-Glutamine (Powder) 500g SH30596.02 Cell Boost 2 (R15.4) Supplement without L-Glutamine 500g SH30825.02 Cell Boost 3 (JM 3.5) Supplement without L-Glutamine 500g SH30857.02 Cell Boost 4 (PS307) Supplement, without L-Glutamine 500g SH30865.02 Cell Boost 5 (CN-F) Supplement, without L-Glutamine 500g SH30866.02 Cell Boost 6 (CN-T) Supplement, without L-Glutamine 500g SH31026.06 DPM Cell Boost 7a 500L 500L SH31035.04 DPM HyClone CDM4Avian, 500L 500L SH31037.06 DPM HyClone ActiPro 500L 500L SH31127.04 VaccineXpress Powder Medium, 500L 500L SH30021.01 DMEM with Low Glucose, with 4.0 mM L-Glutamine, with 110 mg/L Sodium Pyruvate 500mL SH30022.01 DMEM with High Glucose, with 4.0 mM L-Glutamine, without Sodium Pyruvate 500mL SH30023.01 DMEM/F12 1:1, with 2.50 mM L-Glutamine, 15 mM HEPES 500mL SH30024.01 MEM with Earle's Balanced Salt Solution (EBSS), with 2.0 mM L-Glutamine 500mL SH30025.01 Ham’s F10, with L-Glutamine 500mL SH30026.01 Ham's F12, 1X, with 1.00 mM L-Glutamine 500mL SH30027.01 RPMI 1640, 1X, with 2.05 mM L-Glutamine 500mL SH30028.02 Dulbecco’s Phosphate Buffered Saline (DPBS), 1X, without Calcium, Magnesium, Phenol Red  500mL SH30029.02 Earle's Balanced Salt Solution (EBSS), 1X, with Calcium, Magnesium, Phenol Red 500mL SH30030.02 Hank’s Balanced Salt Solution (HBSS), 1X, with Calcium, Magnesium, Phenol Red  500mL SH30031.02 Hank’s Balanced Salt Solution (HBSS), 1X, without Calcium, Magnesium, with Phenol Red 500mL SH30034.02 L-Glutamine, 200 mM Solution 29.2 mg/mL L-Glutamine in 0.85% NaCl  500mL SH30042.02 Trypsin, 0.25% (1X), with 2.5 g porcine trypsin (1:250/L gamma irradiated) in HBSS with 0.2 g/L EDTA, without calcium, magnesium (liquid) 500mL SH30042.02 Trypsin, 0.25% (1X), with 2.5 g porcine trypsin (1:250/L gamma irradiated) in HBSS with 0.2 g/L EDTA, without calcium, magnesium (liquid) 500mL SH30065.01 CCM3 500mL SH30081.01 DMEM with High Glucose, without L-Glutamine and Sodium Pyruvate 500mL SH30096.01 RPMI-1640, without L-Glutamine 500mL SH30126.01 DMEM/F12 1:1, without L-Glutamine, with HEPES 500mL SH30157.01 BME/EBSS with L-Glutamine 500mL SH30200.01 McCoy's 5A with L-Glutamine 500mL SH30221.17 Water, WFI Quality, Meets current USP monograph criteria for WFI packaged in bulk for commercial use elsewhere. Not for Diagnostic or Therapeutic Use 500mL SH30228.01 IMDM with L-Glutamine, HEPES, without Alpha-Thioglycerol 500mL SH30236.02 Trypsin, 0.05% 1X, with 0.5 g porcine trypsin (1:250/L gamma irradiated) in HBSS with 0.2 g/L EDTA, without calcium, magnesium (liquid) 500mL SH30243.01 DMEM with High Glucose, with 4.0 mM L-Glutamine, with Sodium Pyruvate 500mL SH30244.01 MEM with Earle's Balanced Salt Solution (EBSS), without L-Glutamine 500mL SH30249.01 DMEM with High Glucose, with L-Glutamine, HEPES, without Sodium Pyruvate 500mL SH30253.01 M199 with Earle's Balanced Salt Solution (EBSS), with L-Glutamine 500mL SH30255.01 RPMI 1640 Medium, with 25 mM HEPES, with L-Glutamine 500mL SH30256.01 Phosphate Buffered Saline (PBS), 1X, 0.0067M PO4, without Calcium, Magnesium, Phenol Red  500mL SH30258.01 Phosphate Buffered Saline (PBS) 10X, 0.067M PO4, without Calcium, Magnesium, Phenol Red 500mL SH30259.01 IMDM without L-Glutamine 500mL SH30261.01 DMEM/F12 1:1, with L-Glutamine, HEPES, Sodium Pyruvate 500mL SH30262.01 DMEM with High Glucose, without Calcium, Magnesium 500mL SH30264.01 Dulbecco’s Phosphate Buffered Saline (DPBS), 1X, with Calcium, Magnesium, without Phenol Red  500mL SH30265.01 MEM Alpha Modification, with L-Glutamine, with Ribo- and Deoxyribonucleosides 500mL SH30268.01 Hank’s Balanced Salt Solution (HBSS), 1X, with Calcium, Magnesium, without Phenol Red  500mL SH30270.01 McCoy's 5A with L-Glutamine, without Phenol Red 500mL SH30271.01 DMEM/F12 1:1, with L-Glutamine, without HEPES 500mL SH30272.01 DMEM/F12 1:1, with L-Glutamine, without HEPES, Phenol Red 500mL SH30278.01 SFX-Insect 500mL SH30284.01 DMEM with High Glucose, with L-Glutamine, without Phenol Red, Sodium Pyruvate 500mL SH30285.01 DMEM with High Glucose, without L-Glutamine, with Sodium Pyruvate 500mL SH30349.01 ADCF MAb 500mL SH30378.02 Dulbecco's Phosphate Buffered Saline (DPBS), 10X, without Calcium, Magnesium, Phenol Red 500mL SH30516.01 SFM4CHO-Utility, with L-Glutamine 500mL SH30521.01 SFM4HEK293, with L-Glutamine 500mL SH30525.01 Leibovitz L-15 Medium, with 2.05 mM L-Glutamine 500mL SH30526.01 Ham's F12, Kaighn's Modification  500mL SH30529.02 Water, Cell Culture Grade, Endotoxin-free (< 0.005 EU/mL), Deionized, Distilled, 0.1 µm Sterile Filtered 500mL SH30538.02 Water, Molecular Biology Grade, DNase, RNase, Protease free (no activity within assay detectability limits), Deionized, Distilled, 0.1 µm Sterile Filtered 500mL SH30549.01 SFM4CHO with L-Glutamine, with 2.2 g/L Sodium Bicarbonate 500mL SH30558.01 CDM4CHO without L-Glutamine 500mL SH30568.01 MEM/Alpha Modification without L-Glutamine, Ribo- and Deoxyribonucleosides 500mL SH30586.02 GS-MAX 500mL SH30588.01 Hank's Balanced Salt Solution (HBSS), 1X, without Calcium, Magnesium, Phenol Red 500mL SH30601.01 MEM (Richter's Modification) with L-Glutamine and Phenol Red 500mL SH30604.01 DMEM with High Glucose, Modified, without Phenol Red, L-Glutamine, with Sodium Pyruvate 500mL SH30605.01 RPMI 1640, without L-Glutamine or Phenol Red 500mL SH30801.01 CDM4MAb with Glutamine 500mL SH30802.01 CDM4MAb without Glutamine 500mL SH30809.01 RPMI 1640 WITH GLUTAMINE, WITHOUT CALCIUM NITRATE 500mL SH30822.01 AdvanceSTEM IMDM4SC, without L-Glutamine 500mL SH30824.01 AdvanceSTEM DMEM4SC, with 4500 mg/L Glucose, without L-Glutamine and Sodium Pyruvate 500mL SH30850.02 AdvanceSTEM ES Qualified Dulbecco's Phosphate Buffered Saline (DPBS), without Calcium or Magnesium 500mL SH30860.01 SFM4Transfx-293 without L-Glutamine 500mL SH30870.01 AdvanceSTEM Low Osmo DMEM without L-Glutamine 500mL SH30871.01 CDM4PERMAb without L-Glutamine 500mL SH30879.01 AdvanceSTEM Basal Medium for Undifferentiated Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells 500mL SH30897.01 HyClone 10% Antifoam Solution, ADCF, Irradiated (Q7-2587 Simethicone) 500mL SH31039.01 LM HyClone ActiPro 500mL SH31040.01 LM HyClone ActiSM 500mL SH31113.01 LM - 500mL Cell Boost(TM) 1 - ADCF 500mL SH31114.01 LM - 500mL Cell Boost(TM) 2 - ADCF 500mL SH31115.01 LM - 500mL Cell Boost(TM) 3 - ADCF 500mL SH31116.01 LM - 500mL Cell Boost(TM) 4 - ADCF 500mL SH31117.01 LM - 500mL Cell Boost(TM) 5 - ADCF 500mL SH31118.01 LM - 500mL Cell Boost(TM) 6 - ADCF 500mL SH31119.01 LM - 500 mL Cell Boost(TM) 7A - ADCF 500mL SH31120.02 LM- 500 mL Cell Boost(TM) 7B - ADCF 500mL SV30031.02 Trypsin 0.25% (1X) Solution, with 2.5 g Porcine Trypsin (1:250)/L in HBSS, without Calcium and Magnesium, with 0.1% EDTA 500mL SH30337.02 Hepes Buffer (Powder) 50g SH30584.01 Cell Boost 1 (R05.2) Supplement without L-Glutamine 50g SH31026.04 DPM Cell Boost 7a 50L 50L SH31027.05CN DPM CELL BOOST 7b 50L 50L SH31035.03 DPM HyClone CDM4Avian, 50L 50L SH31037.03 DPM HyClone ActiPro 50L  50L SH31038.03 DPM HyClone ActiSM 50L  50L SH31127.02 VaccineXpress Powder Medium, 50L 50L 17044804 CYTODEX 1 5KG 5kg 17048504 CYTODEX 3 5 KG 5kg SH30322.04 Lactalbumin Hydrolysate (LAH) growth enhancement supplement for serum-free or serum-reduced cell culture systems (powder) 5kg SH30371.01 D-Glucose (Powder) 5kg SH31026.01 DPM Cell Boost 7a 5L  5L SH31027.02CN DPM CELL BOOST 7b 5L  5L SH31035.01 DPM HyClone CDM4Avian, 5L 5L SH31037.01 DPM HyClone ActiPro 5L  5L SH31038.01 DPM HyClone ActiSM 5L  5L SH30022.LS DMEM with High Glucose, with 4.0 mM L-Glutamine, without Sodium Pyruvate 6×1000mL SH30024.LS MEM with Earle's Balanced Salt Solution (EBSS), with 2.0 mM L-Glutamine 6×1000mL SH30081.LS DMEM with High Glucose, without L-Glutamine and Sodium Pyruvate 6×1000mL SH30221.LS Water, WFI Quality, Meets current USP monograph criteria for WFI packaged in bulk for commercial use elsewhere. Not for Diagnostic or Therapeutic Use 6×1000mL SH30243.LS DMEM with High Glucose, with 4.0 mM L-Glutamine, with Sodium Pyruvate 6×1000mL SH30244.LS MEM with Earle's Balanced Salt Solution (EBSS), without L-Glutamine 6×1000mL SH30256.LS Phosphate Buffered Saline (PBS), 1X, 0.0067M PO4, without Calcium, Magnesium, Phenol Red  6×1000mL SH30268.LS Hank’s Balanced Salt Solution (HBSS), 1X, with Calcium, Magnesium, without Phenol Red  6×1000mL SH30278.LS SFX-Insect 6×1000mL SH30349.LS ADCF MAb 6×1000mL SH30529.LS Water, Cell Culture Grade, Endotoxin-free (< 0.005 EU/mL), Deionized, Distilled, 0.1 µm Sterile Filtered 6×1000mL SH30538.LS Water, Molecular Biology Grade, DNase, RNase, Protease free (no activity within assay detectability limits), Deionized, Distilled, 0.1 µm Sterile Filtered 6×1000mL SH30802.LS CDM4MAb without Glutamine 6×1000mL SH30860.LS SFM4Transfx-293 without L-Glutamine 6×1000mL SH30890 Cell Boost Process Supplement Kit. Kit contains: SH30584.02, SH30596.01, SH30825.01, SH30857.01, SH30865.01, SH30866.01 6×100gram/Kit SH30021.FS DMEM with Low Glucose, with 4.0 mM L-Glutamine, with 110 mg/L Sodium Pyruvate 6×500mL SH30022.FS DMEM with High Glucose, with 4.0 mM L-Glutamine, without Sodium Pyruvate 6×500mL SH30023.FS DMEM/F12 1:1, with 2.50 mM L-Glutamine, 15 mM HEPES 6×500mL SH30024.FS MEM with Earle's Balanced Salt Solution (EBSS), with 2.0 mM L-Glutamine 6×500mL SH30026.FS Ham's F12, 1X, with 1.00 mM L-Glutamine 6×500mL SH30027.FS RPMI 1640, 1X, with 2.05 mM L-Glutamine 6×500mL SH30028.FS Dulbecco’s Phosphate Buffered Saline (DPBS), 1X, without Calcium, Magnesium, Phenol Red  6×500mL SH30031.FS Hank’s Balanced Salt Solution (HBSS), 1X, without Calcium, Magnesium, with Phenol Red 6×500mL SH30081.FS DMEM with High Glucose, without L-Glutamine and Sodium Pyruvate 6×500mL SH30096.FS RPMI-1640, without L-Glutamine 6×500mL SH30126.FS DMEM/F12 1:1, without L-Glutamine, with HEPES 6×500mL SH30200.FS McCoy's 5A with L-Glutamine 6×500mL SH30228.FS IMDM with L-Glutamine, HEPES, without Alpha-Thioglycerol 6×500mL SH30243.FS DMEM with High Glucose, with 4.0 mM L-Glutamine, with Sodium Pyruvate 6×500mL SH30244.FS MEM with Earle's Balanced Salt Solution (EBSS), without L-Glutamine 6×500mL SH30253.FS M199 with Earle's Balanced Salt Solution (EBSS), with L-Glutamine 6×500mL SH30255.FS RPMI 1640 Medium, with 25 mM HEPES, with L-Glutamine 6×500mL SH30256.FS Phosphate Buffered Saline (PBS), 1X, 0.0067M PO4, without Calcium, Magnesium, Phenol Red  6×500mL SH30264.FS Dulbecco’s Phosphate Buffered Saline (DPBS), 1X, with Calcium, Magnesium, without Phenol Red  6×500mL SH30265.FS MEM Alpha Modification, with L-Glutamine, with Ribo- and Deoxyribonucleosides 6×500mL SH30271.FS DMEM/F12 1:1, with L-Glutamine, without HEPES 6×500mL SH30285.FS DMEM with High Glucose, without L-Glutamine, with Sodium Pyruvate 6×500mL SH30529.FS Water, Cell Culture Grade, Endotoxin-free (< 0.005 EU/mL), Deionized, Distilled, 0.1 µm Sterile Filtered 6×500mL SH30538.FS Water, Molecular Biology Grade, DNase, RNase, Protease free (no activity within assay detectability limits), Deionized, Distilled, 0.1 µm Sterile Filtered 6×500mL SH30568.FS MEM/Alpha Modification without L-Glutamine, Ribo- and Deoxyribonucleosides 6×500mL SH30173.07 Sodium Bicarbonate (Powder) 8.8kg SH30897.04 HyClone 10% Antifoam Solution, ADCF, Irradiated (Q7-2587 Simethicone), 8X0.5L 8×0.5L



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