0871翻译: 富贵不能淫 (孟子)

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0871翻译: 富贵不能淫 (孟子)

#0871翻译: 富贵不能淫 (孟子)| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

0871翻译: 富贵不能淫 (孟子)Translation: Wealth and Status Must Not Corrupt (Mencius)(translated by: alexcwlin; edited by: Adam Lam)

景春曰:“公孙衍、张仪岂不诚大丈夫哉?Jing Chun said: “Aren't Gongsun Yan and Zhang Yi real men with high aspirations and impeccable integrity?一怒而诸侯惧,安居而天下熄。”Their rage frightened feudal lords. When they were calm, peace prevailed in the world.” -------------------------------------------------------------------孟子曰:“是焉得为大丈夫乎?Mencius said: “How could they be considered as highly aspired and impeccably moral men?子未学礼乎?Haven't you learned rites?丈夫之冠也,父命之;When a man reaches the age of 20, his father gives him a lecture.女子之嫁也,母命之,往送之门,戒之曰:At the time a girl is married off, her mother gives her a lecture. The mother sees the daughter out the door and cautions her:'往之女家,必敬必戒,无违夫子!''When you arrive at the husband's home, you must be respectful and cautious, and don't go against your husband's will!’以顺为正者,妾妇之道也。Being obedient is the norm, and that’s the way for women.居天下之广居,立天下之正位,行天下之大道。A real man should be benevolent in residing in the world’s broadest house. He should observe the rite in standing in the world’s most appropriate position. He should be righteous in following the world most proper road.得志,与民由之;If he can fulfill his aspiration, he should abide by the appositive course with the people.不得志,独行其道。If he can’t achieve his ideal, he should go his own way.富贵不能淫,贫贱不能移,威武不能屈,此之谓大丈夫。”Wealth and status must not corrupt his mind. Poverty and deprivation must not compromise his integrity. Might and power must not bring him to his knees. Such a man would deserve to be called a real man with high aspiration and impeccable integrity.



孟子说:“这哪能算是有大志有作为有气节的男子呢?你没有学过礼吗?男子行加冠礼时,父亲给以训导;女子出嫁时,母亲给以训导,送她到门口,告诫她说:‘到了你的丈夫的家里,一定要恭敬,一定要谨慎,不要违背你的丈夫的意愿!’把顺从作为准则,这是妇女之道。大丈夫应该住进天下最宽广的住宅—仁,站在天下最正确的位置—礼,走着天下最正确的道路—义。 能够实现自己的志向时,与百姓一同遵循正道而行;不能够实现自己的志向时,就独自行走自己的道路。富贵不能使他的思想迷惑,贫贱不能使他的操守动摇,威武不能使他的意志屈服,这样的人才称得上大丈夫。”







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