单词 jump 的5种含义和用法,以及8种固定搭配词组

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单词 jump 的5种含义和用法,以及8种固定搭配词组

2024-07-05 02:42| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

"Jump" 这个词有多个含义和用法,以下是所有的含义和用法,以及词组搭配。

1. 跳跃:指人或物体从一处跳到另一处。例句:He jumps over the fence.他跳过围墙。

2. 跳过:指忽视或跳过某个过程或环节。例句:We jumped the subject and started talking about movies.我们跳过了那个话题,开始谈论电影。

3. 跃升:指职位、地位或水平的突然提高。例句:His career jumped after he won the competition.在赢得比赛后,他的事业得到了提升。

4. 跳伞:指从高空跳下,借助降落伞着陆。例句:He has always wanted to try sky diving, but he hasn't jumped yet.他一直想尝试跳伞,但还没跳过。

5. 突然改变:指突然改变态度、观点或行为。例句:She jumped from being a vegetarian to becoming a vegan.她从素食主义者突然变成了纯素食主义者。


1. jump at something:急于接受或抓住某个机会。例句:He jumped at the opportunity to work abroad.他急于接受在国外工作的机会。

2. jump to conclusions:急于做出结论,不等充分了解事实。例句:Don't jump to conclusions before you have all the facts.在了解所有事实之前,不要急于下结论。

3. jump ship:离开原来的职位或组织,加入另一个职位或组织。例句:The manager decided to jump ship and join a smaller company.经理决定离开原来的公司,加入一家小公司。

4. jump start:指迅速开始或加速某个过程。例句:The government is trying to jump-start the economy with new policies.政府正试图通过新政策迅速刺激经济。

5. jump through hoops:指为了达到某个目的而不得不做一系列繁琐或不愉快的事情。例句:She had to jump through hoops to get her visa approved.她为了让签证获批,不得不做了一系列繁琐的事情。

6. jump in:指突然参与某个活动或讨论。例句:He jumped in the conversation to express his opinion.他突然加入谈话,表达自己的观点。

7. jump back:指因惊讶、恐惧或紧张而突然向后退缩。例句:She jumped back when she saw the unexpected guest.当她看到不速之客时,突然向后退缩。

8. jump forward:指突然提前或加速某个过程。例句:The company jumped forward in the industry after launching the innovative product.在推出创新产品后,该公司在行业内取得了领先地位。




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