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#FunnyButton| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

FunnyButton_SwiftUI - 全局便捷调试的按钮,是FunnyButton的SwiftUI版本,只需在View上添加调试事件,即可随时点击按钮进行调试。

Feature: ✅ 位于Window层级,不会被app内的界面覆盖; ✅ 自适应父View区域,自动靠边,适配横竖屏; ✅ 可执行单个/多个调试事件; ✅ 兼容iPhone&iPad; ✅ 仅限DEBUG环境; ✅ API简单易用。 复制代码 GitHub传送门 UIKit版本:FunnyButton Effect 单个调试事件






import SwiftUI import FunnyButton_SwiftUI @main struct DemoApp: App { // 初始化funny对象用于全局状态管理(添加、移除调试事件) @StateObject var funny = Funny() var body: some Scene { WindowGroup { ContentView() // 将funny对象从根视图开始注入到环境中,使其子View都能添加/移除调试事件 .environmentObject(funny) // 添加`FunnyButton`的容器视图在最顶部(不会拦截按钮区域以外的手势事件) .overlay(FunnyView()) } } } 复制代码 API 添加单个调试事件 struct SingleActionView: View { var body: some View { Text("点击笑脸打印日志") .funnyAction { print("tap me") } } } 复制代码 添加多个调试事件 struct MultipleActionsView: View { var body: some View { Text("点击笑脸选择日志打印") .funnyActions {[ FunnyAction(name: "Happy") { print("Happy") }, FunnyAction(name: "New") { print("New") }, FunnyAction(name: "Yeah") { print("Yeah") }, ]} } } 复制代码


public struct FunnyModifier: ViewModifier { @EnvironmentObject var funny: Funny var getActions: () -> [FunnyAction] public func body(content: Content) -> some View { content .onAppear() { funny.getActions = getActions } .onDisappear() { funny.getActions = nil } } } 复制代码 Custom button UI

FunnyButton.swift - 可改动的UI属性均为静态属性,且有默认实现,如需改动建议启动App时配置。

public class FunnyButton: UIButton { ...... /// 普通状态 static var normalEmoji = "😛" /// 点击状态 static var touchingEmoji = "😝" /// 毛玻璃样式(nil为无毛玻璃) static var effect: UIVisualEffect? = { if #available(iOS 13, *) { return UIBlurEffect(style: .systemThinMaterial) } return UIBlurEffect(style: .prominent) }() /// 背景色 static var bgColor: UIColor? = UIColor(red: 200.0 / 255.0, green: 100.0 / 255.0, blue: 100.0 / 255.0, alpha: 0.2) /// 初始点(想`靠右/靠下`的话,`x/y`的值就设置大一点,最后会靠在安全区域的边上) static var startPoint: CGPoint = CGPoint(x: 600, y: 100) /// 安全区域的边距 static var safeMargin: CGFloat = 12 ...... } 复制代码 Installation

FunnyButton_SwiftUI is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod 'FunnyButton_SwiftUI' 复制代码 Author

Rogue24, [email protected]




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