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2022-05-29 22:11| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

1. how是什么意思how(how是什么意思中文翻译)

2. how是什么意思好 (how是什么意思how )











英 [haʊ]

美 [haʊ]


用作副词 (adv.)

1)How can we divert her thoughts from her sad loss?


2)How can I drive away these feelings of sadness?


用作连词 (conj.)

1)It was difficult to gauge how people would respond.


2)I wonder how he got voted out of office.





how adv.[作疑问副词, 引起问句]如何, 怎样 How is he ? 他近况如何?How does he do it? 他是怎样做的?How do you manage to do such a thing? 你是怎么设法做这样的事?[作连接副词, 引起从句]如何, 怎样 That is how we parted. 我们就是这样分手的。

I asked how he was getting on. 我问他近来怎么样。[作连接副词, 和不定式连用]如何, 怎样 I told her how to find me. 我告诉她怎样才能找到我。

I should like to know how to do it well. 我很想知道怎样才能做好这件事。[和many, much, long 等连用]多少, 多久 How many books do you have? 你(共)有多少本书?How long have you been waiting? 你已经等了多久?[用于感叹句]何等, 多么 How beautiful it is! 多么美丽呀!How kind of you! 你真客气![用作强调语气的收尾词], 如:He is sick。

and how! 他病啦, 而且病得很重啊! 习惯用语 and how [美口]当然喽! 那还用说!可不是!Here's how! 敬你一杯! 祝你健康!the hows and whys 方法及理由 How about。? (你以为)。

如何?。怎么样?How about that! [口] 太好了!How are you? [口]你身体怎样? (招呼用语)你好!How come。

[美口]怎么会的?How is it that。 [口]为什么。

怎么会。?How is that for。

! [口]难道不。好吗! 多么。

!How so? 怎么会这样的? 为什么?How 's that ? 那是怎么一回事? 你看(那件事)如何? (板球)击球手出局了吗?How then? 这是什么意思? 后来怎样? 还有什么?How 's yourself ? [俚]你自己好吗? (用来答复对方“How are you ?”的幽默反诘) 收起更多词典展开更多词典 现代英汉词典how adv.(疑问句中)怎样,如何 How shall I do it? 我怎样做呢?How about playing a game of chess now? 现在来下盘棋好吗?Tell us how you fulfilled the heavy task ahead of schedule. "告诉我们,你们是怎样提前完成这一艰巨任务的。" How did this dangerous state of affairs come about? 这种危险的事态是怎么发生的?(疑问句中)身体怎样 How is your brother? 你哥哥身体好吗?How is your mother? 你母亲身体好吗?(疑问句中)多少,什么程度 How old is he? 他多大年纪?How much baggage am I allowed to take? 我可以带多少行李?I don't know how far to rely on him. 我不知道应该依靠他到什么程度。

How is the U.S. dollar today? 今天美元市价多少?(在惊叹句中)多么,何等 How well you look! 你看起来多么健康啊!How very extraordinary that you should have never heard of such a talented dramatist! "真怪,你竟然没听说过这样一位天才的剧作家!" How they cried! 他们哭得多伤心啊!词性变化 conj.关于…事 Do you remember how he arrived almost at the end of the party? 你记得他几乎是在宴会快结束时才到的吗?习惯用语 How come? 为何 How come you never visit us any more? 你为何不再来看我们呢?How come you got that post in the adventure-joint enterprise? 你是怎么会找到合资企业那份工作的?How come I wasn't told? 我怎么没有听说?How do you do? (初次见面寒喧时用语)你好! (= How d'ye do?)'This is my wife.' 'How do you do?' '这是我太太。''您好!' How's that? 〈板球〉击球员出局! 简明英汉词典how adv.(指范围, 程度, 数量, 价值)多少, 多么 n.方式(或方法) 柯林斯英语大词典查词历史暂无how how&+{1} [haʊ] adv in what way? in what manner? by what means?: how did it happen? Also used in indirect questions: tell me how he did it to what extent?how tall is he? how good? how well? what…like?how was the holiday? Also called: as how that he told me as how the shop was closed in whatever way do it how you wish used in exclamations to emphasize extent how happy I was! n the way a thing is done the how of it how how&+{2} [haʊ] sentence substitute a greeting supposed to be or have been used by American Indians and often used humorously 习惯用语 how about? used to suggest something how are you? what is your state of health?how come? what is the reason (that)?how's that for…? is this satisfactory as regards…?.an exclamation used to draw attention to a quality, deed, etc how's that? what is your opinion?.(an appeal to the umpire) is the batsman out?.Also written howzat how now? what is the meaning of this?how so? 同how now?and how! very much so!here's how! (as a toast) good health!。


how [haJ; hau] 副词(无比较级、最高级) A [疑问词]1 [询问方法、手段] a. 怎么?如何?用什么方法[手段] H~ does he do it?.他是怎么做的 ?H~ did it happen?.事情怎么发生的 ?b. [引导 to do 或子句] 方法,怎样做… He knows ~ to play piano.他懂得如何弹钢琴 Tell me ~ I can get there.告诉我怎样才能到那里 I can't imagine ~ the thief got in.我无法想像小偷是怎么进来的2 [询问健康状况] 身体怎样 H~ is she now?.她目前身体如何?H~ have you [things] been?.你过得怎么样呀?How's your friend?.你的朋友好吗?H~ did you leave your parents? (.你离家时) 令尊令堂好吗?3 [征求对方的意见,要求说明等] 如何,怎么样 H~?. ( 美)如何?H~ will your father take it?.令尊会如何看待这件事?H~ would it be to start tomorrow?.明天启程如何?4 [询问理由] 为什么,为何,什么理由,怎么 H~ can you leave alone?.你怎么能一个人离开 ?H~ is it that you didn't come?.你怎么搞的,为什么没来?H~ comes it (that) you have taken my notebook?.你怎么把我的笔记本拿走了呢?(cf. how come??)5 [询问程度] a. 多少,什么程度 H~ old is he?.他年纪多大 [几岁] ?H~ long is it?.它有多长?H~ do you like Japan?.你觉得日本如何?H~ is sugar [the dollar] today?.今天糖 [美金] (的行情) 如何?b. [引导子句] I wonder ~ old are you.我不知道你几岁 I don't know ~ many people joined the parade.我不知道有多少人参加该游行6 a. 何等的!多么的!(cf. what A 2) H~ foolish (you are)! (.你) 多么愚蠢啊!H~ kind of you!.你实在太好了!H~ well she sings!.她的歌唱得多好啊!H~ I wish I could travel (a)round the world!.我多么盼望我能去环游世界!H~ it rains!.雨下得好大啊!b. [引导子句] I saw ~ sad he was.我了解他有多伤心 You cannot imagine ~ wonderfully he danced.你无法想像他跳得有多棒 B [关系词]1 [引导名词子句] a. (事情发生的) 方式; (做事的) 方法 That is ~ it happened.事情就是这样发生的 That's [This is] ~ I began to understand his feelings.就是这个原因,使我开始了解他的感情 b. (口语)所谓…之事 I told him ~ I had read it in the papers.我告诉他说我是在报纸上看到这件事的2 [引导副词子句] 尽可能… Do it ~ you can.尽力去做吧!and how[~n (d) `ha; ~n (d) 'hau](美口语)非常,一点也没错,的确如此,那还用说 Prices are going up, and ~!.物价正在上涨,可不是!any old how(口语)草率地,粗鲁地,杂乱地 as how(1) 所谓…之事 (that)(2) 是否… (if,whether) Here's how !(口语)干杯!How about ? ?…怎么样; 对于…作 how 感叹词(模仿美国印第安人见面时所说之) 好。




2、how 还可与形容词+带不定冠词的单数可数名词〔不可数名词,复数名词〕构成感叹句。

3、how 读音:英 [haʊ] 美 [haʊ]

4、例句:How grand the mountains look in the early evening!



词汇搭配:how about

释义:英 [haʊ ə'baʊt] 美 [haʊ ə'baʊt]

释义:怎么样; 如何

例句:Try on this sweater to see how it looks.



读音:英 [wɒt] 美 [wɑːt]

释义:pron. 什么 adj. 什么;哪个

adv. 用于感叹句中 int. 什么

例句:What a lovely dog!




英 [haʊ] 美 [haʊ]


How does it work?



How often do you go swimming?



How kind of you to help!



I'll dress how I like in my own house!





英 [haʊˈevə(r)] 美 [haʊˈevɚ]



She has the window open, however cold it is outside.



英 [wɒt] 美 [wɑ:t]





What awful weather!



howadv.[作疑问副词, 引起问句]如何, 怎样How is he ? 他近况如何?How does he do it? 他是怎样做的?How do you manage to do such a thing? 你是怎么设法做这样的事?[作连接副词, 引起从句]如何, 怎样That is how we parted. 我们就是这样分手的。

I asked how he was getting on. 我问他近来怎么样。[作连接副词, 和不定式连用]如何, 怎样I told her how to find me. 我告诉她怎样才能找到我。

I should like to know how to do it well. 我很想知道怎样才能做好这件事。[和many, much, long 等连用]多少, 多久How many books do you have? 你(共)有多少本书?How long have you been waiting? 你已经等了多久?[用于感叹句]何等, 多么How beautiful it is! 多么美丽呀!How kind of you! 你真客气![用作强调语气的收尾词], 如:He is sick。

and how! 他病啦, 而且病得很重啊! 习惯用语and how [美口]当然喽! 那还用说!可不是!Here's how! 敬你一杯! 祝你健康!the hows and whys 方法及理由How about。? (你以为)。

如何?。怎么样?How about that! [口] 太好了!How are you? [口]你身体怎样? (招呼用语)你好!How come。

[美口]怎么会的?How is it that。 [口]为什么。

怎么会。?How is that for。

! [口]难道不。好吗! 多么。

!How so? 怎么会这样的? 为什么?How 's that ? 那是怎么一回事? 你看(那件事)如何? (板球)击球手出局了吗?How then? 这是什么意思? 后来怎样? 还有什么?How 's yourself ? [俚]你自己好吗? (用来答复对方“How are you ?”的幽默反诘)收起更多词典展开更多词典 现代英汉词典howadv.(疑问句中)怎样,如何How shall I do it? 我怎样做呢?How about playing a game of chess now? 现在来下盘棋好吗?Tell us how you fulfilled the heavy task ahead of schedule. "告诉我们,你们是怎样提前完成这一艰巨任务的。"How did this dangerous state of affairs come about? 这种危险的事态是怎么发生的?(疑问句中)身体怎样How is your brother? 你哥哥身体好吗?How is your mother? 你母亲身体好吗?(疑问句中)多少,什么程度How old is he? 他多大年纪?How much baggage am I allowed to take? 我可以带多少行李?I don't know how far to rely on him. 我不知道应该依靠他到什么程度。

How is the U.S. dollar today? 今天美元市价多少?(在惊叹句中)多么,何等How well you look! 你看起来多么健康啊!How very extraordinary that you should have never heard of such a talented dramatist! "真怪,你竟然没听说过这样一位天才的剧作家!"How they cried! 他们哭得多伤心啊!词性变化conj.关于…事Do you remember how he arrived almost at the end of the party? 你记得他几乎是在宴会快结束时才到的吗?习惯用语How come? 为何How come you never visit us any more? 你为何不再来看我们呢?H。



本文将其疑问功能展示如下,希望能帮助同学们更好地掌握它的用法。 一、单独用作疑问词。

1. 问身体健康等情况。 How are your parents? 你父母身体好吗? How are things in your father's factory? 你爸爸厂里的情况怎么样? 2. 问天气状况。

How is the weather today? 今天天气怎么样? 3.询问方式。 How does your mother go to work every day? 你妈妈每天怎么去上班? How can I carry the box upstairs? 我怎样才能把这箱子搬到楼上呢? 4.询问程度。

How do you like this book? 你觉得这本书怎么样? 二、与其它形容词或副词搭配使用 1.How old问年龄、年代。 How old is your friend? 你朋友多大了? How old is the bridge? 这座桥有多少年代了? 2.How many问可数名词数量。

常将可数名词复数紧随其后。如: How many pictures are there on the wall? 墙上有多少幅画? How many glasses of milk would you like? 你们想要几杯牛奶? 3.How much询问不可数名词的数量、物品的价格。

How much money is there in the purse? 钱包里有多少钱? How much are the apples at the moment? 目前苹果什么价钱? 4.How long提问物体的长度、时间的长短。 How long is the Changjia River? 长江有多长? How long does it take you to do your homework every day? 你每天花多长时间做作业? 5.How soon 对 “in+一段时间 ”提问, 表示“多久之后”。

How soon will you be back? 你多久后回来? 6.How often对表示频率的副词或短语提问。 How often does Mrs. Green go shopping? 格林夫人多久去购一次物? 7.How about用来征求对方意见。

Your father is a worker, how about your mother? 你父亲是工人,你母亲呢? How about playing games after school this afternoon? 下午放学后做游戏怎么样? 8.How far 问两地间的距离How tall问人(树)的高度;how heavy问重量;how wide问宽度;how high可以询问建筑物、山峰高度。 How far is it from the earth to the moon? 从地球到月球有多远? How tall is Yao Ming? 姚明身高多少? How heavy is that big box? 那只大箱子有多重? How wide is the new street? 这条新街有多宽? How high is the tower in Paris? 巴黎的那座塔有多高? 三、How可以用来对形容词、副词强调构成感叹句。

How funny the little boy looks! 这个小男孩多有趣啊! How beautiful the flowers in the parks are! 公园里的那些花多美啊! 注意以how开头的感叹句与以how开头的特殊疑问句的语序和句末符号是不同的。感叹句主谓不倒装,句末是感叹号,而特殊疑问句主谓要倒装,且句末为问号。

试比较: How far is the factory from here? 车站离这儿有多远?(疑问) How far the factory is from here! 车站离这儿多远啊! (感叹) 四、有些句子用how和what可以表达相同的意思,有异曲同工的效果。大家先 做一做(每空一词),然后再对照答案,看看你都填对了吗? 1. How old is the boy? _______ the boy's _______? 2. How much are the eggs? _______ the ______ of the eggs? 3. How long is the river? _______ the _______ of the river? 4. How about going to the park tomorrow? _______ about going to the park tomorrow? 5. How much is five plus ten? _______ five plus ten? 6. How is the weather today? _______ is the weather _______today? 7. How do you like the film The Hero? _______ do you_______ _______the film The Hero? 8. How clever the girl is! ______ _______ clever girl ______ is! (答案:1. What's, age 2. What's, price 3. What's, length 4. What 5. What's 6. What, like 7. What, think of 8. What a, she)。


how[haJ; hau]副词(无比较级、最高级)A [疑问词]1 [询问方法、手段]a. 怎么?如何?用什么方法[手段]H~ does he do it?.他是怎么做的 ?H~ did it happen?.事情怎么发生的 ?b. [引导 to do 或子句] 方法,怎样做…He knows ~ to play piano.他懂得如何弹钢琴Tell me ~ I can get there.告诉我怎样才能到那里I can't imagine ~ the thief got in.我无法想像小偷是怎么进来的2 [询问健康状况] 身体怎样H~ is she now?.她目前身体如何?H~ have you [things] been?.你过得怎么样呀?How's your friend?.你的朋友好吗?H~ did you leave your parents? (.你离家时) 令尊令堂好吗?3 [征求对方的意见,要求说明等] 如何,怎么样H~?. (美)如何?H~ will your father take it?.令尊会如何看待这件事?H~ would it be to start tomorrow?.明天启程如何?4 [询问理由] 为什么,为何,什么理由,怎么H~ can you leave alone?.你怎么能一个人离开 ?H~ is it that you didn't come?.你怎么搞的,为什么没来?H~ comes it (that) you have taken my notebook?.你怎么把我的笔记本拿走了呢?(cf. how come??)5 [询问程度]a. 多少,什么程度H~ old is he?.他年纪多大 [几岁] ?H~ long is it?.它有多长?H~ do you like Japan?.你觉得日本如何?H~ is sugar [the dollar] today?.今天糖 [美金] (的行情) 如何?b. [引导子句]I wonder ~ old are you.我不知道你几岁I don't know ~ many people joined the parade.我不知道有多少人参加该游行6a. 何等的!多么的!(cf. what A 2)H~ foolish (you are)! (.你) 多么愚蠢啊!H~ kind of you!.你实在太好了!H~ well she sings!.她的歌唱得多好啊!H~ I wish I could travel (a)round the world!.我多么盼望我能去环游世界!H~ it rains!.雨下得好大啊!b. [引导子句]I saw ~ sad he was.我了解他有多伤心You cannot imagine ~ wonderfully he danced.你无法想像他跳得有多棒B [关系词]1 [引导名词子句]a. (事情发生的) 方式; (做事的) 方法That is ~ it happened.事情就是这样发生的That's [This is] ~ I began to understand his feelings.就是这个原因,使我开始了解他的感情b. (口语)所谓…之事I told him ~ I had read it in the papers.我告诉他说我是在报纸上看到这件事的2 [引导副词子句] 尽可能…Do it ~ you can.尽力去做吧!and how[~n (d) `ha; ~n (d) 'hau](美口语)非常,一点也没错,的确如此,那还用说Prices are going up, and ~!.物价正在上涨,可不是!any old how(口语)草率地,粗鲁地,杂乱地as how(1) 所谓…之事 (that)(2) 是否… (if,whether)Here's how !(口语)干杯!How about ? ?…怎么样; 对于…作how感叹词(模仿美国印第安人见面时所说之) 好。


how是什么意思好 (how是什么意思how )how是什么意思好


二、与其它形容词或副词搭配使用,构成特殊疑问词。How old用来询问年龄;How many用于询问数量的多少;How much用于询问价格。


1、How rare, how unattainable, how far away it seemed!

2、How optimistic would you be, how creative?

3、Or, how about Mint?

4、So, how to proceed?

5、Oh, Richard, how exciting!

6、Or how about music?

7、Thanks, but... how... how do you know my name?

8、So how should you do it, how should you behave?

9、But how did it change?

10、But how much to charge?

how是什么意思好 (how是什么意思how )


How long have you been in your present job?


How long have you been living in this country?


How much water do you need?


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