用how,far造句 how far造句并回答

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用how,far造句 how far造句并回答

2024-05-17 13:12| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265



用how,far造句(一)用How far这个词造句

How far can you throw a pumpkin?你能把一个南瓜扔多远呢?They remind us about how far we have come as a country.它们让我们回想起中国经历了怎样翻天覆地的变化.

用how,far造句(二)用HOW提问的用法(造句)请问大家以下几个有什么区别:1、how far……?2、how long……?3、how long did it last?4、how often……?5、how soon……?6、how many……?7、how much……?8、how about……?我想知道这些用HOW提问的句子有什么区别?具体的用法?还有回答时怎么写?我能想到的用HOW提问的句型就有这些,如果你知道HOW还有哪个提问用的句型请告诉我.

1、how far……?问两地间的距离,回答是用表达距离数量的词.It"s...2、how long……?它有两种用法.1.问做事的时间长度,2.问固体物体的长度,如教室的长度,3、how long did it last?最近一次做那事的总共时间.4、how often……?问间隔多久才做同样的事.如:how often do you write to your mother?你多久写一次信给你母亲?5、how soon……?再过多久就得怎么样了.6、how many……?问可数名词的数量,在回答时,可用单数,复数,甚至回答“无”7、how much……?它也有两种用法.1.问物体的单价.2.问不可数名词的数量,如:how much water is there in the cup?杯中有多少水?8、how about……?问做某事怎么样或是询问所提出的建议如何(它后面必须接动名词或是名词)如:how about going shopping?去买东西怎么样?

用how,far造句(三)英语选词造句①how far②take③spend④all over the world⑤the number of…尽量是初二学过的!

How far is it from your home to school It takes me two hours to finish my homework.He spent two hundred thousand on the development of new company.The Great Wall is famous all over the world.The number of the students of this school is two thousand.


How far is it from China to Canada? 从中国到加拿大多远?有不明白的地方再问哟,祝你学习进步! (*^__^*)

用how,far造句(五)为什么是How far is it from your school to your school.It,s twenty minutes,walk.而不是how long ,how often ,how much?请分别用Hoe long ,how often ,how much造句,并且写出中文.

简单讲,问句中how far问的是路程,所以回答也要对应,可以回答多少米远,200米,500米之类的,原句回答的意是“20分钟的路程”,walk在句子中是名词,意思为“路程”,而且特指用脚走路的路程,就是说你要走20分钟的路.因为it"s twenty minutes" walk中的主语是walk,意思是路程,要用how far(“多远”)来问,“20分钟”只是用来形容这个walk的.分析句子的时候要明白哪些是用来修饰的,哪些才是主语,比如一件绿色的毛衣,绿色是修饰词,毛衣才是主语.修饰词忽略不要看,不然会影响你对句子的判断.how long 指的是时间,how long does it take from (.原句) 意思:从你学校到你学校要多久,问的是时间,所以答句要用时间来做主语,那么walk就要去掉了,回答:it"s twenty minutes.how often指的是频率,这个不明白你要怎么造句了,频率就是问,一段时间内,你做了多少次某件事.比如:你今天去了学校多少次,即:how often did you go to school today?(要用过去式,因为你已经做过这件事了,对吧)how much这个一般指金钱,必须要造句的话:how much does it cost you from (...原句) 意思:从你学校到你学校要花多少钱,这就是问你坐公交或者打车之类去学校花了你多少钱,就要回答: it costs 2 yuan by bus 坐公交花2块钱.还有much 可以修饰不可数名词,比如修饰time,所以也可以问:how much time does it take from(...原句)意思和how long那句是一模一样的,how long = how much time,也可以修饰money,变成:how much money does it cost. 跟how much 那句也是一模一样的弄清楚问的是什么,回答相呼应,这样就行了.问的是路程,路程是指长(数学课学过吧),不要用时间去回答,就是这样好好学习天天向上!

用how,far造句(六)像how far、how long、how often这样的词语,越多越好

1.How old问年龄、年代. How old is your friend? 你朋友多大了? How old is the bridge? 这座桥有多少年代了?2.How many问可数名词数量.常将可数名词复数紧随其后.如: How many pictures are there on the wall? 墙上有多少幅画? How many glasses of milk would you like? 你们想要几杯牛奶?3.How much询问不可数名词的数量、物品的价格. How much money is there in the purse? 钱包里有多少钱? How much are the apples at the moment? 目前苹果什么价钱?4.How long提问物体的长度、时间的长短. How long is the Changjia River? 长江有多长? How long does it take you to do your homework every day? 你每天花多长时间做作业?5.How soon 对 “in+一段时间 ”提问, 表示“多久之后”. How soon will you be back? 你多久后回来?6.How often对表示频率的副词或短语提问. How often does Mrs. Green go shopping? 格林夫人多久去购一次物?7.How about用来征求对方意见. Your father is a worker, how about your mother? 你父亲是工人,你母亲呢? How about playing games after school this afternoon? 下午放学后做游戏怎么样?8.How far 问两地间的距离How tall问人(树)的高度;how heavy问重量;how wide问宽度;how high可以询问建筑物、山峰高度. How far is it from the earth to the moon? 从地球到月球有多远? How tall is Yao Ming? 姚明身高多少? How heavy is that big box? 那只大箱子有多重? How wide is the new street? 这条新街有多宽?How high is the tower in Paris? 巴黎的那座塔有多高?三、How可以用来对形容词、副词强调构成感叹句. How funny the little boy looks! 这个小男孩多有趣啊!How beautiful the flowers in the parks are! 公园里的那些花多美啊!注意以how开头的感叹句与以how开头的特殊疑问句的语序和句末符号是不同的.感叹句主谓不倒装,句末是感叹号,而特殊疑问句主谓要倒装,且句末为问号.试比较:How far is the factory from here? 车站离这儿有多远?(疑问)How far the factory is from here! 车站离这儿多远啊! (感叹

用how,far造句(七)短语造句,不要太深 ,1.be good 2.feel better3.stay healthy4.be ill5.be free6.look the same 7.look different8.be good at 9.be different from10.look after11.start with12.go away13.relax at home 14.lie down and rest15.think about16.decide on17.get to 18.leave for 19.come over20.laugh at 21.study for 22.do homework23.surf the internet24.have a cold25.eat a banlanced diet26.have a good time27.go sightseeing28.take a vacation29.plan to do sth30.finish doing sth.31.ride a bike32.take the subway33.have a piano lesson34.enjoy doing sth.35.once or tiwce a week36.hot tea with honey37.sports camp38.the Great Wall39.bus stop40.a small number of41.too much homework42.the day after tomorrow43.a little more outgoing44.as for45.on weekends46.at the moment47.by bus 48.in Chinene49.in some ways 50.between and 51.stressed out 52.something different53.how often54.how far55.how about【用how,far造句】

1.She is good at English.2.I feel better now.3.It"s easy to stay healthy.4.I am ill.5.I am free today.6.The twins look the same.7.They look different.8.She is good at English.9.English is different fr...


How在英语中通常用作副词,是特殊疑问句中本领最大的疑问词.本文将其疑问功能展示如下,希望能帮助同学们更好地掌握它的用法.一、 单独用作疑问词.1. 问身体健康等情况.How are your parents?你父母身体好吗?How are things in your father’s factory?你爸爸厂里的情况怎么样?2. 问天气状况.How is the weather today?今天天气怎么样?3.询问方式.How does your mother go to work every day?你妈妈每天怎么去上班?How can I carry the box upstairs?我怎样才能把这箱子搬到楼上呢?4.询问程度.How do you like this book?你觉得这本书怎么样?二、 与其它形容词或副词搭配使用 1.How old问年龄、年代.How old is your friend?你朋友多大了?How old is the bridge?这座桥有多少年代了?2.How many问可数名词数量.常将可数名词复数紧随其后.如:How many pictures are there on the wall?墙上有多少幅画?How many glasses of milk would you like?你们想要几杯牛奶?3.How much询问不可数名词的数量、物品的价格.How much money is there in the purse?钱包里有多少钱?How much are the apples at the moment?目前苹果什么价钱?4.How long提问物体的长度、时间的长短.How long is the Changjia River?长江有多长?How long does it take you to do your homework every day?你每天花多长时间做作业?5.How soon 对 “in+一段时间 ”提问,表示“多久之后”.How soon will you be back?你多久后回来?6.How often对表示频率的副词或短语提问.How often does Mrs.Green go shopping?格林夫人多久去购一次物?7.How about用来征求对方意见.Your father is a worker,how about your mother?你父亲是工人,你母亲呢?How about playing games after school this afternoon?下午放学后做游戏怎么样?8.How far 问两地间的距离How tall问人(树)的高度;how heavy问重量;how wide问宽度;how high可以询问建筑物、山峰高度.How far is it from the earth to the moon?从地球到月球有多远?How tall is Yao Ming?姚明身高多少?How heavy is that big box?那只大箱子有多重?How wide is the new street?这条新街有多宽?How high is the tower in Paris?巴黎的那座塔有多高?三、How可以用来对形容词、副词强调构成感叹句.How funny the little boy looks!这个小男孩多有趣啊!How beautiful the flowers in the parks are!公园里的那些花多美啊!注意以how开头的感叹句与以how开头的特殊疑问句的语序和句末符号是不同的.感叹句主谓不倒装,句末是感叹号,而特殊疑问句主谓要倒装,且句末为问号.试比较:How far is the factory from here?车站离这儿有多远?(疑问) How far the factory is from here!车站离这儿多远啊!(感叹) 四、有些句子用how和what可以表达相同的意思,有异曲同工的效果.大家先 做一做(每空一词),然后再对照答案,看看你都填对了吗?1.How old is the boy?_______ the boy’s _______?2.How much are the eggs?_______ the ______ of the eggs?3.How long is the river?_______ the _______ of the river?4.How about going to the park tomorrow?_______ about going to the park tomorrow?5.How much is five plus ten?_______ five plus ten?6.How is the weather today?_______ is the weather _______today?7.How do you like the film The Hero?_______ do you_______ _______the film The Hero?8.How clever the girl is!______ _______ clever girl ______ is!(答案:1.What’s,age 2.What’s,price 3.What’s,length 4.What 5.What’s 6.What,like 7.What,think of 8.What a,she)

用how,far造句(九)英语造句!超级急!用found got came began gave went grew had heard knew pur ran said saw sat took taught wrote几个单词分别造一般过去时的否定句和疑问句,各一句~.【用how,far造句】

I didn"t find any food at home.Did you find any books on your desk?He didn"t get up early this morning.Did they get any letters yesterday?Peter didn"t come home until four yesterday.Did she come to your house last weekend?We didn"t begin our game until five minutes ago.When did your English class begin?My mom didn"t give me any money.What did you give him?I didn"t go to the library last Sunday.Who went home early today?The plant didn"t grow very tall.Where did she grow up?I didn"t have any lunch the other day.What did you have for a snack?We heard a loud noise a minute ago.When did you hear the news?Anna didn"t know the boy"s name.Why didn"t they know the answer?She didn"t put her book back.Where did you put your schoolbag?The dog didn"t run too far.Who ran away from here just now?He didn"t say anything to me.What did you say to him?We didn"t see any wild animals.When did you see your grandma last?I didn"t sit down.Did he sit in his own seat?They didn"t take the baby with them.What did she take to school?Mr.Lee didn"t teach me Math last year.How long ago did you teach in a highschool?I didn"t write him a letter.Who wrote this on the blackboard?

用how,far造句(十)how often,how mang,how far,how much,how soon,how old,how about的用法,一定要简单明了这是我的作业,所以一定要正确,不要写一大堆我是看不懂滴,







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