
您所在的位置:网站首页 homework英语发音 英语口语中的音变现象及读音规则


2023-04-03 11:55| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

英语口语中的音变现象是指再说英语的过程中出于“省力” 的原因,在读英语的时候唇舌处于放松的状态,可以让我们更轻松地说英语。音变现象包括:连读,弱读,缩读,浊化,异化。这五大音变现象最具有代表性,尤其是连读,它涵盖的音变现象如:失去爆破,不完全爆破,略读,同化等等

我们在学习英语的过程中,如果不注重英语发音的音变现象,那么在英语听力中,就不易察觉其中的音变现象,这样对理解听力内容会产生一定影响;同时,我们平时在讲英语的过程中,如果不会熟练地运用音变规则,那么我们发出的因很容易陷入发音很不地道,甚至不容易被人听懂的境地。 有什么问题可以在评论区留言噢噢~可以相互交流学习 自己也可以尝试这拿四六级雅思听力真题练习,效果挺明显的~

文章目录 0、预备知识1、 连读现象1) 辅音+元音的连读模式2) 元音+元音的连读模式3)同类音连读模式相同(辅音对辅音的叠合)4)失去爆破连读模式5) 同化连读模式 2、 弱读现象1) 介词的弱读2) 其他常见单词的弱读: 3. 缩读1) 常见单词缩读2) 关于介词”to”的缩读3)关于介词”of”的缩读4) 关于代词”me”的缩读5)关于”have”的缩读6)关于疑问词“what”的缩读7)几个特殊的缩读 4.美语中的“T”浊化1) T在词首或重读音节,发[t]音2)T在两个元音之间且非重读,发[d]音3)T前面是一个元音,后面是模糊的[l],且非重读,发[d]音4)T前面是元音后面是前鼻音[n],会发生鼻腔爆破。如果是d也一样。5)T前面是清辅音或[n],后面是一个元音且非重读,t发成近似[d]或不发音。6)T在单词词尾,且前面又有元音或者”r”字母,此时”t”不发音。 5.异化S+pS+kS+tS+tr




1、 连读现象 1) 辅音+元音的连读模式

Come on in. Put it on. Take it away. Pick it up. Hands up. What time is it? Like it. Not at all. Your eyes. 常见的大致包括以下8种: [s]+元音 It’s a deal. Tom has lots of money. Let’s eat something. [z]+元音 She’s our teacher. She smiles to him as if she likes him. Life goes on as it never ends.生活继续,似乎永无止境。 [m]+元音 What time is it? My name is Ann. Sam is Allen’s boyfriend. [n]+元音 You can ask any questions. It takes us an hour to get there. Return it back to me as soon as possible. [r]+元音 Your eyes are beautiful. There is a pair of shoes on the table. Your every goal will be reached. [l]+元音 You should tell her that you like her. Tell us your story. Can I get a bottle of beer? [p]+元音 Keep it a secret. Do you like a cup of tea or coffee? Keep up the good work. [t]+元音 They always get up early. Take a look at it. Put on your hat please.

2) 元音+元音的连读模式

这点是很多同学容易忽视的,此时元音之间要轻松的滑动过去,形成连读,可以分为两类: 前面一个单词的词尾元音是:[i] [e] [aɪ] [ɔɪ],那么与后面单词词首元音相连时,就要加入半元音 [j] ; Hurry up Be on time Stay up Don’t worry about it. Thank you for coming to see me off. 前面一个单词的词尾元音是:[u] [o] [ɑʊ],那么与后面单词词首元音相连时,就要加入半元音 [w] Flow out Grow up Go on Just do it How about going out for dinner tonight? When you grw up, you can stay up late. She works day and night. Mark is the only son of the old couple. 【注】:元音在连读的时候,不要太过生硬。不能为了连读而连读,由慢到快,读熟了之后,滑动半元音就会越来越自然。


即前面单词辅音结尾与紧随其后的起始音为同一个音时,只需读一次,而不必将这个音读两次,这种情形常发生在[p] [t] [k] [d] [g] Good day Black coffee 浓咖啡 Ripe pear 熟的梨 Tame monkey 驯服的猴子 Book case 书柜 Take care 当心 Yes, sir Big girl Some money. Like cat Your rose. Good doctor


失去爆破连读模式,一般是针对 [p] [b] [t] [d] [k] [ɡ] 这六大爆破音的,也就是说,只要这六大爆破音后面紧接着另外一个爆破音,摩擦音,破擦音,鼻腔音或舌边音时,前面的一个爆破音就会失去爆破。值得注意的是,失去爆破不等于完全不读!前面的爆破音虽然不再爆破,但仍然存在,我们要做好发音的嘴型和舌位,稍微阻碍一下,再发下一个辅音。失去爆破,有时候也叫做不完全爆破。 爆破音+爆破音 No big deal. A big cake. Have a good time What do you mean? Laptop Blackboard. 爆破音+摩擦音/破擦音 A big challenge. A big tree A mad driver Sweet dream. I think so. I need some money 爆破音+鼻辅音 Pop music. Get some water Good night. Good morning Let me help. youImportant 注:鼻腔爆破主要是针对于[t]和[d]的音变。 爆破辅音+舌边音俗称“舌边爆破”,主要是涉及字母”t”的发音。 Lately. Badly (badly damaged) At least. At last. At lunch Proudly. Loudly Say it out loud大声说出来;

5) 同化连读模式

所谓同化,就是两个不同的发音连在一起,最后相互影响,变成一个统一的发音。 1.[t] + [j] = [ʧ] Can I get you a drink? Is that your answer? Don’t hurt yourself. I’ll come next year. 2.[d] + [j] = [ʤ] Could you tell me where the restroom is? Did your father come? You didn’t like me, did you?你原来并不喜欢我的,对吧? We followed your instructions. 3.[s] + [j] = [ʃ] God bless you. I’d like to come this year. I’ll try to guess your age.[geshierage] 4.[z] + [j] = [ʒ] Close your eyes. As you wish.随便; As usual和往常一样; When’s your birthday? How’s your family?

2、 弱读现象



1) 介词的弱读

To—用t或者tə代替to [tu] ① I don’t know how to say it. ② Get to page 8 ③ Show me how to get them ④ You have to know when to do it ⑤ Who’s to blame? At—用[ət]代替[æt] ① We are at home. ② I’ll see you at lunch. ③ He’s at the post office. ④ I’m at school. ⑤ He’s at a meeting. ⑥ One at a time. ⑦ I was at a friend’s house. For—用[fr]代替[fɔr] ① Keep it for a ‘few day. ② Do it for ‘you. ③ It’s for my ‘friend. ④ A table for ‘two please. ⑤ For example, for instance. From—用[frəm]代替[frɔm] ① I’m from China ② I received a letter from Ben. ③ Where is it from? ④ Where are you from? In—用[n]或[ən]代替[In] ① Who’s in it? ② It’s in the house. ③ She’s in Africa. ④ I’ll be back in a while. Of—用[əf] 代替 [ɔf] ① Get out of here. ② I dislike all of them. ③ What’s the name of that music? ④ As a matter of fact,he can’t speak English very well. ⑤ Practice all of the time

2) 其他常见单词的弱读:

An: 用[ən]代替[æn] ① She’s an American. ② Do you want an apple? ③ I got an A in English. ④ He had an accident. And:用[n]或[ən]代替[ænd] ① I want some cream and sugar. ② What? Lemon and sugar. ③ What about some hams and eggs? ④ He learned it over and over again. ⑤ You can go back and forth. Him&Her: [him]-[ɪm] & [hɝ]-[ɚ] ① I like her so much. ② I really want to see her. ③ I taught him a lesson. ④ You’d better tell him the truth. ⑤ It’s him who likes you more. Them: [ðɛm]-[ðəm] ① I don’t like them at all. ② Tell them to be on time ③ I want all of them. ④ Get them out of here.

总结发现,[ə]是美音当中一个非常重要的发音,可以说是体现美音特点的一个重要的发音。很多元音弱读都变成了[ə]。比如:[ɪ] [ɛ] [æ][ɔ]。我们已经学过了弱读,知道美语当中很多发音会被弱读。其实在美语当中,有些发音不仅会被弱读,甚至直接会省略某些发音,使得整句话说起来更加自然流畅,这就是缩读。缩读是美语当中非常常见的现象,非常的口语化,但在正式严肃场合下,一般不用。但是不管怎样,缩读仍然是英美人士习惯的交流方式。有必要掌握它,让自己的口语更加Conversational和Functional。

3. 缩读 1) 常见单词缩读

Are→ r

How are you doing?The iPhone6 are amazing.Where are you going?My parents are not here.

And→ n

I want some cream and sugar.He learned it over and over again.Rock and rollUp and down

You→ ya

What you are doing here?You’re American, aren’t you?

Sure→ Sher ) It’s a sure thing. 2) Are you sure?

Some → [səm]

Do you want some food?There are still some apples?I like some of them.

Because→ ‘Cause[bikəz]

I like Hangzhou city because it’s dynamic.I helped her because she is my best friend.I like English because it’s an international language. 2) 关于介词”to”的缩读

Want to→ wanna I want to go to America. I want to get some water. Going to→ gonna I’m going to go to America. He’s going to study abroad. Nothing’s going to change my love for you. Got to → gotta I gotta go now. I gotta see a doctor right now. I gotta go for lunch. Have to→ Hæftə I have to work harder. She has to cook everyday.


Out of→ outta Get out of here. Get outta here. Make love out of nothing at all I’m all out of love In front of → in’frənnə The store is in front of the station. A cup of→ a’cʌpə Can I get a cup of tea? A cup of coffee.

4) 关于代词”me”的缩读

Leave me→ lee’me Leave me alone! Let me→ lem’me Let me try it on. Give me→ gimme Give me that book.


Could have→ could’a Tom could have finished homework. Should have → should’a You should have done it. Must have → must’a He must have finished homework. Would have→ would’a They would have come to the meeting if he had known about it.


What are you → wachya [wɑʧə] What are you doing right now? What did you → wudiya [wɑdiʤə] What did you find yesterday?[wɑʤə find today?] What did you say?[wɑʤə say] What does → what’s [wɑts] What’s she do for a living?


Don’t know→ dunno I don’t know what you are doing now. Goodbye→ g’bye Kiss you goodbye.See you tomorrow,g’bye. Goodnight → g’night He says g’night to her every day.


美语当中的”T”音,非常的灵活。可以说,正是有了”T”浊化这个音,大大的促进了英语的流畅度,和放松度。比如:Betty bought a bit of better butter。大家对比就会发现,如果每一个t都发[t],语速会慢,而且不自然。但若加上连读和”t”浊化,就会自然流畅很多。 受语调和字母”t”在单词的位置的影响,”t”的发音也非常多样,可以发[d],可以发[t],也可以直接不发音。具体情况,我们来一个个分析学习。

1) T在词首或重读音节,发[t]音

Test.Tired.TomatoesI’talian. A’ttack.Pho’tographer

Ted takes ten tickets;It Took Tim Ten Times to finish the Task. 2)T在两个元音之间且非重读,发[d]音

BetterLetterButterCity WaterBitterWriter

Betty bought a bit of better butter. 3)T前面是一个元音,后面是模糊的[l],且非重读,发[d]音


Keep looking, and don’t settle.A bottle of water.A little bit tired. 4)T前面是元音后面是前鼻音[n],会发生鼻腔爆破。如果是d也一样。

Written.Forgotten.Certain.Curtain.Button Sentence.bitten.Mountain.Important.witness Pardon.Sudden.Burden.Golden.Didn’t

The book is written by Bill Clinton.The cotton curtain is not in the garden.Students study Latin in Britain.It’s not certain that Martin has gotten a chance. 5)T前面是清辅音或[n],后面是一个元音且非重读,t发成近似[d]或不发音。

发成近似[d]:Faster.Sister.Fifty.after.yesterday.chapter 不发音:Interview.Internet .International. InteractiveTwenty–twenny or twendy Winter–winner or winder 句子练习

He had a perfect interview.I am at the international center./Innernational senner/Turn the printer on 6)T在单词词尾,且前面又有元音或者”r”字母,此时”t”不发音。

Heart .Handcart. Cat. Hat. What. Get.Take it.Credit Card.Visit it. Correct.Left.Last.Belt.Melt.Slept.





Spend.Spider.Spoon.Speak How do you spend your holiday?


Sky.Scared.Skill.Screen I’m so scared.


Stay.Steak.Stare.Start How would you like your steak?


Astronaut.String.Strange.Australia. 学完这些,再去听之前的音变训练文章,so easy。甚至,你可以把它做成课件去教别人了。


https://max.book118.com/html/2017/0626/118201369.shtm https://wenku.baidu.com/view/7ac57ce290c69ec3d4bb7565.html




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