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2024-01-03 01:57| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

1、Flaubert in the eyeshot of social and historical criticism社会历史批评视野中的福楼拜

2、Historical Stages of the Rise and Growth of Chinese Text Analysis汉语篇章分析的兴起与发展

3、We are caught in a mysterious and stupendous historical process.我们陷进了一个神秘的、巨大的历史进程里。

4、Some of their stories were based on historical fact, but most were mythological.他们故事中的一部分是基于历史事实的,但是大多数是虚构的。

5、Historical data show foreign workers flooding to America a century ago.历史数据表明早在一个世纪前外国工人就大量涌向美国。

6、Could you tell me some places of historical interest in Nanjing?您能告诉我南京的一些旅游景点吗?

7、We can tell them about current issues as well as historical events.可以讲现在的问题,也可以讲历史。

8、At present bilateral relations are at their historical best.目前双边关系处于历史最好时期。

9、At last, talking about the historical position of Nubian Dynasty.最后对努比亚王朝在古代埃及史上的地位进行评价。

10、Historical contrail navigation is to point to tell you at present the navigation of which catalog.历史轨迹导航是指告诉你目前哪一个目录的导航。

11、It is highlighted for its historical importance.它强调了历史重要性。

12、Was Robin Hood a historical figure?罗宾汉是历史人物吗?

13、The poet wrote the historical poetry Odyssey.诗人写了史诗《奥德赛》。

14、The reputation of the navigator is under assault from historical revisionists.这位航海家的名誉受到了历史修正主义者的攻击。

15、The first results point the way toward a rigorous, quantitative, historical linguistics.首批研究成果也让我们看到了一位严谨,用数据说话的历史语言学家的作风。

16、The poem teaches its own historical method, and we learn that method cumulatively.该诗教我们它自身的历史方法,而我们学要日积月累来习得。

17、With the fall of the Roman empire, historical evidence becomes scarce.随着罗马帝国的沦落,历史性的证据变得稀少。

18、The scarab image was used for recording historical events.圣甲虫像用于记录历史性事件。

19、Karie Diethorn is chief curator of Independence National Historical Park.凯莉·迪特霍恩是独立国家历史公园的首席策展人。

20、"Aesthetic Education" of the word form itself is a dynamic historical process.“美育”一词的形成本身也是一个动态的历史过程。

21、The historical value of the theory lies in its advocation of humanism.其历史价值突出表现在对人文精神的关怀上。

22、The whole research began from the carding and review of the historical character of SWL.整个研究始于对瘦西湖景观历史性格的梳理和回顾。

23、This historical novel is set in the 1800s.这本历史小说设置的背景是十九世纪。

24、It's a historical misunderstanding to regard Hu Shi as a national nihilist.胡适被看作是一个民族虚无主义者,此乃一个历史性的误会。

25、You'll find it in the hardware department; she got a job in the historical section of the Treasury.你会在硬件区找到它;她在国库的历史部找到了工作。

26、The Historical Sociology Approach of Raymond Aron雷蒙·阿隆的历史社会学方法析论

27、One is the discovery of historical materialism, a residual value is found.一个是发现唯物史观,一个是发现剩余价值。

28、Among the historical practice, the methods of personal identification are in great number.人类历史实践中,人身识别的方法很多。

29、The memory required by this feature is large if a lot of historical information is to be stored.如果要存储大量历史信息,此特性所需的内存会很大。

30、Finally, I'd say Huntington misunderstood the nature of historical change.最后,我还有说亨廷顿误解了历史变革的性质。

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