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2023-12-28 06:47| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

hire 英 [ˈhaɪə(r)] 美 [haɪr] 复数形式:hires 第三人称单数:hires 现在分词:hiring 过去式:hired 过去分词:hired hire 词典解释 及物动词雇用;聘用;租用;录用 不及物动词受雇;得到工作 名词租金;酬金,工钱;[非正式用语] 被雇佣的人 hire 情景对话 谈论家庭装修布局 A: You have a lovely house, Jack. Jack,你的房子真不错! B: Thank you. Yeah, it's home, but a number of things have been going wrong lately. 谢谢,是啊,这是一个家。但是最近有很多地方出了问题。 A: That's too bad. What problems are you having? 那可太糟了,出什么问题了? B: Oh, the whole house needs re-painting, for starters. The carpet in the living room is worn out, and I'd like to put in new wall-to-wall carpeting. Last week, I had to call the plumber to fix the toilet. Anyway, all par for the course when you own a house, I guess. I think I'm going to hire an interior decorator to look the place over. 哦,刚刚住进来,正间房子都需要从新粉刷,卧室里的地毯也已经很旧了,我想装一套新的。上星期,我不得不打电话找水管工来修理厕所。不管怎么说,如果你有一间房子,我觉得这都是最寻常不过的事。我看我要请一个室内工程师来看看这个地方。 A: I've studied Western home decoration as a hobby. Could I make some suggestions? 我曾学过室内装饰。我能给你提一些建议吗? B: Go right ahead. 太棒了,请讲。 A: Well, I think a crystal chandelier would look great in your living room, and maybe some new drapes for the windows. Also, a grandfather clock would look great in the den. Perhaps you could buy some potted plants for the dining room. 啊,我觉得在卧室里装一盏水晶灯会很漂亮。另外呢,可能需要一些落地窗来装饰窗户。还有,休息室里放一盏落地灯会很漂亮的。你还可以买一些盆栽装饰饭厅。 B: Wow! You really do have a talent for this, Ethabella. Thanks for your suggestions. 哇噻!你在这方面,可真是天才啊,Ethabella,谢谢你的建议。 A: You are welcome, Jack. Glad to be of help. 不客气,Jack。很高兴能帮上你。 hire 词典例句 及物动词 The owner of the house refused to hire the mowing done. 这有房屋的主人拒绝为已完毕的割草工作付钱。 They hired a big hall. 他们租了一间大厅。 She hired the sewing done. 她为缝好的衣服付了钱。 We hired a driver to take us on a tour of the city. 我们雇用了一个司机带我们游览这个城市。 名词 This car is for hire. 这辆车是出租的。 hire 网络解释 雇佣 ...土地拥有者雇佣(hire)人们来为自己耕种. 在百年战争期间,许多好战的贵族都在法国征战. 战争结束后,他们带着大批的雇佣军(mercenary soldiers)回到了英格兰,并且想在国内获得财富和权力. 1455年,... 租 ...从前有一对夫妻,他们的日子过得非常清贫. 由于房子和土地都是从地主那里租(hire)来的,所以他们每年要给地主交纳许多租税.... hire 英英释义 noun the act of hiring something or someone e.g. he signed up for a week's car hire a newly hired employee e.g. the new hires need special training verb engage for service under a term of contract e.g. We took an apartment on a quiet street e.g. Let's rent a car e.g. Shall we take a guide in Rome? Synonym: lease rent charter engage take engage or hire for work e.g. They hired two new secretaries in the department e.g. How many people has she employed? Synonym: engage employ hold under a lease or rental agreement of goods and services Synonym: rent charter lease hire 词组短语 on hire 雇用, 出租 hire [ˈhaɪə(r)] 高考 四级 六级 考研 中文翻译 1 n. 雇用,租用;租金,工钱 2 vt. 雇用;出租 3 vi. 雇用,租用;受雇 英语释义 1 n. a newly hired employee 2 n. the act of hiring something or someone 3 v. engage or hire for work 相关单词辨析 charter, let, lease, rent, hire 的区别和用法

这组词都有“租,租用”的意思,其区别是: charter: 指承租大型运输工具,如飞机、轮船、大客车以及火车等。 let: 尤指出租房屋或地产等。 lease: 指按照租约租出或租用房屋、土地或其它不动产。 rent: 在英国指较长时间租出或租入房屋、商店或土地;而在美国指长时间或短时期租用各种资产以及日用东西。 hire: 多指短期租用。在英国一般指租用车、船。

engage, employ, hire 的区别和用法

这组词都有“雇用”的意思,其区别是: engage: 可与hire换用,特指雇用专业人员。 employ: 正式用词,侧重受雇者虽为薪金而工作,但工作固定共享有相当尊严。 hire: 普通用词,常指短期或长期雇用某人从事某一特定工作或一次性的工作,含强调为薪金而工作的意味。




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