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helping [links] Listen: UK:*UK and possibly other pronunciationsUK and possibly other pronunciations/ˈhɛlpɪŋ/US:USA pronunciation: IPA and respellingUSA pronunciation: IPA/ˈhɛlpɪŋ/ ,USA pronunciation: respelling(helping) ⓘ一个或多个论坛线程和你的搜索词完全匹配 定义 | 西班牙语 | 法语 | 英语同义词 | 英语搭配 | Conjugator [EN] | 上下文 | 图像 本页中: helping, help

WordReference English-Chinese Dictionary © 2024:

主要翻译英语中文 helping n (food: serving)SCSimplified Chinese 食物的一份 shí wù de yí fèn   SCSimplified Chinese 一客 shí wù de yí fèn,yí kè  I'd like a large helping of apple pie. helping of [sth] n (portion, share)SCSimplified Chinese 一份 yí fèn  Can I have another helping of mashed potatoes?  我可以再要一份土豆泥吗?   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议

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主要翻译英语中文 help [sb]⇒ vtr (assist)SCSimplified Chinese 帮助 bāng zhù TCTraditional Chinese 幫助   SCSimplified Chinese 协助 bāng zhù,xié zhù TCTraditional Chinese 協助  I could do the housework much more quickly if you helped me.  如果你协助我的话,我可以快得多得做完家务。 help [sb] with [sth] vtr + prep (assist with)SCSimplified Chinese 帮助某人某事  Can you help me with my homework?  你能帮我做家庭作业吗? help [sb] do [sth], help [sb] to do [sth] v expr (assist in doing)SCSimplified Chinese 帮助某人做某事  Paul helped me start my car. I helped an elderly lady to cross the road.  保罗帮助我发动车子。我帮助一位老妇人过马路。 help [sb] vtr (save, rescue)SCSimplified Chinese 救援 jiù yuán   SCSimplified Chinese 救助 jiù yuán,jiù zhù  Help him! He's having a heart attack!  救救他!他心脏病发作了! help [sth]⇒ vtr (improve)SCSimplified Chinese 改善 gǎi shàn TCTraditional Chinese 改善   SCSimplified Chinese 提高 gǎi shàn,tí gāo TCTraditional Chinese 提高   SCSimplified Chinese 增进 gǎi shàn,zēng jìn TCTraditional Chinese 增進  Just ten minutes of study a day could really help your French.  每天仅仅10分钟的学习,就能很好地提高你的法语。 help [sth] vtr (relieve)SCSimplified Chinese 减轻 jiǎn qīng TCTraditional Chinese 減輕   SCSimplified Chinese 缓解 jiǎn qīng,huǎn jiě TCTraditional Chinese 緩解  This syrup might help your sore throat.  这种糖浆能够缓解咽喉疼痛。 help [sth], help [sth] to do [sth]⇒ vtr (facilitate)SCSimplified Chinese 使改善 shǐ gǎi shàn   SCSimplified Chinese 使好转 shǐ gǎi shàn,shǐ hǎo zhuǎn  Fibre helps digestion.  纤维有助于消化。 help [sb/sth]⇒ vtr (be useful to)SCSimplified Chinese 对…有用 duì … yǒu yòng TCTraditional Chinese 對…有用   SCSimplified Chinese 对…有助益 duì … yǒu yòng,duì yǒu zhù yì  A little bit of salt would help his cooking. You could help me by holding up the other end of the table.  加一点点盐会让他做的菜更好。  你可以帮我扶住桌子的另一边。 help⇒ vi (give aid)SCSimplified Chinese 帮助 bāng zhù TCTraditional Chinese 幫助   SCSimplified Chinese 援助 bāng zhù,yuán zhù TCTraditional Chinese 援助   SCSimplified Chinese 援助 bāng zhù,yuán zhù TCTraditional Chinese 援助  We ask all those who can to help.  我们向所有能提供帮助的人求助。 help with [sth] vi + prep (give assistance with)SCSimplified Chinese 提供某事的帮助   SCSimplified Chinese 帮忙做某事  We are looking for volunteers to help with sports coaching.  我们正在寻找志愿者来帮忙做体育指导。 Help! interj (call for assistance)SCSimplified Chinese 救命 jiù mìng  Help! I can't move!  救命!我动不了了! help n (assistance)SCSimplified Chinese 帮助 bāng zhù TCTraditional Chinese 幫助   SCSimplified Chinese 帮忙 bāng zhù,bāng máng TCTraditional Chinese 幫忙  Louise was in need of some help.  路易斯需要帮忙。   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议 其他翻译英语中文 help n (aid)SCSimplified Chinese 帮助 bāng zhù TCTraditional Chinese 幫助   SCSimplified Chinese 助益 bāng zhù,zhù yì   SCSimplified Chinese 有用 bāng zhù,yǒu yòng TCTraditional Chinese 有用  Dictionaries can be of some help when writing essays.  作文时字典可能会有帮助。 help n informal ([sb] who helps)SCSimplified Chinese 助手 zhù shǒu TCTraditional Chinese 助手   SCSimplified Chinese 帮手 zhù shǒu,bāng shǒu  She was a great help.  她是个好帮手。 help n uncountable (employees, assistants)SCSimplified Chinese 雇员 gù yuán   SCSimplified Chinese 雇工 gù yuán ,gù gōng  We have too much work on. We'll have to hire some help.  我们有太多的工作要做,需要雇些人。 help n (relief)SCSimplified Chinese 缓解 huǎn jiě TCTraditional Chinese 緩解   SCSimplified Chinese 舒缓 huǎn jiě ,shū huǎn  A hot bath will be a great help to your sore back.  热水澡能很好地缓解你的背疼。 help n (employee, assistant)SCSimplified Chinese 佣人 yōng rén   SCSimplified Chinese 仆人 yōng rén,pú rén  The hired help isn't very good. He broke three of my best plates while he was washing up.  雇来的人并不胜任。他洗碗时打碎了我最好的三个盘子。 the help npl dated (people employed in [sb]'s home)SCSimplified Chinese 佣人,仆人 yōng rén,pú rén  Don't worry about clearing the plates away; I'll get the help to do it. help [sth], help doing [sth]⇒ vtr informal (avoid, prevent)SCSimplified Chinese 避免 bì miǎn TCTraditional Chinese 避免   SCSimplified Chinese 防止 bì miǎn ,fáng zhǐ TCTraditional Chinese 防止  I can't help thinking she was right all along. help [sb]⇒ vtr (provide with support)SCSimplified Chinese 提供支持   SCSimplified Chinese 帮助 bāng zhù TCTraditional Chinese 幫助  She really helped me when I was at my lowest point.  我在最沮丧的时候,她真的帮了我很多。   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议

WordReference English-Chinese Dictionary © 2024:

动词短语help | helping英语中文 help [sth/sb] along vtr phrasal sep (give assistance to)SCSimplified Chinese 有助于发展 yǒu zhù yú fā zhǎn   SCSimplified Chinese 促进 yǒu zhù yú fā zhǎn,cù jìn TCTraditional Chinese 促進 help out vi phrasal (give assistance)SCSimplified Chinese 帮助,帮忙 bāng zhù,bāng máng TCTraditional Chinese 幫助,幫忙   SCSimplified Chinese 排忧解难 pái yōu jiě nán  He said he'd help out with moving the furniture, but in the end he never turned up.  他当初说愿意帮忙搬家具,不过最后根本找不到他人。 help [sb] out, help out [sb] vtr phrasal sep (give assistance to)SCSimplified Chinese 帮助…(渡过难关) bāng zhù dù guò nán guān   SCSimplified Chinese 给…以帮助 bāng zhù dù guò nán guān,gěi yǐ bāng zhù  I'd like to help you out, but I'm short of money myself at the moment.  我很想帮助你,不过目前我自己也很缺钱。 turn to [sb], turn to [sb] for help vtr phrasal insep (seek help from [sb])SCSimplified Chinese 向…寻求帮助 xiàng xún qiú bāng zhù   SCSimplified Chinese 求助于 xiàng xún qiú bāng zhù,qiú zhù yú TCTraditional Chinese 求助於  I'm in such a bad situation that I don't know who to turn to. Don't turn to him for help, he can't be trusted.  身处如此糟糕的情境,我不知道该向谁求助。/// 不用向他求助,他并不可靠。   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议

WordReference English-Chinese Dictionary © 2024:

复合形式:helping | help英语中文 give [sb] a helping hand, give a helping hand to [sb] v expr (assist, help)SCSimplified Chinese 帮助 bāng zhù TCTraditional Chinese 幫助   SCSimplified Chinese 援助 bāng zhù,yuán zhù TCTraditional Chinese 援助   SCSimplified Chinese 协助 bāng zhù,xié zhù TCTraditional Chinese 協助  You should give a helping hand to the needy. have another helping, have a second helping v expr (receive additional serving of [sth])SCSimplified Chinese 再来一份 zài lái yí fèn   SCSimplified Chinese 再吃一点 zài lái yí fèn,zài chī yì diǎn  That pudding was delicious. Can I have another helping, please? helping hand n (assistance)SCSimplified Chinese 援助之手 yuán zhù zhī shǒu   SCSimplified Chinese 帮助 yuán zhù zhī shǒu,bāng zhù TCTraditional Chinese 幫助  I shall never forget the helping hand you offered me in my time of trouble. helping out n (act of giving assistance)SCSimplified Chinese (及时)帮忙 jí shí bāng máng   SCSimplified Chinese 帮助 jí shí bāng máng,bāng zhù TCTraditional Chinese 幫助 second helping (of [sth]) n (food: another serving) (食物)SCSimplified Chinese 第二份,又一份 dì èr fèn  I was so hungry, I had a second helping of stew.   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议 Collins Chinese Dictionary Plus (3rd edition), 2011: helping [ˈhɛlpɪŋ] n [c] [of food] 一份 yī fèn help [hɛlp] I n [u] 帮(幫)助 bāngzhù Thanks for your help.多谢(謝)你的帮(幫)助。 Duōxiè nǐ de bāngzhù. (when in danger) 救命 jiùmìng He was screaming for help.他大叫救命。 Tā dà jiào jiùmìng. II vt 1 [+ person] 帮(幫)助 bāngzhù His car wouldn't start, so I helped him.他的车(車)启动(動)不了,所以我帮(幫)助了他。 Tā de chē qǐdòng bù liǎo,suǒyǐ wǒ bāngzhùle tā. 2 (=improve) 改善 gǎishàn The new law does little to help the environment.新法律在改善环(環)境方面没(沒)起什么(麼)作用。 Xīn fǎlǜ zài gǎishàn huánjìng fāngmiàn méi qǐ shénme zuòyòng. III vi 1 (=assist) 帮忙 bāngmáng Can I help?我能帮(幫)忙吗(嗎)? Wǒ néng bāngmáng ma? 2 (=be useful) 有用 yǒuyòng The right style of swimsuit can help by hiding bulges. 款式适(適)当(當)的游泳衣有助于(於)掩饰(飾)肥胖部位。 Kuǎnshì shìdàng de yóuyǒngyī yǒuzhùyú yǎnshì féipàng bùwèi. Does that help?那有用吗(嗎)? Nà yǒuyòng ma? she needs help to get up the stairs 她需要帮(幫)助才能上楼(樓)梯 tā xūyào bāngzhù cái néng shàng lóutī the book wasn't much help这(這)本书(書)没(沒)什么(麼)用 zhè běn shū méi shénme yòng thanks, you've been a great help谢(謝)谢(謝),你帮(幫)了很大忙 xièxie, nǐ bāngle hěn dà máng with the help of sb/sth在某人/某物的帮(幫)助下 zài mǒurén/mǒuwù de bāngzhù xià to be of help (to sb)(对(對)某人有所帮(幫)助 (duì mǒurén) yǒu suǒ bāngzhù I helped him (to) fix his car我帮(幫)助他修了他的车(車) wǒ bāngzhù tā xiūle tā de chē I helped her to her feet我帮(幫)她站起来(來) wǒ bāng tā zhàn qǐlái help!救命! jiùmìng! can I help you? (in shop) 我能为(為)您效劳(勞)吗(嗎)? wǒ néng wèi nín xiàoláo ma? people who can help themselves (=be independent) 能自立的人 néng zìlì de rén to help o.s. to sth (=serve oneself) 随(隨)意用某物 suíyì yòng mǒuwù (inf: steal)顺(順)手牵(牽)羊拿某物 shùn shǒu qiān yáng ná mǒuwù he can't help it 他毫无(無)办(辦)法 tā háo wú bànfǎ I can't help feeling sorry for him我情不自禁地同情他 wǒ qíng bù zì jīn de tóngqíng tā it can't be helped没(沒)办(辦)法 méi bànfǎ help outI vi 帮(幫)忙 bāngmáng to help out with sth 帮忙做某事 bāngmáng zuò mǒushì I help out with the secretarial work.我帮(幫)忙做秘书(書)工作。 Wǒ bāngmáng zuò mìshū gōngzuò.II vt 帮忙 bāngmáng I had no money, but my mum helped me out.我没(沒)钱(錢),但我妈(媽)妈(媽)帮(幫)了我的忙。 Wǒ méi qián,dàn wǒ māma bāngle wǒ de máng. 在这些条目还发现'helping': 在英文解释里: adjuvant - rescue worker - second - service - tanning 同义词: aiding, assisting, cooperating, collaborating, working with, 更多……

标题中含有单词 'helping' 的论坛讨论:

Thank you for helping us find the internet cafe. -Thank you for helping me - Absolutely./It's ok. - English Only forum ... helping people with their job searches. - English Only forum ...vaccines are dramatically helping hospitalizations - English Only forum ''who was at Dunkirk helping'' Vs ''who was at Dunkirk and helped'' - English Only forum 29 people won an award for helping their communities. - English Only forum a refill / another helping [rice] - English Only forum A stint helping the business - English Only forum After a career of helping formidable men, she could finally "be the sun" - English Only forum after your help/helping - English Only forum also/including by rethinking the way of helping/how to help - English Only forum always helps vs. is helping - English Only forum and now helping - English Only forum Appreciate + Gerund [Mark helping / Mark for helping] - English Only forum Appreciate vs thank; Thank you helping me - English Only forum appreciate your being here/appreciate you helping us - English Only forum appreciate your - English Only forum are helping/help - English Only forum As a way of helping - English Only forum being a volunteer for the food bank, helping deliver food to people in need - English Only forum can do little about helping the banter along - English Only forum Caspian is very clever at helping - English Only forum channeled the needy - English Only forum committed to help/helping - English Only forum comprehension in English, helping them be aware... - English Only forum devotes himself to the farmers - English Only forum Difference between "try hard to help x put a lot of effort into helping" - English Only forum Doctors are not about making money but about helping people. - English Only forum Does it help? - Is it helping? - English Only forum enjoys and is committed to helping people - English Only forum 更多……访问Chinese 论坛。帮助 WordReference: 在论坛上提问。 English Only论坛里有关'helping'的讨论 Go to Preferences page and choose from different actions for taps or mouse clicks. 查看 "helping" 的谷歌机器翻译。

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