小学英语接力版三年级上册Lesson 1 Hello!教学设计

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小学英语接力版三年级上册Lesson 1 Hello!教学设计

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这是一份小学英语接力版三年级上册Lesson 1 Hello!教学设计,共4页。教案主要包含了教学目标,教学重点,教学难点,教学准备,教学过程,作业布置等内容,欢迎下载使用。

【教学目标】1. Language skills.① Being able t respnd and greet each ther with “Hell. I am_______.”② Develp listening, reading and speaking abilities.③ Being able t respnd physically t the music and the rhythm.④ Being able t clap, shake hands while singing.2. Language knwledge:① T knw fur new friends. Being able t say the names.② Being able t understand and use “Hell. I am_______.”③ Being able t sing the sng.④ Being able t understand simple cmmands.3. Attitudes t learning:① Being interested in learning English and being happy t learn English. ② Being cnfident t speak English.③ Being pleasant t wrk with.④ Being able t act dialgues in frnt f the platfrm.⑤ Taking an active part in the activities.4. Learning strategies:Actively cperate with the persn and cmplete the tasks.5. Culture bjectives:Understand the mst simple greetings and farewells.【教学重点】1. Being able t say the names.2. Being able t understand and use “Hell. I am_______.”【教学难点】1. Being able t respnd and greet each ther with “Hell. I am_______.”2. Being able t act dialgues in frnt f the platfrm.【教学准备】1. CAI. 2. Wrksheets. 3. Picture cards. 4. Masks.【教学过程】Step 1 Presentatin1. Watch a vide f “Hell”.T: Bys and girls, tday I bring a new friend “Teddy”.【设计意图:先介绍一个新朋友“Teddy”引起学生的学习兴趣,通过看视频让学生对“Hell”有初步的认识。】2. Knw: Tm, Jhn, Ann, Lingling.① Have three students t be Tm, Jhn, Ann and intrduce themselves.② Learn t read “Tm, Jhn, Ann”.③ Have ther students t be Tm, Jhn, Ann and say hell t their friends.④ Knw Lingling.【设计意图:让三名学生分别扮演Tm, Jhn, Ann,并作自我介绍。由于是学生扮演能较好地吸引孩子们的注意力,学习起来也更有趣。学生能读这几个人名后,再让别的学生来扮演,并和其他学生打招呼,一年级的学生都很喜欢表演,因此有机会让他们出来扮演是很开心的。学会这三个人名后,最后才学Lingling,因为一下子学四个学生没那么容易接受,而且Lingling对学生来说有点难读,因此放到后面。】3. Say hell t yur partner.① Say hell t yur partner.② Check【设计意图:这是真实的对话,以检查学生会不会用“Hell”跟朋友打招呼。】4. Explain: Hell.① Watch a shrt vide abut “Hell”.【设计意图:让学生了解”Hell”的意思和用途。】5. Learn the sng.① Listen t the sng.② Listen and clap hands.③ Sing after the teacher.④ Sing tgether.⑤ Sing and act.⑥ Sing and act in grups.⑦ Sing with ur wn names⑧ Shw yur sng.【设计意图:学习语言,学会听很重要,因此先让学生听两遍歌曲,再跟老师学,学会后加上握手等的动作,让学生体会歌曲大意。熟悉这首歌曲后,让学生用自己的名字替换歌曲中的人名,这样既能激发学生的学习兴趣,又能操练本课重点句子。】6. Learn Text.① Listen twice.② Read after the radi.③ Read the text ne by ne.④ Read in grups.⑤ Act the text.【设计意图:先听,让学生了解对话意思。角色表演能激发学生的学习兴趣,较好地达到学习目的。】Step 2 Practice1. Learn t say.① Lk and read.② Read tgether.【设计意图:经过上面的学习,学生应该基本掌握了用Hell进行打招呼和自我介绍,因此这里我直接让学生看图说出缺失的对话内容,以此检查学生是否真正掌握。】Step 3 Extensin1. Shw time.① Act: play with the ball.② Act: play with play dugh.【设计意图:设计情景让学生在情景中运用本课句型。】2. Learn a new sng.① Enjy a new sng.② Sing after me.③ Sing tgether.【设计意图:这首课外歌曲用来巩固本课新知。】Step 4 HmewrkSay “Hell” t yur parents and yur friends.Sing the sng fr yur parents【设计意图:作业让学生在生活运用本课所学知识,鼓励学生多说多唱。】【作业布置】与小伙伴练习所学对话。


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