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heel 基本解释

名词脚后跟,踵; (鞋、袜等的后跟); (四足动物的)后脚; 踵状物



heel 相关词组

1. turn on ones heel : 急向后转;

heel 相关例句


1. My dog heeled me all the way to the riverside.我那条狗一路紧跟着我跑到河边。


1. The boat heeled over in a strong wind.船受强风吹袭倾侧了。

2. The ship heeled over in the storm.这船在暴风雨中倾倒了。


1. She prefers wearing high heels on formal occasions.在正式场跋她比较喜欢穿高跟鞋。

2. I have a blister on my heel because my shoe is too tight.鞋子太紧了,我脚后跟起了个泡。

heel 网络解释

1. 脚后跟:当时 Thetis 拎着 Achilles 的一个脚后跟 (heel) 35 将他浸入河水中,自然被她拎着的这个脚后跟就没有被神奇的冥河水浸湿,Achilles 的这个 脚后跟就和凡人一样容易受伤.后来,在一次战斗中,Achilles 被他的仇敌射中了这只脚后跟.这位战功赫赫,

2. 后跟:当时Thetis拎着Achilles的一个脚后跟(heel)将他浸入河水中,自然被她拎着的这个脚后跟就没有被神奇的冥河水浸湿,Achilles的这个脚后跟就和凡人一样容易受伤.

3. 脚跟:但由於,妈妈抓著他的脚跟,把他呈倒吊状浸下去,脚跟 (heel) 的部份没有浸到,所以 heel 就成了他全身唯一的罩门.

heel 双语例句

1. A few experts had discussed this one issue, more unanimous opinion is, wear high-heeled shoes, wear the high-heeled shoes with very high heel especially, fraud big profit at, it is adverse to the person's health and safety especially.一些专家探讨过这一问题,比较一致的意见是,穿高跟鞋,非凡是穿后跟很高的高跟鞋,弊大利于,尤其是对人的健康和安全是不利的。

2. Usually, this tape is applied and stretched right from the heel till the toe of your foot sole.通常情况下,这是适用于磁带和伸展的权利,从脚跟到脚趾您的脚唯一的。

3. I not am relying on the custom, the convention now, even not relies on the human body every tire bead heel you to converse, but is my mind in with yours mind speech, as soon as probably we all leave the world, two people stand equally in front of God -- because we are originally equal!我现在不是凭借着习俗、常规,甚至也不是凭借着肉体凡胎跟你交谈,而是我的心灵在跟你的心灵说话,就好像我们都一离开人世,两人平等地站在上帝面前――因为我们本来就是平等的啊!

4. The principle of computing inflated building bead heel width for radial tire and its relevant algorithmic method were given by study on one-step building by TECO and the coefficient of tight binding of non-belted tire.采用TECO理论对子午线轮胎胎坯一次定型生产工艺进行研究,借鉴无带束轮胎箍紧系数的概念,得到胎坯充气定型时胎踵宽度的计算原理,并提出相应的数值计算方法。

5. OBJECTIVE: To explore the anatomical basis of blood supply and heel reconstruction by reversed island fibular musculocutaneous flap.目的 探讨逆行岛状腓骨肌皮瓣的血供基础及足跟再造。

6. The stifle shows good functional angulation, and hock to heel is short and perpendicular to the ground.膝关节显示出良好的角度,飞节到后跟的距离短,且垂直于地面。

7. Removable EVA cushion insert with sponge rubber heel wedge and heel air bag for superior cushioning.抽取式的EVA缓震鞋垫后跟部分嵌入海绵状橡胶,以及后跟额外附加的气垫,提供高等级的缓震性能

8. Toe spring and heel tread. See shoe on level surface and check for normal toe spring and heel tread.鞋尖翘度及鞋跟著地,将鞋放在水平面上检查鞋尖翘度正常及鞋跟著地。

9. B. Heel blocks should have screws located on the side of the block toward the thrust.跟刀靠向冲头一侧应该有螺丝定位。

10. Heel blocks should have screws located on the side of the block toward the thrust.跟刀靠向冲头一侧应该有螺丝定位。

11. I will put enmities between thee and the woman, and thy seed and her seed: she shall crush thy head, and thou shalt lie in wait for her heel.我要把仇恨放在你和女人,你的后裔和她的后裔之间,她的后裔要踏碎你的头颅,你要伤害他的脚跟。

12. Strikes including the straight right punch, uppercut, the deadly palm heel strike, elbow strikes, nasty eye gouges and nose breaking head butts.包括直右冲罢工,上钩拳,掌根的致命打击,肘部罢工,恶劣的眼睛和鼻子打破泥头殴打。

13. Now Tom shivered from head to heel; for his eye fell upon the stolid face of Injun Joe.这时,汤姆的目光落到了印第安-乔的脸上,发现他无动于衷。

14. Now Tom shivered from head to heel, for his eyes fell upon the stolid face of Injun Joe汤姆从头顶到脚跟都发抖了,因为他的眼睛瞟见了印江?

15. Now Tom shivered from head to heel, for his eyes fell upon the stolid face of Injun Joe.汤姆从头顶到脚跟都发抖了,因为他的眼睛瞟见了印江?乔那副冷冰冰的面孔。

16. Mrs Narracombe, took them in from head to heel.纳拉科姆太太把他们从头到脚打量了一番。

17. Striped from head to heel with black mud, like so many zebras -- all of them chiefs, of course他们从头到脚涂满了斑纹,就像斑马一样------当然,个个都是酋长


18. It's no simple matter to bring a break-away region of several millions to heel.要想在一个脱离出去的有几百万人口的地区控制局面决非易事。

19. It is no simple matter to bring a break-away region of several millions to heel.要使一个分裂出去的拥有几百万人口的地区重新服从领导,那实在不是一桩容易的事。

20. Judging from the picture, white black color with the previous exposure, but the black and red color from upper Office of aj8 gluing and heel shoes from aj6 mentioned are black and white there is very different, closer to the layout plan of the first exposure, The listed version of what eventually adopted the design, or are two different color we are not yet known, about this popular shoes latest news we will also continue to track the reports, please pay close attention to our latest news.从图片来看,白黑配色与先前曝光一致,但黑红配色鞋帮处引自aj8的粘扣和后跟来自aj6的鞋提都与白黑色有很大不同,更接近最早曝光的设计图,而最终上市版本究竟采用哪种设计,抑或是两种颜色各自不同我们现在还不得而知,关于这款热门鞋款的最新消息我们也会继续追踪报道,请密切关注我们的最新消息。

heel 词典解释

1. 足跟;脚后跟;踵Your heel is the back part of your foot, just below your ankle.

2. (鞋)后跟The heel of a shoe is the raised part on the bottom at the back.

e.g. He kicked it shut with the heel of his boot.他用靴子的后跟将它踢上。e.g. ...the shoes with the high heels.高跟鞋

3. (女式)高跟鞋Heels are women's shoes that are raised very high at the back.

e.g. ...two well-dressed ladies in high heels...两位穿着高跟鞋、打扮入时的女士e.g. ...the old adage that you shouldn't wear heels with trousers.高跟鞋不能和裤子搭配的俗话

4. (袜子的)后跟The heel of a sock or stocking is the part that covers your heel.

5. (近腕处的)手掌根The heel of your hand is the rounded pad at the bottom of your palm.

e.g. He shoved the heel of his hand against the side of my face.他用手掌根使劲推我的脸颊。

6. see also: Achilles heel

7. 紧跟在后If a person or an animal is at your heels, they are following close behind you.

e.g. She strode off down the restaurant with Cavendish following close at her heels.她大步向餐馆里面走去,卡文迪什紧随其后。

8. 使听话;使就范If you bring someone to heel, you force them to obey you.

e.g. It's still not clear how the president will use his power to bring the republics to heel.总统将如何行使自己的权力使共和党人就范仍不太清楚。

9. heel什么意思

9. 咔嚓一声立正(敬礼或问候)If someone such as a soldier clicks their heels, they make a sound by knocking the heels of their shoes together when saluting or greeting someone.

e.g. ...a courtly European who still clicked his heels when he met a lady.遇见女士仍咔嚓一声行礼的彬彬有礼的欧洲人

10. 久等;空等If you are cooling your heels, someone is deliberately keeping you waiting, so that you get bored or impatient.

e.g. Cohen didn't mention that he had Ted Forstmann cooling his heels in a back room.科恩没有提起自己让泰德?福斯特曼在后室里空等的事。

11. heel的近义词

11. 坚持立场;固执己见If you dig your heels in or dig in your heels, you refuse to do something such as change your opinions or plans, especially when someone is trying very hard to make you do so.

e.g. It was really the British who, by digging their heels in, prevented any last-minute deal.实际上是因为英国人拒不让步,才使得最后一刻达成协议的希望落空了。


12. (时间上)紧跟…之后,紧接着If you say that one event follows hard on the heels of another or hot on the heels of another, you mean that one happens very quickly or immediately after another.

e.g. Unfortunately, bad news has come hard on the heels of good...很遗憾,好消息的后面紧跟着就是坏消息。e.g. The visit follows hot on the heels of their season at the Edinburgh International Festival.他们在爱丁堡国际艺术节上的表演季一结束,紧接着又要出访。

13. 紧追…之后;紧随…之后If you say that someone is hot on your heels, you are emphasizing that they are chasing you and are not very far behind you.

e.g. They sped through the American southwest with the law hot on their heels.他们飞车穿越美国西南部,警察紧追其后。

14. 无聊地等;不耐烦地等待If you are kicking your heels, you are having to wait around with nothing to do, so that you get bored or impatient.

e.g. The authorities wouldn't grant us permission to fly all the way down to San Francisco, so I had to kick my heels at Tunis Airport.当局不允许我们直飞旧金山,所以我只好在突尼斯机场不耐烦地等待。

15. (尤指因生气或吃惊而)突然转身If you turn on your heel or spin on your heel, you suddenly turn round, especially because you are angry or surprised.

e.g. He simply turned on his heel and walked away.他突然就转身走开了。

16. heel的近义词

16. 逃走;脚底开溜If you take to your heels, you run away.

e.g. He stood, for a moment, staring defiantly back at her, then took to his heels.他站着不服地回瞪了她一会儿,然后就逃走了。

17. head over heels -> see headto drag your heels -> see drag

相关词组:heel over

heel 单语例句

1. The duo also learnt to obey basic commands such as " sit ", " come " and " heel ".

2. Spade says it certainly can be dressy, especially in a dark colored shoe with a high heel.

3. heel的近义词

3. High heel, high glamour polka dot satin evening boots with velvet ribbon.


4. Take a piece of dough and press it into a round with the heel of your hand.

5. The shoes feature removable wheels in each heel that pop out when wearers shift their weight to their heels.

6. She can sprint and yet linger over the ball, punching it off her heel or instep without breaking stride.


7. When he embarked on a spending spree during his early months in office the markets swiftly brought him to heel.


8. But two of the parents said they would not hesitate to remove the wheels from their children's shoes if they didn't heel safely.

9. heel的意思

9. He said that food producers need to be brought to heel to solve this problem on a broader scale.

10. Google's accusation followed on the heel of the reported Pentagon's first formal cyber strategy.

heel 英英释义


1. heel的反义词

1. the bottom of a shoe or bootthe back part of a shoe or boot that touches the ground and provides elevation

2. heel的翻译

2. (golf) the part of the clubhead where it joins the shaft

3. heel的意思

3. the lower end of a ship's mast

4. the back part of the human foot

5. one of the crusty ends of a loaf of bread

6. someone who is morally reprehensible

e.g. you dirty dog

Synonym: cad bounder blackguard dog hound


1. put a new heel on

e.g. heel shoes

Synonym: reheel

2. strike with the heel of the club

e.g. heel a golf ball

3. perform with the heels

e.g. heel that dance

4. follow at the heels of a person

5. tilt to one side

e.g. The balloon heeled overthe wind made the vessel heelThe ship listed to starboard

Synonym: list

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