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2024-07-09 02:20| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


Hadoop技术体系中,hdfs是重要的技术之一,而真实的数据都存储在datanode节点之上,DataNode 将数据块存储到本地文件系统目录中,而每个datanode节点可以配置多个存储目录(可以是不同类型的数据硬盘),hdfs-site.xml (dfs.datanode.data.dir 参数)。

一般的hadoop集群datanode节点会配置多块数据盘,当我们往 HDFS 上写入新的数据块,DataNode 将会使用 volume 选择策略来为数据块选择存储的磁盘目录。目前有两种volume选择策略:

round-robin  (default)

available space


由于hadoop集群规模一般比较大,且需要长期维护,所以会涉及到很多流程以及操作,例如:扩容新服务器、定期更换坏盘、下线服务器、删除历史数据等等。 所以会造成节点间的数据不平衡,以及datanode节点上多个磁盘之间的不平衡问题。

1. 节点间的数据不平衡,可以通过hdfs 本身的balancer工具进行数据平衡;

2. datanode节点上多个磁盘之间数据不平衡,Hadoop 3.0 引入了磁盘均衡器(diskbalancer)。




hdfs-site.xml: 配置项 dfs.datanode.fsdataset.volume.choosing.policy

org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.datanode.fsdataset.RoundRobinVolumeChoosingPolicy   (default)


A. RoundRobinVolumeChoosingPolicy:

/** * Choose volumes in round-robin order. */ public class RoundRobinVolumeChoosingPolicy implements VolumeChoosingPolicy { public static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(RoundRobinVolumeChoosingPolicy.class); private int curVolume = 0; @Override public synchronized V chooseVolume(final List volumes, long blockSize) throws IOException { if(volumes.size() < 1) { throw new DiskOutOfSpaceException("No more available volumes"); } // since volumes could've been removed because of the failure // make sure we are not out of bounds if(curVolume >= volumes.size()) { curVolume = 0; } int startVolume = curVolume; long maxAvailable = 0; // 遍历磁盘列表 while (true) { final V volume = volumes.get(curVolume); curVolume = (curVolume + 1) % volumes.size(); long availableVolumeSize = volume.getAvailable(); // 可用空间大于数据块,直接返回volume if (availableVolumeSize > blockSize) { return volume; } // 更新最大可用空间 if (availableVolumeSize > maxAvailable) { maxAvailable = availableVolumeSize; } // 未找到合适的存储磁盘 if (curVolume == startVolume) { throw new DiskOutOfSpaceException("Out of space: " + "The volume with the most available space (=" + maxAvailable + " B) is less than the block size (=" + blockSize + " B)."); } } } }

可见,这种轮询的实现目的也是为了数据均衡,这种轮询的方式虽然能够保证所有磁盘都能够被使用,但是由于这种算法实现只是按照block数量进行轮询选择,而没有考虑到每次存储的block大小,如果每次存储的block大小相差很大,也会造成磁盘数据不均衡;另外如果HDFS 上的文件存在大量的删除操作,也可能会导致磁盘数据的分布不均匀。 


B. AvailableSpaceVolumeChoosingPolicy:

/** * A DN volume choosing policy which takes into account the amount of free * space on each of the available volumes when considering where to assign a * new replica allocation. By default this policy prefers assigning replicas to * those volumes with more available free space, so as to over time balance the * available space of all the volumes within a DN. */ public class AvailableSpaceVolumeChoosingPolicy implements VolumeChoosingPolicy, Configurable { // 加载并初始化配置 (省略) ................. // 用于需要平衡磁盘的轮询磁盘选择策略 private final VolumeChoosingPolicy roundRobinPolicyBalanced = new RoundRobinVolumeChoosingPolicy(); // 用于可用空间高的磁盘的轮询磁盘选择策略 private final VolumeChoosingPolicy roundRobinPolicyHighAvailable = new RoundRobinVolumeChoosingPolicy(); // 用于可用空间低的磁盘的轮询磁盘选择策略 private final VolumeChoosingPolicy roundRobinPolicyLowAvailable = new RoundRobinVolumeChoosingPolicy(); @Override public synchronized V chooseVolume(List volumes, long replicaSize) throws IOException { if (volumes.size() < 1) { throw new DiskOutOfSpaceException("No more available volumes"); } AvailableSpaceVolumeList volumesWithSpaces = new AvailableSpaceVolumeList(volumes); // 如果磁盘都在数据平衡阈值(可配置)之内,则直接使用轮询策略选择磁盘 if (volumesWithSpaces.areAllVolumesWithinFreeSpaceThreshold()) { // If they're actually not too far out of whack, fall back on pure round // robin. V volume = roundRobinPolicyBalanced.chooseVolume(volumes, replicaSize); if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("All volumes are within the configured free space balance " + "threshold. Selecting " + volume + " for write of block size " + replicaSize); } return volume; } else { V volume = null; // 如果没有一个低自由空间的体积有足够的空间存储副本时,总是尽量选择有大量空闲空间的卷。 // 从低剩余磁盘列表中选取最大可用空间(磁盘可用) long mostAvailableAmongLowVolumes = volumesWithSpaces .getMostAvailableSpaceAmongVolumesWithLowAvailableSpace(); // 高可用空间磁盘列表 List highAvailableVolumes = extractVolumesFromPairs( volumesWithSpaces.getVolumesWithHighAvailableSpace()); // 低可用空间磁盘列表 List lowAvailableVolumes = extractVolumesFromPairs( volumesWithSpaces.getVolumesWithLowAvailableSpace()); // 平衡比值 float preferencePercentScaler = (highAvailableVolumes.size() * balancedPreferencePercent) + (lowAvailableVolumes.size() * (1 - balancedPreferencePercent)); float scaledPreferencePercent = (highAvailableVolumes.size() * balancedPreferencePercent) / preferencePercentScaler; // 如果低可用空间磁盘列表中最大的可用空间无法满足副本大小 // 或随机概率小于比例值,就在高可用空间磁盘中进行轮询调度选择 if (mostAvailableAmongLowVolumes < replicaSize || random.nextFloat() < scaledPreferencePercent) { volume = roundRobinPolicyHighAvailable.chooseVolume( highAvailableVolumes, replicaSize); if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("Volumes are imbalanced. Selecting " + volume + " from high available space volumes for write of block size " + replicaSize); } } else { // 否则在低可用空间列表中选择 volume = roundRobinPolicyLowAvailable.chooseVolume( lowAvailableVolumes, replicaSize); if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("Volumes are imbalanced. Selecting " + volume + " from low available space volumes for write of block size " + replicaSize); } } return volume; } }



/** * Used to keep track of the list of volumes we're choosing from. */ private class AvailableSpaceVolumeList { // 省略 ................ /** * @return the maximum amount of space available across volumes with low space. */ public long getMostAvailableSpaceAmongVolumesWithLowAvailableSpace() { long mostAvailable = Long.MIN_VALUE; for (AvailableSpaceVolumePair volume : getVolumesWithLowAvailableSpace()) { mostAvailable = Math.max(mostAvailable, volume.getAvailable()); } return mostAvailable; } /** * @return the list of volumes with relatively low available space. */ public List getVolumesWithLowAvailableSpace() { long leastAvailable = getLeastAvailableSpace(); List ret = new ArrayList(); for (AvailableSpaceVolumePair volume : volumes) { // 可用空间小于 (最小可用空间+平衡阀值) if (volume.getAvailable() leastAvailable + balancedSpaceThreshold) { ret.add(volume); } } return ret; } }




长期运行的集群中会遇到这样一种场景,hdfs所有的datanode节点磁盘使用率很高,已达90%以上,这时在一个datanode节点更换一个磁盘,如果采用可用空间策略,新增的数据块高概率都会往更换的新盘上写入,其他磁盘处于空闲状态,就会导致较低的磁盘IO效率,磁盘IO可能会成为整个集群的瓶颈 ;










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