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2024-07-14 01:33| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

英特尔®HD图形卡是内置在英特尔处理器中的视频显卡。也就是我门常说的集成显卡/核显,并非所有处理器都配备了集成显卡/核显。要确定您的处理器是否配备了集成显卡/核显?请使用此表或在Intel的网站上查看处理器的规格。例如:该表显示了i7-4770k的处理器核显为英特尔®HD 4600集成显卡,而i7-4930k没有。

macOS对Intel®HD Graphics(Arrandale)和更高版本具有相当令人满意的支持。对于较早的图形显卡,请参见相应的线程/说明(GMA950,GMA X3100)。请注意,并非所有Intel显卡都可以在macOS中成功启用(更多信息请参见下文)。



更正所有相关设备的名称(IGPU对于视频卡本身,IMEI对应英特尔管理引擎)。 如有必要,device-id将视频卡和Intel Management Engine的伪造为兼容的。 指定正确的帧缓冲区(AAPL,ig-platform-id或AAPL,snb-platform-id),以描述图形显卡的可用输出和其他属性。 向与英特尔®HD图形相关的设备中添加一些其他属性,以及用于数字音频的设备。 更多的英特尔®HD图形显卡的接口修复等……

目前WhateverGreen和AppleALC两个驱动基本自动执行了第1和第4点。它可以在OS X 10.8和更高版本中使用,并极大的简化了macOS中的图形启用。(说明:这里的WhateverGreen和AppleALC两个驱动并不是说,他们能直接驱动英特尔®HD图形显卡与数字音频,而是想在macOS中正常使用英特尔®HD图形显卡,这两个驱动就是必备的,且这两个驱动必须依赖Lilu内核驱动来一起使用,另外配合上述的2、3、5即可)


在BIOS中为图形内存分配(DVMT预分配)选择所需的量:32MB,64MB,96MB等,具体取决于帧缓冲区(在帧缓冲区列表中查找值TOTAL STOLEN)。对于DVMT的内存总量(DVMT Total),选择:MAX。 一些故障的BIOS显示较高的值,但实际上分配的较少。在这种情况下,请选择一个更高的值。这在戴尔笔记本电脑上很常见,它们的BIOS报告为64MB,但实际上分配了32MB,无法更改它。这种情况将在本操作中显示。

将Lilu.kext和WhateverGreen.kext(以下称为WEG)添加到引导加载程序Clover或OpenCore中。 删除这些kext文件(如果之前使用)- IntelGraphicsFixup.kext- NvidiaGraphicsFixup.kext- CoreDisplayFixup.kext- Shiki.kext- IntelGraphicsDVMTFixup.kext- AzulPatcher4600.kext- AppleBacklightFixup.kext,- FakePCIID_Intel_HD_Graphics.kext- FakePCIID_Intel_HDMI_Audio.kext-和FakePCIID。 kext(如果没有其他FakePCIID插件) 关闭所有Clover的图形注入(我的意思是关闭而不是注释掉)。

关闭Clover的DSDT修复程序:— AddHDMI— FixDisplay— FixIntelGfx— AddIMEI—FixHDA 关闭Clover的UseIntelHDMI。 禁用Clover的Devices- Inject(通常不存在此参数,这很好,但是,如果存在,请关闭或删除)。

删除-disablegfxfirmware和-igfxnohdmi启动参数。 清除Clover下的FakeID-IntelGFX和IMEI。 清除Clover的Graphics-ig-platform-id。 从SSDT和DSDT(如果已添加)中,完全删除Clover的Arbitrary,AddProperty以及IGPU,IMEI,HDEF和HDMI音频定义。 删除或禁用二进制补丁DSDT:从GFX0到IGPU,从PEGP到GFX0,从HECI到IMEI,从MEI到IMEI,从HDAS到HDEF,从B0D3到HDAU。

注入属性:要注入属性,请在config.plist中操作,Clover 使用Devices- Properties部分,OpenCore引导使用DeviceProperties部分。一般以下这些属性可以被添加:- AAPL,ig-platform-id或AAPL,snb-platform-id帧缓冲器- device-id用于IGPU(如果仿冒是必要的)- device-id为IMEI(如果仿冒是必要的)- 修补程序的属性(如果需要)和HDEF的layout-id(在 AppleALC Wiki中有更多详细信息,可以使用HDEF设备获取PciRoot位置, gfxutil 可用于:gfxutil -f HDEF)。

添加这些不是强制性的。例如:默认帧缓冲区足够好,或者使用启动参数(boot-arg)设置,并且device-id不需要仿冒。属性中的字节必须以相反的顺序放置。 例如:framebuffer 0x0166000B将被放置为0B006601,DevID 0x1E3A将被放置为3A1E0000。





如果未以任何方式显式指定帧缓冲区,则将注入默认帧缓冲区。 如果未设置帧缓冲区,并且系统具有独立显卡,则将注入“空帧缓冲区”。










第一个是Hackintool,我目前的版本是3.4.4,大家之后在操作的时候,不要低于这个版本(链接: 提取码: qdtz)



nvram 4D1FDA02-38C7-4A6A-9CC6-4BCCA8B30102:opencore-version

注:有关命令会要求你进行位0x2中Misc -> Security -> ExposeSensitiveData,建议值ExposeSensitiveData是0x6包括位0x2和0x4。












点击应用补丁,应用补丁 通用 以及 高级 下建议按照我这样去选择即可!





Intel HD Graphics 第一代/ Ironlake_Arrandale处理器

从Mac OS X 10.6.x到macOS 10.13.6受支持。这些说明适用于OS X 10.8.x-macOS 10.13.6,并且在较新的操作系统上不受支持。缺少硬件支撑。带有LVDS显示屏的笔记本电脑是唯一受支持的组合。不支持所有其他显示类型。有关更多信息,请参考this和this。





功能控制-FeatureControl:framebuffer-featurecontrol-allzero(将所有属性设置为零,以下属性将被覆盖)framebuffer-featurecontrol-fbcframebuffer-featurecontrol-gpu中断处理framebuffer-featurecontrol-gammaframebuffer-featurecontrol-maximumselfrefreshlevel framebuffer-featurecontrol-powerstatesframebuffer-featurecontrol-rstimertestframebuffer -featurecontrol-renderstandby帧缓冲区-featurecontrol- 名称


0x0042 0x0046

Intel HD Graphics 2000/3000(Sandy Bridge )

从Mac OS X 10.7.x到macOS 10.13.6受支持。这些说明适用于OS X 10.8.x-macOS 10.13.6。在较旧的操作系统上,请遵循“古老的方法”。在较新的操作系统上,不支持这些型号。但是,如果您真的想使用-阅读此文。缺少硬件支撑。


帧缓冲区 类型 连接器 总存储空间 0x00010000 mobile移动 4 32 MB? 0x00020000 mobile移动 1 32 MB? 0x00030010 desktop桌面 3 32 MB? 0x00030020 desktop桌面 3 32 MB? 0x00030030 desktop桌面 0 32 MB? 0x00040000 desktop移动 3 32 MB? 0x00050000 desktop桌面 0 32 MB?


ID: SNB0 0x10000, STOLEN: 0 bytes, FBMEM: 0 bytes, VRAM: 0 bytes, Flags: 0x00000000TOTAL STOLEN: 0 bytes, TOTAL CURSOR: 1 MB, MAX STOLEN: 0 bytes, MAX OVERALL: 1 MB (1064960 bytes)Camellia: CamelliaUnsupported (255), Freq: 1808 Hz, FreqMax: 1808 HzMobile: 1, PipeCount: 2, PortCount: 4, FBMemoryCount: 0[5] busId: 0x03, pipe: 0, type: 0x00000002, flags: 0x00000030 - ConnectorLVDS[2] busId: 0x05, pipe: 0, type: 0x00000400, flags: 0x00000007 - ConnectorDP[3] busId: 0x04, pipe: 0, type: 0x00000400, flags: 0x00000009 - ConnectorDP[4] busId: 0x06, pipe: 0, type: 0x00000400, flags: 0x00000009 - ConnectorDP05030000 02000000 3000000002050000 00040000 0700000003040000 00040000 0900000004060000 00040000 09000000

ID: SNB1 0x20000, STOLEN: 0 bytes, FBMEM: 0 bytes, VRAM: 0 bytes, Flags: 0x00000000TOTAL STOLEN: 0 bytes, TOTAL CURSOR: 1 MB, MAX STOLEN: 0 bytes, MAX OVERALL: 1 MB (1052672 bytes)Camellia: CamelliaUnsupported (255), Freq: 1808 Hz, FreqMax: 1808 HzMobile: 1, PipeCount: 2, PortCount: 1, FBMemoryCount: 0[5] busId: 0x03, pipe: 0, type: 0x00000002, flags: 0x00000030 - ConnectorLVDS05030000 02000000 30000000

ID: SNB2 0x30010 or 0x30020, STOLEN: 0 bytes, FBMEM: 0 bytes, VRAM: 0 bytes, Flags: 0x00000000TOTAL STOLEN: 0 bytes, TOTAL CURSOR: 1 MB, MAX STOLEN: 0 bytes, MAX OVERALL: 1 MB (1060864 bytes)Camellia: CamelliaUnsupported (255), Freq: 0 Hz, FreqMax: -1 HzMobile: 0, PipeCount: 2, PortCount: 3, FBMemoryCount: 0[2] busId: 0x05, pipe: 0, type: 0x00000400, flags: 0x00000007 - ConnectorDP[3] busId: 0x04, pipe: 0, type: 0x00000400, flags: 0x00000009 - ConnectorDP[4] busId: 0x06, pipe: 0, type: 0x00000800, flags: 0x00000006 - ConnectorHDMI02050000 00040000 0700000003040000 00040000 0900000004060000 00080000 06000000

ID: SNB3 0x30030, STOLEN: 0 bytes, FBMEM: 0 bytes, VRAM: 0 bytes, Flags: 0x00000000TOTAL STOLEN: 0 bytes, TOTAL CURSOR: 0 bytes, MAX STOLEN: 0 bytes, MAX OVERALL: 0 bytesCamellia: CamelliaUnsupported (255), Freq: 0 Hz, FreqMax: 0 HzMobile: 0, PipeCount: 0, PortCount: 0, FBMemoryCount: 0

ID: SNB4 0x40000, STOLEN: 0 bytes, FBMEM: 0 bytes, VRAM: 0 bytes, Flags: 0x00000000TOTAL STOLEN: 0 bytes, TOTAL CURSOR: 1 MB, MAX STOLEN: 0 bytes, MAX OVERALL: 1 MB (1060864 bytes)Camellia: CamelliaUnsupported (255), Freq: 1808 Hz, FreqMax: 1808 HzMobile: 1, PipeCount: 2, PortCount: 3, FBMemoryCount: 0[1] busId: 0x00, pipe: 0, type: 0x00000002, flags: 0x00000030 - ConnectorLVDS[2] busId: 0x05, pipe: 0, type: 0x00000400, flags: 0x00000007 - ConnectorDP[3] busId: 0x04, pipe: 0, type: 0x00000400, flags: 0x00000009 - ConnectorDP01000000 02000000 3000000002050000 00040000 0700000003040000 00040000 09000000

ID: SNB5 0x50000, STOLEN: 0 bytes, FBMEM: 0 bytes, VRAM: 0 bytes, Flags: 0x00000000TOTAL STOLEN: 0 bytes, TOTAL CURSOR: 0 bytes, MAX STOLEN: 0 bytes, MAX OVERALL: 0 bytesCamellia: CamelliaUnsupported (255), Freq: 0 Hz, FreqMax: 0 HzMobile: 0, PipeCount: 0, PortCount: 0, FBMemoryCount: 0

ID: SNB6 Not addressible, STOLEN: 0 bytes, FBMEM: 0 bytes, VRAM: 0 bytes, Flags: 0x00000000TOTAL STOLEN: 0 bytes, TOTAL CURSOR: 512 KB, MAX STOLEN: 0 bytes, MAX OVERALL: 512 KBCamellia: CamelliaUnsupported (255), Freq: 0 Hz, FreqMax: 0 HzMobile: 0, PipeCount: 1, PortCount: 0, FBMemoryCount: 0

ID: SNB7 Not addressible, STOLEN: 0 bytes, FBMEM: 0 bytes, VRAM: 0 bytes, Flags: 0x00000000TOTAL STOLEN: 0 bytes, TOTAL CURSOR: 1 MB (1572864 bytes), MAX STOLEN: 0 bytes, MAX OVERALL: 1 MB (1589248 bytes)Camellia: CamelliaUnsupported (255), Freq: 1808 Hz, FreqMax: 1808 HzMobile: 1, PipeCount: 3, PortCount: 4, FBMemoryCount: 0[1] busId: 0x00, pipe: 0, type: 0x00000400, flags: 0x00000030 - ConnectorDP[2] busId: 0x05, pipe: 0, type: 0x00000400, flags: 0x00000007 - ConnectorDP[3] busId: 0x04, pipe: 0, type: 0x00000400, flags: 0x00000009 - ConnectorDP[4] busId: 0x06, pipe: 0, type: 0x00000800, flags: 0x00000006 - ConnectorHDMI01000000 00040000 3000000002050000 00040000 0700000003040000 00040000 0900000004060000 00080000 06000000

Default SNB, DVMT: 0 bytes, FBMEM: 0 bytes, VRAM: 0 bytes, Flags: 0x00000000Camellia: CamelliaUnsupported (255), Freq: 1808 Hz, FreqMax: 1808 HzMobile: 1, PipeCount: 3, PortCount: 4, FBMemoryCount: 0[1] busId: 0x00, pipe: 0, type: 0x00000400, flags: 0x00000030 - ConnectorDP[2] busId: 0x05, pipe: 0, type: 0x00000400, flags: 0x00000007 - ConnectorDP[3] busId: 0x04, pipe: 0, type: 0x00000400, flags: 0x00000009 - ConnectorDP[4] busId: 0x06, pipe: 0, type: 0x00000800, flags: 0x00000006 - ConnectorHDMI01000000 00040000 3000000002050000 00040000 0700000003040000 00040000 0900000004060000 00080000 06000000

Note, that without AAPL,snb-platform-id the following models will use predefined IDs:Mac-94245B3640C91C81 -> SNB0 (MacBookPro8,1)Mac-94245AF5819B141B -> SNB0Mac-94245A3940C91C80 -> SNB0 (MacBookPro8,2)Mac-942459F5819B171B -> SNB0 (MacBookPro8,3)Mac-8ED6AF5B48C039E1 -> SNB2 (Macmini5,1)Mac-7BA5B2794B2CDB12 -> SNB2 (Macmini5,3)Mac-4BC72D62AD45599E -> SNB3 (Macmini5,2) -> no portsMac-742912EFDBEE19B3 -> SNB4 (MacBookAir4,2)Mac-C08A6BB70A942AC2 -> SNB4 (MacBookAir4,1)Mac-942B5BF58194151B -> SNB5 (iMac12,1) -> no portsMac-942B5B3A40C91381 -> SNB5 -> no portsMac-942B59F58194171B -> SNB5 (iMac12,2) -> no ports


0x0106 0x1106 0x1601 0x0116 0x0126 0x0102


桌面 : 0x00030010 (默认) 笔记本电脑 : 0x00010000 (默认) 空帧缓冲区: 0x00050000 (默认)


Sandy Bridge通常不需要指定帧缓冲区,您的board-id的默认帧缓冲区将自动使用。如果使用非Sandy Brige Mac型号,则需要指定帧缓冲区。 

请记住,Sandy Bridge的帧缓冲区属性名称AAPL,snb-platform-id与其他IGPU有所不同。




Intel HD Graphics 2500/4000(Ivy Bridge)

从OS X 10.8.x开始受支持


CPU 架构:Ivy Bridge,图形卡设备ID:0x01528086 0x01568086 0x01628086 0x01668086。部分的老电脑显示是Intel HD Graphics 2500也需要仿冒Intel HD Graphics 4000显卡ID

帧缓冲区 设备ID 类型 连接器 参考机型 总存储空间 0x01660000 0x01668086 桌面 4   24MB 0x01620006 0x01628086 桌面 0   0MB 0x01620007 0x01628086 桌面 0   0MB 0x01620005 0x01628086 桌面 3   16MB 0x01660001 0x01668086 移动 4 MacBookPro10,2 24MB 0x01660002 0x01668086 移动 1 MacBookPro10,1 24MB 0x01660008 0x01668086 移动 3 MacBookAir5,1 16MB 0x01660009 0x01668086 移动 3 MacBookAir5,2 16MB 0x01660003 0x01668086 移动 4 MacBookPro9,2 16MB 0x01660004 0x01668086 移动 1 MacBookPro9,1 16MB 0x0166000A 0x01668086 桌面 3 Macmini6,1 16MB 0x0166000B 0x01668086 桌面 3 Macmini6,2 16MB


ID: 01660000, STOLEN: 96 MB, FBMEM: 24 MB, VRAM: 1024 MB, Flags: 0x00000000TOTAL STOLEN: 24 MB, TOTAL CURSOR: 1 MB (1572864 bytes), MAX STOLEN: 72 MB, MAX OVERALL: 73 MB (77086720 bytes)Camellia: CamelliaUnsupported (255), Freq: 1808 Hz, FreqMax: 1808 HzMobile: 0, PipeCount: 3, PortCount: 4, FBMemoryCount: 3[1] busId: 0x00, pipe: 0, type: 0x00000002, flags: 0x00000030 - ConnectorLVDS[2] busId: 0x05, pipe: 0, type: 0x00000400, flags: 0x00000007 - ConnectorDP[3] busId: 0x04, pipe: 0, type: 0x00000400, flags: 0x00000007 - ConnectorDP[4] busId: 0x06, pipe: 0, type: 0x00000400, flags: 0x00000007 - ConnectorDP01000000 02000000 3000000002050000 00040000 0700000003040000 00040000 0700000004060000 00040000 07000000

ID: 01620006, STOLEN: 0 bytes, FBMEM: 0 bytes, VRAM: 256 MB, Flags: 0x00000000TOTAL STOLEN: 0 bytes, TOTAL CURSOR: 0 bytes, MAX STOLEN: 0 bytes, MAX OVERALL: 0 bytesCamellia: CamelliaUnsupported (255), Freq: 1808 Hz, FreqMax: 1808 HzMobile: 0, PipeCount: 0, PortCount: 0, FBMemoryCount: 0

ID: 01620007, STOLEN: 0 bytes, FBMEM: 0 bytes, VRAM: 256 MB, Flags: 0x00000000TOTAL STOLEN: 0 bytes, TOTAL CURSOR: 0 bytes, MAX STOLEN: 0 bytes, MAX OVERALL: 0 bytesCamellia: CamelliaUnsupported (255), Freq: 1808 Hz, FreqMax: 1808 HzMobile: 0, PipeCount: 0, PortCount: 0, FBMemoryCount: 0

ID: 01620005, STOLEN: 32 MB, FBMEM: 16 MB, VRAM: 1536 MB, Flags: 0x00000000TOTAL STOLEN: 16 MB, TOTAL CURSOR: 1 MB, MAX STOLEN: 32 MB, MAX OVERALL: 33 MB (34615296 bytes)Camellia: CamelliaUnsupported (255), Freq: 1808 Hz, FreqMax: 1808 HzMobile: 0, PipeCount: 2, PortCount: 3, FBMemoryCount: 2[2] busId: 0x05, pipe: 0, type: 0x00000400, flags: 0x00000011 - ConnectorDP[3] busId: 0x04, pipe: 0, type: 0x00000400, flags: 0x00000107 - ConnectorDP[4] busId: 0x06, pipe: 0, type: 0x00000400, flags: 0x00000107 - ConnectorDP02050000 00040000 1100000003040000 00040000 0701000004060000 00040000 07010000

ID: 01660001, STOLEN: 96 MB, FBMEM: 24 MB, VRAM: 1536 MB, Flags: 0x00000000TOTAL STOLEN: 24 MB, TOTAL CURSOR: 1 MB (1572864 bytes), MAX STOLEN: 72 MB, MAX OVERALL: 73 MB (77086720 bytes)Camellia: CamelliaUnsupported (255), Freq: 1808 Hz, FreqMax: 1808 HzMobile: 1, PipeCount: 3, PortCount: 4, FBMemoryCount: 3[1] busId: 0x00, pipe: 0, type: 0x00000002, flags: 0x00000030 - ConnectorLVDS[2] busId: 0x05, pipe: 0, type: 0x00000800, flags: 0x00000006 - ConnectorHDMI[3] busId: 0x04, pipe: 0, type: 0x00000400, flags: 0x00000107 - ConnectorDP[4] busId: 0x06, pipe: 0, type: 0x00000400, flags: 0x00000107 - ConnectorDP01000000 02000000 3000000002050000 00080000 0600000003040000 00040000 0701000004060000 00040000 07010000

ID: 01660002, STOLEN: 64 MB, FBMEM: 24 MB, VRAM: 1536 MB, Flags: 0x00000000TOTAL STOLEN: 24 MB, TOTAL CURSOR: 1 MB (1572864 bytes), MAX STOLEN: 24 MB, MAX OVERALL: 25 MB (26742784 bytes)Camellia: CamelliaUnsupported (255), Freq: 1808 Hz, FreqMax: 1808 HzMobile: 1, PipeCount: 3, PortCount: 1, FBMemoryCount: 1[1] busId: 0x00, pipe: 0, type: 0x00000002, flags: 0x00000030 - ConnectorLVDS01000000 02000000 30000000

ID: 01660008, STOLEN: 64 MB, FBMEM: 16 MB, VRAM: 1536 MB, Flags: 0x00000000TOTAL STOLEN: 16 MB, TOTAL CURSOR: 1 MB (1572864 bytes), MAX STOLEN: 48 MB, MAX OVERALL: 49 MB (51916800 bytes)Camellia: CamelliaUnsupported (255), Freq: 1808 Hz, FreqMax: 1808 HzMobile: 1, PipeCount: 3, PortCount: 3, FBMemoryCount: 3[1] busId: 0x00, pipe: 0, type: 0x00000002, flags: 0x00000030 - ConnectorLVDS[2] busId: 0x05, pipe: 0, type: 0x00000400, flags: 0x00000107 - ConnectorDP[3] busId: 0x04, pipe: 0, type: 0x00000400, flags: 0x00000107 - ConnectorDP01000000 02000000 3000000002050000 00040000 0701000003040000 00040000 07010000

ID: 01660009, STOLEN: 64 MB, FBMEM: 16 MB, VRAM: 1536 MB, Flags: 0x00000000TOTAL STOLEN: 16 MB, TOTAL CURSOR: 1 MB (1572864 bytes), MAX STOLEN: 48 MB, MAX OVERALL: 49 MB (51916800 bytes)Camellia: CamelliaUnsupported (255), Freq: 1808 Hz, FreqMax: 1808 HzMobile: 1, PipeCount: 3, PortCount: 3, FBMemoryCount: 3[1] busId: 0x00, pipe: 0, type: 0x00000002, flags: 0x00000030 - ConnectorLVDS[2] busId: 0x05, pipe: 0, type: 0x00000400, flags: 0x00000107 - ConnectorDP[3] busId: 0x04, pipe: 0, type: 0x00000400, flags: 0x00000107 - ConnectorDP01000000 02000000 3000000002050000 00040000 0701000003040000 00040000 07010000

ID: 01660003, STOLEN: 64 MB, FBMEM: 16 MB, VRAM: 1536 MB, Flags: 0x00000000TOTAL STOLEN: 16 MB, TOTAL CURSOR: 1 MB, MAX STOLEN: 32 MB, MAX OVERALL: 33 MB (34619392 bytes)Camellia: CamelliaUnsupported (255), Freq: 1808 Hz, FreqMax: 1808 HzMobile: 1, PipeCount: 2, PortCount: 4, FBMemoryCount: 2[5] busId: 0x03, pipe: 0, type: 0x00000002, flags: 0x00000030 - ConnectorLVDS[2] busId: 0x05, pipe: 0, type: 0x00000400, flags: 0x00000407 - ConnectorDP[3] busId: 0x04, pipe: 0, type: 0x00000400, flags: 0x00000081 - ConnectorDP[4] busId: 0x06, pipe: 0, type: 0x00000400, flags: 0x00000081 - ConnectorDP05030000 02000000 3000000002050000 00040000 0704000003040000 00040000 8100000004060000 00040000 81000000

ID: 01660004, STOLEN: 32 MB, FBMEM: 16 MB, VRAM: 1536 MB, Flags: 0x00000000TOTAL STOLEN: 16 MB, TOTAL CURSOR: 1 MB (1572864 bytes), MAX STOLEN: 16 MB, MAX OVERALL: 17 MB (18354176 bytes)Camellia: CamelliaUnsupported (255), Freq: 1808 Hz, FreqMax: 1808 HzMobile: 1, PipeCount: 3, PortCount: 1, FBMemoryCount: 1[5] busId: 0x03, pipe: 0, type: 0x00000002, flags: 0x00000230 - ConnectorLVDS05030000 02000000 30020000

ID: 0166000A, STOLEN: 32 MB, FBMEM: 16 MB, VRAM: 1536 MB, Flags: 0x00000000TOTAL STOLEN: 16 MB, TOTAL CURSOR: 1 MB, MAX STOLEN: 32 MB, MAX OVERALL: 33 MB (34615296 bytes)Camellia: CamelliaUnsupported (255), Freq: 1808 Hz, FreqMax: 1808 HzMobile: 0, PipeCount: 2, PortCount: 3, FBMemoryCount: 2[2] busId: 0x05, pipe: 0, type: 0x00000400, flags: 0x00000107 - ConnectorDP[3] busId: 0x04, pipe: 0, type: 0x00000400, flags: 0x00000107 - ConnectorDP[4] busId: 0x06, pipe: 0, type: 0x00000800, flags: 0x00000006 - ConnectorHDMI02050000 00040000 0701000003040000 00040000 0701000004060000 00080000 06000000

ID: 0166000B, STOLEN: 32 MB, FBMEM: 16 MB, VRAM: 1536 MB, Flags: 0x00000000TOTAL STOLEN: 16 MB, TOTAL CURSOR: 1 MB, MAX STOLEN: 32 MB, MAX OVERALL: 33 MB (34615296 bytes)Camellia: CamelliaUnsupported (255), Freq: 1808 Hz, FreqMax: 1808 HzMobile: 0, PipeCount: 2, PortCount: 3, FBMemoryCount: 2[2] busId: 0x05, pipe: 0, type: 0x00000400, flags: 0x00000107 - ConnectorDP[3] busId: 0x04, pipe: 0, type: 0x00000400, flags: 0x00000107 - ConnectorDP[4] busId: 0x06, pipe: 0, type: 0x00000800, flags: 0x00000006 - ConnectorHDMI02050000 00040000 0701000003040000 00040000 0701000004060000 00080000 06000000


0x0152 0x0156 0x0162 0x0166


桌面 : 0x0166000A (默认) 0x01620005 笔记本电脑 : 0x01660003 (默认) 0x01660009 0x01660004 空帧缓冲区 0x01620007 (默认)。


注意!如果您使用的是带有 6系列芯片组的主板,则有必要为IMEI仿冒设备device-id3A1E0000并添加ACPI表 SSDT-IMEI

Intel HD Graphics 4200-5200(Haswell)

从OS X 10.9.x开始受支持


CPU 架构:Haswell,图形卡设备ID: 0x0D268086 0x0A268086 0x0A2E8086 0x0D228086 0x04128086

显卡型号 帧缓冲区 设备ID 类型 连接器 参考机型 总存储空间   0x0C060000   桌面 3   209MB   0x0C160000   桌面 3   209MB   0x0C260000   桌面 3   209MB   0x04060000   桌面 3   209MB   0x04160000   桌面 3   209MB   0x04260000   桌面 3   209MB Intel Iris Pro Graphics 5200 0x0D260000 0x0D268086 桌面 3   209MB   0x0A160000   桌面 3   209MB Intel HD Graphics 5000 0x0A260000 0x0A268086 桌面 3   209MB Intel HD Graphics 5000 0x0A260005 0x0A268086 移动 3   52MB Intel HD Graphics 5000 0x0A260006 0x0A268086 移动 3 MacBookAir6,1 MacBookAir6,2 Macmini7,1 52MB Intel Iris Graphics 5100 0x0A2E0008 0x0A2E8086 移动 3 MacBookPro11,1 99MB   0x0A16000C   移动 3   99MB Intel Iris Pro Graphics 5200 0x0D260007 0x0D268086 移动 4 MacBookPro11,2 MacBookPro11,3 99MB Intel Iris Pro Graphics 5200 0x0D220003 0x0D228086 桌面 3 iMac14,1 iMac14,4 52MB Intel Iris Graphics 5100 0x0A2E000A 0x0A2E8086 桌面 3   52MB Intel HD Graphics 5000 0x0A26000A 0x0A268086 桌面 3   52MB Intel Iris Graphics 5100 0x0A2E000D 0x0A2E8086 桌面 2   131MB Intel HD Graphics 5000 0x0A26000D 0x0A268086 桌面 2   131MB Intel HD Graphics 4600 0x04120004 0x04128086 桌面 0   1MB Intel HD Graphics 4600 0x0412000B 0x04128086 桌面 0 iMac15,1 1MB Intel Iris Pro Graphics 5200 0x0D260009 0x0D268086 移动 1   99MB Intel Iris Pro Graphics 5200 0x0D26000E 0x0D268086 移动 4   131MB Intel Iris Pro Graphics 5200 0x0D26000F 0x0D268086 移动 1   131MB


ID: 0C060000, STOLEN: 64 MB, FBMEM: 16 MB, VRAM: 1024 MB, Flags: 0x00000004TOTAL STOLEN: 209 MB, TOTAL CURSOR: 1 MB (1572864 bytes), MAX STOLEN: 209 MB, MAX OVERALL: 210 MB (220737536 bytes)Camellia: CamelliaDisabled (0), Freq: 5273 Hz, FreqMax: 5273 HzMobile: 0, PipeCount: 3, PortCount: 3, FBMemoryCount: 3[0] busId: 0x00, pipe: 8, type: 0x00000002, flags: 0x00000030 - ConnectorLVDS[1] busId: 0x05, pipe: 9, type: 0x00000004, flags: 0x00000004 - ConnectorDigitalDVI[2] busId: 0x04, pipe: 9, type: 0x00000800, flags: 0x00000082 - ConnectorHDMI00000800 02000000 3000000001050900 04000000 0400000002040900 00080000 82000000

ID: 0C160000, STOLEN: 64 MB, FBMEM: 16 MB, VRAM: 1024 MB, Flags: 0x00000004TOTAL STOLEN: 209 MB, TOTAL CURSOR: 1 MB (1572864 bytes), MAX STOLEN: 209 MB, MAX OVERALL: 210 MB (220737536 bytes)Camellia: CamelliaDisabled (0), Freq: 5273 Hz, FreqMax: 5273 HzMobile: 0, PipeCount: 3, PortCount: 3, FBMemoryCount: 3[0] busId: 0x00, pipe: 8, type: 0x00000002, flags: 0x00000030 - ConnectorLVDS[1] busId: 0x05, pipe: 9, type: 0x00000004, flags: 0x00000004 - ConnectorDigitalDVI[2] busId: 0x04, pipe: 9, type: 0x00000800, flags: 0x00000082 - ConnectorHDMI00000800 02000000 3000000001050900 04000000 0400000002040900 00080000 82000000

ID: 0C260000, STOLEN: 64 MB, FBMEM: 16 MB, VRAM: 1024 MB, Flags: 0x00000004TOTAL STOLEN: 209 MB, TOTAL CURSOR: 1 MB (1572864 bytes), MAX STOLEN: 209 MB, MAX OVERALL: 210 MB (220737536 bytes)Camellia: CamelliaDisabled (0), Freq: 5273 Hz, FreqMax: 5273 HzMobile: 0, PipeCount: 3, PortCount: 3, FBMemoryCount: 3[0] busId: 0x00, pipe: 8, type: 0x00000002, flags: 0x00000030 - ConnectorLVDS[1] busId: 0x05, pipe: 9, type: 0x00000004, flags: 0x00000004 - ConnectorDigitalDVI[2] busId: 0x04, pipe: 9, type: 0x00000800, flags: 0x00000082 - ConnectorHDMI00000800 02000000 3000000001050900 04000000 0400000002040900 00080000 82000000

ID: 04060000, STOLEN: 64 MB, FBMEM: 16 MB, VRAM: 1024 MB, Flags: 0x00000004TOTAL STOLEN: 209 MB, TOTAL CURSOR: 1 MB (1572864 bytes), MAX STOLEN: 209 MB, MAX OVERALL: 210 MB (220737536 bytes)Camellia: CamelliaDisabled (0), Freq: 5273 Hz, FreqMax: 5273 HzMobile: 0, PipeCount: 3, PortCount: 3, FBMemoryCount: 3[0] busId: 0x00, pipe: 8, type: 0x00000002, flags: 0x00000030 - ConnectorLVDS[1] busId: 0x05, pipe: 9, type: 0x00000004, flags: 0x00000004 - ConnectorDigitalDVI[2] busId: 0x04, pipe: 9, type: 0x00000800, flags: 0x00000082 - ConnectorHDMI00000800 02000000 3000000001050900 04000000 0400000002040900 00080000 82000000

ID: 04160000, STOLEN: 64 MB, FBMEM: 16 MB, VRAM: 1024 MB, Flags: 0x00000004TOTAL STOLEN: 209 MB, TOTAL CURSOR: 1 MB (1572864 bytes), MAX STOLEN: 209 MB, MAX OVERALL: 210 MB (220737536 bytes)Camellia: CamelliaDisabled (0), Freq: 5273 Hz, FreqMax: 5273 HzMobile: 0, PipeCount: 3, PortCount: 3, FBMemoryCount: 3[0] busId: 0x00, pipe: 8, type: 0x00000002, flags: 0x00000030 - ConnectorLVDS[1] busId: 0x05, pipe: 9, type: 0x00000004, flags: 0x00000004 - ConnectorDigitalDVI[2] busId: 0x04, pipe: 9, type: 0x00000800, flags: 0x00000082 - ConnectorHDMI00000800 02000000 3000000001050900 04000000 0400000002040900 00080000 82000000

ID: 04260000, STOLEN: 64 MB, FBMEM: 16 MB, VRAM: 1024 MB, Flags: 0x00000004TOTAL STOLEN: 209 MB, TOTAL CURSOR: 1 MB (1572864 bytes), MAX STOLEN: 209 MB, MAX OVERALL: 210 MB (220737536 bytes)Camellia: CamelliaDisabled (0), Freq: 5273 Hz, FreqMax: 5273 HzMobile: 0, PipeCount: 3, PortCount: 3, FBMemoryCount: 3[0] busId: 0x00, pipe: 8, type: 0x00000002, flags: 0x00000030 - ConnectorLVDS[1] busId: 0x05, pipe: 9, type: 0x00000004, flags: 0x00000004 - ConnectorDigitalDVI[2] busId: 0x04, pipe: 9, type: 0x00000800, flags: 0x00000082 - ConnectorHDMI00000800 02000000 3000000001050900 04000000 0400000002040900 00080000 82000000

ID: 0D260000, STOLEN: 64 MB, FBMEM: 16 MB, VRAM: 1024 MB, Flags: 0x00000004TOTAL STOLEN: 209 MB, TOTAL CURSOR: 1 MB (1572864 bytes), MAX STOLEN: 209 MB, MAX OVERALL: 210 MB (220737536 bytes)Camellia: CamelliaDisabled (0), Freq: 5273 Hz, FreqMax: 5273 HzMobile: 0, PipeCount: 3, PortCount: 3, FBMemoryCount: 3[0] busId: 0x00, pipe: 8, type: 0x00000002, flags: 0x00000030 - ConnectorLVDS[1] busId: 0x05, pipe: 9, type: 0x00000004, flags: 0x00000004 - ConnectorDigitalDVI[2] busId: 0x04, pipe: 9, type: 0x00000800, flags: 0x00000082 - ConnectorHDMI00000800 02000000 3000000001050900 04000000 0400000002040900 00080000 82000000

ID: 0A160000, STOLEN: 64 MB, FBMEM: 16 MB, VRAM: 1024 MB, Flags: 0x00000004TOTAL STOLEN: 209 MB, TOTAL CURSOR: 1 MB (1572864 bytes), MAX STOLEN: 209 MB, MAX OVERALL: 210 MB (220737536 bytes)Camellia: CamelliaDisabled (0), Freq: 2777 Hz, FreqMax: 2777 HzMobile: 0, PipeCount: 3, PortCount: 3, FBMemoryCount: 3[0] busId: 0x00, pipe: 8, type: 0x00000002, flags: 0x00000030 - ConnectorLVDS[1] busId: 0x05, pipe: 9, type: 0x00000004, flags: 0x00000004 - ConnectorDigitalDVI[2] busId: 0x04, pipe: 9, type: 0x00000800, flags: 0x00000082 - ConnectorHDMI00000800 02000000 3000000001050900 04000000 0400000002040900 00080000 82000000

ID: 0A260000, STOLEN: 64 MB, FBMEM: 16 MB, VRAM: 1024 MB, Flags: 0x00000004TOTAL STOLEN: 209 MB, TOTAL CURSOR: 1 MB (1572864 bytes), MAX STOLEN: 209 MB, MAX OVERALL: 210 MB (220737536 bytes)Camellia: CamelliaDisabled (0), Freq: 2777 Hz, FreqMax: 2777 HzMobile: 0, PipeCount: 3, PortCount: 3, FBMemoryCount: 3[0] busId: 0x00, pipe: 8, type: 0x00000002, flags: 0x00000030 - ConnectorLVDS[1] busId: 0x05, pipe: 9, type: 0x00000004, flags: 0x00000004 - ConnectorDigitalDVI[2] busId: 0x04, pipe: 9, type: 0x00000800, flags: 0x00000082 - ConnectorHDMI00000800 02000000 3000000001050900 04000000 0400000002040900 00080000 82000000

ID: 0A260005, STOLEN: 32 MB, FBMEM: 19 MB, VRAM: 1536 MB, Flags: 0x0000000FTOTAL STOLEN: 52 MB, TOTAL CURSOR: 1 MB (1572864 bytes), MAX STOLEN: 116 MB, MAX OVERALL: 117 MB (123219968 bytes)Camellia: CamelliaDisabled (0), Freq: 2777 Hz, FreqMax: 2777 HzMobile: 1, PipeCount: 3, PortCount: 3, FBMemoryCount: 3[0] busId: 0x00, pipe: 8, type: 0x00000002, flags: 0x00000030 - ConnectorLVDS[1] busId: 0x05, pipe: 9, type: 0x00000400, flags: 0x00000087 - ConnectorDP[2] busId: 0x04, pipe: 9, type: 0x00000400, flags: 0x00000087 - ConnectorDP00000800 02000000 3000000001050900 00040000 8700000002040900 00040000 87000000

ID: 0A260006, STOLEN: 32 MB, FBMEM: 19 MB, VRAM: 1536 MB, Flags: 0x0000000FTOTAL STOLEN: 52 MB, TOTAL CURSOR: 1 MB (1572864 bytes), MAX STOLEN: 116 MB, MAX OVERALL: 117 MB (123219968 bytes)Camellia: CamelliaDisabled (0), Freq: 2777 Hz, FreqMax: 2777 HzMobile: 1, PipeCount: 3, PortCount: 3, FBMemoryCount: 3[0] busId: 0x00, pipe: 8, type: 0x00000002, flags: 0x00000030 - ConnectorLVDS[1] busId: 0x05, pipe: 9, type: 0x00000400, flags: 0x00000087 - ConnectorDP[2] busId: 0x04, pipe: 9, type: 0x00000400, flags: 0x00000087 - ConnectorDP00000800 02000000 3000000001050900 00040000 8700000002040900 00040000 87000000

ID: 0A2E0008, STOLEN: 64 MB, FBMEM: 34 MB, VRAM: 1536 MB, Flags: 0x0000021ETOTAL STOLEN: 99 MB, TOTAL CURSOR: 1 MB (1572864 bytes), MAX STOLEN: 227 MB, MAX OVERALL: 228 MB (239611904 bytes)Camellia: CamelliaV1 (1), Freq: 1388 Hz, FreqMax: 1388 HzMobile: 1, PipeCount: 3, PortCount: 3, FBMemoryCount: 3[0] busId: 0x00, pipe: 8, type: 0x00000002, flags: 0x00000030 - ConnectorLVDS[1] busId: 0x05, pipe: 9, type: 0x00000400, flags: 0x00000107 - ConnectorDP[2] busId: 0x04, pipe: 10, type: 0x00000400, flags: 0x00000107 - ConnectorDP00000800 02000000 3000000001050900 00040000 0701000002040A00 00040000 07010000

ID: 0A16000C, STOLEN: 64 MB, FBMEM: 34 MB, VRAM: 1536 MB, Flags: 0x0000001ETOTAL STOLEN: 99 MB, TOTAL CURSOR: 1 MB (1572864 bytes), MAX STOLEN: 227 MB, MAX OVERALL: 228 MB (239611904 bytes)Camellia: CamelliaDisabled (0), Freq: 1388 Hz, FreqMax: 1388 HzMobile: 1, PipeCount: 3, PortCount: 3, FBMemoryCount: 3[0] busId: 0x00, pipe: 8, type: 0x00000002, flags: 0x00000030 - ConnectorLVDS[1] busId: 0x05, pipe: 9, type: 0x00000400, flags: 0x00000107 - ConnectorDP[2] busId: 0x04, pipe: 10, type: 0x00000400, flags: 0x00000107 - ConnectorDP00000800 02000000 3000000001050900 00040000 0701000002040A00 00040000 07010000

ID: 0D260007, STOLEN: 64 MB, FBMEM: 34 MB, VRAM: 1536 MB, Flags: 0x0000031ETOTAL STOLEN: 99 MB, TOTAL CURSOR: 1 MB (1572864 bytes), MAX STOLEN: 227 MB, MAX OVERALL: 228 MB (239616000 bytes)Camellia: CamelliaDisabled (0), Freq: 1953 Hz, FreqMax: 1953 HzMobile: 1, PipeCount: 3, PortCount: 4, FBMemoryCount: 3[0] busId: 0x00, pipe: 8, type: 0x00000002, flags: 0x00000030 - ConnectorLVDS[1] busId: 0x05, pipe: 11, type: 0x00000400, flags: 0x00000107 - ConnectorDP[2] busId: 0x04, pipe: 11, type: 0x00000400, flags: 0x00000107 - ConnectorDP[3] busId: 0x06, pipe: 3, type: 0x00000800, flags: 0x00000006 - ConnectorHDMI00000800 02000000 3000000001050B00 00040000 0701000002040B00 00040000 0701000003060300 00080000 06000000

ID: 0D220003, STOLEN: 32 MB, FBMEM: 19 MB, VRAM: 1536 MB, Flags: 0x00000402TOTAL STOLEN: 52 MB, TOTAL CURSOR: 1 MB (1572864 bytes), MAX STOLEN: 116 MB, MAX OVERALL: 117 MB (123219968 bytes)Camellia: CamelliaDisabled (0), Freq: 5273 Hz, FreqMax: 5273 HzMobile: 0, PipeCount: 3, PortCount: 3, FBMemoryCount: 3[1] busId: 0x05, pipe: 9, type: 0x00000400, flags: 0x00000087 - ConnectorDP[2] busId: 0x04, pipe: 10, type: 0x00000400, flags: 0x00000087 - ConnectorDP[3] busId: 0x06, pipe: 8, type: 0x00000400, flags: 0x00000011 - ConnectorDP01050900 00040000 8700000002040A00 00040000 8700000003060800 00040000 11000000

ID: 0A2E000A, STOLEN: 32 MB, FBMEM: 19 MB, VRAM: 1536 MB, Flags: 0x000000D6TOTAL STOLEN: 52 MB, TOTAL CURSOR: 1 MB (1572864 bytes), MAX STOLEN: 116 MB, MAX OVERALL: 117 MB (123219968 bytes)Camellia: CamelliaDisabled (0), Freq: 5273 Hz, FreqMax: 5273 HzMobile: 0, PipeCount: 3, PortCount: 3, FBMemoryCount: 3[0] busId: 0x00, pipe: 8, type: 0x00000002, flags: 0x00000011 - ConnectorLVDS[1] busId: 0x05, pipe: 9, type: 0x00000400, flags: 0x00000087 - ConnectorDP[2] busId: 0x04, pipe: 10, type: 0x00000400, flags: 0x00000087 - ConnectorDP00000800 02000000 1100000001050900 00040000 8700000002040A00 00040000 87000000

ID: 0A26000A, STOLEN: 32 MB, FBMEM: 19 MB, VRAM: 1536 MB, Flags: 0x000000D6TOTAL STOLEN: 52 MB, TOTAL CURSOR: 1 MB (1572864 bytes), MAX STOLEN: 116 MB, MAX OVERALL: 117 MB (123219968 bytes)Camellia: CamelliaDisabled (0), Freq: 5273 Hz, FreqMax: 5273 HzMobile: 0, PipeCount: 3, PortCount: 3, FBMemoryCount: 3[0] busId: 0x00, pipe: 8, type: 0x00000002, flags: 0x00000011 - ConnectorLVDS[1] busId: 0x05, pipe: 9, type: 0x00000400, flags: 0x00000087 - ConnectorDP[2] busId: 0x04, pipe: 10, type: 0x00000400, flags: 0x00000087 - ConnectorDP00000800 02000000 1100000001050900 00040000 8700000002040A00 00040000 87000000

ID: 0A2E000D, STOLEN: 96 MB, FBMEM: 34 MB, VRAM: 1536 MB, Flags: 0x0000040ETOTAL STOLEN: 131 MB, TOTAL CURSOR: 1 MB (1572864 bytes), MAX STOLEN: 227 MB, MAX OVERALL: 228 MB (239607808 bytes)Camellia: CamelliaDisabled (0), Freq: 5273 Hz, FreqMax: 5273 HzMobile: 0, PipeCount: 3, PortCount: 2, FBMemoryCount: 2[1] busId: 0x05, pipe: 9, type: 0x00000400, flags: 0x00000107 - ConnectorDP[2] busId: 0x04, pipe: 10, type: 0x00000400, flags: 0x00000107 - ConnectorDP01050900 00040000 0701000002040A00 00040000 07010000

ID: 0A26000D, STOLEN: 96 MB, FBMEM: 34 MB, VRAM: 1536 MB, Flags: 0x0000040ETOTAL STOLEN: 131 MB, TOTAL CURSOR: 1 MB (1572864 bytes), MAX STOLEN: 227 MB, MAX OVERALL: 228 MB (239607808 bytes)Camellia: CamelliaDisabled (0), Freq: 5273 Hz, FreqMax: 5273 HzMobile: 0, PipeCount: 3, PortCount: 2, FBMemoryCount: 2[1] busId: 0x05, pipe: 9, type: 0x00000400, flags: 0x00000107 - ConnectorDP[2] busId: 0x04, pipe: 10, type: 0x00000400, flags: 0x00000107 - ConnectorDP01050900 00040000 0701000002040A00 00040000 07010000

ID: 04120004, STOLEN: 32 MB, FBMEM: 0 bytes, VRAM: 1536 MB, Flags: 0x00000000TOTAL STOLEN: 1 MB, TOTAL CURSOR: 0 bytes, MAX STOLEN: 1 MB, MAX OVERALL: 1 MBCamellia: CamelliaDisabled (0), Freq: 0 Hz, FreqMax: 0 HzMobile: 0, PipeCount: 0, PortCount: 0, FBMemoryCount: 0

ID: 0412000B, STOLEN: 32 MB, FBMEM: 0 bytes, VRAM: 1536 MB, Flags: 0x00000000TOTAL STOLEN: 1 MB, TOTAL CURSOR: 0 bytes, MAX STOLEN: 1 MB, MAX OVERALL: 1 MBCamellia: CamelliaDisabled (0), Freq: 0 Hz, FreqMax: 0 HzMobile: 0, PipeCount: 0, PortCount: 0, FBMemoryCount: 0

ID: 0D260009, STOLEN: 64 MB, FBMEM: 34 MB, VRAM: 1536 MB, Flags: 0x0000001E TOTAL STOLEN: 99 MB, TOTAL CURSOR: 1 MB (1572864 bytes), MAX STOLEN: 99 MB, MAX OVERALL: 100 MB (105385984 bytes)Camellia: CamelliaDisabled (0), Freq: 1953 Hz, FreqMax: 1953 HzMobile: 1, PipeCount: 3, PortCount: 1, FBMemoryCount: 1[0] busId: 0x00, pipe: 8, type: 0x00000002, flags: 0x00000030 - ConnectorLVDS00000800 02000000 30000000

ID: 0D26000E, STOLEN: 96 MB, FBMEM: 34 MB, VRAM: 1536 MB, Flags: 0x0000031ETOTAL STOLEN: 131 MB, TOTAL CURSOR: 1 MB (1572864 bytes), MAX STOLEN: 323 MB, MAX OVERALL: 324 MB (340279296 bytes)Camellia: CamelliaV2 (2), Freq: 1953 Hz, FreqMax: 1953 HzMobile: 1, PipeCount: 3, PortCount: 4, FBMemoryCount: 3[0] busId: 0x00, pipe: 8, type: 0x00000002, flags: 0x00000030 - ConnectorLVDS[1] busId: 0x05, pipe: 11, type: 0x00000400, flags: 0x00000107 - ConnectorDP[2] busId: 0x04, pipe: 11, type: 0x00000400, flags: 0x00000107 - ConnectorDP[3] busId: 0x06, pipe: 3, type: 0x00000800, flags: 0x00000006 - ConnectorHDMI00000800 02000000 3000000001050B00 00040000 0701000002040B00 00040000 0701000003060300 00080000 06000000

ID: 0D26000F, STOLEN: 96 MB, FBMEM: 34 MB, VRAM: 1536 MB, Flags: 0x0000001ETOTAL STOLEN: 131 MB, TOTAL CURSOR: 1 MB (1572864 bytes), MAX STOLEN: 131 MB, MAX OVERALL: 132 MB (138940416 bytes)Camellia: CamelliaV2 (2), Freq: 1953 Hz, FreqMax: 1953 HzMobile: 1, PipeCount: 3, PortCount: 1, FBMemoryCount: 1[0] busId: 0x00, pipe: 8, type: 0x00000002, flags: 0x00000030 - ConnectorLVDS00000800 02000000 30000000


0x0d26 0x0a26 0x0a2e 0x0d22 0x0412


桌面 : 0x0D220003 (默认) 笔记本电脑 : 0x0A160000 (默认) 0x0A260005 (推荐的) 0x0A260006 (推荐的) 空帧缓冲区: 0x04120004 (默认)。

对于桌面HD4400和移动HD4200/HD4400/HD4600,需要为IGPU仿冒设备device-id 12040000。

Intel HD Graphics 5300-6300(Broadwell)

自OS X 10.10.2开始受支持


CPU 架构:Broadwell,图形卡设备ID:0x0BD18086 0x0BD28086 0x0BD38086 0x16068086 0x160E8086 0x16168086 0x161E8086 0x16268086 0x16228086 0x16128086 0x162B8086

显卡型号 帧缓冲区 设备ID 类型 连接器 参考机型 总存储空间 Intel Broadwell GT1 0x16060000 0x16068086 桌面 3   32MB Intel Broadwell GT1 0x160E0000 0x160E8086 桌面 3   32MB Intel HD Graphics 5500 0x16160000 0x16168086 桌面 3   32MB Intel HD Graphics 5300 0x161E0000 0x161E8086 桌面 3   32MB Intel HD Graphics 6000 0x16260000 0x16268086 桌面 3   32MB Intel Iris Graphics 6100 0x162B0000 0x162B8086 桌面 3   32MB Intel Iris Pro Graphics 6200 0x16220000 0x16228086 桌面 3   32MB Intel Broadwell GT1 0x160E0001 0x160E8086 移动 3   60MB Intel HD Graphics 5300 0x161E0001 0x161E8086 移动 3 MacBook8,1 60MB Intel Broadwell GT1 0x16060002 0x16068086 移动 3   56MB Intel HD Graphics 5500 0x16160002 0x16168086 移动 3   56MB Intel HD Graphics 6000 0x16260002 0x16268086 移动 3   56MB Intel Iris Pro Graphics 6200 0x16220002 0x16228086 移动 3   56MB Intel Iris Graphics 6100 0x162B0002 0x162B8086 移动 3 MacBookPro12,1 56MB Intel HD Graphics 5600 0x16120003 0x16128086 移动 4   56MB Intel Iris Graphics 6100 0x162B0004 0x162B8086 桌面 3   56MB Intel HD Graphics 6000 0x16260004 0x16268086 桌面 3   56MB Intel Iris Pro Graphics 6200 0x16220007 0x16228086 桌面 3 iMac16,2 77MB Intel HD Graphics 6000 0x16260005 0x16268086 移动 3   56MB Intel HD Graphics 6000 0x16260006 0x16268086 移动 3 iMac16,1 MacBookAir7,1 MacBookAir7,2 56MB Intel Iris Graphics 6100 0x162B0008 0x162B8086 桌面 2   69MB Intel HD Graphics 6000 0x16260008 0x16268086 桌面 2   69MB


ID: 16060000, STOLEN: 16 MB, FBMEM: 15 MB, VRAM: 1024 MB, Flags: 0x00000B06TOTAL STOLEN: 32 MB, TOTAL CURSOR: 1 MB (1572864 bytes), MAX STOLEN: 64 MB, MAX OVERALL: 65 MB (68694016 bytes)Camellia: CamelliaDisabled (0), Freq: 5273 Hz, FreqMax: 5273 HzMobile: 0, PipeCount: 3, PortCount: 3, FBMemoryCount: 3[0] busId: 0x00, pipe: 8, type: 0x00000002, flags: 0x00000230 - ConnectorLVDS[1] busId: 0x05, pipe: 9, type: 0x00000004, flags: 0x00000004 - ConnectorDigitalDVI[2] busId: 0x04, pipe: 9, type: 0x00000800, flags: 0x00000082 - ConnectorHDMI00000800 02000000 3002000001050900 04000000 0400000002040900 00080000 82000000

ID: 160E0000, STOLEN: 16 MB, FBMEM: 15 MB, VRAM: 1024 MB, Flags: 0x00000706TOTAL STOLEN: 32 MB, TOTAL CURSOR: 1 MB (1572864 bytes), MAX STOLEN: 64 MB, MAX OVERALL: 65 MB (68694016 bytes)Camellia: CamelliaDisabled (0), Freq: 5273 Hz, FreqMax: 5273 HzMobile: 0, PipeCount: 3, PortCount: 3, FBMemoryCount: 3[0] busId: 0x00, pipe: 8, type: 0x00000002, flags: 0x00000230 - ConnectorLVDS[1] busId: 0x05, pipe: 9, type: 0x00000004, flags: 0x00000004 - ConnectorDigitalDVI[2] busId: 0x04, pipe: 9, type: 0x00000800, flags: 0x00000082 - ConnectorHDMI00000800 02000000 3002000001050900 04000000 0400000002040900 00080000 82000000

ID: 16160000, STOLEN: 16 MB, FBMEM: 15 MB, VRAM: 1024 MB, Flags: 0x00000B06TOTAL STOLEN: 32 MB, TOTAL CURSOR: 1 MB (1572864 bytes), MAX STOLEN: 64 MB, MAX OVERALL: 65 MB (68694016 bytes)Camellia: CamelliaDisabled (0), Freq: 5273 Hz, FreqMax: 5273 HzMobile: 0, PipeCount: 3, PortCount: 3, FBMemoryCount: 3[0] busId: 0x00, pipe: 8, type: 0x00000002, flags: 0x00000230 - ConnectorLVDS[1] busId: 0x05, pipe: 9, type: 0x00000004, flags: 0x00000004 - ConnectorDigitalDVI[2] busId: 0x04, pipe: 9, type: 0x00000800, flags: 0x00000082 - ConnectorHDMI00000800 02000000 3002000001050900 04000000 0400000002040900 00080000 82000000

ID: 161E0000, STOLEN: 16 MB, FBMEM: 15 MB, VRAM: 1024 MB, Flags: 0x00000716TOTAL STOLEN: 32 MB, TOTAL CURSOR: 1 MB (1572864 bytes), MAX STOLEN: 64 MB, MAX OVERALL: 65 MB (68694016 bytes)Camellia: CamelliaDisabled (0), Freq: 5273 Hz, FreqMax: 5273 HzMobile: 0, PipeCount: 3, PortCount: 3, FBMemoryCount: 3[0] busId: 0x00, pipe: 8, type: 0x00000002, flags: 0x00000230 - ConnectorLVDS[1] busId: 0x05, pipe: 9, type: 0x00000004, flags: 0x00000004 - ConnectorDigitalDVI[2] busId: 0x04, pipe: 9, type: 0x00000800, flags: 0x00000082 - ConnectorHDMI00000800 02000000 3002000001050900 04000000 0400000002040900 00080000 82000000

ID: 16260000, STOLEN: 16 MB, FBMEM: 15 MB, VRAM: 1024 MB, Flags: 0x00000B06TOTAL STOLEN: 32 MB, TOTAL CURSOR: 1 MB (1572864 bytes), MAX STOLEN: 64 MB, MAX OVERALL: 65 MB (68694016 bytes)Camellia: CamelliaDisabled (0), Freq: 5273 Hz, FreqMax: 5273 HzMobile: 0, PipeCount: 3, PortCount: 3, FBMemoryCount: 3[0] busId: 0x00, pipe: 8, type: 0x00000002, flags: 0x00000230 - ConnectorLVDS[1] busId: 0x05, pipe: 9, type: 0x00000004, flags: 0x00000004 - ConnectorDigitalDVI[2] busId: 0x04, pipe: 9, type: 0x00000800, flags: 0x00000082 - ConnectorHDMI00000800 02000000 3002000001050900 04000000 0400000002040900 00080000 82000000

ID: 162B0000, STOLEN: 16 MB, FBMEM: 15 MB, VRAM: 1024 MB, Flags: 0x00000B06TOTAL STOLEN: 32 MB, TOTAL CURSOR: 1 MB (1572864 bytes), MAX STOLEN: 64 MB, MAX OVERALL: 65 MB (68694016 bytes)Camellia: CamelliaDisabled (0), Freq: 5273 Hz, FreqMax: 5273 HzMobile: 0, PipeCount: 3, PortCount: 3, FBMemoryCount: 3[0] busId: 0x00, pipe: 8, type: 0x00000002, flags: 0x00000230 - ConnectorLVDS[1] busId: 0x05, pipe: 9, type: 0x00000004, flags: 0x00000004 - ConnectorDigitalDVI[2] busId: 0x04, pipe: 9, type: 0x00000800, flags: 0x00000082 - ConnectorHDMI00000800 02000000 3002000001050900 04000000 0400000002040900 00080000 82000000

ID: 16220000, STOLEN: 16 MB, FBMEM: 15 MB, VRAM: 1024 MB, Flags: 0x0000110ETOTAL STOLEN: 32 MB, TOTAL CURSOR: 1 MB (1572864 bytes), MAX STOLEN: 64 MB, MAX OVERALL: 65 MB (68694016 bytes)Camellia: CamelliaDisabled (0), Freq: 5273 Hz, FreqMax: 5273 HzMobile: 0, PipeCount: 3, PortCount: 3, FBMemoryCount: 3[0] busId: 0x00, pipe: 8, type: 0x00000002, flags: 0x00000230 - ConnectorLVDS[1] busId: 0x05, pipe: 9, type: 0x00000004, flags: 0x00000004 - ConnectorDigitalDVI[2] busId: 0x04, pipe: 9, type: 0x00000800, flags: 0x00000082 - ConnectorHDMI00000800 02000000 3002000001050900 04000000 0400000002040900 00080000 82000000

ID: 160E0001, STOLEN: 38 MB, FBMEM: 21 MB, VRAM: 1536 MB, Flags: 0x00000702TOTAL STOLEN: 60 MB, TOTAL CURSOR: 1 MB (1572864 bytes), MAX STOLEN: 136 MB, MAX OVERALL: 137 MB (144191488 bytes)Camellia: CamelliaV2 (2), Freq: 1388 Hz, FreqMax: 1388 HzMobile: 1, PipeCount: 3, PortCount: 3, FBMemoryCount: 3[0] busId: 0x00, pipe: 8, type: 0x00000002, flags: 0x00000230 - ConnectorLVDS[1] busId: 0x05, pipe: 9, type: 0x00000400, flags: 0x00001001 - ConnectorDP[2] busId: 0x04, pipe: 10, type: 0x00000400, flags: 0x00003001 - ConnectorDP00000800 02000000 3002000001050900 00040000 0110000002040A00 00040000 01300000

ID: 161E0001, STOLEN: 38 MB, FBMEM: 21 MB, VRAM: 1536 MB, Flags: 0x00000702TOTAL STOLEN: 60 MB, TOTAL CURSOR: 1 MB (1572864 bytes), MAX STOLEN: 136 MB, MAX OVERALL: 137 MB (144191488 bytes)Camellia: CamelliaV2 (2), Freq: 1388 Hz, FreqMax: 1388 HzMobile: 1, PipeCount: 3, PortCount: 3, FBMemoryCount: 3[0] busId: 0x00, pipe: 8, type: 0x00000002, flags: 0x00000230 - ConnectorLVDS[1] busId: 0x05, pipe: 9, type: 0x00000400, flags: 0x00001001 - ConnectorDP[2] busId: 0x04, pipe: 10, type: 0x00000400, flags: 0x00003001 - ConnectorDP00000800 02000000 3002000001050900 00040000 0110000002040A00 00040000 01300000

ID: 16060002, STOLEN: 34 MB, FBMEM: 21 MB, VRAM: 1536 MB, Flags: 0x00004B02TOTAL STOLEN: 56 MB, TOTAL CURSOR: 1 MB (1572864 bytes), MAX STOLEN: 124 MB, MAX OVERALL: 125 MB (131608576 bytes)Camellia: CamelliaV2 (2), Freq: 1388 Hz, FreqMax: 1388 HzMobile: 1, PipeCount: 3, PortCount: 3, FBMemoryCount: 3[0] busId: 0x00, pipe: 8, type: 0x00000002, flags: 0x00000230 - ConnectorLVDS[1] busId: 0x05, pipe: 9, type: 0x00000400, flags: 0x00000507 - ConnectorDP[2] busId: 0x04, pipe: 10, type: 0x00000400, flags: 0x00000507 - ConnectorDP00000800 02000000 3002000001050900 00040000 0705000002040A00 00040000 07050000

ID: 16160002, STOLEN: 34 MB, FBMEM: 21 MB, VRAM: 1536 MB, Flags: 0x00004B02TOTAL STOLEN: 56 MB, TOTAL CURSOR: 1 MB (1572864 bytes), MAX STOLEN: 124 MB, MAX OVERALL: 125 MB (131608576 bytes)Camellia: CamelliaV2 (2), Freq: 1388 Hz, FreqMax: 1388 HzMobile: 1, PipeCount: 3, PortCount: 3, FBMemoryCount: 3[0] busId: 0x00, pipe: 8, type: 0x00000002, flags: 0x00000230 - ConnectorLVDS[1] busId: 0x05, pipe: 9, type: 0x00000400, flags: 0x00000507 - ConnectorDP[2] busId: 0x04, pipe: 10, type: 0x00000400, flags: 0x00000507 - ConnectorDP00000800 02000000 3002000001050900 00040000 0705000002040A00 00040000 07050000

ID: 16260002, STOLEN: 34 MB, FBMEM: 21 MB, VRAM: 1536 MB, Flags: 0x00004B0ATOTAL STOLEN: 56 MB, TOTAL CURSOR: 1 MB (1572864 bytes), MAX STOLEN: 124 MB, MAX OVERALL: 125 MB (131608576 bytes)Camellia: CamelliaV2 (2), Freq: 1388 Hz, FreqMax: 1388 HzMobile: 1, PipeCount: 3, PortCount: 3, FBMemoryCount: 3[0] busId: 0x00, pipe: 8, type: 0x00000002, flags: 0x00000230 - ConnectorLVDS[1] busId: 0x05, pipe: 9, type: 0x00000400, flags: 0x00000507 - ConnectorDP[2] busId: 0x04, pipe: 10, type: 0x00000400, flags: 0x00000507 - ConnectorDP00000800 02000000 3002000001050900 00040000 0705000002040A00 00040000 07050000

ID: 16220002, STOLEN: 34 MB, FBMEM: 21 MB, VRAM: 1536 MB, Flags: 0x00004B0ATOTAL STOLEN: 56 MB, TOTAL CURSOR: 1 MB (1572864 bytes), MAX STOLEN: 124 MB, MAX OVERALL: 125 MB (131608576 bytes)Camellia: CamelliaV2 (2), Freq: 1388 Hz, FreqMax: 1388 HzMobile: 1, PipeCount: 3, PortCount: 3, FBMemoryCount: 3[0] busId: 0x00, pipe: 8, type: 0x00000002, flags: 0x00000230 - ConnectorLVDS[1] busId: 0x05, pipe: 9, type: 0x00000400, flags: 0x00000507 - ConnectorDP[2] busId: 0x04, pipe: 10, type: 0x00000400, flags: 0x00000507 - ConnectorDP00000800 02000000 3002000001050900 00040000 0705000002040A00 00040000 07050000

ID: 162B0002, STOLEN: 34 MB, FBMEM: 21 MB, VRAM: 1536 MB, Flags: 0x00004B0ATOTAL STOLEN: 56 MB, TOTAL CURSOR: 1 MB (1572864 bytes), MAX STOLEN: 124 MB, MAX OVERALL: 125 MB (131608576 bytes)Camellia: CamelliaV2 (2), Freq: 1388 Hz, FreqMax: 1388 HzMobile: 1, PipeCount: 3, PortCount: 3, FBMemoryCount: 3[0] busId: 0x00, pipe: 8, type: 0x00000002, flags: 0x00000230 - ConnectorLVDS[1] busId: 0x05, pipe: 9, type: 0x00000400, flags: 0x00000507 - ConnectorDP[2] busId: 0x04, pipe: 10, type: 0x00000400, flags: 0x00000507 - ConnectorDP00000800 02000000 3002000001050900 00040000 0705000002040A00 00040000 07050000

ID: 16120003, STOLEN: 34 MB, FBMEM: 21 MB, VRAM: 1536 MB, Flags: 0x00001306TOTAL STOLEN: 56 MB, TOTAL CURSOR: 1 MB (1572864 bytes), MAX STOLEN: 124 MB, MAX OVERALL: 125 MB (131612672 bytes)Camellia: CamelliaV1 (1), Freq: 1953 Hz, FreqMax: 1953 HzMobile: 1, PipeCount: 3, PortCount: 4, FBMemoryCount: 3[0] busId: 0x00, pipe: 8, type: 0x00000002, flags: 0x00000230 - ConnectorLVDS[1] busId: 0x05, pipe: 11, type: 0x00000400, flags: 0x00000507 - ConnectorDP[2] busId: 0x04, pipe: 11, type: 0x00000400, flags: 0x00000507 - ConnectorDP[3] busId: 0x06, pipe: 3, type: 0x00000800, flags: 0x00000006 - ConnectorHDMI00000800 02000000 3002000001050B00 00040000 0705000002040B00 00040000 0705000003060300 00080000 06000000

ID: 162B0004, STOLEN: 34 MB, FBMEM: 21 MB, VRAM: 1536 MB, Flags: 0x00040B46TOTAL STOLEN: 56 MB, TOTAL CURSOR: 1 MB (1572864 bytes), MAX STOLEN: 124 MB, MAX OVERALL: 125 MB (131608576 bytes)Camellia: CamelliaDisabled (0), Freq: 5273 Hz, FreqMax: 5273 HzMobile: 0, PipeCount: 3, PortCount: 3, FBMemoryCount: 3[0] busId: 0x00, pipe: 8, type: 0x00000002, flags: 0x00000211 - ConnectorLVDS[1] busId: 0x05, pipe: 9, type: 0x00000400, flags: 0x00000507 - ConnectorDP[2] busId: 0x04, pipe: 10, type: 0x00000400, flags: 0x00000507 - ConnectorDP00000800 02000000 1102000001050900 00040000 0705000002040A00 00040000 07050000

ID: 16260004, STOLEN: 34 MB, FBMEM: 21 MB, VRAM: 1536 MB, Flags: 0x00040B46TOTAL STOLEN: 56 MB, TOTAL CURSOR: 1 MB (1572864 bytes), MAX STOLEN: 124 MB, MAX OVERALL: 125 MB (131608576 bytes)Camellia: CamelliaDisabled (0), Freq: 5273 Hz, FreqMax: 5273 HzMobile: 0, PipeCount: 3, PortCount: 3, FBMemoryCount: 3[0] busId: 0x00, pipe: 8, type: 0x00000002, flags: 0x00000211 - ConnectorLVDS[1] busId: 0x05, pipe: 9, type: 0x00000400, flags: 0x00000507 - ConnectorDP[2] busId: 0x04, pipe: 10, type: 0x00000400, flags: 0x00000507 - ConnectorDP00000800 02000000 1102000001050900 00040000 0705000002040A00 00040000 07050000

ID: 16220007, STOLEN: 38 MB, FBMEM: 38 MB, VRAM: 1536 MB, Flags: 0x000BB306TOTAL STOLEN: 77 MB, TOTAL CURSOR: 1 MB (1572864 bytes), MAX STOLEN: 153 MB, MAX OVERALL: 154 MB (162017280 bytes)Camellia: CamelliaDisabled (0), Freq: 5273 Hz, FreqMax: 5273 HzMobile: 0, PipeCount: 3, PortCount: 3, FBMemoryCount: 3[1] busId: 0x05, pipe: 9, type: 0x00000400, flags: 0x00000507 - ConnectorDP[2] busId: 0x04, pipe: 10, type: 0x00000400, flags: 0x00000507 - ConnectorDP[3] busId: 0x06, pipe: 8, type: 0x00000400, flags: 0x00000011 - ConnectorDP01050900 00040000 0705000002040A00 00040000 0705000003060800 00040000 11000000

ID: 16260005, STOLEN: 34 MB, FBMEM: 21 MB, VRAM: 1536 MB, Flags: 0x00000B0BTOTAL STOLEN: 56 MB, TOTAL CURSOR: 1 MB (1572864 bytes), MAX STOLEN: 124 MB, MAX OVERALL: 125 MB (131608576 bytes)Camellia: CamelliaDisabled (0), Freq: 2777 Hz, FreqMax: 2777 HzMobile: 1, PipeCount: 3, PortCount: 3, FBMemoryCount: 3[0] busId: 0x00, pipe: 8, type: 0x00000002, flags: 0x00000230 - ConnectorLVDS[1] busId: 0x05, pipe: 11, type: 0x00000400, flags: 0x00000507 - ConnectorDP[2] busId: 0x04, pipe: 11, type: 0x00000400, flags: 0x00000507 - ConnectorDP00000800 02000000 3002000001050B00 00040000 0705000002040B00 00040000 07050000

ID: 16260006, STOLEN: 34 MB, FBMEM: 21 MB, VRAM: 1536 MB, Flags: 0x00000B0BTOTAL STOLEN: 56 MB, TOTAL CURSOR: 1 MB (1572864 bytes), MAX STOLEN: 124 MB, MAX OVERALL: 125 MB (131608576 bytes)Camellia: CamelliaDisabled (0), Freq: 2777 Hz, FreqMax: 2777 HzMobile: 1, PipeCount: 3, PortCount: 3, FBMemoryCount: 3[0] busId: 0x00, pipe: 8, type: 0x00000002, flags: 0x00000230 - ConnectorLVDS[1] busId: 0x05, pipe: 11, type: 0x00000400, flags: 0x00000507 - ConnectorDP[2] busId: 0x04, pipe: 11, type: 0x00000400, flags: 0x00000507 - ConnectorDP00000800 02000000 3002000001050B00 00040000 0705000002040B00 00040000 07050000

ID: 162B0008, STOLEN: 34 MB, FBMEM: 34 MB, VRAM: 1536 MB, Flags: 0x00002B0ETOTAL STOLEN: 69 MB, TOTAL CURSOR: 1 MB, MAX STOLEN: 103 MB, MAX OVERALL: 104 MB (109060096 bytes)Camellia: CamelliaDisabled (0), Freq: 5273 Hz, FreqMax: 5273 HzMobile: 0, PipeCount: 2, PortCount: 2, FBMemoryCount: 2[1] busId: 0x05, pipe: 9, type: 0x00000400, flags: 0x00000507 - ConnectorDP[2] busId: 0x04, pipe: 10, type: 0x00000400, flags: 0x00000507 - ConnectorDP01050900 00040000 0705000002040A00 00040000 07050000

ID: 16260008, STOLEN: 34 MB, FBMEM: 34 MB, VRAM: 1536 MB, Flags: 0x00002B0ETOTAL STOLEN: 69 MB, TOTAL CURSOR: 1 MB, MAX STOLEN: 103 MB, MAX OVERALL: 104 MB (109060096 bytes)Camellia: CamelliaDisabled (0), Freq: 5273 Hz, FreqMax: 5273 HzMobile: 0, PipeCount: 2, PortCount: 2, FBMemoryCount: 2[1] busId: 0x05, pipe: 9, type: 0x00000400, flags: 0x00000507 - ConnectorDP[2] busId: 0x04, pipe: 10, type: 0x00000400, flags: 0x00000507 - ConnectorDP01050900 00040000 0705000002040A00 00040000 07050000


0x0BD1 0x0BD2 0x0BD3 0x1606 0x160e 0x1616 0x161e 0x1626 0x1622 0x1612 0x162b


桌面 : 0x16220007 (默认) 笔记本电脑 : 0x16260006 (默认)

Intel HD Graphics 510-580(Skylake)

自OS X 10.11.4起受支持


CPU 架构:Skylake,图形卡设备ID:0x19168086 0x191E8086 0x19268086 0x19278086 0x19128086 0x19328086 0x19028086 0x19178086 0x193B8086 0x191B8086

显卡型号 帧缓冲区 设备ID 类型 连接器 参考机型 总存储空间 Intel HD Graphics 515 0x191E0000 0x191E8086 移动 3   56MB Intel HD Graphics 520 0x19160000 0x19168086 移动 3   56MB Intel Iris Graphics 540 0x19260000 0x19268086 移动 3   56MB Intel Iris Graphics 550 0x19270000 0x19278086 移动 3   56MB Intel HD Graphics 530 0x191B0000 0x191B8086 移动 3 MacBookPro13,3 56MB Intel Iris Pro Graphics 580 0x193B0000 0x193B8086 移动 3   56MB Intel HD Graphics 530 0x19120000 0x19128086 移动 3 iMac17,1 56MB Intel HD Graphics 510 0x19020001 0x19028086 桌面 0   1MB Intel Skylake GT2f 0x19170001 0x19178086 桌面 0   1兆字节 Intel HD Graphics 530 0x19120001 0x19128086 桌面 0   1MB Intel Iris Pro Graphics 580 0x19320001 0x19328086 桌面 0   1MB Intel HD Graphics 520 0x19160002 0x19168086 移动 3   58兆字节 Intel Iris Graphics 540 0x19260002 0x19268086 移动 3 MacBookPro13,1 58MB Intel HD Graphics 515 0x191E0003 0x191E8086 移动 3 MacBook9,1 41MB Intel Iris Graphics 540 0x19260004 0x19268086 移动 3   35MB Intel Iris Graphics 550 0x19270004 0x19278086 移动 3 MacBookPro13,2 58MB Intel Iris Pro Graphics 580 0x193B0005 0x193B8086 移动 4 MacBookPro13,1 35MB Intel HD Graphics 530 0x191B0006 0x191B8086 移动 1个   39MB Intel Iris Graphics 540 0x19260007 0x19268086 移动 3   35MB


ID: 191E0000, STOLEN: 34 MB, FBMEM: 21 MB, VRAM: 1536 MB, Flags: 0x0000050FTOTAL STOLEN: 56 MB, TOTAL CURSOR: 1 MB (1572864 bytes), MAX STOLEN: 124 MB, MAX OVERALL: 125 MB (131608576 bytes)Model name: Intel HD Graphics SKL CRBCamellia: CamelliaDisabled (0), Freq: 1388 Hz, FreqMax: 1388 HzMobile: 1, PipeCount: 3, PortCount: 3, FBMemoryCount: 3[0] busId: 0x00, pipe: 8, type: 0x00000002, flags: 0x00000098 - ConnectorLVDS[1] busId: 0x05, pipe: 9, type: 0x00000400, flags: 0x00000187 - ConnectorDP[2] busId: 0x04, pipe: 10, type: 0x00000400, flags: 0x00000187 - ConnectorDP00000800 02000000 9800000001050900 00040000 8701000002040A00 00040000 87010000

ID: 19160000, STOLEN: 34 MB, FBMEM: 21 MB, VRAM: 1536 MB, Flags: 0x0000090FTOTAL STOLEN: 56 MB, TOTAL CURSOR: 1 MB (1572864 bytes), MAX STOLEN: 124 MB, MAX OVERALL: 125 MB (131608576 bytes)Model name: Intel HD Graphics SKL CRBCamellia: CamelliaDisabled (0), Freq: 1388 Hz, FreqMax: 1388 HzMobile: 1, PipeCount: 3, PortCount: 3, FBMemoryCount: 3[0] busId: 0x00, pipe: 8, type: 0x00000002, flags: 0x00000098 - ConnectorLVDS[1] busId: 0x05, pipe: 9, type: 0x00000400, flags: 0x00000187 - ConnectorDP[2] busId: 0x04, pipe: 10, type: 0x00000400, flags: 0x00000187 - ConnectorDP00000800 02000000 9800000001050900 00040000 8701000002040A00 00040000 87010000

ID: 19260000, STOLEN: 34 MB, FBMEM: 21 MB, VRAM: 1536 MB, Flags: 0x0000090FTOTAL STOLEN: 56 MB, TOTAL CURSOR: 1 MB (1572864 bytes), MAX STOLEN: 124 MB, MAX OVERALL: 125 MB (131608576 bytes)Model name: Intel HD Graphics SKL CRBCamellia: CamelliaDisabled (0), Freq: 1388 Hz, FreqMax: 1388 HzMobile: 1, PipeCount: 3, PortCount: 3, FBMemoryCount: 3[0] busId: 0x00, pipe: 8, type: 0x00000002, flags: 0x00000098 - ConnectorLVDS[1] busId: 0x05, pipe: 9, type: 0x00000400, flags: 0x00000187 - ConnectorDP[2] busId: 0x04, pipe: 10, type: 0x00000400, flags: 0x00000187 - ConnectorDP00000800 02000000 9800000001050900 00040000 8701000002040A00 00040000 87010000

ID: 19270000, STOLEN: 34 MB, FBMEM: 21 MB, VRAM: 1536 MB, Flags: 0x0000090FTOTAL STOLEN: 56 MB, TOTAL CURSOR: 1 MB (1572864 bytes), MAX STOLEN: 124 MB, MAX OVERALL: 125 MB (131608576 bytes)Model name: Intel HD Graphics SKL CRBCamellia: CamelliaDisabled (0), Freq: 1388 Hz, FreqMax: 1388 HzMobile: 1, PipeCount: 3, PortCount: 3, FBMemoryCount: 3[0] busId: 0x00, pipe: 8, type: 0x00000002, flags: 0x00000098 - ConnectorLVDS[1] busId: 0x05, pipe: 9, type: 0x00000400, flags: 0x00000187 - ConnectorDP[2] busId: 0x04, pipe: 10, type: 0x00000400, flags: 0x00000187 - ConnectorDP00000800 02000000 9800000001050900 00040000 8701000002040A00 00040000 87010000

ID: 191B0000, STOLEN: 34 MB, FBMEM: 21 MB, VRAM: 1536 MB, Flags: 0x0000110FTOTAL STOLEN: 56 MB, TOTAL CURSOR: 1 MB (1572864 bytes), MAX STOLEN: 124 MB, MAX OVERALL: 125 MB (131608576 bytes)Model name: Intel HD Graphics SKL CRBCamellia: CamelliaDisabled (0), Freq: 1388 Hz, FreqMax: 1388 HzMobile: 1, PipeCount: 3, PortCount: 3, FBMemoryCount: 3[0] busId: 0x00, pipe: 8, type: 0x00000002, flags: 0x00000098 - ConnectorLVDS[1] busId: 0x05, pipe: 9, type: 0x00000400, flags: 0x00000187 - ConnectorDP[2] busId: 0x04, pipe: 10, type: 0x00000400, flags: 0x00000187 - ConnectorDP00000800 02000000 9800000001050900 00040000 8701000002040A00 00040000 87010000

ID: 193B0000, STOLEN: 34 MB, FBMEM: 21 MB, VRAM: 1536 MB, Flags: 0x00001187TOTAL STOLEN: 56 MB, TOTAL CURSOR: 1 MB (1572864 bytes), MAX STOLEN: 124 MB, MAX OVERALL: 125 MB (131608576 bytes)Model name: Intel HD Graphics SKL CRBCamellia: CamelliaDisabled (0), Freq: 1388 Hz, FreqMax: 1388 HzMobile: 1, PipeCount: 3, PortCount: 3, FBMemoryCount: 3[0] busId: 0x00, pipe: 8, type: 0x00000002, flags: 0x00000098 - ConnectorLVDS[2] busId: 0x04, pipe: 10, type: 0x00000800, flags: 0x00000187 - ConnectorHDMI[3] busId: 0x06, pipe: 10, type: 0x00000400, flags: 0x00000187 - ConnectorDP00000800 02000000 9800000002040A00 00080000 8701000003060A00 00040000 87010000

ID: 19120000, STOLEN: 34 MB, FBMEM: 21 MB, VRAM: 1536 MB, Flags: 0x0000110FTOTAL STOLEN: 56 MB, TOTAL CURSOR: 1 MB (1572864 bytes), MAX STOLEN: 124 MB, MAX OVERALL: 125 MB (131608576 bytes)Model name: Intel HD Graphics SKL CRBCamellia: CamelliaDisabled (0), Freq: 1388 Hz, FreqMax: 1388 HzMobile: 1, PipeCount: 3, PortCount: 3, FBMemoryCount: 3[255] busId: 0x00, pipe: 0, type: 0x00000001, flags: 0x00000020 - ConnectorDummy[1] busId: 0x05, pipe: 9, type: 0x00000400, flags: 0x00000187 - ConnectorDP[2] busId: 0x04, pipe: 10, type: 0x00000400, flags: 0x00000187 - ConnectorDPFF000000 01000000 2000000001050900 00040000 8701000002040A00 00040000 87010000

ID: 19020001, STOLEN: 0 bytes, FBMEM: 0 bytes, VRAM: 1536 MB, Flags: 0x00040800TOTAL STOLEN: 1 MB, TOTAL CURSOR: 0 bytes, MAX STOLEN: 1 MB, MAX OVERALL: 1 MBModel name: Intel HD Graphics SKLCamellia: CamelliaDisabled (0), Freq: 0 Hz, FreqMax: 0 HzMobile: 0, PipeCount: 0, PortCount: 0, FBMemoryCount: 0

ID: 19170001, STOLEN: 0 bytes, FBMEM: 0 bytes, VRAM: 1536 MB, Flags: 0x00040800TOTAL STOLEN: 1 MB, TOTAL CURSOR: 0 bytes, MAX STOLEN: 1 MB, MAX OVERALL: 1 MBModel name: Intel HD Graphics SKLCamellia: CamelliaDisabled (0), Freq: 0 Hz, FreqMax: 0 HzMobile: 0, PipeCount: 0, PortCount: 0, FBMemoryCount: 0

ID: 19120001, STOLEN: 0 bytes, FBMEM: 0 bytes, VRAM: 1536 MB, Flags: 0x00040800TOTAL STOLEN: 1 MB, TOTAL CURSOR: 0 bytes, MAX STOLEN: 1 MB, MAX OVERALL: 1 MBModel name: Intel HD Graphics SKLCamellia: CamelliaDisabled (0), Freq: 0 Hz, FreqMax: 0 HzMobile: 0, PipeCount: 0, PortCount: 0, FBMemoryCount: 0

ID: 19320001, STOLEN: 0 bytes, FBMEM: 0 bytes, VRAM: 1536 MB, Flags: 0x00040800TOTAL STOLEN: 1 MB, TOTAL CURSOR: 0 bytes, MAX STOLEN: 1 MB, MAX OVERALL: 1 MBModel name: Intel HD Graphics SKLCamellia: CamelliaDisabled (0), Freq: 0 Hz, FreqMax: 0 HzMobile: 0, PipeCount: 0, PortCount: 0, FBMemoryCount: 0

ID: 19160002, STOLEN: 57 MB, FBMEM: 0 bytes, VRAM: 1536 MB, Flags: 0x00830B02TOTAL STOLEN: 58 MB, TOTAL CURSOR: 1 MB (1572864 bytes), MAX STOLEN: 172 MB, MAX OVERALL: 173 MB (181940224 bytes)Model name: Intel Iris Graphics 540Camellia: CamelliaV3 (3), Freq: 1388 Hz, FreqMax: 1388 HzMobile: 1, PipeCount: 3, PortCount: 3, FBMemoryCount: 3[0] busId: 0x00, pipe: 8, type: 0x00000002, flags: 0x00000498 - ConnectorLVDS[1] busId: 0x05, pipe: 9, type: 0x00000400, flags: 0x000003C7 - ConnectorDP[2] busId: 0x04, pipe: 10, type: 0x00000400, flags: 0x000003C7 - ConnectorDP00000800 02000000 9804000001050900 00040000 C703000002040A00 00040000 C7030000

ID: 19260002, STOLEN: 57 MB, FBMEM: 0 bytes, VRAM: 1536 MB, Flags: 0x00E30B0ATOTAL STOLEN: 58 MB, TOTAL CURSOR: 1 MB (1572864 bytes), MAX STOLEN: 172 MB, MAX OVERALL: 173 MB (181940224 bytes)Model name: Intel Iris Graphics 540Camellia: CamelliaV3 (3), Freq: 1388 Hz, FreqMax: 1388 HzMobile: 1, PipeCount: 3, PortCount: 3, FBMemoryCount: 3[0] busId: 0x00, pipe: 8, type: 0x00000002, flags: 0x00000498 - ConnectorLVDS[1] busId: 0x05, pipe: 9, type: 0x00000400, flags: 0x000003C7 - ConnectorDP[2] busId: 0x04, pipe: 10, type: 0x00000400, flags: 0x000003C7 - ConnectorDP00000800 02000000 9804000001050900 00040000 C703000002040A00 00040000 C7030000

ID: 191E0003, STOLEN: 40 MB, FBMEM: 0 bytes, VRAM: 1536 MB, Flags: 0x002B0702TOTAL STOLEN: 41 MB, TOTAL CURSOR: 1 MB (1572864 bytes), MAX STOLEN: 121 MB, MAX OVERALL: 122 MB (128462848 bytes)Model name: Intel HD Graphics 515Camellia: CamelliaV2 (2), Freq: 1388 Hz, FreqMax: 1388 HzMobile: 1, PipeCount: 3, PortCount: 3, FBMemoryCount: 3[0] busId: 0x00, pipe: 8, type: 0x00000002, flags: 0x00000098 - ConnectorLVDS[1] busId: 0x05, pipe: 9, type: 0x00000400, flags: 0x00000181 - ConnectorDP[2] busId: 0x04, pipe: 10, type: 0x00000400, flags: 0x00000181 - ConnectorDP00000800 02000000 9800000001050900 00040000 8101000002040A00 00040000 81010000

ID: 19260004, STOLEN: 34 MB, FBMEM: 0 bytes, VRAM: 1536 MB, Flags: 0x00030B0ATOTAL STOLEN: 35 MB, TOTAL CURSOR: 1 MB (1572864 bytes), MAX STOLEN: 103 MB, MAX OVERALL: 104 MB (109588480 bytes)Model name: Intel Iris Graphics 550Camellia: CamelliaV3 (3), Freq: 1388 Hz, FreqMax: 1388 HzMobile: 1, PipeCount: 3, PortCount: 3, FBMemoryCount: 3[0] busId: 0x00, pipe: 8, type: 0x00000002, flags: 0x00000498 - ConnectorLVDS[1] busId: 0x05, pipe: 9, type: 0x00000400, flags: 0x000001C7 - ConnectorDP[2] busId: 0x04, pipe: 10, type: 0x00000400, flags: 0x000001C7 - ConnectorDP00000800 02000000 9804000001050900 00040000 C701000002040A00 00040000 C7010000

ID: 19270004, STOLEN: 57 MB, FBMEM: 0 bytes, VRAM: 1536 MB, Flags: 0x00E30B0ATOTAL STOLEN: 58 MB, TOTAL CURSOR: 1 MB (1572864 bytes), MAX STOLEN: 172 MB, MAX OVERALL: 173 MB (181940224 bytes)Model name: Intel Iris Graphics 550Camellia: CamelliaV3 (3), Freq: 1388 Hz, FreqMax: 1388 HzMobile: 1, PipeCount: 3, PortCount: 3, FBMemoryCount: 3[0] busId: 0x00, pipe: 8, type: 0x00000002, flags: 0x00000498 - ConnectorLVDS[1] busId: 0x05, pipe: 9, type: 0x00000400, flags: 0x000003C7 - ConnectorDP[2] busId: 0x04, pipe: 10, type: 0x00000400, flags: 0x000003C7 - ConnectorDP00000800 02000000 9804000001050900 00040000 C703000002040A00 00040000 C7030000

ID: 193B0005, STOLEN: 34 MB, FBMEM: 0 bytes, VRAM: 1536 MB, Flags: 0x0023130ATOTAL STOLEN: 35 MB, TOTAL CURSOR: 1 MB (1572864 bytes), MAX STOLEN: 137 MB, MAX OVERALL: 138 MB (145244160 bytes)Model name: Intel Iris Pro Graphics 580Camellia: CamelliaDisabled (0), Freq: 1388 Hz, FreqMax: 1388 HzMobile: 1, PipeCount: 3, PortCount: 4, FBMemoryCount: 4[0] busId: 0x00, pipe: 8, type: 0x00000002, flags: 0x00000098 - ConnectorLVDS[1] busId: 0x05, pipe: 9, type: 0x00000400, flags: 0x000001C7 - ConnectorDP[2] busId: 0x04, pipe: 10, type: 0x00000400, flags: 0x000001C7 - ConnectorDP[3] busId: 0x06, pipe: 10, type: 0x00000400, flags: 0x000001C7 - ConnectorDP00000800 02000000 9800000001050900 00040000 C701000002040A00 00040000 C701000003060A00 00040000 C7010000

ID: 191B0006, STOLEN: 38 MB, FBMEM: 0 bytes, VRAM: 1536 MB, Flags: 0x00131302TOTAL STOLEN: 39 MB, TOTAL CURSOR: 512 KB, MAX STOLEN: 39 MB, MAX OVERALL: 39 MB (41422848 bytes)Model name: Intel HD Graphics 530Camellia: CamelliaV3 (3), Freq: 1388 Hz, FreqMax: 1388 HzMobile: 1, PipeCount: 1, PortCount: 1, FBMemoryCount: 1[0] busId: 0x00, pipe: 8, type: 0x00000002, flags: 0x00000498 - ConnectorLVDS00000800 02000000 98040000

ID: 19260007, STOLEN: 34 MB, FBMEM: 0 bytes, VRAM: 1536 MB, Flags: 0x00031302TOTAL STOLEN: 35 MB, TOTAL CURSOR: 1 MB (1572864 bytes), MAX STOLEN: 103 MB, MAX OVERALL: 104 MB (109588480 bytes)Model name: Intel Iris Pro Graphics 580Camellia: CamelliaDisabled (0), Freq: 1388 Hz, FreqMax: 1388 HzMobile: 1, PipeCount: 3, PortCount: 3, FBMemoryCount: 3[0] busId: 0x00, pipe: 8, type: 0x00000002, flags: 0x00000098 - ConnectorLVDS[1] busId: 0x05, pipe: 9, type: 0x00000400, flags: 0x000001C7 - ConnectorDP[2] busId: 0x04, pipe: 10, type: 0x00000400, flags: 0x000001C7 - ConnectorDP00000800 02000000 9800000001050900 00040000 C701000002040A00 00040000 C7010000

注意,如果没有 AAPL,ig-platform-id ,则设定定 ID 为: 19120000


0x1916 0x191E 0x1926 0x1927 0x1912 0x1932 0x1902 0x1917 0x193B 0x191B


桌面 : 0x19120000 (默认) 笔记本电脑 : 0x19160000 (默认) 空帧缓冲区: 0x19120001 (默认)

Intel (U)HD Graphics 610-650(Kaby Lake和Amber Lake Y)

自macOS 10.12.6起受支持(自macOS 10.14.1起受支持的UHD617 Amber Lake Y)


CPU 架构:Kaby Lake,图形卡设备ID:0x59128086 0x59168086 0x591B8086 0x591C8086 0x591E8086 0x59268086 0x59278086 0x59238086 0x87C08086

显卡型号 帧缓冲区 设备ID 类型 连接器 参考机型 总存储空间 Intel HD Graphics 615 0x591E0000 0x591E8086 移动 3 MacBook10,1 35MB Intel UHD Graphics 617 0x87C00000 0x87C08086 移动 3   35MB Intel HD Graphics 620 0x59160000 0x59168086 移动 3 MacBookPro14,2 35MB Intel HD Graphics 635 0x59230000 0x59238086 桌面 3   39MB Intel Iris Plus Graphics 640 0x59260000 0x59268086 桌面 3 MacBookPro14,1 iMac18,1 39MB Intel Iris Plus Graphics 650 0x59270000 0x59278086 桌面 3 MacBookPro14,2 39MB Intel Iris Plus Graphics 650 0x59270009 0x59278086 移动 3   39MB Intel HD Graphics 620 0x59160009 0x59168086 移动 3   39MB Intel HD Graphics 630 0x59120000 0x59128086 桌面 3 iMac18,1 iMac18,2 iMac18,3 39MB Intel HD Graphics 630 0x591B0000 0x591B8086 移动 3 MacBookPro14,3 39MB Intel HD Graphics 615 0x591E0001 0x591E8086 移动 3 MacBook10,1 39MB   0x59180002   移动 0   1MB Intel HD Graphics 630 0x59120003 0x59128086 移动 0 iMac18,2 iMac18,3 1MB Intel Iris Plus Graphics 640 0x59260007 0x59268086 桌面 3   79MB Intel Iris Plus Graphics 650 0x59270004 0x59278086 移动 3 MacBookPro14,2 58MB Intel Iris Plus Graphics 640 0x59260002 0x59268086 移动 3 MacBookPro14,1 iMac18,1 58MB Intel UHD Graphics 617 0x87C00005 0x87C08086 移动 3 MacBookAir8,1 58MB Intel UHD Graphics 615 0x591C0005 0x591C8086 移动 3   58MB Intel HD Graphics 630 0x591B0006 0x591B8086 移动 1   39MB

Spoiler: KBL 连接器、平台对应端口、机型、平台ID、设备IDAppleIntelKBLGraphicsFramebuffer.kext

ID: 591E0000, STOLEN: 34 MB, FBMEM: 0 bytes, VRAM: 1536 MB, Flags: 0x0000078BTOTAL STOLEN: 35 MB, TOTAL CURSOR: 1 MB (1572864 bytes), MAX STOLEN: 103 MB, MAX OVERALL: 104 MB (109588480 bytes)Model name: Intel HD Graphics KBL CRBCamellia: CamelliaDisabled (0), Freq: 1388 Hz, FreqMax: 1388 HzMobile: 1, PipeCount: 3, PortCount: 3, FBMemoryCount: 3[0] busId: 0x00, pipe: 8, type: 0x00000002, flags: 0x00000098 - ConnectorLVDS[1] busId: 0x05, pipe: 9, type: 0x00000400, flags: 0x00000187 - ConnectorDP[2] busId: 0x04, pipe: 10, type: 0x00000400, flags: 0x00000187 - ConnectorDP00000800 02000000 9800000001050900 00040000 8701000002040A00 00040000 87010000

ID: 87C00000, STOLEN: 34 MB, FBMEM: 0 bytes, VRAM: 1536 MB, Flags: 0x0000078BTOTAL STOLEN: 35 MB, TOTAL CURSOR: 1 MB (1572864 bytes), MAX STOLEN: 103 MB, MAX OVERALL: 104 MB (109588480 bytes)Model name: Intel HD Graphics KBL CRBCamellia: CamelliaDisabled (0), Freq: 1388 Hz, FreqMax: 1388 HzMobile: 1, PipeCount: 3, PortCount: 3, FBMemoryCount: 3[0] busId: 0x00, pipe: 8, type: 0x00000002, flags: 0x00000098 - ConnectorLVDS[1] busId: 0x05, pipe: 9, type: 0x00000400, flags: 0x00000187 - ConnectorDP[2] busId: 0x04, pipe: 10, type: 0x00000400, flags: 0x00000187 - ConnectorDP00000800 02000000 9800000001050900 00040000 8701000002040A00 00040000 87010000

ID: 59160000, STOLEN: 34 MB, FBMEM: 0 bytes, VRAM: 1536 MB, Flags: 0x00000B0BTOTAL STOLEN: 35 MB, TOTAL CURSOR: 1 MB (1572864 bytes), MAX STOLEN: 103 MB, MAX OVERALL: 104 MB (109588480 bytes)Model name: Intel HD Graphics KBL CRBCamellia: CamelliaDisabled (0), Freq: 1388 Hz, FreqMax: 1388 HzMobile: 1, PipeCount: 3, PortCount: 3, FBMemoryCount: 3[0] busId: 0x00, pipe: 8, type: 0x00000002, flags: 0x00000098 - ConnectorLVDS[1] busId: 0x05, pipe: 9, type: 0x00000400, flags: 0x00000187 - ConnectorDP[2] busId: 0x04, pipe: 10, type: 0x00000800, flags: 0x00000187 - ConnectorHDMI00000800 02000000 9800000001050900 00040000 8701000002040A00 00080000 87010000

ID: 59230000, STOLEN: 38 MB, FBMEM: 0 bytes, VRAM: 1536 MB, Flags: 0x00030B8BTOTAL STOLEN: 39 MB, TOTAL CURSOR: 1 MB (1572864 bytes), MAX STOLEN: 115 MB, MAX OVERALL: 116 MB (122171392 bytes)Model name: Intel HD Graphics KBL CRBCamellia: CamelliaDisabled (0), Freq: 1388 Hz, FreqMax: 1388 HzMobile: 0, PipeCount: 3, PortCount: 3, FBMemoryCount: 3[0] busId: 0x00, pipe: 8, type: 0x00000002, flags: 0x00000098 - ConnectorLVDS[1] busId: 0x05, pipe: 9, type: 0x00000400, flags: 0x00000187 - ConnectorDP[2] busId: 0x04, pipe: 10, type: 0x00000400, flags: 0x00000187 - ConnectorDP00000800 02000000 9800000001050900 00040000 8701000002040A00 00040000 87010000

ID: 59260000, STOLEN: 38 MB, FBMEM: 0 bytes, VRAM: 1536 MB, Flags: 0x00030B8BTOTAL STOLEN: 39 MB, TOTAL CURSOR: 1 MB (1572864 bytes), MAX STOLEN: 115 MB, MAX OVERALL: 116 MB (122171392 bytes)Model name: Intel HD Graphics KBL CRBCamellia: CamelliaDisabled (0), Freq: 1388 Hz, FreqMax: 1388 HzMobile: 0, PipeCount: 3, PortCount: 3, FBMemoryCount: 3[0] busId: 0x00, pipe: 8, type: 0x00000002, flags: 0x00000098 - ConnectorLVDS[1] busId: 0x05, pipe: 9, type: 0x00000400, flags: 0x00000187 - ConnectorDP[2] busId: 0x04, pipe: 10, type: 0x00000400, flags: 0x00000187 - ConnectorDP00000800 02000000 9800000001050900 00040000 8701000002040A00 00040000 87010000

ID: 59270000, STOLEN: 38 MB, FBMEM: 0 bytes, VRAM: 1536 MB, Flags: 0x00030B8BTOTAL STOLEN: 39 MB, TOTAL CURSOR: 1 MB (1572864 bytes), MAX STOLEN: 115 MB, MAX OVERALL: 116 MB (122171392 bytes)Model name: Intel HD Graphics KBL CRBCamellia: CamelliaDisabled (0), Freq: 1388 Hz, FreqMax: 1388 HzMobile: 0, PipeCount: 3, PortCount: 3, FBMemoryCount: 3[0] busId: 0x00, pipe: 8, type: 0x00000002, flags: 0x00000098 - ConnectorLVDS[1] busId: 0x05, pipe: 9, type: 0x00000400, flags: 0x00000187 - ConnectorDP[2] busId: 0x04, pipe: 10, type: 0x00000400, flags: 0x00000187 - ConnectorDP00000800 02000000 9800000001050900 00040000 8701000002040A00 00040000 87010000

ID: 59270009, STOLEN: 38 MB, FBMEM: 0 bytes, VRAM: 1536 MB, Flags: 0x00830B0ATOTAL STOLEN: 39 MB, TOTAL CURSOR: 1 MB (1572864 bytes), MAX STOLEN: 115 MB, MAX OVERALL: 116 MB (122171392 bytes)Model name: Intel HD Graphics KBL CRBCamellia: CamelliaV3 (3), Freq: 1388 Hz, FreqMax: 1388 HzMobile: 1, PipeCount: 3, PortCount: 3, FBMemoryCount: 3[0] busId: 0x00, pipe: 8, type: 0x00000002, flags: 0x00000098 - ConnectorLVDS[1] busId: 0x05, pipe: 9, type: 0x00000400, flags: 0x000001C7 - ConnectorDP[2] busId: 0x04, pipe: 10, type: 0x00000400, flags: 0x000001C7 - ConnectorDP00000800 02000000 9800000001050900 00040000 C701000002040A00 00040000 C7010000

ID: 59160009, STOLEN: 38 MB, FBMEM: 0 bytes, VRAM: 1536 MB, Flags: 0x00830B0ATOTAL STOLEN: 39 MB, TOTAL CURSOR: 1 MB (1572864 bytes), MAX STOLEN: 115 MB, MAX OVERALL: 116 MB (122171392 bytes)Model name: Intel HD Graphics KBL CRBCamellia: CamelliaV3 (3), Freq: 1388 Hz, FreqMax: 1388 HzMobile: 1, PipeCount: 3, PortCount: 3, FBMemoryCount: 3[0] busId: 0x00, pipe: 8, type: 0x00000002, flags: 0x00000098 - ConnectorLVDS[1] busId: 0x05, pipe: 9, type: 0x00000400, flags: 0x000001C7 - ConnectorDP[2] busId: 0x04, pipe: 10, type: 0x00000400, flags: 0x000001C7 - ConnectorDP00000800 02000000 9800000001050900 00040000 C701000002040A00 00040000 C7010000

ID: 59120000, STOLEN: 38 MB, FBMEM: 0 bytes, VRAM: 1536 MB, Flags: 0x0000110BTOTAL STOLEN: 39 MB, TOTAL CURSOR: 1 MB (1572864 bytes), MAX STOLEN: 115 MB, MAX OVERALL: 116 MB (122171392 bytes)Model name: Intel HD Graphics KBL CRBCamellia: CamelliaDisabled (0), Freq: 1388 Hz, FreqMax: 1388 HzMobile: 0, PipeCount: 3, PortCount: 3, FBMemoryCount: 3[1] busId: 0x05, pipe: 9, type: 0x00000400, flags: 0x00000187 - ConnectorDP[2] busId: 0x04, pipe: 10, type: 0x00000400, flags: 0x00000187 - ConnectorDP[3] busId: 0x06, pipe: 10, type: 0x00000400, flags: 0x00000187 - ConnectorDP01050900 00040000 8701000002040A00 00040000 8701000003060A00 00040000 87010000

ID: 591B0000, STOLEN: 38 MB, FBMEM: 21 MB, VRAM: 1536 MB, Flags: 0x0000130BTOTAL STOLEN: 39 MB, TOTAL CURSOR: 1 MB (1572864 bytes), MAX STOLEN: 136 MB, MAX OVERALL: 137 MB (144191488 bytes)Model name: Intel HD Graphics KBL CRBCamellia: CamelliaDisabled (0), Freq: 1388 Hz, FreqMax: 1388 HzMobile: 1, PipeCount: 3, PortCount: 3, FBMemoryCount: 3[0] busId: 0x00, pipe: 8, type: 0x00000002, flags: 0x00000098 - ConnectorLVDS[2] busId: 0x04, pipe: 10, type: 0x00000800, flags: 0x00000187 - ConnectorHDMI[3] busId: 0x06, pipe: 10, type: 0x00000400, flags: 0x00000187 - ConnectorDP00000800 02000000 9800000002040A00 00080000 8701000003060A00 00040000 87010000

ID: 591E0001, STOLEN: 38 MB, FBMEM: 0 bytes, VRAM: 1536 MB, Flags: 0x002B0702TOTAL STOLEN: 39 MB, TOTAL CURSOR: 1 MB (1572864 bytes), MAX STOLEN: 115 MB, MAX OVERALL: 116 MB (122171392 bytes)Model name: Intel HD Graphics 615Camellia: CamelliaV2 (2), Freq: 1388 Hz, FreqMax: 1388 HzMobile: 1, PipeCount: 3, PortCount: 3, FBMemoryCount: 3[0] busId: 0x00, pipe: 8, type: 0x00000002, flags: 0x00000098 - ConnectorLVDS[1] busId: 0x05, pipe: 9, type: 0x00000400, flags: 0x00000181 - ConnectorDP[2] busId: 0x04, pipe: 10, type: 0x00000400, flags: 0x00000181 - ConnectorDP00000800 02000000 9800000001050900 00040000 8101000002040A00 00040000 81010000

ID: 59180002, STOLEN: 0 bytes, FBMEM: 0 bytes, VRAM: 1536 MB, Flags: 0x00001000TOTAL STOLEN: 1 MB, TOTAL CURSOR: 0 bytes, MAX STOLEN: 1 MB, MAX OVERALL: 1 MBModel name: Intel HD Graphics KBLCamellia: CamelliaDisabled (0), Freq: 1388 Hz, FreqMax: 1388 HzMobile: 1, PipeCount: 0, PortCount: 0, FBMemoryCount: 0

ID: 59120003, STOLEN: 0 bytes, FBMEM: 0 bytes, VRAM: 1536 MB, Flags: 0x00001000TOTAL STOLEN: 1 MB, TOTAL CURSOR: 0 bytes, MAX STOLEN: 1 MB, MAX OVERALL: 1 MBModel name: Intel HD Graphics KBLCamellia: CamelliaDisabled (0), Freq: 1388 Hz, FreqMax: 1388 HzMobile: 1, PipeCount: 0, PortCount: 0, FBMemoryCount: 0

ID: 59260007, STOLEN: 57 MB, FBMEM: 21 MB, VRAM: 1536 MB, Flags: 0x00830B0ETOTAL STOLEN: 79 MB, TOTAL CURSOR: 1 MB (1572864 bytes), MAX STOLEN: 193 MB, MAX OVERALL: 194 MB (203960320 bytes)Model name: Intel Iris Plus Graphics 640Camellia: CamelliaDisabled (0), Freq: 1388 Hz, FreqMax: 1388 HzMobile: 0, PipeCount: 3, PortCount: 3, FBMemoryCount: 3[0] busId: 0x00, pipe: 8, type: 0x00000002, flags: 0x00000098 - ConnectorLVDS[1] busId: 0x05, pipe: 9, type: 0x00000400, flags: 0x000003C7 - ConnectorDP[2] busId: 0x04, pipe: 10, type: 0x00000400, flags: 0x000003C7 - ConnectorDP00000800 02000000 9800000001050900 00040000 C703000002040A00 00040000 C7030000

ID: 59270004, STOLEN: 57 MB, FBMEM: 0 bytes, VRAM: 1536 MB, Flags: 0x00E30B0ATOTAL STOLEN: 58 MB, TOTAL CURSOR: 1 MB (1572864 bytes), MAX STOLEN: 172 MB, MAX OVERALL: 173 MB (181940224 bytes)Model name: Intel Iris Plus Graphics 650Camellia: CamelliaV3 (3), Freq: 1388 Hz, FreqMax: 1388 HzMobile: 1, PipeCount: 3, PortCount: 3, FBMemoryCount: 3[0] busId: 0x00, pipe: 8, type: 0x00000002, flags: 0x00000498 - ConnectorLVDS[1] busId: 0x05, pipe: 9, type: 0x00000400, flags: 0x000003C7 - ConnectorDP[2] busId: 0x04, pipe: 10, type: 0x00000400, flags: 0x000003C7 - ConnectorDP00000800 02000000 9804000001050900 00040000 C703000002040A00 00040000 C7030000

ID: 59260002, STOLEN: 57 MB, FBMEM: 0 bytes, VRAM: 1536 MB, Flags: 0x00E30B0ATOTAL STOLEN: 58 MB, TOTAL CURSOR: 1 MB (1572864 bytes), MAX STOLEN: 172 MB, MAX OVERALL: 173 MB (181940224 bytes)Model name: Intel Iris Plus Graphics 640Camellia: CamelliaV3 (3), Freq: 1388 Hz, FreqMax: 1388 HzMobile: 1, PipeCount: 3, PortCount: 3, FBMemoryCount: 3[0] busId: 0x00, pipe: 8, type: 0x00000002, flags: 0x00000498 - ConnectorLVDS[1] busId: 0x05, pipe: 9, type: 0x00000400, flags: 0x000003C7 - ConnectorDP[2] busId: 0x04, pipe: 10, type: 0x00000400, flags: 0x000003C7 - ConnectorDP00000800 02000000 9804000001050900 00040000 C703000002040A00 00040000 C7030000

ID: 87C00005, STOLEN: 57 MB, FBMEM: 0 bytes, VRAM: 1536 MB, Flags: 0x00A30702TOTAL STOLEN: 58 MB, TOTAL CURSOR: 1 MB (1572864 bytes), MAX STOLEN: 172 MB, MAX OVERALL: 173 MB (181940224 bytes)Model name: Intel UHD Graphics 617Camellia: CamelliaV3 (3), Freq: 1388 Hz, FreqMax: 1388 HzMobile: 1, PipeCount: 3, PortCount: 3, FBMemoryCount: 3[0] busId: 0x00, pipe: 8, type: 0x00000002, flags: 0x00000098 - ConnectorLVDS[1] busId: 0x05, pipe: 9, type: 0x00000400, flags: 0x000003C7 - ConnectorDP[2] busId: 0x04, pipe: 10, type: 0x00000400, flags: 0x000003C7 - ConnectorDP00000800 02000000 9800000001050900 00040000 C703000002040A00 00040000 C7030000

ID: 591C0005, STOLEN: 57 MB, FBMEM: 0 bytes, VRAM: 1536 MB, Flags: 0x00A30702TOTAL STOLEN: 58 MB, TOTAL CURSOR: 1 MB (1572864 bytes), MAX STOLEN: 172 MB, MAX OVERALL: 173 MB (181940224 bytes)Model name: Intel UHD Graphics 617Camellia: CamelliaV3 (3), Freq: 1388 Hz, FreqMax: 1388 HzMobile: 1, PipeCount: 3, PortCount: 3, FBMemoryCount: 3[0] busId: 0x00, pipe: 8, type: 0x00000002, flags: 0x00000098 - ConnectorLVDS[1] busId: 0x05, pipe: 9, type: 0x00000400, flags: 0x000003C7 - ConnectorDP[2] busId: 0x04, pipe: 10, type: 0x00000400, flags: 0x000003C7 - ConnectorDP00000800 02000000 9800000001050900 00040000 C703000002040A00 00040000 C7030000

ID: 591B0006, STOLEN: 38 MB, FBMEM: 0 bytes, VRAM: 1536 MB, Flags: 0x00031302TOTAL STOLEN: 39 MB, TOTAL CURSOR: 512 KB, MAX STOLEN: 39 MB, MAX OVERALL: 39 MB (41422848 bytes)Model name: Intel HD Graphics 630Camellia: CamelliaV3 (3), Freq: 1388 Hz, FreqMax: 1388 HzMobile: 1, PipeCount: 1, PortCount: 1, FBMemoryCount: 1[0] busId: 0x00, pipe: 8, type: 0x00000002, flags: 0x00000498 - ConnectorLVDS00000800 02000000 98040000

注意,如果没有AAPL,ig-platform-id,则设定仿冒 ID 为: 59160000


0x5912 0x5916 0x591B 0x591C 0x591E 0x5926 0x5927 0x5923 0x87C0


桌面 : 0x59160000 (默认) 0x59120000 (推荐的) 笔记本电脑 - 0x591B0000 (默认) 空帧缓冲区 0x59120003 (默认)

对于UHD620(Kaby Lake Refresh),用于IGPU的仿冒ID为device-id 16590000

Intel UHD Graphics 610-655(Coffee Lake和Comet Lake)

从macOS 10.14开始受支持(UHD630 Comet Lake从macOS 10.15.4开始受支持,建议10.15.5)


CPU 架构:Coffee Lake,图形卡设备ID:0x3E9B8086 0x3EA58086 0x3EA68086 0x3E928086 0x3E918086 0x3E988086 0x9BC88086 0x9BC58086 0x9BC48086

显卡型号 帧缓冲区 设备ID 类型 连接器 参考机型 总存储空间 Intel Iris Plus Graphics 655 0x3EA50009 0x3EA58086 移动 3   58MB Intel UHD Graphics 630 0x3E920009 0x3E928086 移动 3   58MB Intel UHD Graphics 630 0x3E9B0009 0x3E9B8086 移动 3   58MB Intel Iris Plus Graphics 655 0x3EA50000 0x3EA58086 移动 3   58MB Intel UHD Graphics 630 0x3E920000 0x3E928086 移动 3   58MB   0x3E000000   移动 3   58MB Intel UHD Graphics 630 0x3E9B0000 0x3E9B8086 移动 3 MacBookPro15,1 58MB Intel Iris Plus Graphics 655 0x3EA50004 0x3EA58086 移动 3 MacBookPro15,2 58MB Intel Iris Plus Graphics 655 0x3EA50005 0x3EA58086 移动 3   58MB Intel Coffee Lake GT3 0x3EA60005 0x3EA68086 移动 3   58MB Intel UHD Graphics 630 0x3E9B0006 0x3E9B8086 移动 1   39MB   0x3E9B0008   移动 1   58MB Intel UHD Graphics 630 0x3E9B0007 0x3E9B8086 桌面 3 Macmini8,1 58MB Intel UHD Graphics 630 0x3E920003 0x3E928086 桌面 0   1MB Intel UHD Graphics 630 0x3E910003 0x3E918086 桌面 0   1MB   0x3E980003 0x3E988086 桌面 0   1MB   0x9BC80003   桌面 0   1MB   0x9BC50003   桌面 0   1MB   0x9BC40003   桌面 0   1MB

Spoiler: CFL连接器、平台对应端口、机型、平台ID、设备IDAppleIntelCFLGraphicsFramebuffer.kext

ID: 3EA50009, STOLEN: 57 MB, FBMEM: 0 bytes, VRAM: 1536 MB, Flags: 0x00830B0ATOTAL STOLEN: 58 MB, TOTAL CURSOR: 1 MB (1572864 bytes), MAX STOLEN: 172 MB, MAX OVERALL: 173 MB (181940224 bytes)Model name: Intel HD Graphics CFL CRBCamellia: CamelliaV3 (3), Freq: 0 Hz, FreqMax: 0 HzMobile: 1, PipeCount: 3, PortCount: 3, FBMemoryCount: 3[0] busId: 0x00, pipe: 8, type: 0x00000002, flags: 0x00000098 - ConnectorLVDS[1] busId: 0x05, pipe: 9, type: 0x00000400, flags: 0x000001C7 - ConnectorDP[2] busId: 0x04, pipe: 10, type: 0x00000400, flags: 0x000001C7 - ConnectorDP00000800 02000000 9800000001050900 00040000 C701000002040A00 00040000 C7010000

ID: 3E920009, STOLEN: 57 MB, FBMEM: 0 bytes, VRAM: 1536 MB, Flags: 0x0083130ATOTAL STOLEN: 58 MB, TOTAL CURSOR: 1 MB (1572864 bytes), MAX STOLEN: 172 MB, MAX OVERALL: 173 MB (181940224 bytes)Model name: Intel HD Graphics CFL CRBCamellia: CamelliaV3 (3), Freq: 0 Hz, FreqMax: 0 HzMobile: 1, PipeCount: 3, PortCount: 3, FBMemoryCount: 3[0] busId: 0x00, pipe: 8, type: 0x00000002, flags: 0x00000098 - ConnectorLVDS[255] busId: 0x00, pipe: 0, type: 0x00000001, flags: 0x00000020 - ConnectorDummy[255] busId: 0x00, pipe: 0, type: 0x00000001, flags: 0x00000020 - ConnectorDummy00000800 02000000 98000000FF000000 01000000 20000000FF000000 01000000 20000000

ID: 3E9B0009, STOLEN: 57 MB, FBMEM: 0 bytes, VRAM: 1536 MB, Flags: 0x0083130ATOTAL STOLEN: 58 MB, TOTAL CURSOR: 1 MB (1572864 bytes), MAX STOLEN: 172 MB, MAX OVERALL: 173 MB (181940224 bytes)Model name: Intel HD Graphics CFL CRBCamellia: CamelliaV3 (3), Freq: 0 Hz, FreqMax: 0 HzMobile: 1, PipeCount: 3, PortCount: 3, FBMemoryCount: 3[0] busId: 0x00, pipe: 8, type: 0x00000002, flags: 0x00000098 - ConnectorLVDS[1] busId: 0x05, pipe: 9, type: 0x00000400, flags: 0x00000187 - ConnectorDP[2] busId: 0x04, pipe: 10, type: 0x00000400, flags: 0x00000187 - ConnectorDP00000800 02000000 9800000001050900 00040000 8701000002040A00 00040000 87010000

ID: 3EA50000, STOLEN: 57 MB, FBMEM: 0 bytes, VRAM: 1536 MB, Flags: 0x00030B0BTOTAL STOLEN: 58 MB, TOTAL CURSOR: 1 MB (1572864 bytes), MAX STOLEN: 172 MB, MAX OVERALL: 173 MB (181940224 bytes)Model name: Intel HD Graphics CFL CRBCamellia: CamelliaDisabled (0), Freq: 0 Hz, FreqMax: 0 HzMobile: 1, PipeCount: 3, PortCount: 3, FBMemoryCount: 3[0] busId: 0x00, pipe: 8, type: 0x00000002, flags: 0x00000098 - ConnectorLVDS[1] busId: 0x05, pipe: 9, type: 0x00000400, flags: 0x00000187 - ConnectorDP[2] busId: 0x04, pipe: 10, type: 0x00000400, flags: 0x00000187 - ConnectorDP00000800 02000000 9800000001050900 00040000 8701000002040A00 00040000 87010000

ID: 3E920000, STOLEN: 57 MB, FBMEM: 0 bytes, VRAM: 1536 MB, Flags: 0x0000130BTOTAL STOLEN: 58 MB, TOTAL CURSOR: 1 MB (1572864 bytes), MAX STOLEN: 172 MB, MAX OVERALL: 173 MB (181940224 bytes)Model name: Intel HD Graphics CFL CRBCamellia: CamelliaDisabled (0), Freq: 0 Hz, FreqMax: 0 HzMobile: 1, PipeCount: 3, PortCount: 3, FBMemoryCount: 3[0] busId: 0x00, pipe: 8, type: 0x00000002, flags: 0x00000098 - ConnectorLVDS[1] busId: 0x05, pipe: 9, type: 0x00000400, flags: 0x00000187 - ConnectorDP[2] busId: 0x04, pipe: 10, type: 0x00000400, flags: 0x00000187 - ConnectorDP00000800 02000000 9800000001050900 00040000 8701000002040A00 00040000 87010000

ID: 3E000000, STOLEN: 57 MB, FBMEM: 0 bytes, VRAM: 1536 MB, Flags: 0x0000130BTOTAL STOLEN: 58 MB, TOTAL CURSOR: 1 MB (1572864 bytes), MAX STOLEN: 172 MB, MAX OVERALL: 173 MB (181940224 bytes)Model name: Intel HD Graphics CFL CRBCamellia: CamelliaDisabled (0), Freq: 0 Hz, FreqMax: 0 HzMobile: 1, PipeCount: 3, PortCount: 3, FBMemoryCount: 3[0] busId: 0x00, pipe: 8, type: 0x00000002, flags: 0x00000098 - ConnectorLVDS[1] busId: 0x05, pipe: 9, type: 0x00000400, flags: 0x00000187 - ConnectorDP[2] busId: 0x04, pipe: 10, type: 0x00000400, flags: 0x00000187 - ConnectorDP00000800 02000000 9800000001050900 00040000 8701000002040A00 00040000 87010000

ID: 3E9B0000, STOLEN: 57 MB, FBMEM: 0 bytes, VRAM: 1536 MB, Flags: 0x0000130BTOTAL STOLEN: 58 MB, TOTAL CURSOR: 1 MB (1572864 bytes), MAX STOLEN: 172 MB, MAX OVERALL: 173 MB (181940224 bytes)Model name: Intel HD Graphics CFL CRBCamellia: CamelliaDisabled (0), Freq: 0 Hz, FreqMax: 0 HzMobile: 1, PipeCount: 3, PortCount: 3, FBMemoryCount: 3[0] busId: 0x00, pipe: 8, type: 0x00000002, flags: 0x00000098 - ConnectorLVDS[1] busId: 0x05, pipe: 9, type: 0x00000400, flags: 0x00000187 - ConnectorDP[2] busId: 0x04, pipe: 10, type: 0x00000400, flags: 0x00000187 - ConnectorDP00000800 02000000 9800000001050900 00040000 8701000002040A00 00040000 87010000

ID: 3EA50004, STOLEN: 57 MB, FBMEM: 0 bytes, VRAM: 1536 MB, Flags: 0x00E30B0ATOTAL STOLEN: 58 MB, TOTAL CURSOR: 1 MB (1572864 bytes), MAX STOLEN: 172 MB, MAX OVERALL: 173 MB (181940224 bytes)Model name: Intel Iris Plus Graphics 655Camellia: CamelliaV3 (3), Freq: 0 Hz, FreqMax: 0 HzMobile: 1, PipeCount: 3, PortCount: 3, FBMemoryCount: 3[0] busId: 0x00, pipe: 8, type: 0x00000002, flags: 0x00000498 - ConnectorLVDS[1] busId: 0x05, pipe: 9, type: 0x00000400, flags: 0x000003C7 - ConnectorDP[2] busId: 0x04, pipe: 10, type: 0x00000400, flags: 0x000003C7 - ConnectorDP00000800 02000000 9804000001050900 00040000 C703000002040A00 00040000 C7030000

ID: 3EA50005, STOLEN: 57 MB, FBMEM: 0 bytes, VRAM: 1536 MB, Flags: 0x00E30B0ATOTAL STOLEN: 58 MB, TOTAL CURSOR: 1 MB (1572864 bytes), MAX STOLEN: 172 MB, MAX OVERALL: 173 MB (181940224 bytes)Model name: Intel Iris Plus Graphics 655Camellia: CamelliaV3 (3), Freq: 0 Hz, FreqMax: 0 HzMobile: 1, PipeCount: 3, PortCount: 3, FBMemoryCount: 3[0] busId: 0x00, pipe: 8, type: 0x00000002, flags: 0x00000498 - ConnectorLVDS[1] busId: 0x05, pipe: 9, type: 0x00000400, flags: 0x000003C7 - ConnectorDP[2] busId: 0x04, pipe: 10, type: 0x00000400, flags: 0x000003C7 - ConnectorDP00000800 02000000 9804000001050900 00040000 C703000002040A00 00040000 C7030000

ID: 3EA60005, STOLEN: 57 MB, FBMEM: 0 bytes, VRAM: 1536 MB, Flags: 0x00E30B0ATOTAL STOLEN: 58 MB, TOTAL CURSOR: 1 MB (1572864 bytes), MAX STOLEN: 172 MB, MAX OVERALL: 173 MB (181940224 bytes)Model name: Intel Iris Plus Graphics 645Camellia: CamelliaV3 (3), Freq: 0 Hz, FreqMax: 0 HzMobile: 1, PipeCount: 3, PortCount: 3, FBMemoryCount: 3[0] busId: 0x00, pipe: 8, type: 0x00000002, flags: 0x00000498 - ConnectorLVDS[1] busId: 0x05, pipe: 9, type: 0x00000400, flags: 0x000003C7 - ConnectorDP[2] busId: 0x04, pipe: 10, type: 0x00000400, flags: 0x000003C7 - ConnectorDP00000800 02000000 9804000001050900 00040000 C703000002040A00 00040000 C7030000

ID: 3E9B0006, STOLEN: 38 MB, FBMEM: 0 bytes, VRAM: 1536 MB, Flags: 0x00131302TOTAL STOLEN: 39 MB, TOTAL CURSOR: 512 KB, MAX STOLEN: 39 MB, MAX OVERALL: 39 MB (41422848 bytes)Model name: Intel UHD Graphics 630Camellia: CamelliaV3 (3), Freq: 0 Hz, FreqMax: 0 HzMobile: 1, PipeCount: 1, PortCount: 1, FBMemoryCount: 1[0] busId: 0x00, pipe: 8, type: 0x00000002, flags: 0x00000498 - ConnectorLVDS00000800 02000000 98040000

ID: 3E9B0008, STOLEN: 57 MB, FBMEM: 0 bytes, VRAM: 1536 MB, Flags: 0x00031302TOTAL STOLEN: 58 MB, TOTAL CURSOR: 512 KB, MAX STOLEN: 58 MB, MAX OVERALL: 58 MB (61345792 bytes)Model name: Intel UHD Graphics 630Camellia: CamelliaV3 (3), Freq: 0 Hz, FreqMax: 0 HzMobile: 1, PipeCount: 1, PortCount: 1, FBMemoryCount: 1[0] busId: 0x00, pipe: 8, type: 0x00000002, flags: 0x00000098 - ConnectorLVDS00000800 02000000 98000000

ID: 3E9B0007, STOLEN: 57 MB, FBMEM: 0 bytes, VRAM: 1536 MB, Flags: 0x00801302TOTAL STOLEN: 58 MB, TOTAL CURSOR: 1 MB (1572864 bytes), MAX STOLEN: 172 MB, MAX OVERALL: 173 MB (181940224 bytes)Model name: Intel UHD Graphics 630Camellia: CamelliaDisabled (0), Freq: 0 Hz, FreqMax: 0 HzMobile: 0, PipeCount: 3, PortCount: 3, FBMemoryCount: 3[1] busId: 0x05, pipe: 9, type: 0x00000400, flags: 0x000003C7 - ConnectorDP[2] busId: 0x04, pipe: 10, type: 0x00000400, flags: 0x000003C7 - ConnectorDP[3] busId: 0x06, pipe: 8, type: 0x00000400, flags: 0x000003C7 - ConnectorDP01050900 00040000 C703000002040A00 00040000 C703000003060800 00040000 C7030000

ID: 3E920003, STOLEN: 0 bytes, FBMEM: 0 bytes, VRAM: 1536 MB, Flags: 0x00001000TOTAL STOLEN: 1 MB, TOTAL CURSOR: 0 bytes, MAX STOLEN: 1 MB, MAX OVERALL: 1 MBModel name: Intel HD Graphics CFLCamellia: CamelliaDisabled (0), Freq: 0 Hz, FreqMax: 0 HzMobile: 0, PipeCount: 0, PortCount: 0, FBMemoryCount: 0

ID: 3E910003, STOLEN: 0 bytes, FBMEM: 0 bytes, VRAM: 1536 MB, Flags: 0x00001000TOTAL STOLEN: 1 MB, TOTAL CURSOR: 0 bytes, MAX STOLEN: 1 MB, MAX OVERALL: 1 MBModel name: Intel HD Graphics CFLCamellia: CamelliaDisabled (0), Freq: 0 Hz, FreqMax: 0 HzMobile: 0, PipeCount: 0, PortCount: 0, FBMemoryCount: 0

ID: 3E980003, STOLEN: 0 bytes, FBMEM: 0 bytes, VRAM: 1536 MB, Flags: 0x00001000TOTAL STOLEN: 1 MB, TOTAL CURSOR: 0 bytes, MAX STOLEN: 1 MB, MAX OVERALL: 1 MBModel name: Intel HD Graphics CFLCamellia: CamelliaDisabled (0), Freq: 0 Hz, FreqMax: 0 HzMobile: 0, PipeCount: 0, PortCount: 0, FBMemoryCount: 0

ID: 9BC80003, STOLEN: 0 bytes, FBMEM: 0 bytes, VRAM: 1536 MB, Flags: 0x00001000TOTAL STOLEN: 1 MB, TOTAL CURSOR: 0 bytes, MAX STOLEN: 1 MB, MAX OVERALL: 1 MBModel name: Intel HD Graphics CFLCamellia: CamelliaDisabled (0), Freq: 0 Hz, FreqMax: 0 HzMobile: 0, PipeCount: 0, PortCount: 0, FBMemoryCount: 0

ID: 9BC50003, STOLEN: 0 bytes, FBMEM: 0 bytes, VRAM: 1536 MB, Flags: 0x00001000TOTAL STOLEN: 1 MB, TOTAL CURSOR: 0 bytes, MAX STOLEN: 1 MB, MAX OVERALL: 1 MBModel name: Intel HD Graphics CFLCamellia: CamelliaDisabled (0), Freq: 0 Hz, FreqMax: 0 HzMobile: 0, PipeCount: 0, PortCount: 0, FBMemoryCount: 0

ID: 9BC40003, STOLEN: 0 bytes, FBMEM: 0 bytes, VRAM: 1536 MB, Flags: 0x00001000TOTAL STOLEN: 1 MB, TOTAL CURSOR: 0 bytes, MAX STOLEN: 1 MB, MAX OVERALL: 1 MBModel name: Intel HD Graphics CFLCamellia: CamelliaDisabled (0), Freq: 0 Hz, FreqMax: 0 HzMobile: 0, PipeCount: 0, PortCount: 0, FBMemoryCount: 0

注意,如果没有 AAPL,ig-platform-id,则设定仿冒 ID 为: 3EA50000


0x3E9B 0x3EA5 0x3EA6 0x3E92 0x3E91 0x3E98 0x9BC8 0x9BC5 0x9BC4


桌面 : 0x3EA50000 (默认) 0x3E9B0007 (推荐的) 笔记本电脑 : 0x3EA50009 (默认) 空帧缓冲区(CFL): 0x3E910003 (默认) 空帧缓冲区(CML): 0x9BC80003 (默认)

如果您使用的是第9代Coffee Lake Refresh处理器,有必要为IGPU仿冒device-id 923E0000。从macOS 10.14.4开始,不需要仿冒。

对于UHD620(Whiskey Lake)仿冒设备device-id A53E0000用于IGPU。

补充:macOS 10.13和CFL仅在有原因的情况下在Coffee Lake平台上安装10.13才有意义,例如使用不带10.14 Web驱动程序的独立NVIDIA Maxwell / Pascal图形显卡。有一个特殊的macOS High Sierra 10.13.6(17G2208)构建版本,它对Coffee Lake图形具有本地支持:link1,link2。此版本没有空的帧缓冲区(0个连接器),并且没有 0x3E91。要具有空的帧缓冲区(0个连接器),此特殊版本需要安装10.14或更高版本的AppleIntelCFLGraphicsFramebuffer.kext。对于 0x3E91,请使用0x3E92(device-id 923E0000)仿冒ID 。支持Coffee Lake的3025及更新版本与最初的特殊版本一样有限。

而且,您始终可以使用device-idKaby Lake HD630 的仿冒品在macOS 10.13中启用UHD630。 使用Kaby Lake HD630帧缓冲区(明确指定帧缓冲区!)


Intel Iris Plus Graphics (Ice Lake)

自macOS 10.15.4起受支持


CPU 架构:Ice Lake (LP),图形卡设备ID:0xFF058086 0x8A708086 0x8A718086 0x8A518086 0x8A5C8086 0x8A5D8086 0x8A528086 0x8A538086 0x8A5A8086 0x8A5B8086

帧缓冲区 类型 连接器 总存储空间 0xFF050000 移动 3 193 MB? 0x8A710000 移动 6 193 MB? 0x8A700000 移动 6 193 MB? 0x8A510000 移动 6 193 MB? 0x8A5C0000 移动 6 193 MB? 0x8A5D0000 移动 6 193 MB? 0x8A520000 移动 6 193 MB? 0x8A530000 移动 6 193 MB? 0x8A5A0000 移动 6 193 MB? 0x8A5B0000 移动 6 193 MB? 0x8A710001 移动 5 193 MB? 0x8A700001 移动 5 193 MB? 0x8A510001 移动 3 193 MB? 0x8A5C0001 移动 3 193 MB? 0x8A5D0001 移动 3 193 MB? 0x8A520001 移动 5 193 MB? 0x8A530001 移动 5 193 MB? 0x8A5A0001 移动 5 193 MB? 0x8A5B0001 移动 5 193 MB? 0x8A510002 移动 3 193 MB? 0x8A5C0002 移动 3 193 MB? 0x8A520002 移动 5 193 MB? 0x8A530002 移动 5 193 MB?


ID: FF050000, STOLEN: 64 MB, FBMEM: 0 bytes, VRAM: 1536 MB, Flags: 0x00000300TOTAL STOLEN: 193 MB?, TOTAL CURSOR: 1 MB (1572864 bytes), MAX STOLEN: 193 MB, MAX OVERALL: 194 MB (203960320 bytes)Model name: Intel HD Graphics ICL SIMCamellia: CamelliaDisabled (0), Freq: 0 Hz, FreqMax: 0 HzMobile: 1, PipeCount: 3, PortCount: 3, FBMemoryCount: 3[0] busId: 0x00, pipe: 0, type: 0x00000002, flags: 0x00000018 - ConnectorLVDS[1] busId: 0x02, pipe: 1, type: 0x00000400, flags: 0x00000201 - ConnectorDP[2] busId: 0x09, pipe: 1, type: 0x00000400, flags: 0x00000201 - ConnectorDP00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 02000000 1800000001000000 02000000 01000000 00000000 00040000 0102000002000000 09000000 01000000 01000000 00040000 01020000

ID: 8A710000, STOLEN: 64 MB, FBMEM: 0 bytes, VRAM: 1536 MB, Flags: 0x00008301TOTAL STOLEN: 193 MB?, TOTAL CURSOR: 1 MB (1572864 bytes), MAX STOLEN: 193 MB, MAX OVERALL: 194 MB (203972608 bytes)Model name: Intel HD Graphics ICL RVPCamellia: CamelliaDisabled (0), Freq: 0 Hz, FreqMax: 0 HzMobile: 1, PipeCount: 3, PortCount: 6, FBMemoryCount: 3[0] busId: 0x00, pipe: 0, type: 0x00000002, flags: 0x00000018 - ConnectorLVDS[1] busId: 0x02, pipe: 1, type: 0x00000400, flags: 0x00000281 - ConnectorDP[2] busId: 0x09, pipe: 1, type: 0x00000400, flags: 0x00000281 - ConnectorDP[3] busId: 0x0A, pipe: 1, type: 0x00000400, flags: 0x00000281 - ConnectorDP[4] busId: 0x0B, pipe: 1, type: 0x00000400, flags: 0x00000281 - ConnectorDP[5] busId: 0x0C, pipe: 1, type: 0x00000400, flags: 0x00000281 - ConnectorDP00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 02000000 1800000001000000 02000000 01000000 00000000 00040000 8102000002000000 09000000 01000000 01000000 00040000 8102000003000000 0A000000 01000000 01000000 00040000 8102000004000000 0B000000 01000000 01000000 00040000 8102000005000000 0C000000 01000000 01000000 00040000 81020000

ID: 8A700000, STOLEN: 64 MB, FBMEM: 0 bytes, VRAM: 1536 MB, Flags: 0x00018301TOTAL STOLEN: 193 MB?, TOTAL CURSOR: 1 MB (1572864 bytes), MAX STOLEN: 193 MB, MAX OVERALL: 194 MB (203972608 bytes)Model name: Intel HD Graphics ICL RVPCamellia: CamelliaDisabled (0), Freq: 0 Hz, FreqMax: 0 HzMobile: 1, PipeCount: 3, PortCount: 6, FBMemoryCount: 3[0] busId: 0x00, pipe: 0, type: 0x00000002, flags: 0x00000018 - ConnectorLVDS[1] busId: 0x02, pipe: 1, type: 0x00000400, flags: 0x00000281 - ConnectorDP[2] busId: 0x09, pipe: 1, type: 0x00000400, flags: 0x00000281 - ConnectorDP[3] busId: 0x0A, pipe: 1, type: 0x00000400, flags: 0x00000281 - ConnectorDP[4] busId: 0x0B, pipe: 1, type: 0x00000400, flags: 0x00000281 - ConnectorDP[5] busId: 0x0C, pipe: 1, type: 0x00000400, flags: 0x00000281 - ConnectorDP00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 02000000 1800000001000000 02000000 01000000 00000000 00040000 8102000002000000 09000000 01000000 01000000 00040000 8102000003000000 0A000000 01000000 01000000 00040000 8102000004000000 0B000000 01000000 01000000 00040000 8102000005000000 0C000000 01000000 01000000 00040000 81020000

ID: 8A510000, STOLEN: 64 MB, FBMEM: 0 bytes, VRAM: 1536 MB, Flags: 0x00008305TOTAL STOLEN: 193 MB?, TOTAL CURSOR: 1 MB (1572864 bytes), MAX STOLEN: 193 MB, MAX OVERALL: 194 MB (203972608 bytes)Model name: Intel HD Graphics ICL RVPCamellia: CamelliaDisabled (0), Freq: 0 Hz, FreqMax: 0 HzMobile: 1, PipeCount: 3, PortCount: 6, FBMemoryCount: 3[0] busId: 0x00, pipe: 0, type: 0x00000002, flags: 0x00000018 - ConnectorLVDS[1] busId: 0x02, pipe: 1, type: 0x00000400, flags: 0x00000281 - ConnectorDP[2] busId: 0x09, pipe: 1, type: 0x00000400, flags: 0x00000281 - ConnectorDP[3] busId: 0x0A, pipe: 1, type: 0x00000400, flags: 0x00000281 - ConnectorDP[4] busId: 0x0B, pipe: 1, type: 0x00000400, flags: 0x00000281 - ConnectorDP[5] busId: 0x0C, pipe: 1, type: 0x00000400, flags: 0x00000281 - ConnectorDP00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 02000000 1800000001000000 02000000 01000000 00000000 00040000 8102000002000000 09000000 01000000 01000000 00040000 8102000003000000 0A000000 01000000 01000000 00040000 8102000004000000 0B000000 01000000 01000000 00040000 8102000005000000 0C000000 01000000 01000000 00040000 81020000

ID: 8A5C0000, STOLEN: 64 MB, FBMEM: 0 bytes, VRAM: 1536 MB, Flags: 0x00008305TOTAL STOLEN: 193 MB?, TOTAL CURSOR: 1 MB (1572864 bytes), MAX STOLEN: 193 MB, MAX OVERALL: 194 MB (203972608 bytes)Model name: Intel HD Graphics ICL RVPCamellia: CamelliaDisabled (0), Freq: 0 Hz, FreqMax: 0 HzMobile: 1, PipeCount: 3, PortCount: 6, FBMemoryCount: 3[0] busId: 0x00, pipe: 0, type: 0x00000002, flags: 0x00000018 - ConnectorLVDS[1] busId: 0x02, pipe: 1, type: 0x00000400, flags: 0x00000281 - ConnectorDP[2] busId: 0x09, pipe: 1, type: 0x00000400, flags: 0x00000281 - ConnectorDP[3] busId: 0x0A, pipe: 1, type: 0x00000400, flags: 0x00000281 - ConnectorDP[4] busId: 0x0B, pipe: 1, type: 0x00000400, flags: 0x00000281 - ConnectorDP[5] busId: 0x0C, pipe: 1, type: 0x00000400, flags: 0x00000281 - ConnectorDP00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 02000000 1800000001000000 02000000 01000000 00000000 00040000 8102000002000000 09000000 01000000 01000000 00040000 8102000003000000 0A000000 01000000 01000000 00040000 8102000004000000 0B000000 01000000 01000000 00040000 8102000005000000 0C000000 01000000 01000000 00040000 81020000

ID: 8A5D0000, STOLEN: 64 MB, FBMEM: 0 bytes, VRAM: 1536 MB, Flags: 0x00008301TOTAL STOLEN: 193 MB?, TOTAL CURSOR: 1 MB (1572864 bytes), MAX STOLEN: 193 MB, MAX OVERALL: 194 MB (203972608 bytes)Model name: Intel HD Graphics ICL RVPCamellia: CamelliaDisabled (0), Freq: 0 Hz, FreqMax: 0 HzMobile: 1, PipeCount: 3, PortCount: 6, FBMemoryCount: 3[0] busId: 0x00, pipe: 0, type: 0x00000002, flags: 0x00000018 - ConnectorLVDS[1] busId: 0x02, pipe: 1, type: 0x00000400, flags: 0x00000281 - ConnectorDP[2] busId: 0x09, pipe: 1, type: 0x00000400, flags: 0x00000281 - ConnectorDP[3] busId: 0x0A, pipe: 1, type: 0x00000400, flags: 0x00000281 - ConnectorDP[4] busId: 0x0B, pipe: 1, type: 0x00000400, flags: 0x00000281 - ConnectorDP[5] busId: 0x0C, pipe: 1, type: 0x00000400, flags: 0x00000281 - ConnectorDP00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 02000000 1800000001000000 02000000 01000000 00000000 00040000 8102000002000000 09000000 01000000 01000000 00040000 8102000003000000 0A000000 01000000 01000000 00040000 8102000004000000 0B000000 01000000 01000000 00040000 8102000005000000 0C000000 01000000 01000000 00040000 81020000

ID: 8A520000, STOLEN: 64 MB, FBMEM: 0 bytes, VRAM: 1536 MB, Flags: 0x00008305TOTAL STOLEN: 193 MB?, TOTAL CURSOR: 1 MB (1572864 bytes), MAX STOLEN: 193 MB, MAX OVERALL: 194 MB (203972608 bytes)Model name: Intel HD Graphics ICL RVPCamellia: CamelliaDisabled (0), Freq: 0 Hz, FreqMax: 0 HzMobile: 1, PipeCount: 3, PortCount: 6, FBMemoryCount: 3[0] busId: 0x00, pipe: 0, type: 0x00000002, flags: 0x00000018 - ConnectorLVDS[1] busId: 0x02, pipe: 1, type: 0x00000400, flags: 0x00000281 - ConnectorDP[2] busId: 0x09, pipe: 1, type: 0x00000400, flags: 0x00000281 - ConnectorDP[3] busId: 0x0A, pipe: 1, type: 0x00000400, flags: 0x00000281 - ConnectorDP[4] busId: 0x0B, pipe: 1, type: 0x00000400, flags: 0x00000281 - ConnectorDP[5] busId: 0x0C, pipe: 1, type: 0x00000400, flags: 0x00000281 - ConnectorDP00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 02000000 1800000001000000 02000000 01000000 00000000 00040000 8102000002000000 09000000 01000000 01000000 00040000 8102000003000000 0A000000 01000000 01000000 00040000 8102000004000000 0B000000 01000000 01000000 00040000 8102000005000000 0C000000 01000000 01000000 00040000 81020000

ID: 8A530000, STOLEN: 64 MB, FBMEM: 0 bytes, VRAM: 1536 MB, Flags: 0x00008305TOTAL STOLEN: 193 MB?, TOTAL CURSOR: 1 MB (1572864 bytes), MAX STOLEN: 193 MB, MAX OVERALL: 194 MB (203972608 bytes)Model name: Intel HD Graphics ICL RVPCamellia: CamelliaDisabled (0), Freq: 0 Hz, FreqMax: 0 HzMobile: 1, PipeCount: 3, PortCount: 6, FBMemoryCount: 3[0] busId: 0x00, pipe: 0, type: 0x00000002, flags: 0x00000018 - ConnectorLVDS[1] busId: 0x02, pipe: 1, type: 0x00000400, flags: 0x00000281 - ConnectorDP[2] busId: 0x09, pipe: 1, type: 0x00000400, flags: 0x00000281 - ConnectorDP[3] busId: 0x0A, pipe: 1, type: 0x00000400, flags: 0x00000281 - ConnectorDP[4] busId: 0x0B, pipe: 1, type: 0x00000400, flags: 0x00000281 - ConnectorDP[5] busId: 0x0C, pipe: 1, type: 0x00000400, flags: 0x00000281 - ConnectorDP00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 02000000 1800000001000000 02000000 01000000 00000000 00040000 8102000002000000 09000000 01000000 01000000 00040000 8102000003000000 0A000000 01000000 01000000 00040000 8102000004000000 0B000000 01000000 01000000 00040000 8102000005000000 0C000000 01000000 01000000 00040000 81020000

ID: 8A5A0000, STOLEN: 64 MB, FBMEM: 0 bytes, VRAM: 1536 MB, Flags: 0x00008305TOTAL STOLEN: 193 MB?, TOTAL CURSOR: 1 MB (1572864 bytes), MAX STOLEN: 193 MB, MAX OVERALL: 194 MB (203972608 bytes)Model name: Intel HD Graphics ICL RVPCamellia: CamelliaDisabled (0), Freq: 0 Hz, FreqMax: 0 HzMobile: 1, PipeCount: 3, PortCount: 6, FBMemoryCount: 3[0] busId: 0x00, pipe: 0, type: 0x00000002, flags: 0x00000018 - ConnectorLVDS[1] busId: 0x02, pipe: 1, type: 0x00000400, flags: 0x00000281 - ConnectorDP[2] busId: 0x09, pipe: 1, type: 0x00000400, flags: 0x00000281 - ConnectorDP[3] busId: 0x0A, pipe: 1, type: 0x00000400, flags: 0x00000281 - ConnectorDP[4] busId: 0x0B, pipe: 1, type: 0x00000400, flags: 0x00000281 - ConnectorDP[5] busId: 0x0C, pipe: 1, type: 0x00000400, flags: 0x00000281 - ConnectorDP00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 02000000 1800000001000000 02000000 01000000 00000000 00040000 8102000002000000 09000000 01000000 01000000 00040000 8102000003000000 0A000000 01000000 01000000 00040000 8102000004000000 0B000000 01000000 01000000 00040000 8102000005000000 0C000000 01000000 01000000 00040000 81020000

ID: 8A5B0000, STOLEN: 64 MB, FBMEM: 0 bytes, VRAM: 1536 MB, Flags: 0x00008301TOTAL STOLEN: 193 MB?, TOTAL CURSOR: 1 MB (1572864 bytes), MAX STOLEN: 193 MB, MAX OVERALL: 194 MB (203972608 bytes)Model name: Intel HD Graphics ICL RVPCamellia: CamelliaDisabled (0), Freq: 0 Hz, FreqMax: 0 HzMobile: 1, PipeCount: 3, PortCount: 6, FBMemoryCount: 3[0] busId: 0x00, pipe: 0, type: 0x00000002, flags: 0x00000018 - ConnectorLVDS[1] busId: 0x02, pipe: 1, type: 0x00000400, flags: 0x00000281 - ConnectorDP[2] busId: 0x09, pipe: 1, type: 0x00000400, flags: 0x00000281 - ConnectorDP[3] busId: 0x0A, pipe: 1, type: 0x00000400, flags: 0x00000281 - ConnectorDP[4] busId: 0x0B, pipe: 1, type: 0x00000400, flags: 0x00000281 - ConnectorDP[5] busId: 0x0C, pipe: 1, type: 0x00000400, flags: 0x00000281 - ConnectorDP00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 02000000 1800000001000000 02000000 01000000 00000000 00040000 8102000002000000 09000000 01000000 01000000 00040000 8102000003000000 0A000000 01000000 01000000 00040000 8102000004000000 0B000000 01000000 01000000 00040000 8102000005000000 0C000000 01000000 01000000 00040000 81020000

ID: 8A710001, STOLEN: 64 MB, FBMEM: 0 bytes, VRAM: 1536 MB, Flags: 0x0000A300TOTAL STOLEN: 193 MB?, TOTAL CURSOR: 1 MB (1572864 bytes), MAX STOLEN: 193 MB, MAX OVERALL: 194 MB (203968512 bytes)Model name: Intel HD Graphics ICL RVP BigSurCamellia: CamelliaV3 (3), Freq: 0 Hz, FreqMax: 0 HzMobile: 1, PipeCount: 3, PortCount: 5, FBMemoryCount: 3[0] busId: 0x00, pipe: 0, type: 0x00000002, flags: 0x00000018 - ConnectorLVDS[2] busId: 0x09, pipe: 1, type: 0x00000400, flags: 0x000002C1 - ConnectorDP[3] busId: 0x0A, pipe: 1, type: 0x00000400, flags: 0x000002C1 - ConnectorDP[4] busId: 0x0B, pipe: 1, type: 0x00000400, flags: 0x000002C1 - ConnectorDP[5] busId: 0x0C, pipe: 1, type: 0x00000400, flags: 0x000002C1 - ConnectorDP00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 02000000 1800000002000000 09000000 01000000 01000000 00040000 C102000003000000 0A000000 01000000 01000000 00040000 C102000004000000 0B000000 01000000 01000000 00040000 C102000005000000 0C000000 01000000 01000000 00040000 C1020000

ID: 8A700001, STOLEN: 64 MB, FBMEM: 0 bytes, VRAM: 1536 MB, Flags: 0x0001A304TOTAL STOLEN: 193 MB?, TOTAL CURSOR: 1 MB (1572864 bytes), MAX STOLEN: 193 MB, MAX OVERALL: 194 MB (203968512 bytes)Model name: Intel HD Graphics ICL RVP BigSurCamellia: CamelliaV3 (3), Freq: 0 Hz, FreqMax: 0 HzMobile: 1, PipeCount: 3, PortCount: 5, FBMemoryCount: 3[0] busId: 0x00, pipe: 0, type: 0x00000002, flags: 0x00000018 - ConnectorLVDS[2] busId: 0x09, pipe: 1, type: 0x00000400, flags: 0x000002C1 - ConnectorDP[3] busId: 0x0A, pipe: 1, type: 0x00000400, flags: 0x000002C1 - ConnectorDP[4] busId: 0x0B, pipe: 1, type: 0x00000400, flags: 0x000002C1 - ConnectorDP[5] busId: 0x0C, pipe: 1, type: 0x00000400, flags: 0x000002C1 - ConnectorDP00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 02000000 1800000002000000 09000000 01000000 01000000 00040000 C102000003000000 0A000000 01000000 01000000 00040000 C102000004000000 0B000000 01000000 01000000 00040000 C102000005000000 0C000000 01000000 01000000 00040000 C1020000

ID: 8A510001, STOLEN: 64 MB, FBMEM: 0 bytes, VRAM: 1536 MB, Flags: 0x0000E304TOTAL STOLEN: 193 MB?, TOTAL CURSOR: 1 MB (1572864 bytes), MAX STOLEN: 193 MB, MAX OVERALL: 194 MB (203960320 bytes)Model name: Intel HD Graphics ICL RVP BigSurCamellia: CamelliaV3 (3), Freq: 0 Hz, FreqMax: 0 HzMobile: 1, PipeCount: 3, PortCount: 3, FBMemoryCount: 3[0] busId: 0x00, pipe: 0, type: 0x00000002, flags: 0x00000018 - ConnectorLVDS[2] busId: 0x09, pipe: 1, type: 0x00000400, flags: 0x000002C1 - ConnectorDP[3] busId: 0x0A, pipe: 1, type: 0x00000400, flags: 0x000002C1 - ConnectorDP00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 02000000 1800000002000000 09000000 01000000 01000000 00040000 C102000003000000 0A000000 01000000 01000000 00040000 C1020000

ID: 8A5C0001, STOLEN: 64 MB, FBMEM: 0 bytes, VRAM: 1536 MB, Flags: 0x0000A304TOTAL STOLEN: 193 MB?, TOTAL CURSOR: 1 MB (1572864 bytes), MAX STOLEN: 193 MB, MAX OVERALL: 194 MB (203960320 bytes)Model name: Intel HD Graphics ICL RVP BigSurCamellia: CamelliaV3 (3), Freq: 0 Hz, FreqMax: 0 HzMobile: 1, PipeCount: 3, PortCount: 3, FBMemoryCount: 3[0] busId: 0x00, pipe: 0, type: 0x00000002, flags: 0x00000018 - ConnectorLVDS[2] busId: 0x09, pipe: 1, type: 0x00000400, flags: 0x000002C1 - ConnectorDP[3] busId: 0x0A, pipe: 1, type: 0x00000400, flags: 0x000002C1 - ConnectorDP00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 02000000 1800000002000000 09000000 01000000 01000000 00040000 C102000003000000 0A000000 01000000 01000000 00040000 C1020000

ID: 8A5D0001, STOLEN: 64 MB, FBMEM: 0 bytes, VRAM: 1536 MB, Flags: 0x0000A300TOTAL STOLEN: 193 MB?, TOTAL CURSOR: 1 MB (1572864 bytes), MAX STOLEN: 193 MB, MAX OVERALL: 194 MB (203960320 bytes)Model name: Intel HD Graphics ICL RVP BigSurCamellia: CamelliaV3 (3), Freq: 0 Hz, FreqMax: 0 HzMobile: 1, PipeCount: 3, PortCount: 3, FBMemoryCount: 3[0] busId: 0x00, pipe: 0, type: 0x00000002, flags: 0x00000018 - ConnectorLVDS[2] busId: 0x09, pipe: 1, type: 0x00000400, flags: 0x000002C1 - ConnectorDP[3] busId: 0x0A, pipe: 1, type: 0x00000400, flags: 0x000002C1 - ConnectorDP00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 02000000 1800000002000000 09000000 01000000 01000000 00040000 C102000003000000 0A000000 01000000 01000000 00040000 C1020000

ID: 8A520001, STOLEN: 64 MB, FBMEM: 0 bytes, VRAM: 1536 MB, Flags: 0x0000E304TOTAL STOLEN: 193 MB?, TOTAL CURSOR: 1 MB (1572864 bytes), MAX STOLEN: 193 MB, MAX OVERALL: 194 MB (203968512 bytes)Model name: Intel HD Graphics ICL RVP BigSurCamellia: CamelliaV3 (3), Freq: 0 Hz, FreqMax: 0 HzMobile: 1, PipeCount: 3, PortCount: 5, FBMemoryCount: 3[0] busId: 0x00, pipe: 0, type: 0x00000002, flags: 0x00000118 - ConnectorLVDS[2] busId: 0x09, pipe: 1, type: 0x00000400, flags: 0x000002C1 - ConnectorDP[3] busId: 0x0A, pipe: 1, type: 0x00000400, flags: 0x000002C1 - ConnectorDP[4] busId: 0x0B, pipe: 1, type: 0x00000400, flags: 0x000002C1 - ConnectorDP[5] busId: 0x0C, pipe: 1, type: 0x00000400, flags: 0x000002C1 - ConnectorDP00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 02000000 1801000002000000 09000000 01000000 01000000 00040000 C102000003000000 0A000000 01000000 01000000 00040000 C102000004000000 0B000000 01000000 01000000 00040000 C102000005000000 0C000000 01000000 01000000 00040000 C1020000

ID: 8A530001, STOLEN: 64 MB, FBMEM: 0 bytes, VRAM: 1536 MB, Flags: 0x0000E304TOTAL STOLEN: 193 MB?, TOTAL CURSOR: 1 MB (1572864 bytes), MAX STOLEN: 193 MB, MAX OVERALL: 194 MB (203968512 bytes)Model name: Intel HD Graphics ICL RVP BigSurCamellia: CamelliaV3 (3), Freq: 0 Hz, FreqMax: 0 HzMobile: 1, PipeCount: 3, PortCount: 5, FBMemoryCount: 3[0] busId: 0x00, pipe: 0, type: 0x00000002, flags: 0x00000118 - ConnectorLVDS[2] busId: 0x09, pipe: 1, type: 0x00000400, flags: 0x000002C1 - ConnectorDP[3] busId: 0x0A, pipe: 1, type: 0x00000400, flags: 0x000002C1 - ConnectorDP[4] busId: 0x0B, pipe: 1, type: 0x00000400, flags: 0x000002C1 - ConnectorDP[5] busId: 0x0C, pipe: 1, type: 0x00000400, flags: 0x000002C1 - ConnectorDP00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 02000000 1801000002000000 09000000 01000000 01000000 00040000 C102000003000000 0A000000 01000000 01000000 00040000 C102000004000000 0B000000 01000000 01000000 00040000 C102000005000000 0C000000 01000000 01000000 00040000 C1020000

ID: 8A5A0001, STOLEN: 64 MB, FBMEM: 0 bytes, VRAM: 1536 MB, Flags: 0x0000A304TOTAL STOLEN: 193 MB?, TOTAL CURSOR: 1 MB (1572864 bytes), MAX STOLEN: 193 MB, MAX OVERALL: 194 MB (203968512 bytes)Model name: Intel HD Graphics ICL RVP BigSurCamellia: CamelliaV3 (3), Freq: 0 Hz, FreqMax: 0 HzMobile: 1, PipeCount: 3, PortCount: 5, FBMemoryCount: 3[0] busId: 0x00, pipe: 0, type: 0x00000002, flags: 0x00000118 - ConnectorLVDS[2] busId: 0x09, pipe: 1, type: 0x00000400, flags: 0x000002C1 - ConnectorDP[3] busId: 0x0A, pipe: 1, type: 0x00000400, flags: 0x000002C1 - ConnectorDP[4] busId: 0x0B, pipe: 1, type: 0x00000400, flags: 0x000002C1 - ConnectorDP[5] busId: 0x0C, pipe: 1, type: 0x00000400, flags: 0x000002C1 - ConnectorDP00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 02000000 1801000002000000 09000000 01000000 01000000 00040000 C102000003000000 0A000000 01000000 01000000 00040000 C102000004000000 0B000000 01000000 01000000 00040000 C102000005000000 0C000000 01000000 01000000 00040000 C1020000

ID: 8A5B0001, STOLEN: 64 MB, FBMEM: 0 bytes, VRAM: 1536 MB, Flags: 0x0000A300TOTAL STOLEN: 193 MB?, TOTAL CURSOR: 1 MB (1572864 bytes), MAX STOLEN: 193 MB, MAX OVERALL: 194 MB (203968512 bytes)Model name: Intel HD Graphics ICL RVP BigSurCamellia: CamelliaV3 (3), Freq: 0 Hz, FreqMax: 0 HzMobile: 1, PipeCount: 3, PortCount: 5, FBMemoryCount: 3[0] busId: 0x00, pipe: 0, type: 0x00000002, flags: 0x00000118 - ConnectorLVDS[2] busId: 0x09, pipe: 1, type: 0x00000400, flags: 0x000002C1 - ConnectorDP[3] busId: 0x0A, pipe: 1, type: 0x00000400, flags: 0x000002C1 - ConnectorDP[4] busId: 0x0B, pipe: 1, type: 0x00000400, flags: 0x000002C1 - ConnectorDP[5] busId: 0x0C, pipe: 1, type: 0x00000400, flags: 0x000002C1 - ConnectorDP00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 02000000 1801000002000000 09000000 01000000 01000000 00040000 C102000003000000 0A000000 01000000 01000000 00040000 C102000004000000 0B000000 01000000 01000000 00040000 C102000005000000 0C000000 01000000 01000000 00040000 C1020000

ID: 8A510002, STOLEN: 64 MB, FBMEM: 0 bytes, VRAM: 1536 MB, Flags: 0x0000E304TOTAL STOLEN: 193 MB?, TOTAL CURSOR: 1 MB (1572864 bytes), MAX STOLEN: 193 MB, MAX OVERALL: 194 MB (203960320 bytes)Model name: Intel Iris Plus GraphicsCamellia: CamelliaV3 (3), Freq: 0 Hz, FreqMax: 0 HzMobile: 1, PipeCount: 3, PortCount: 3, FBMemoryCount: 3[0] busId: 0x00, pipe: 0, type: 0x00000002, flags: 0x00000018 - ConnectorLVDS[2] busId: 0x09, pipe: 1, type: 0x00000400, flags: 0x000002C1 - ConnectorDP[3] busId: 0x0A, pipe: 1, type: 0x00000400, flags: 0x000002C1 - ConnectorDP00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 02000000 1800000002000000 09000000 01000000 01000000 00040000 C102000003000000 0A000000 01000000 01000000 00040000 C1020000

ID: 8A5C0002, STOLEN: 64 MB, FBMEM: 0 bytes, VRAM: 1536 MB, Flags: 0x0000E304TOTAL STOLEN: 193 MB?, TOTAL CURSOR: 1 MB (1572864 bytes), MAX STOLEN: 193 MB, MAX OVERALL: 194 MB (203960320 bytes)Model name: Intel Iris Plus GraphicsCamellia: CamelliaV3 (3), Freq: 0 Hz, FreqMax: 0 HzMobile: 1, PipeCount: 3, PortCount: 3, FBMemoryCount: 3[0] busId: 0x00, pipe: 0, type: 0x00000002, flags: 0x00000018 - ConnectorLVDS[2] busId: 0x09, pipe: 1, type: 0x00000400, flags: 0x000002C1 - ConnectorDP[3] busId: 0x0A, pipe: 1, type: 0x00000400, flags: 0x000002C1 - ConnectorDP00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 02000000 1800000002000000 09000000 01000000 01000000 00040000 C102000003000000 0A000000 01000000 01000000 00040000 C1020000

ID: 8A520002, STOLEN: 64 MB, FBMEM: 0 bytes, VRAM: 1536 MB, Flags: 0x0000E304TOTAL STOLEN: 193 MB?, TOTAL CURSOR: 1 MB (1572864 bytes), MAX STOLEN: 193 MB, MAX OVERALL: 194 MB (203968512 bytes)Model name: Intel Iris Plus GraphicsCamellia: CamelliaV3 (3), Freq: 0 Hz, FreqMax: 0 HzMobile: 1, PipeCount: 3, PortCount: 5, FBMemoryCount: 3[0] busId: 0x00, pipe: 0, type: 0x00000002, flags: 0x00000118 - ConnectorLVDS[2] busId: 0x09, pipe: 1, type: 0x00000400, flags: 0x000002C1 - ConnectorDP[3] busId: 0x0A, pipe: 1, type: 0x00000400, flags: 0x000002C1 - ConnectorDP[4] busId: 0x0B, pipe: 1, type: 0x00000400, flags: 0x000002C1 - ConnectorDP[5] busId: 0x0C, pipe: 1, type: 0x00000400, flags: 0x000002C1 - ConnectorDP00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 02000000 1801000002000000 09000000 01000000 01000000 00040000 C102000003000000 0A000000 01000000 01000000 00040000 C102000004000000 0B000000 01000000 01000000 00040000 C102000005000000 0C000000 01000000 01000000 00040000 C1020000

ID: 8A530002, STOLEN: 64 MB, FBMEM: 0 bytes, VRAM: 1536 MB, Flags: 0x0000E304TOTAL STOLEN: 193 MB?, TOTAL CURSOR: 1 MB (1572864 bytes), MAX STOLEN: 193 MB, MAX OVERALL: 194 MB (203968512 bytes)Model name: Intel Iris Plus GraphicsCamellia: CamelliaV3 (3), Freq: 0 Hz, FreqMax: 0 HzMobile: 1, PipeCount: 3, PortCount: 5, FBMemoryCount: 3[0] busId: 0x00, pipe: 0, type: 0x00000002, flags: 0x00000118 - ConnectorLVDS[2] busId: 0x09, pipe: 1, type: 0x00000400, flags: 0x000002C1 - ConnectorDP[3] busId: 0x0A, pipe: 1, type: 0x00000400, flags: 0x000002C1 - ConnectorDP[4] busId: 0x0B, pipe: 1, type: 0x00000400, flags: 0x000002C1 - ConnectorDP[5] busId: 0x0C, pipe: 1, type: 0x00000400, flags: 0x000002C1 - ConnectorDP00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 02000000 1801000002000000 09000000 01000000 01000000 00040000 C102000003000000 0A000000 01000000 01000000 00040000 C102000004000000 0B000000 01000000 01000000 00040000 C102000005000000 0C000000 01000000 01000000 00040000 C1020000

注意,如果没有AAPL,ig-platform-id ,则设置真实 ID: 8A520000注意,如果没有AAPL,ig-platform-id ,则设置仿冒ID : FF050000


0xff05 0x8A70 0x8A71 0x8A51 0x8A5C 0x8A5D 0x8A52 0x8A53 0x8A5A 0x8A5B


笔记本电脑 : 0x8A520000 (默认)



启用Clover DSDT修复AddPNLF。 启用SetIntelBacklight和SetIntelMaxBacklight。 不需要特定的值,它将根据安装的处理器自动注入。




数字音频(HDMI / DVI / DP)



在大多数情况下,不需要补丁!在SKL及更高版本的10.14中,不可能直接从kext二进制文件中获取有关帧缓冲区和连接器的信息-必须从内存中转储二进制文件,因此引导加载程序中的二进制帧缓冲区修补程序是不可能的。但是,可以使用WEG进行语义(首选)和二进制补丁。在较旧的OS和较旧的IGPU上-这也适用。默认情况下,当前帧缓冲区已打补丁。修补程序位于PropertiesIGPU 的部分中。


语义补丁的示例:HDMI类型的连接器(connector-type = 00080000,用于具有索引1、2和3的连接器)。

需要更高版本时,DVMT Pre-Alloc 32MB的BIOS语义补丁示例。(stolenmem = 19MB,fbmem = 9MB)




framebuffer-mobileframebuffer-pipecountframebuffer-portcountframebuffer-memorycountframebuffer-stolenmemframebuffer-fbmemframebuffer-unifiedmem(VRAM,不建议使用此补丁)framebuffer-cursormem(Haswell专用)framebuffer-flags frameframe-camellia(集成显示控制器,此字段仅与真实Mac相关)

framebuffer-conX-enable(启用连接器X的补丁)framebuffer-conX-indexframebuffer-conX-busidframebuffer-conX-pipeframebuffer-conX类型framebuffer-conX-flagsframebuffer-conX-alldata(完全替换连接器)framebuffer- conX-YYYYYYYY-alldata(如果当前帧缓冲区匹配YYYYYYYY,则完全替换连接器)其中X是连接器索引。Alldata修补程序可以通过将多个连接器放在一个字符串中并指定连接器的索引来依次修补多个连接器。字符串长度应为12字节(单个连接器的长度)的倍数,对于ICL为24字节。

二进制:framebuffer-patchN-enable(启用补丁号N)framebuffer-patchN-framebufferid(我们正在修补的帧缓冲区,默认情况下为当前值)framebuffer-patchN-findframebuffer-patchN-replaceframebuffer-patchN-count(数量要搜索的模式迭代次数,默认为1)N代表补丁的编号:0、1、2,... 9



在SKL和更新版本10.14中,获取适合脚本的转储,可以将WEG的调试版本与-igfxdump引导参数。 转储将保存到/ var / log /当使用WEG的调试版本并通过Windows引导时,可以使用IOReg获得原始转储和修补转储。IOService的-igfxfbdump引导参数:-igfxfbdumpIOService:/IOResources/WhateverGreen(IOReg的转储已简化,请勿用于bt脚本)。



在大多数情况下,默认情况下使用Intel Skylake及更高版本。对于Ivy Bridge以及可能的其他一代,可以使用以下选项来修补连接器:06020000 02000000 30000000 //选项106020000 01000000 30000000 //选项2在OS X 10.8.2和更高版本上,不可能在Ivy Bridge上安装VGA系统。热插拔VGA通常不起作用。如果这没有帮助-目前没有其他已知的解决方案。


通常可以正确识别EDID,因此无需采取任何措施。在极少数情况下,需要手动注入EDID。例如,可以使用Linux获得EDID转储。必须将正确的EDID放入AAPL0 0中,IGPU该属性是的override-no-connect属性,其中第二个0代表显示编号。



将enable-hdmi20属性添加到IGPU,否则将出现黑屏。 或代替该属性,使用boot-arg


除HDMI外,应在某些笔记本电脑上启用此功能,例如ThinkPad P71 / 7700HQ / HD630 / 4K,可能会出现gIOScreenLockState3错误。


将disable-external-gpu属性添加到IGPU。 或代替该属性,使用boot-arg


解决了某些笔记本电脑(Dell XPS 15 9570等)上无效的最大链接速率问题。

将enable-dpcd-max-link-rate-fix属性添加到IGPU,否则由于被零除而导致内核崩溃。或代替该属性,使用boot-arg -igfxmlr。从v1.3.7开始,它还修复了从扩展DPCD缓冲区读取的无效最大链接速率值。这可以解决新笔记本电脑(例如带有夏普显示屏的Dell Inspiron 7590)上的内核恐慌。 

您也可以通过dpcd-max-link-rate为内置显示器手动指定最大链接速率值。 通常将0x14用于4K显示,将0x0A用于1080p显示。 所有可能的值为0x06(RBR),0x0A(HBR),0x14(HBR2)和0x1E(HBR3)。 如果指定的值无效或未指定属性dpcd-max-link-rate,则驱动程序将使用默认值0x14。

修复在Skylake,Kaby Lake和Coffee Lake平台上以更高的像素clock速率建立Intel HDMI连接的无限循环

在图形驱动程序尝试建立具有更高像素时钟频率的HDMI连接时(例如,使用HDMI 1.4连接到2K / 4K显示器),将enable-hdmi-dividers-fix属性添加到属性IGPU或使用-igfxhdmidivsboot参数来修复无限循环。 (当您插入内置HDMI电缆时,笔记本计算机的内置显示屏仍保持黑色)。


对于那些希望通过其HDMI 1.4端口具有“有限的” 2K / 4K体验(即2K @ 59Hz或4K @ 30Hz)的用户,您可能会发现此修复程序很有帮助。 对于具有将HDMI 2.0路由到IGPU的笔记本电脑或PC并具有HDMI输出问题的用户,请注意,此修补程序现在已由LSPCON驱动程序解决方案成功完成,并且仍建议启用LSPCON驱动程序支持以具有完整的HDMI 2.0经验。您可能仍需要临时解决此问题,以弄清HDMI端口的连接器索引,请参阅下面的LSPCON部分。

LSPCON驱动程序支持以在IGPU上启用DisplayPort到HDMI 2.0输出

新型笔记本电脑(KBL / CFL)通常配备HDMI 2.0端口。该端口可以路由到IGPU或DGPU,您可以在Windows 10上进行确认。但是,Intel(U)HD Graphics不提供本地HDMI 2.0输出,因此为了解决此问题,OEM厂商添加了附加硬件主板上名为LSPCON的设备将DisplayPort转换为HDMI 2.0。

LSPCON可在电平转换器(LS)或协议转换器(PCON)模式下工作。当适配器在LS模式下工作时,它能够从DisplayPort产生HDMI 1.4信号,而在PCON模式下,它可以提供HDMI 2.0输出。默认情况下,固件中已将某些板载LSPCON适配器(例如Dell XPS 15 9570上的一个)配置为在LS模式下工作,导致处理HDMI 2.0连接时出现黑屏。


LSPCON驱动程序仅适用于将HDMI 2.0路由至IGPU的笔记本电脑和PC。 LSPCON驱动程序对于所有较新的平台都是必需的,除非新的IGPU开始提供本地HDMI 2.0输出。 支持的英特尔平台:SKL,KBL,CFL和更高版本。SKL:英特尔NUC Skull Canyon;带Parade PS175 LSPCON的Iris Pro 580 + HDMI 2.0。CFL:某些笔记本电脑(例如Dell XPS 15 9570)配备了HDMI 2.0和Parade PS175 LSPCON。 如果您已确认HDMI 2.0已路由到IGPU且现在可以正常工作,则无需启用此驱动程序,因为您的板载LSPCON可能已在固件中配置为可在PCON模式下工作。


添加该enable-lspcon-support属性以IGPU启用驱动程序,或改用boot-arg -igfxlspcon。 接下来,您需要知道HDMI端口的相应连接器索引(0、1、2、3之一)。您可以在IORegistryExplorer的IGPU下找到它(即AppleIntelFramebuffer @ 0/1/2/3)。如果您只有2K / 4K HDMI监视器,则可能需要暂时启用无限循环修复,然后再将HDMI监视器连接到内部版本,否则系统会挂起,因此您将无法运行IORegistryExplorer并找到连接器索引。 添加framebuffer-conX-has-lspcon属性以IGPU通知驱动程序哪个连接器具有板载LSPCON适配器。替换X为您在上一步中找到的索引。该值必须是类型,Data并且应为01000000(True)和00000000(False)之一。 (可选)将framebuffer-conX-preferred-lspcon-mode属性添加到IGPU以为板载LSPCON适配器指定模式。该值必须是类型,Data并且应为01000000(PCON,DP到HDMI 2.0)和00000000(LS,DP到HDMI 1.4)之一。其他任何无效值均视为PCON模式。如果未指定此属性,则驱动程序将假定首选PCON模式。

拓展内容:调试完成上述步骤后,重新构建kext缓存并重新启动计算机。插入HDMI 2.0电缆(和HDMI 2.0显示器)后,您应该能够看到显示器上的输出。转储您的内核日志,您还应该能够看到类似于下面几行的内容。

// When you insert the HDMI 2.0 cable igfx @ (DBG) SC: GetDPCDInfo() DInfo: [FB0] called with controller at 0xffffff81a8680000 and framebuffer at 0xffffff81a868c000. igfx @ (DBG) SC: GetDPCDInfo() DInfo: [FB0] No LSPCON chip associated with this framebuffer. igfx @ (DBG) SC: GetDPCDInfo() DInfo: [FB0] Will call the original method. igfx @ (DBG) SC: GetDPCDInfo() DInfo: [FB0] Returns 0x0. igfx @ (DBG) SC: GetDPCDInfo() DInfo: [FB2] called with controller at 0xffffff81a8680000 and framebuffer at 0xffffff81a869a000. igfx @ (DBG) SC: LSPCON::probe() DInfo: [FB2] Found the LSPCON adapter: Parade PS1750. igfx @ (DBG) SC: LSPCON::probe() DInfo: [FB2] The current adapter mode is Level Shifter (DP++ to HDMI 1.4). igfx @ (DBG) SC: GetDPCDInfo() DInfo: [FB2] LSPCON driver has detected the onboard chip successfully. igfx @ (DBG) SC: GetDPCDInfo() DInfo: [FB2] LSPCON driver has been initialized successfully. igfx @ (DBG) SC: LSPCON::getMode() DInfo: [FB2] The current mode value is 0x00. igfx @ (DBG) SC: LSPCON::getMode() DInfo: [FB2] The current mode value is 0x00. igfx @ (DBG) SC: LSPCON::getMode() DInfo: [FB2] The current mode value is 0x00. igfx @ (DBG) SC: LSPCON::getMode() DInfo: [FB2] The current mode value is 0x01. igfx @ (DBG) SC: LSPCON::setMode() DInfo: [FB2] The new mode is now effective. igfx @ (DBG) SC: GetDPCDInfo() DInfo: [FB2] The adapter is running in preferred mode [Protocol Converter (DP++ to HDMI 2.0)]. igfx @ (DBG) SC: GetDPCDInfo() DInfo: [FB2] Will call the original method. igfx @ (DBG) SC: GetDPCDInfo() DInfo: [FB2] Returns 0x0. // When you remove the HDMI 2.0 cable igfx @ (DBG) SC: GetDPCDInfo() DInfo: [FB0] called with controller at 0xffffff81a8680000 and framebuffer at 0xffffff81a868c000. igfx @ (DBG) SC: GetDPCDInfo() DInfo: [FB0] No LSPCON chip associated with this framebuffer. igfx @ (DBG) SC: GetDPCDInfo() DInfo: [FB0] Will call the original method. igfx @ (DBG) SC: GetDPCDInfo() DInfo: [FB0] Returns 0x0. igfx @ (DBG) SC: GetDPCDInfo() DInfo: [FB2] called with controller at 0xffffff81a8680000 and framebuffer at 0xffffff81a869a000. igfx @ (DBG) SC: GetDPCDInfo() DInfo: [FB2] LSPCON driver (at 0xffffff802ba3afe0) has already been initialized for this framebuffer. igfx @ (DBG) SC: LSPCON::setModeIfNecessary() DInfo: [FB2] The adapter is already running in Protocol Converter (DP++ to HDMI 2.0) mode. No need to update. igfx @ (DBG) SC: LSPCON::wakeUpNativeAUX() DInfo: [FB2] The native AUX channel is up. DPCD Rev = 0x12. igfx @ (DBG) SC: GetDPCDInfo() DInfo: [FB2] Will call the original method. igfx @ (DBG) SC: GetDPCDInfo() DInfo: [FB2] Returns 0x0.


fw framebuffer has lspcon指示板载lspcon适配器是否存在。

fw framebuffer preferred lspcon mode指示首选适配器模式。1是PCON,0是LS。



核心显示时钟(CDCLK)是显示引擎用来完成其工作的主要时钟之一。Apple的图形驱动程序期望固件已将时钟频率设置为652.8 MHz或648 MHz(实际值取决于硬件),但是很多笔记本电脑将其设置为更低的值,例如172.8 MHz,因此您将会看到内核崩溃消息,例如“不支持的CD时钟十进制频率0x158”。该补丁将时钟重新编程以将其频率设置为支持的值之一,以便可以满足此前提条件。


igfx: @ (DBG) CDC: Functions have been routed successfully. igfx: @ (DBG) CDC: ProbeCDClockFrequency() DInfo: Called with controller at 0xffffff8035933000. igfx: @ (DBG) CDC: ProbeCDClockFrequency() DInfo: The currrent core display clock frequency is 172.8 MHz. igfx: @ (DBG) CDC: ProbeCDClockFrequency() DInfo: The currrent core display clock frequency is not supported. igfx: @ (DBG) CDC: sanitizeCDClockFrequency() DInfo: Reference frequency is 38.4 MHz. igfx: @ (DBG) CDC: sanitizeCDClockFrequency() DInfo: Core Display Clock frequency will be set to 652.8 MHz. igfx: @ (DBG) CDC: sanitizeCDClockFrequency() DInfo: Core Display Clock PLL frequency will be set to 1305600000 Hz. igfx: @ (DBG) CDC: sanitizeCDClockFrequency() DInfo: Core Display Clock PLL has been disabled. igfx: @ (DBG) CDC: sanitizeCDClockFrequency() DInfo: Core Display Clock has been reprogrammed and PLL has been re-enabled. igfx: @ (DBG) CDC: sanitizeCDClockFrequency() DInfo: Core Display Clock frequency is 652.8 MHz now. igfx: @ (DBG) CDC: ProbeCDClockFrequency() DInfo: The core display clock has been switched to a supported frequency. igfx: @ (DBG) CDC: ProbeCDClockFrequency() DInfo: Will invoke the original function. igfx: @ (DBG) CDC: ProbeCDClockFrequency() DInfo: The original function returns 0x4dd1e000.

修正因Intel ICL平台上的DVMT预分配内存计算错误而导致的内核奔溃

将enable-dvmt-calc-fix属性添加到IGPU或使用-igfxdvmtboot参数来修复ICL平台上DVMT预分配内存量的计算,否则Unsupported ICL SKU会出现内核恐慌的说法。

苹果的图形驱动程序读取BIOS或固件中设置的DVMT值,并使用“魔术”公式来计算以字节为单位的内存量。不幸的是,该公式仅适用于32MB的倍数的预分配内存大小。问题出现了,因为笔记本电脑现在默认情况下在ICL +平台上将DVMT设置为60MB,并且帧缓冲区控制器最终会使用不正确的预分配内存量来初始化被盗的内存管理器。即使可以通过EFI shell或修改DVMT设置RU.EFI,这些方法不适用于某些使用自定义固件的笔记本电脑,例如Surface Pro 7。这样,此修补程序会预先计算正确的字节数并修补驱动程序,以便它将使用适当的值初始化内存管理器,并且可以避免上述内核崩溃。

如果被盗的内存不足,Apple会消除内核恐慌,但建议您修补帧缓冲区,以使其适合您可用的被盗内存量。启用补丁后,您可以fw-dvmt-preallocated-memory在图形设备下的属性中找到实际的DVMT预分配内存量。(仅在DEBUG版本中可用)单位为兆字节,下例中的大小为60 MB。(0x3C = 60)


igfx: @ (DBG) DVMT: Found the shll instruction. Length = 3; DSTReg = 0. igfx: @ (DBG) DVMT: Found the andl instruction. Length = 5; DSTReg = 0. igfx: @ (DBG) DVMT: Calculation patch has been applied successfully.



受限卡:HD2000,HD2500仅可用于IQSV(仅在实际的Mac中用于此功能),没有解决方案。 无法启用Intel Pentium / Celeron Graphics,没有解决方案。 Haswell平台上的HDMI黑屏。使用WEG或macOS 10.13.4及更高版本解决。 英特尔Skylake和更新的台式机上对2个或更多显示器的支持丢失或有故障。在macOS 10.14.x中存在改进趋势。 显示屏在Intel Skylake台式机及更高版本上不会唤醒,通过DisplayPort连接或升级到macOS 10.14.x可能会有所帮助。


HD3000有时可能会出现接口故障。由于Sandy中的视频内存量取决于整个系统内存-最少需要8 GB,但是没有保证的解决方案。还建议在BIOS 中将Max TOLUD安装到Dynamic。也许您可以从这些补丁中受益。 从UEFI GOP驱动程序到macOS驱动程序的转换过程中,“ 8个苹果”和File Vault 2的背景图像消失了(由于EDID不兼容)。在WEG中部分解决。 使用WEG解决了PAVP冻结(视频播放过程中冻结,QuickLook损坏等)的问题,但代价是禁用了HDCP。 某些帧缓冲区的Haswell故障可通过语义framebuffer-cursormem补丁解决。 在macOS 10.14中,某些带有KBL图形的笔记本电脑可能会遇到渐变上的视觉瑕疵。对于临时解决方案,请尝试伪造IGPU以使用SKL驱动程序。 WEG修复了使用移动CFL进行OS引导时几分钟的黑屏。 通过修改BIOS或通过在UEFI Shell中手动输入值,可以通过语义framebuffer-stolenmem和framebuffer-fbmem补丁来解决BIOS中缺少用于更改帧缓冲区的内存量的选项的问题。否则您会感到恐慌。 说明


WEG已修复了在某些应用中与不受支持的配置(NVIDIA + SNB / SKL / KBL; AMD + IVY)中的离散卡的兼容性。从macOS 10.13.4开始,问题消失了。 查看受保护的iTunes内容已由WEG修复。如果没有分立卡,则无法从Ivy Bridge上的macOS 10.12开始以及在iTunes上以更高的格式观看高清电影。 Apple GuC固件不适用于旧的22纳米芯片组-Z370和更旧的版本。



在特殊的iGPU的情况下,IMEI和HDEF设备位置,gfxutil可以使用:gfxutil -f IGPU,gfxutil -f IMEI,gfxutil -f HDEF。IGPU和IMEI设备位置-通常是标准位置。






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