专题15 完形填空 考点6 说明建议类(10小题)

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专题15 完形填空 考点6 说明建议类(10小题)

#专题15 完形填空 考点6 说明建议类(10小题)| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

1、专题15完形填空考点6说明建议类(10小题)(-)(2022.安徽中考真题)Your brain doesnt have to do anything extra (额夕卜的)to tell the truth. You think of what you want to say, and you say it. Lying 21 much more work.Heres an 22 of what goes into a simple lie. Imagine youre late fbr class and the teacher asks 23 and you decide to lie

2、. You now have to either came up with a story or remember the story you 24 as you were rushing to class. So you say, “I had to stop by the 25 and borrowed a book. Your teacher asks, “The book I recommended (推荐)last period?You must decide how to answer 26. If you say yes, the teacher might ask you to

3、show her the book. Or she might 27 you to read from it in class. If you say it is a28 book, she might ask which book youve checked out. So you have to be ready with the 29 of another book and make sure its a book the school library owns.You give your 30 a ton of extra work! Why not just tell the tru

4、th? Its much easier.21.A. refusesB.avoidsC , takesD. fixes22.A. exampleB.abilityC. interviewD. agreement23.A. whenB.whoC. whyD. which24.A. listened toB.made upC wrote downD. left behind25.A. storeB.gateC stationD. library26.A. recentlyB.secretlyC angrilyD. quickly27.A. expectB.helpC. hateD. pay28.A.

5、 boringB.personalC. cheapD. different29.A. coverB.nameC. priceD. size30.A. bookB.examC brainD. class【答案】21. CACBD 可知,是肩上的重担,应选A。 23.句意:这些坏情绪对我们没有任何好处。in all 总共;above all 最重要的是;at all 根本;all in all 总而言之。根据“These bad emotions dont do anything good for us”可知,此处是notat all短语,意为根本不”,应选C。句意:所以你可能会问自己,有没有可能

6、放下这个沉重的负担,让自己休息一下?secret 秘密;result 结果;pain 痛苦;break 休息。you might ask yourself-is it possible to put down this heavy burden (负担)and give yourself a.?可知,是放下负担,休息一下,故 选D。句意:没有他们我们能活下去吗?without 没有;in 在中;for 为了; with 和。根据“Why do we carry them fbr so long insteadof putting them down? Can we livethem?”可知,我

7、们经常背负负担,所以问没有这些负担是 否能活下去,应选A。句意:通过思考我们的坏情绪,我们可以找到健康的方法来处理它们。look after 照顾;worry about 担忧;deal with 处理;bring up 养大。根据By thinking about our bad emotions, we can find healthy ways to.them.”可知,是处理这些坏情绪,应选 Co 27.句意:我们应该先原谅自己。yourself你自己;ourselves我们自己;themselves他们自己;myself我自己。根据“We should forgivefirst.可知,

8、主语是we,表示原谅我们自己,应选B。句意:但当我们学会原谅自己时,也就更容易原谅别人了。unless 除非;although 虽然;where 哪里;when 何时。根据“But.we learn to forgive ourselves, it becomes easier to forgive others as well.可知,当我们学会原谅自己时,原谅别人就更容易, 用when引导时间状语从句,应选Do句意;一旦你这样做了,你会开始感到轻松很多。As soon as 一就;As well as 和一样;As often as 尽可能经常;As far as 就而言。根据“you do

9、 this, you will start to feel a lot lighter.”可知,一旦这样做,就会感到轻松,用 As soon as引导时间状语从句,应选A。30. 句意:你会开始觉得你有更多的精力,你会对你的生活感到更快乐。pride骄傲;difficulty困难;energy精力;knowledge知识。没有负担和压力,人就会更有精 力,应选C。(五)(2022河北中考真题)Kevin is a special swimmer. He took risks to 11 in very cold places because he wanted people to pay at

10、tention to environmental problems.As a boy, Kevin visited national parks and he learned the Earth is in 12 condition. He felt worried, and he wanted to 13 the Earth. In 2009, he went to swim in water near North Pole (北极)to draw peoples attention to the melting glaciers (融化的冰川).Kevin said that the sw

11、im was so painful that it would be his 14 time swimming in cold water. In 2016, he heard about a lake in the Himalayas (喜马拉雅山脉).It was formed by melting glaciers. Heto swim in cold water again. It was difficult to swim in the lake. The air was sothat it was hard to breathe. He told people about his

12、experiences on TV. He wanted people to know that glaciers in the Himalayas are disappearing17 global (全球的)warming and that theres less water fbr people in nearby 18like China, India, and Pakistan.From Kevins story, we learn two 19.We learn that people can do a lot of harm to theEarth without realizi

13、ng it. Also, we learn that if we 20 the way we think, we can do something to protect our environment. With the new way of thinking in our minds, we can enjoy a bright future.11. A. flyB.swimC. runD. skate12. A. rightB.safeC, poorD. natural13. A. protectB.leaveC. findD. share14. A. lastB.greatC freeD

14、. long15. A. hatedB.agreedC. learnedD. decided16. A. freshB.thinC. clearD. cool17. A. because ofB.opposite toC according toD. instead of18. A. citiesB.countriesC. townsD. villages19. A. choicesB.reportsC. reasonsD. lessons20. A. askB.showC. changeD. record【答案】11. BCAADBABDC【解析】【导语】本文介绍凯文是一位特别的游泳者,他希

15、望人们关注环境问题。句意:他冒险在非常寒冷的地方游泳,因为他希望人们关注环境问题。fly 飞;swim 游泳;run 跑步;skate 滑冰。根据Kevin is a special swimmer.”可知,是游泳, 应选Bo句意:作为一个男孩,凯文参观了国家公园,他了解到地球的状况很差。right正确的;safe平安的;poor贫穷的,差的;natural自然的。根据“He felt worried”可知, 地球状况不好,应选C。句意:他很担忧,他想保护地球。protect 保护;leave 离开;find 发现;share 提供。根据“He felt worried, and he wan

16、ted to.the Earth可知,他为地球担忧,所以想保护地球,应选A。句意:凯文说这次游泳非常痛苦,这将是他最后一次在冷水中游泳。last最后的;great很棒的;free自由的,免费的;long长的。根据“Kevin said that the swim was so painful”可知,很痛苦,不想再继续了,所以是最后一次,应选A。句意:他决定再次在冷水中游泳。hated 讨厌;agreed 同意;learned 学习;decided 决定。根据“In 2016, he heard about a lake in the Himalayas. It was formed by me

17、lting glaciers. He.to swim in cold water again.”可知I, 由于喜马 拉雅山脉的情况,他决定再次游泳,应选D。句意:空气稀薄得让人难以呼吸。fresh新鲜的;thin稀薄的;clear清晰的;cool酷的。根据“it was hard to breathe”可知,空气 很稀薄,应选B。句意:他想让人们知道,由于全球变暖,喜马拉雅山脉的冰川正在消失,而中国、印度和巴 基斯坦等邻近国家的居民用水减少。because of 因为;opposite to 相反;according to 根据;instead of 而不是。“global warming”是

18、 “glaciers in the Himalayas are disappearing”的原因, 应选 Ao句意:他想让人们知道,由于全球变暖,喜马拉雅山脉的冰川正在消失,而中国、印度和巴 基斯坦等邻近国家的居民用水减少。cities 城市;countries 国家;towns 小镇;villages 乡村。根据like China, India, and Pakistan” 可知,是几个国家,应选B。句意:从凯文的故事中,我们学到了两个教训。choices 选择;reports 报告;reasons 原因;lessons 课。根据From Kevins story, we learn tw

19、o.” 和后文内容可知,学到了两个教训,应选D。句意:此外,我们知道,如果我们改变我们的思维方式,我们可以做一些事情来保护我们的 环境。ask 请求;show 展示;change 改变;record 记录。根据“Also, we learn that if we.the way we think, we can do something to protect our environment”可知,改变自己的思维来保护环境,应选Co(六)(2022湖南怀化中考真题)I often hear some students say English is difficult, so they cant

20、learn it well. 11 English is very easy fbr me. Im good 12 it. Tm very glad to tell you 13 about how I study English.14,1 think an interest in English is very important. When I was in Grade Three, wehad a new 15English, it was new for me. I was interested in it. I worked hard at it.Soon we had an Eng

21、lish exam and I got a very good mark. How 161 was! After that, Ilearned English harder. Our English teacher often teaches us English songs, and 17 sound nice. I often think how interesting English is!Second, I think English is a foreign language. I learn it well in the following ways: 18 to the teac

22、her carefully, read aloud and have a good vocabulary. Then practice again and again, never be tired. When I have a 19,1 often understand it by 20 our English teacher.A. AndB. OrC. But12. A. in12. A. inB. forC. at13. A. somethingB. anythingC. nothing14. A. FirstB. SecondC. Third15. A. classB. subject

23、C. lesson16. A. sadB. sorryC. happy17. A. theyB. itC , them18. A. hearB. listenC. tell19. A. ideaB. suggestionC. question20. A. askingB. answeringC. replying【答案】11. CCAABCABCA【解析】【导语】本文主要通过作者自己学习英语的经历介绍学好英语的方法。句意:但是对我而言英语却是很容易的。And 和;Or 或者;But 但是。根据上文“I often hear some students say English is diffic

24、ult和 下文“English is very easy for me.”之间的逻辑关系可知,此处表示转折,应用but连接。故 选C。句意:我擅长它。in在里;for为,为了; at在(某处)。根据句子结构可知,此处考查形容词短语be good a俨擅长。应选C。句意:我很乐意告诉你我是如何学好英语的。something某事,某物;anything任何事物;nothing没有什么。something常用于肯定句,anything 常用于疑问句和否认句。根据句子结构及“Im very glad to tell you”可知,此处表示肯定意 义,应用something,指“某些东西”而不是“任何东

25、西: 应选A。 14.句意:首先,我认为对英语感兴趣很重要。First首先,第一;Second第二;Third第三。根据句子结构可知,此处指first“首先”,表示 表达的顺序。应选A。15.句意:我读三年级的时候,我们有一个新的科目英语。class班级;subject科目;lesson课程。根据破折号后的“English”可知,此处指科目。应选B。 16.句意:我感到多么的高兴啊!sad 难过;son-y 对不起;happy 高兴的。根据“Soon we had an English exam and I got a very good mark.可知,此处指“我”因获得好成绩而感到高兴。应

26、选C。句意:我们的英语老师经常教我们英文歌曲,而且他们听起来很动听。they他们,她们,它们;it它;them他们,她们,它们。根据句子结构可知,此处缺少主语, 应用人称代词主格they,指代上文中的“English songs”。应选A。句意:认真听老师hear听到;listen听;tell告诉。根据to和the teacher”可知,此处考查动词短语listen to, to 后接名词或代词作宾语。应选B。句意:当我遇到问题,我经常通过询问我们英语老师的方法来理解它。idea主意;suggestion建议;question问题。根据动词“understand”可知,此处指问题。应选Co句意

27、:当我遇到问题,我经常通过询问我们英语老师的方法来理解它。asking问;answering问答;replying回复。根据句子结构可知,此处表示asking“询问”,后 接“our English teacher”作宾语。应选 A。(七)(2022江苏苏州中考真题)Like most children growing up in the countryside, Mike loved being outdoors and traveled around every inch of the area.With a deep love of the land, he had a strong w

28、ish to 1 it. When Mike saw rubbish floating in the rivers, he got 2. He knew he had to do something. While only in third grade,Mike started a group. Its purpose was to 3 the countryside and teach other young people about pollution and its dangers.But Mike faced a challenge. As he was 4, he found it

29、hard to speak out in public.However, with his moms help, Mike 5 dealt with his fear. He said, I took responsibility (责 任)and did what needed to be done. When your heart is into it, 6 will stop you.Mike worked hard to 7 his idea to the public. He handed out leaflets and even appeared on radio and TV.

30、 His efforts paid off. He won 8 from several thousand people. And his group collected and recycled more than 22,000 pounds of rubbish.Now as a college student, Mikes 9 remains the same. He often says, “I want to create a10 life for my kids and grandkids. Its beautiful countryside, where Im from, and

31、 I want my kids to see it like I see it.”1. A. practiseB. protectC , prepare2. A. weakB. tiredC , relaxed1. A. practiseB. protectC , prepare2. A. weakB. tiredC , relaxedB. break intoC. set upA. clean upA. shyA. clearlyA. anythingA. acceptA. courageA. wishA. busierB. sadB. carefully B. nothing B. cha

32、nge B. victoryB. chanceharderC proudsuccessfullyC. somethingC. followC supportluckC . betterprovideD. angryD. move intoD. politeD. traditionallyD. everythingD. introduceD. rewardD. fearD. crazier【答案】1. BDAACBDCAC【解析】【导语】本文主要介绍了 Mike保护环境的义举。 句意:他深爱着这片土地,也有保护它的强烈愿望。practise 练习;protect 保护;prepare 准备;pr

33、ovide 提供。根据“Its purpose was to.the countryside and teach other young people about pollution and its dangers”可知,产生了 保护这片土地的愿望, 应选Bo句意:当迈克看到河里漂着垃圾时,他很生气。weak 虚弱的;tired 疲惫的;relaxed 放松的;angry 生气的。根据When Mike saw rubbish floating in the rivers”及“He knew he had to do something”可知,看至lj河里飘着垃圾感到很生气,所以 决定要做些什

34、么事情,应选D。句意:它的目的是清理农村,并教育其他年轻人污染及其危险。clean up 清理;break into 闯入;set up 设立;move into 搬进。根据下文“And his group collected and recycled more than 22,000 pounds of rubbish”可知,目的是清理农村,让它变得干净,故 选Ao句意:由于他很害羞,他发现很难在公众面前发言。shy 害羞的;sad 难过的;proud 骄傲的;polite 礼貌的。根据“he found it hard to speak out in public” 可知,很害羞,不敢在公

35、众面前发言,应选A。句意:然而,在妈妈的帮助下,迈克成功地解决了他的恐惧。clearly 清楚地;carefully 仔细地;successfully 成功地;traditionally 传统地。根据with his moms help, Mike.dealt with his fear”可知,在妈妈的帮助下,他成功地克服了恐惧,应选C。句意:当你全身心投入的时候,没有什么能阻止你。anything 任何事;nothing 没什么;something 某事;everything 切。根据“When your heart is into it,will stop you”可知,这是一句激励的话语

36、,全身心投入时,没什么能阻挡你,应选Bo句意:迈克努力向公众介绍他的想法。accept 接受;change 改变;follow 跟随;introduce 介绍。根据“his idea to the public”可知,把 他保护环境的想法传播给群众,应选D。句意:他赢得了几千人的支持。courage 勇气;victory 胜利;support 支持;reward 奖励。根据He won. from several thousand people”可知,赢得了人们的支持,应选C。句意:现在,作为一名大学生,迈克的愿望并没有改变。wish 愿望;chance 机会;luck 幸运;fear 害怕。

37、根据前文“W汕 a deep love of the land, he had a strong wish toit”可知,保护环境的愿望从来没有改变,应选A。句意:我想为我的孩子和子孙创造更好的生活。busier 更忙的;harder 更难的;better 更好的;crazier 更疯狂的。根据“I want to create a. life for my kids and grandkids”可知,为子孙后代创造更好的生活,应选C。(八)(2022陕西中考真题)Dear Museum Scientists,My name is Yang Jingjing.live by the sea,

38、 near a mangrove swamp (红树林沼泽 地).My mom is tour guide. She knows a lot about the mangrove swamp. She lovespeople the beautiful animals that live there. I am writing to you Im worriedabout what is happening near my home. The mangroves are home to many such as birds,butterflies, snakes and so on. Down

39、 in the water under the trees are homes of fish and shrimp. The mangroves also protect us wind, waves and floods (浪潮与水灾).However, in the past few years, things greatly. These changes bring lots of worriesto more and more people. New neighborhoods (社区)last year and the year before. It turned the plac

40、e with mangroves into stores, houses, cinemas, restaurants and car parks. What is even, all these things are still going on! What will happen to the animals that live in the mangroves? I dont know. How I wish we can find a way to live together with the mangroves and animals!Sincerely yours, Yang Jin

41、gjing11. A. MyB. MineC. ID. Me12. A. aB. anC. theD. /13. A. showB. to showC. giveD. to give14. A. althoughB , beforeC becauseD. unless15. A. plantB. plantsC. animalD. animals16. A. fromB. withC. aboutD. for17. A. has changedB. have changedC. is changingD. are changingbuiltC goodB. what can we dowere

42、 builtD. betterC , how we can doA. buildB. are builtA. badB. worseA. what we can doD. how can we do【答案】11. CABCDABDBA【解析】【导语】本文主要讲述了作者家附近有红树林沼泽地,但是最近儿年,建造了很多的建筑物,导致红 树林沼泽地在逐渐减少,作者希望能找到一个方法和红树林和动物和谐相处。句意:我住在海边,靠近红树林沼泽。My我的,形容词性物主代词;Mine我的,名词性物主代词;I我,代词主格;Me我,代 词宾格。此处表示“我。作主语,用代词主格。应选C。句意:我妈妈是一名导游。a一个

43、,不定冠词,用于辅音音素开头的单词前;an一个,不定冠词,用于元音音素开头的 单词前;the定冠词。此处泛指一个导游,tour以辅音音素开头,用a。应选A。句意:她喜欢向人们展示生活在那里的美丽动物。show展示,动词原形;to show动词不定式;give给,动词原形;to give动词不定式。love to do sth,“喜欢做某事”,根据people the beautiful animals”可知是向人们展示。应选B。句意:我给你写信是因为我担忧我家附近发生的事情。although 虽然;before 在之前;because 因为;unless 除非。根据I am writing t

44、o youImworried about what is happening near my home”可知前后是因果关系,前果后因,用 becauseDADBC【解析】【导语】本文告诉我们说谎需要大脑做更多的工作,所以与其撒谎,不如说实话。句意:说谎需要更多的工作。refuses 拒绝;avoids 防止;takes 拿,花费;fixes 修理。根据“Lyingmuch more work.“可知, 撒谎需要花费更多的时间,应选C。句意:下面是一个简单谎言的例子。example例子;ability能力;interview采访;agreement同意。根据文章内容可知,此处举例 说明作者的观点

45、,应选A。句意:假设你上课迟到了,老师问你为什么,你决定撒谎。when 何时;who 谁;why 为什么;which 哪一个。根据“Imagine youre late for class and the teacher asks.and you decide to lie.可知,你迟到了,老师会问原因,应选Co 24.句意:你现在要么想出一个故事,要么记住你在赶去上课时编的故事。listened to 听;made up 组成,编造;wrote down 写下;left behind 留下。根据You now have to either came up with a story or re

46、member the story you.as you were rushing to class.“可知, 是 编造故事说自己为什么迟到,应选B。句意:我去图书馆借了一本书。store 商店;gate 大门;station 车站;library 图书馆。根据borrowed a book和make sure ifs a book the school library owns”可知,是在图书馆借书,应选D。句意:你必须决定如何快速回答。recently 最近;secretly 秘密地;angrily 生气地;quickly 迅速地。根据“You must decide how to answ

47、er”可知,必须要快速回答下列问题,应选D。27.引导。应选c。句意:红树林是许多动物的家园。plant植物,名词原形;plants植物,名词复数;animal动物,名词单数;animals名词复数。 根据such as birds, butterflies, snakes and so on”可知这些都是动物,many后加名词复数。故 选D。句意:红树林还保护我们免受风、浪和洪水的侵袭。from来自;with和;about关于;for为了。protect:from”保护免受。应选A。句意:然而,在过去的几年里,情况发生了很大的变化。has changed已经改变,现在完成时,主语是第三人称单

48、数;have changed现在完成时,主语 是名词复数;is changing现在进行时,主语是第三人称单数;are changing现在进行时,主 语是名词复数。根据“in the past few years”可知句子使用现在完成时,主语是复数,助动词 用have。应选B。句意:去年和前一年建造了新的社区。build建造,动词原形;are built一般现在时的被动;built动词过去式或过去分词;were built 一般过去时的被动。主语“New neighborhoods和谓语之间是被动关系,根据“last year”可知 此处用一般过去时的被动语态。应选D。句意:更糟糕的是,这一

49、切还在继续!bad坏的,形容词原形;worse更差,比拟级;good好的,形容词原形;better更好,比拟 级。even后加比拟级,且此处表示“更糟糕的是: 应选B。句意:我不知道我们能做什么。what we can do我们能做什么,陈述语序;what can we do疑问语序;how we can do我们如 何做,陈述语序;how can we do我们如何做,疑问语序。句子是宾语从句,用陈述语序, 排除BD; do后缺少宾语,用what引导宾语从句。应选A。句意:或者她可能希望你在课堂上朗读。expect 期待;help 帮助;hate 讨厌;pay 付钱。根据Or she mig

50、ht.you to read from it in class. 可知,老师希望你在课堂上读这本书,expect sb to do sth希望/期待某人做某事”,应选A。 28.句意:所以你必须准备好另一本书的名字,确保它是学校图书馆拥有的书。boring 无聊的;personal 个人的;cheap 廉价的;different 不同的。根据“If you say it is a.book,9 可知,这本书不是老师推荐的那本,即不同的书,应选D。29.句意:所以你必须准备好另一本书的名字,确保它是学校图书馆拥有的书。cover 封面;name 名字;price 价格;size 尺寸。根据“So

51、 you have to be ready with the.of another book and make sure its a book the school library owns.”可知,要想出另一本书的名字,应选 B。 30.句意:你给了你的大脑大量额外的工作!book书;exam考试;brain大脑;class班级。此处呼应文章首句Your brain doesn飞have to do anything extra (额外的)to tell the truth/9,撒谎给了你的大脑大量额外的工作,应选C。(二)(2022湖南岳阳中考真题)FIFA WORLD CUPGm? A

52、FIFA World Cup is one of the biggest sports events in the world. It 11 every 4 years. The first World Cup was in 1930. It has a history of over 90 years. During the World Cup,12 fans watch the games and cheer for their favorite teams or players. We have known some famous football players from the fo

53、otball competitions, such as Beckham, Messi, and Figo. They have excited football fans for many years. The World Cup13the best chances forfootball players around the world. The winners can get not only14but also respect (尊重).The 2022 World Cup will start on November 21st and 15 on December 18th. The

54、 competition is going to last (持续)16 days. To avoid the high 17 in Qatar (卡塔尔),the games will come in winter 18 summer. Gianni Infantino, FIFAs president (国际 足联主席)said, “This is a good decision, the 19 temperature in Qatar is up to 45 . Its too hot for players to compete79 The true spirit of the 202

55、2 World Cup is “Where there is life, there is struggle (奋斗)Its sure that every football player will try 20 best to achieve their goals.If you have time, if you love soccer, why not come to Qatar to enjoy the exciting football event?11. A. takes offB. takes a walkC. takes place12. A. fewB. littleC. q

56、uite a few13. A. has agreedB has refusedC. has provided14. A. silenceB. honorC. mistakes15. A. endB. beginC. cross16. A. 8B. 18C. 2817. A. priceB. heatC, speed18. A. instead ofB. in totalC. in front of19. A. deepestB. highestC. widest20. A. theirB. theirsC . them【答案】11. CCCBACBABA【解析】【导语】本文讲述世界杯是全世界

57、足球运发动获得荣誉和尊重的最好机会,讲述2022年卡塔尔在冬 季举办世界杯的原因。11.句意:它每四年举行一次。takes off 脱掉,起飞;takes a walk 散步;takes place 发生,举行。“it”指的是“FIFA World Cup”。 根据every 4 years”可知句子表达的是世界杯举办的时间,用动词短语“takes place”。应选Co 12.句意:世界杯期间,相当多的粉丝看比赛,为他们最爱的队或队员欢呼。few几乎没,接可数名词;little几乎没,接不可数名词;quite a few相当多。“fans”是可数 名词的复数形式。根据watch the ga

58、mes and cheer for their favorite teams or players”及They have excited football fans fbr many years”可知,句子表达粉丝有很多,用短语“quite a few”。 应选Co句意:世界杯为全世界的足球运发动提供最好的机会。has agreed 同意;has refused 拒绝;has provided 提供。根据the best chances fbr football players, 可知句子用“provide sth. for sb”,表达“为某位提供某物工 应选C。句意:获胜者不仅获得荣誉还获

59、得尊重。silence 安静;honor 荣誉;mistakes 错误。根据“The winners”及“but also respect”可知,句子 表达不但有荣誉还有尊重,用名词“honor:应选B。句意:2022年世界杯将在11月21日开始,12月18日结束。end结束;begin开始;cross穿过。根据“start on November 21st and”可知,句子表达结束的 时间,用动词“end”。应选A。句意:比赛将持续28天。8 八;18 十八;28 二十八。根据start on November 21st and”及“on December 18th”可知,从 11月21日

60、到12月18日,共28天。应选C。句意:为了防止卡塔尔的高温,比赛将在冬天而不是夏天举行。price价格;heat热量;speed速度。根据the games will come in winter”可知,句子表达防止 高温,用名词“heat”。应选B。句意;为了防止卡塔尔的高温,比赛将在冬天而不是夏天举行。instead of 而不是;in total 总共;in front of 在某物前面。根据“To avoid, the games will come in winter”及“summer”,可知句子否认后面,表达“而不是夏天”,用“instead 0f。应选A。句意:这是一个很好地决




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