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harpoon 网络解释

1. 魚叉(飛彈):2艘鹗级猎雷舰(Ospreyclass)计1.05亿美元,3套博胜指管雷达系统,包括35套MIDS/LVT-1机载终端机、25套舰载MIDS终端机、相关设备与服务,共计28.1亿美元,合计3700万美元的鱼叉飞弹(Harpoon)包括10枚RTM-84L型与2枚ATM-84L型,

2. 鱼叉"导弹:博胜指管系统计3.4亿美元,包括35套MIDS/LVT-1机载终端机、25套舰载MIDS终端机、相关设备与服务;翻新、升级的鹗级猎雷舰(Ospreyclass)计1.05亿美元;合计3700万美元的鱼叉导弹(Harpoon)则包括10枚RTM-84L型与2枚ATM-84L型,及相关设备与服务

3. 魚叉反艦飛彈 (捕鯨叉):ASW 反潜武器 | Harpoon 鱼叉反舰飞弹 (捕鲸叉) | Standard 标准防空飞弹

harpoon 双语例句

1. The shark's head was out of water and his back was coming out and the old man could hear the noise of skin and flesh ripping on the big fish when he rammed the harpoon down onto the shark's head at a spot where the line between his eyes intersected with the line that ran straight back from his nose.    鲨鱼的头露出在水面上,背部正在出水,老人听见那条大鱼的皮肉被撕裂的声音,这时候,他用鱼叉朝下猛地扎进鲨鱼的脑袋,正扎在它两眼之间的那条线和从鼻子笔直通到脑后的那条线的交叉点上。

2. The shark's head was out of water and his back was coming out and the old man could hear the noise of skin and flesh ripping on the big fish when he rammed the harpoon down onto the shark's head at a spot where the line between his eyes intersected with the line that ran straight back form his nose.    鲨鱼的头露出在水面上,背部正在出水。老人听见那条大鱼的皮肉被撕裂的声音,这时候,他用鱼叉朝下猛地扎进鲨鱼的脑袋,正扎在它两眼之间的那条线和从鼻子笔直通到脑后的那条线的交叉点上。


3. That's the song of an Atlantic minke whale —and minkes are often the type of whale in the cross-hairs of Japanese and Scandinavian harpoon ships.    这是大西洋小须鲸的歌唱声(译者注:在原文播客中,有一小段小须鲸的音乐)——小须鲸常常是日本和北欧诸国捕鲸船的猎杀目标。

4. Nicklin is a new kind of whaler. His job is not to render the oil, but to capture the essence of cetaceans, and the Nikon is his favorite harpoon.    尼克林属于新的一类捕鲸人,他的工作不是割取鲸脂,而是捕捉鲸的神韵,相机是他最得力的工具。

5. The shaft of the harpoon was projecting at an angle from the fish's shoulder and the sea was discoloring with the red of the blood from his heart.    鱼叉的柄部与鱼的肩膀形成一个倾斜角度,海水被它脏喷出来的血染红了。

6. harpoon是什么意思

6. A post on a whaleboat used to secure the harpoon rope.    铁索柱捕鲸船上的桩子,用于拴鱼叉上的绳子

7. Commander Luke Skywalker used a similar device during the Battle of Hoth, a magnetic harpoon gun.    卢克·天行者队长在霍斯战役期间也使用了相似的武器——磁性钩爪枪。

8. harpoon

8. Sam Burich held his harpoon gun ready.    萨姆·伯里奇扶着他的捕鲸炮准备发射。

9. One man rushes toward him with a harpoon gun. He thrusts the gun hard against the whale's side and explodes a cartridge that goes through the bowhead's skin.    一个人飞快地抓起鱼叉冲过来,狠狠地朝鲸鱼刺去,使炸药从鲸鱼在皮肤里引爆。

10. harpoon什么意思

10. One man rushes toward him with a harpoon gun. He thrusts the gun hard against the whale's side explodes a cartridge that goes through the bowhead's skin.    一个人飞快地抓起鱼叉冲过来,狠狠地朝鲸鱼刺去,使炸药从鲸鱼在皮肤里引爆。

11. 好好学单词·英语单词大全

11. One man rushes toward him with a harpoon gun. He thrusts the gun hard against the whales side and explodes a cartridge that goes through the bowheads skin.      一个人飞快地抓起鱼叉冲过来,狠狠地朝鲸鱼刺去,使炸药从鲸鱼在皮肤里引爆。

12. A barb on a harpoon or arrow.      渔叉或箭头上的倒钩。

13. harpoon

13. The harpoon drove deep into the body of the whale.      渔叉深深地扎进鲸鱼体内。

14. The fishermen kill the dolphins, slashing their throats with knives or stabbing them with harpoon-like spears.      渔民们捕杀海豚,用刀猛击它们的喉咙或是用渔叉刺穿它们的喉咙。

15. If you liked Mack Harpoon Lagoon you may also enjoy...      如果您喜欢马克鱼叉礁湖,您还可以享受。。。

16. Explore the lost worlds as you bust your way through 190 levels of magic fish, harpoon guns and power-ups.      探索失落的世界正如你半身像您的方式,通过190的水平魔术鱼,鱼叉枪和权力的

17. With failing might the old man struck the shark with his harpoon.      他拿着桅竿和卷起的船帆,往岸上爬去。

18. And finally the right, at the end, to a decent death-not bu a club, by a trap, by harpoon, cruel poison or mass extermination chamber.      最后,他们将享有在岁暮之时体面的死去的权力,而不是死于棍棒,陷阱,鱼叉,残忍的毒药或无数的射杀他们的子弹。

19. Then he took two turns of the harpoon line around the bitt in the bow and laid his head on his hands.      随后他把鱼叉线绳在船头的木栓上绕了两圈,然后把头靠在双手上。

20. Then he took two turns of the harpoon line around the bitt in the bow and hid his head on his hands.      接着他把鱼叉上的绳子在船头的系缆柱上绕了两圈,然后把脑袋搁在双手上。

harpoon 词典解释

1. (捕鲸等用的)鱼镖,鱼叉,捕鲸叉    A harpoon is a long pointed weapon with a long rope attached to it, which is fired or thrown by people hunting whales or large sea fish.

2. 用鱼叉捕获(鲸鱼等)    To harpoon a whale or large fish means to hit it with a harpoon.


    e.g. Norwegian whalers said yesterday they had harpooned a female minke whale.           挪威的捕鲸人说昨天他们用捕鲸叉捕获了一头雌性小须鲸。

harpoon 单语例句harpoon的反义词

1. They also got a rope entangled in the propeller on a harpoon vessel, causing it to slow down.

2. Environmentalists also are critical of the methods used by Japan's fleet to harpoon the whales.

3. Police said Xiong used an ax, a brick and a harpoon to kill his victims.

harpoon在线翻译harpoon 英英释义


1. a spear with a shaft and barbed point for throwing    used for catching large fish or whales    a strong line is attached to it


1. spear with a harpoon

    e.g. harpoon whales



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