harmonious的解释和发音 「欧路词典」英汉

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harmonious的解释和发音 「欧路词典」英汉

2024-06-29 12:27| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

harmonious music.悦耳的音乐。harmonious relationships.和睦的关系。a harmonious blend of architectural styles.各种建筑风格的完美的结合the decor is a harmonious blend of traditional and modern.这种装饰格调是传统与现代的和谐结合。a harmonious group of friends 一群和睦的朋友The harmonious labor relationship and the harmonious society have the homogeny and interactiveness.和谐劳动关系与和谐社会具有同质性和互动性。Jackson employs both harmonious and dissonant colour choices.杰克逊既运用了和谐的色彩搭配,也用了相冲的色彩搭配。Heart to heart chats conduce to the establishment of harmonious atmosphere among fellow workers.谈心活动有助于造成员工间和谐的氛围。Ninthly, what kind of system does harmonious development need?九、和谐发展需要什麽样的制度安排?I would keep pudicity in the harmonious entironment and keep nobleness in magnanimous heart for ever.无论出于哪种目的,都是一种无聊的目的。糖果公主伍泰洋永远是贞于和谐,贵在包容。As one direction of valuative viewpoint,a harmonious society presents individual and household more living space.和谐社会作为一种价值观的指引,给个体和家庭更大的生活空间。If they would simply go home, all under the Heavens would be harmonious once more.只要他们撤回本国去, 大家又会相安无事了。They can build a more harmonious society once inequality and exploitation are removed. 消除了不均与剥削,他们就能建立一个更为和谐的社会。In the face of all kinds attention and canard, I think keeping pudicity in the harmonious entironment and keep nobleness in the magnanimous heart.”面对各种五花八门的关注与谣言,我的口号是:“贞于和谐,贵在包容。”Harmonious society is a society that being able to resolve and mitigate the conflict of interests,and that being able to realize beneficial equability.和谐社会就是一个有能力解决和化解利益冲突,并由此实现利益均衡的社会。At the Shanghai Auto Show, Great Wall put forward to layout car, SUV, pickup and MPV, also their harmonious development ideamonger.在前不久上海车展上,长城正式高调提出要按轿车、SUV、皮卡和MPV三大板块布局,并从战略高度提出了三大品类产品和谐发展的新构想。The overall development of human being and the construction of socialist harmonious society interdepend and mutually reinforce, both in theory and practice to a high degree of uniformity.人的全面发展与社会主义和谐社会的构建相互依赖、相互促进、相辅相成,二者在理论与实践上具有高度的统一性。The open-minded and shibui civilization of Europe gave him gentlemanlike behavior, and the natural and harmonious culture of Orient gave him supreme wisdom.欧洲文明的开放与典雅培养了他的绅士举止,而自然和谐的东方文化则赋予他最高的智慧。The notion advocated by Buddhism, boundless compassion and uncontainable pity, is the best method to set up a harmonious relation between persons.如果我们对包括自身在内的一切生命个体都保持平等和爱恋,无缘大慈,同体大悲,那么,世界将会变得更加美好。However the right personality,the unpretending humanity,the truest empressement and the rational tolerance are the key to realize the harmonious service.而健全的人格、质朴的仁爱、至真的诚信和理性的宽容正是实现和谐服务的关键。





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