hen to是什么意思 hen to的中文翻译、读音、例句

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hen to是什么意思 hen to的中文翻译、读音、例句

2023-12-02 17:02| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

导读: happen to通常被翻译为"碰巧、偶然"的意思,happen to是什么意思 happen to的中文翻译、读音、例句,在英美地区还有"发生于"的意思,单词读音音标为[happento],happen to来源于英语,在《英语发音在线词典》中,共找到64个与happen to相关的释义和例句。


读音:['hæpən tu:]


1. I hen to know that it's going to rain tomorrow.(我碰巧知道明天要下雨。)

2. Do you hen to have any spare change?(你恰好有零钱吗?)

3. I hen to be in the same class as her.(我碰巧和她在同一班。)

hen to的意思是"发生于、偶然",还有碰巧的意思,在线发音:[hento],hen to在英语中经常以名词形式出现,在《牛津英汉双解词典》中,共找到43个与hen to相关的例句。

Hen to的翻译


例句:Then why does this hen? (那为什么会这样 Then why does this hen?)


例句:Now, I hen to run the largest live event outfit on the entire of West Coast. (I hen to run the largest live event outfit)


例句:Gonna hen to them? -[ clearing throat ] (会怎么样 gonna hen to them?)


hen to一般作为名词使用,如在hen(发生 )、hen by(偶然路过,碰巧路过:)、hen in(偶然来到;发生在…)等常见短语中出现较多。

hen发生hen by偶然路过,碰巧路过:hen in偶然来到;发生在…hen in with偶然遇见,和…邂逅hen into碰巧进入(或走进):hen on偶然遇见,碰到hen to be碰巧是,恰巧是hen with[网络] 和……一起发生;伴随hen across[网络] 发生在例句

1. Gonna hen to them? -[ clearing throat ] (翻译:会怎么样 gonna hen to them?)

2. Now, it would be a shame if anything were to hen to your kids. (翻译:it would be a shame if anything were to hen to your kids.)

3. I would never let that hen. (翻译:I would never let that hen.)

4. How are you going to make what needs to hen hen? (翻译:你要如何促成那些必须得发生的事 How are you going to make what needs to hen hen?)

5. Did something hen to Dori? (翻译:Dori怎么了? Did something hen to Dori?)

6. You wanna help make that hen? (翻译:You wanna help make that hen?)

7. ♪ I just hen to come up hard ♪ (翻译:♪ I just hen to come up hard ♪)

8. - Yes, I can make that hen. (翻译:- Yes, I can make that hen.)

9. Look, lieutenant, I know that that can hen... (翻译:I know that that can hen...)

10. - ( Woman ) What will hen? (翻译:- [Tarish] Who is with us? - [Woman] What will hen?)

11. - Like they knew it was gonna hen. (翻译:-Like they knew it was gonna hen.)

12. Would you hen to have a cigarette? (翻译:Would you hen to have a cigarette?)

13. - Why, did something hen? (翻译:did something hen?)

14. You know what will hen. (翻译:You know what will hen.)

15. [ sobbing ] What kind of God lets this hen? (翻译:WHAT KIND OF GOD LETS THIS HAPPEN?)

'hen to'是一个常用的短语,可以表示发生或偶然发生,下面从用法、语法和示例三个方面展开说明:

1. 用法方面:

'hen to' 通常用来表示一件事情是偶然发生的,也可以用来表示自己或他人遭遇了某种经历或事件。

2. 语法方面:


3. 示例方面:

下面是五个中英文例句,以此帮助理解和掌握'hen to'这个单词的用法:

1)I hened to meet my old friend on the street. (我碰巧在街上遇到了我的老朋友。)

2)She hened to have a cold and couldn't come to work today. (她碰巧感冒了,今天不能来上班了。)

3)He hened to be in the same lecture as me at university. (他恰好和我上了同一堂大学课程。)


5)If you hen to see him, could you tell him to call me back? (如果你碰巧看到他了,能否请告诉他给我回个电话?)

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