【新课标】Unit 4 Save the trees 第1课时Reading I课件

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【新课标】Unit 4 Save the trees 第1课时Reading I课件

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(共59张PPT)Unit 4 Save the treesPeriod 1 Reading I牛津深圳·广州版 七年级下Words: save, discuss, harmful ...Phrases: take in, for example …Learn some language points.Understand the general idea of the article according to the pictures and key words.Learning objectsDo you know when the National Tree Planting Day is Lead inIt is on March 12.When was the first National Tree planting Day Lead inIn 1979. China observes its 45th National Tree Planting Day.Why should we plant more trees Lead inHow much do you know about trees Lead inTry the short quiz below.branch fruit leaf rootfruitrootleafbranchLead inWrite down the names of the parts of a tree. Use the words from the box to help you.a. They help fight against pollution.b. They provide us with wood, fruit, etc.c. They are home to birds and animals.d. All of the above.2 What do trees do for us Lead inChoose the best answer.__________________harmful gases from the air_____________________oxygen for us to breatheLead inproducetake inCan you use the correct verbs to describe what the trees do 1. What do you think the interview is about a. The lives of trees.b. Why trees are important in our daily lives.2. What can we make from trees Write down three examples.____________________________________________________________paperpencilschairsPre-readingLook at the pictures and the title of the interview on page 45. Then answer the questions below.titleHow do trees help us Pictures can make an article more attractive and its topic clearer.Pre-readingWhat does thearticle mainly talk about in this interview How do trees make our lives more convenient What should we do with trees Vocabularysave v. 拯救The fireman saved the little boy from the fire.The pine tree on Huangshan is very famous.pine n. 松树[se v][pa n]branch n. 树枝In winter, the trees lose all their leaves and only have bare branches left.The students discussed the question on the blackboard.Vocabularydiscuss v. 讨论[d sk s][br nt ]Let’s fight!This tree’s roots are above the ground.Vocabularyroot n. 根[ru t]fight v.与……作斗争(fought)[fa t]against prep. 反对The maths example was completed by Mr. Li.She is the only person to speak against him.Vocabularyexample n. 例子[ ɡ z mpl][ ɡenst]gas n. 气体Careful! Those tanks are full of gas.Harmful smoke comes from the factory.Vocabularyharmful adj. 有害的[ hɑ rmfl][ɡ s]oxygen n. 氧气The factory produces things quickly.Vocabularyproduce v. 产生;生产[pr du s][ ks d n]We must breathe oxygen to live.convenient adj. 方便的Instant noodles taste horrible, but at least they’re convenient.A major cause of lung cancer is smoking.Vocabularymajor adj. 主要的[ me d (r)][k n vi ni nt]imagine v. 想象;设想He found a set of new furniture for his living room.The lady imagines herself dancing with a prince.Vocabularyfurniture n. 家具[ m d n][ f n t (r)]convenientfor exampleagainsttake insavefightgasGamemillions ofin factmajorfurnitureharmfulbe made ofproduceGameimaginerootpinelook aroundcome frombranchdiscussGame1. Harmful gases are ____ people’s health.a. good for b. bad for2. Trees produce oxygen. They ___ oxygen.a. take b. make3. Air pollution is a major problem in the city.This problem is ____.a. big and important b. not very importantHave a goC1 The words in italics are from the article on page 45. Circle the correct answers to complete these sentences.4. Washing machines make our lives more convenient. With the help of them, our lives become ____.a. easier b. richer5. When you imagine a picture, you have it ____.a. on paperb. in your mindHave a goAll about treesDid you know trees(1)__________ oxygen Did you know trees help us fight (2)________ pollution Did you know the (3)____________ in ourclassroom is made of wood produceagainstfurnitureagainst convenient furniture major produceC2 Complete the poster below with the words from the box.Have a goDid you know trees make our lives very (4)______________ If you want to know more about trees, join our “All about trees” talk at 4 p.m. on 26 October (Tuesday). We will interview Dr Jones about the lives of trees and their (5)________ uses.convenientmajoragainst convenient furniture major produceHave a goReadingReading( )1. Which of the following can't trees produce according to the passage A. Paper. B. Oxygen.C. Pencils. D. Harmful gases.( )2. Which of the following statement is true about trees A. Tea comes from the roof of the trees.B. Trees make our lives more comfortable.C. All of the things in our daily lives come from trees.D. Human must be the major fighters against air pollution.DBReading taskRead the text and choose the best answer.( ) 3. What do you think of Dr Jones A. Clever and funny.B. Clever and careless.C. Kind hearted and knowledgeable.D. Knowledgeable and helpless.( )4. In which section of the newspaper would you probably read this interview A. Environment. B. Health.C. Sports. D. Fashion.CAReading taskTrees in ourdaily livesRead the interview again and complete the notes below.Reading taskTrees in our daily livesTrees are major fighters against ___________. They:keep the air ______________.take in _____________ from the air and produce oxygen.Trees make our lives ________________.Many of the things (e.g. paper and pencils) in our daily lives ________________.We also get fruit, oil and tea from trees.A lot of furniture is _______________.air pollutioncool and cleanharmful gasesmore convenientcome from treesmade of woodReading task1. They provide us with wood, fruit, etc. 它为我们提供木材、果实等。【用法】 provide sb. with sth. = provide sth. for sb. 为某人提供某物Sheep provide us with wool.= Sheep provide wool for us. 绵羊为我们提供羊毛。Language points【即时训练】根据中文意思完成句子。1. 政府为村民们提供法律服务。The government ________ the villagers ______ legal service.= The government ________ legal service ______ the villagers.provides withprovides forLanguage points2. They help us in many ways. 他们在很多方面帮助我们。【用法】 in many ways 在许多方面。way作可数名词,意为“方面,方式,道路”。It’s the best way to study English. 这是学习英语最好的方法。【拓展】in a/an … way 以一种……的方式 by the way顺便说一下in a way 在某种程度上Language points3. They keep the air cool and clean. 它们(树木)保持空气凉爽和清洁。【用法】 keep 是动词,意为“保持;继续”。常用句型有:① keep sb / sth + adj.意为“使某人/某物保持某种状态”。Don’t keep yourself sad.别伤心了。Language points② keep doing ... 意为“继续做……”。The machine kept working.机器一直运转。③ keep sb / sth doing ...意为“让某人/某物一直/继续做……”。Don’t keep the fire burning. 别让火一直烧着。Language points【即时训练】根据中文意思完成句子。1. 我们应该每天都保持教室清洁。We should _____ _____ __________ _____ every day.2. 他们在雨中继续踢足球。They ___________ ________ football in the rain.3. 她昨天让我等了她半个小时。She _____ _____ _______ for her for half an hour yesterday.keep the classroom cleankeep / kept playingkept me waitingLanguage points4. They take in harmful gases from the air and produce oxygen for us to breathe. 它们从空气中吸收有害的气体,制造氧气供我们呼吸。【用法】 ① take in 吸收Trees take in carbon dioxide. 树木吸收二氧化碳。Language points【用法】 ② harmful adj. 有害的be harmful to 对……有危害Smoking is harmful to your health. 吸烟有害健康。形容词harmful 意为“有害的”,由名词harm 加后缀-ful 构成。后缀.ful 表示“充满……的;有……性质的”,常加在一些名词或动词后面构成形容词。beautiful 漂亮的;thankful 感激的。Language points5. for example 例如for example 与 such as 的区别1) for example “例如” +句子、段落, 用来举例说明某一论点或情况,一般只举同类人或物中的“一个”为例, 可位于句首、句中或句末。2) such as “例如”+单词、词组或动词ing,用来列举事物时,一般列举同类人或事物中的几个例子。插在被列举的事物与前面的名词之间,as后面不可有逗号。Language pointsWe got a lot of things from trees. For example, rubber is from rubber trees. 我们从树上得到了很多东西。例如,橡胶来自于橡胶树。China has many big cities, such as Bejing, Shanghai, Guangzhou. 中国有许多大城市,例如北京、上海、广州。Language pointsLanguage points6. A lot of the furniture is made of wood. 很多家具是木制的。【用法】 ① furniture n.家具;为不可数名词,可用a piece of, an article of 以及some, much来修饰。We don't have much furniture.我们的家具不多。Beds, chairs, tables and desks are furniture.床、椅子、桌子和书桌都是家具。Language points② be made of 意为“由……制成”。My desk is made of wood.我的课桌是木制的。【辨析】be made of 从产品中能看出原材料be made from 从产品中看不出原材料The small bridge is made of stones.这座小桥是石头砌成的。Wine is made from grapes.葡萄酒是由葡萄制成的。【即时训练】根据中文意思完成句子。1. 这种油是由花生制成的。This kind of oil ______ ________ _______ peanuts.2. 这些花是用纸做的。These flowers ____ _______ ____ paper.are made ofis made fromLanguage points7. But we cut down millions of trees every year. 但是,我们每年都砍掉大量的树木。【用法】 ① cut down 砍伐,砍倒Don’t cut down the tree that gives you shade.遮阴之树不可砍。Language points② million 意为“百万”,表示具体的数目时用单数形式;表示不具体的数目时用复数形式,且与of 连用,构成短语millions of,意为“大量的;数以百万计的”。The house costs two million yuan.这栋房子价值两百万元。Every year, millions of tourists come to visit Beijing.每年,数以百万计的游客来游览北京。类似million 用法的数词还有:hundred和thousand。Language points【即时训练】选用million或millions of填空。1. There are ____________ books in the library.2. There are over six ________ people in this city.millionmillions ofLanguage points8. We should stop doing this if we don’t want a world without trees. 如果不想让这个世界没有树木,我们就应该停止这样做。【用法】 stop 在本句中作动词,意为“停止”,后面可以接动词的 ing 形式或动词不定式,构成 stop doing sth. 和stop to do sth.,两者的意义和用法有所区别。Language points【辨析】stop doing sth 意为“停止做某事”,表示不做这件事了;stop to do sth 意为“停下来去做某事”,表示停下手中正在做的事,去做另一件事。The students stopped talking when Mr Chen came in.当陈老师进来时,学生们都停止了说话。He is tired. He wants to stop to have a rest.他累了,想停下来休息一会儿。Language pointsCLanguage points【即时训练】 选择最佳答案填空。( )1. The students stopped ___ and got ready for class.A. talk B. to talkC. talking D. to talking( )2. The doorbell rang. My mother stopped ______ the door.A. answer B. to answerC. answering D. to answeringC1. You are a great doctor. Thank you for s______ my life.2. Can you i________ a world without air 3. Don’t go into the room. There is bad g______ in it.4. Eating too much sweets is h______ to our teeth.5. I will d______ the problem with you this afternoon.6. If you don’t understand, I’ll give you another e_______ .avingmagineasarmfuliscussxample一、用所给单词的适当形式填空。Exercise1. You are excellent ____ many ways.A. on B. at C. in D. for2. I was watching TV at that time. When my mother came into the room, I stopped ____ my book.A. reading B. readC. to read D. to readingCCExercise二、选择最佳答案填空。3. I stood up to ____ when a gentle hand touched my shoulder.A. look up B. look aroundC. look after D. look for4. If you want to ____, you had better take exercise every day.A. keep health B. keep healthilyC. keeping health D. keep healthyDBExerciseSummaryKey words: save, pine, discuss, branch, fight, against, example, harmful, gas, produce, major, oxygen, convenient, furniture, imagineKey phrases: take in, come from, for example, in fact, look around, be made of, millions ofHomework1. Recite new words and expressions .2. Finish the reading exercise paper.Storms make trees take deeper roots.风暴使树木深深扎根。Reflection谢谢21世纪教育网(www.21cnjy.com)中小学教育资源网站兼职招聘:https://www.21cnjy.com/recruitment/home/admin






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