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2024-07-04 08:37| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

1:A.D. 拉丁文:anno Domini 释义:in the year of the Lord 耶稣纪年,公元2:a.m. 拉丁文:Ante Meridiem 释义:before middday 上午,午前3:c., ca. 拉丁文:circa 释义:around, about, approximately 大约4:Cap 拉丁文:capitulus 释义:chapter 章节5:cf. 拉丁文:confer 释义:"bring together" and hence "compare" 试比较6:cp. 释义:compare 比较7:C.V. 拉丁文:curriculum vitae 释义:course of life 简历8:etc. 拉丁文:et cetera 释义:and the others, and other things, and the rest 等等9:e.g. 拉丁文:exempli gratia 释义:for example, for instance 比如10:ff. 拉丁文:folio 释义:and following 以及接下去的11:id. 拉丁文:idem 释义:the same (man) 同上12:i.a. 拉丁文:inter alia 释义:among other things 除了别的因素以外,特别13:i.e. 拉丁文:id est 释义:that is, in other words 即是14:lb. 拉丁文:libra 释义:scales 磅15:LL.B. 拉丁文:Legum Baccalaureus 释义:bachelor of laws 法学士16:M.A. 拉丁文:Magister Artium 释义:Master of Arts 文科硕士17:N.B. 拉丁文:nota bene 释义:note well 注意,留心18:op.cit. 拉丁文:opere citato 释义:the work cited 在前面所引用的书中19:p.a. 拉丁文:per annum 释义:through a year 每年20:per cent(通常写作percent) 拉丁文:per centum 释义:for each one hundred 百分之一21:PH.D. 拉丁文:Philosphiae Doctor 释义:Teacher of Philosophy 哲学博士22:P.M. 拉丁文:Post Meridiem 释义:after midday 下午,午后23:p.p. 拉丁文:per procurationem 释义:through the agency of 经由代理人24:PRN 拉丁文:pro re nata 释义:as needed 当需要时25:pro tem 拉丁文:pro tempore 释义:for the time being, temporarily 暂时26:P.S. 拉丁文:post scriptum 释义:after what has been written 附言27:Q.D. 拉丁文:quaque die 释义:every day 每天28:Q.E.D. 拉丁文:quod erat demonstrandum 释义:which was to be demonstrated 证明完毕29:q.v. 拉丁文:quod videre 释义:which to see 参见30:Re 拉丁文:in re 释义:in the matter of, concerning 关于31:REG 拉丁文:regina 释义:queen 女王32:R.I.P. 拉丁文:requiescat in pace 释义:may he/she rest in peace 愿他(或她)安息吧33:s.o.s. 拉丁文:si opus sit 释义:if there is need, if occasion require, if necessary 如有必要34:stat. 拉丁文:statim 释义:immediately 马上,立即

35:viz. 拉丁文:videlicet 释义:namely, precisely, that is to say 即,就是

36:vs 拉丁文:versus 释义:against 以……为对手

37:et al.

拉丁文:et a lii

释义:and others  等等 , 以及其他人等


拉丁文:et cet era

释义:and so forth 等等 , 以及其他等( 指物)

39: e.g.

拉丁文:exempli gratia

释义:for example 例如,举例来说


拉丁文:id est

释义:that is to say 那就是 , 即



释义:equation 方程式


英文:almost everyw here



拉丁文:conf er

释义:compare 参看, 比较


英文:contra  释义:相反


英文:constant  释义:常数, 常量


英文:figure  释义:图( 形), 数字

47:s. t .

英文:such that 释义:于是 , 因此

48:st .

英文:subject to 释义:约束于




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