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#洛圣都改装车 | 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

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Type 可下载内容 洛圣都改装车 官方艺术作品 宣传图 官方艺术作品 宣传图 游戏 《侠盗猎车手:在线模式》[EV/E&E] 预告时间 2021年7月15日 发布时间 2021年7月20日 上一个DLC 下一个DLC 佩里科岛抢劫任务 合约 技术信息 游戏内文件名 mp2023_01 备用游戏内文件名 mp2023_01_g9ec


目录 1 介绍 2 Content 2.1 洛圣都车友会 2.2 Races 2.2.1 试驾赛道 2.2.2 Prize Ride Challenges 2.2.3 Street Race Series 2.2.4 Pursuit Series 2.2.5 Sprint 2.3 联络人差事 2.4 Reputation 2.4.1 Private Takeover 2.5 New Characters 2.6 广播电台 2.7 载具 2.7.1 Customization 2.8 Character Customization 3 图集 3.1 视频 4 琐事 5 参考资料 6 导航 介绍[] “GTA 在线模式:洛圣都改装车将于 7 月 20 日推出,而洛圣都的地下改装车世界将轰鸣起来。除了大量内容丰富、基于改装车的任务和竞速以外,此更新推出洛圣都车友会,一个超大的共享社交空间。您和您心爱的私人载具可以在这里与竞速爱好者自由竞逐、炫耀您的改装载具,甚至与一些需要专业车手的可疑联系人建立联系并获得轻松赚钱的机会。” ——Rockstar新闻专线 Content[] “想要踏入改车竞速的世界,您得先造访一间座落在城市外缘扁柏平地,布满涂鸦的平凡仓库,仔细聆听哪里传出阵阵销魂的引擎声浪,朝著这声音走就对了,或是找找外头的马路上哪里有临时凑合的终点线。洛圣都车聚会员恪守「和气同乐」原则,因此这里绝对不会有条子找上门,也不会遇到大洛圣都那些无恶不作的三流混混。

把您桀骜不驯的态度(和您的武装载具)乖乖停在门外,进来和臭味相投的同好分享您对改车文化的热爱。在这里,您有无数种方法沉浸在改车圈的中心,炫耀自己收藏的珍贵个人载具,也能尽情浏览其他人的爱车。” ——Rockstar Newswire. 洛圣都车友会[]


Races[] “「洛圣都改装车」带来多项全新竞速,让您在车聚内外都能享受竞速乐趣。您可以在试驾赛道进行各种友谊赛,例如 「正面交锋」 :在这种短程竞速中,您必须依靠速度和精准操驾才能赢过对手; 「争先恐后」 :最多四名玩家相互竞逐,看谁能抢先收集到 20 个检查点。试驾赛道的 「时间挑战赛」 让您有机会将载具的性能发挥到极致,写下最佳个人记录。赛道上最多会有 30 名玩家与您一起飙风竞速,但比赛时车子不会相互碰撞;另外,会员也可单独在私人试驾赛道上奔驰。出了试驾赛道,会员也可在城市各处参加全新竞速系列赛: 「街头竞速系列赛」 及 「追缉系列赛」。 「街头竞速系列赛」 顾名思义就是在洛圣都一些风光最明媚的地区,在创意十足的赛道上进行万分激烈的竞赛,尽管这些赛道有捷径可抄,但高报酬就代表高风险。 「追缉系列赛」 则提供车手较为开放式的体验,检查点零星散落在地图各处,鼓励各路车手跑出自己的创意路线,毕竟您的竞争对手是您的赛车同好,以及紧追不舍的洛圣都警局菁英。此外, 「冲刺竞速」 是自由模式的点对点竞速挑战,您将与最多其他三名车手极速竞赛,从洛圣都车聚出发跑到洛圣都国际机场等各个地方之后,再回到原点。” ——Newswire 试驾赛道[] 正面交锋 争先恐后 Prize Ride Challenges[] Street Race Series[] Pursuit Series[] Sprint[] 联络人差事[]

[./https://gta.fandom.com/wiki/Moodymann 穆迪曼] 作为新差事联络人回归。

Reputation[] “在车聚这个地下改车圈里,声望是无比珍贵的资产。您可以透过各式各样的活动赚取声望,例如参加并赢得竞速、领取每日登入奖励、花时间在试驾赛道上驰骋,甚至单纯在车聚晃晃也可以赢得声望。 赚取声望将为您带来各式各样的奖励,让您在改车圈的地位水涨船高。这些奖励包括解锁各式新潮装备、车轮和涂装等众多华丽亮眼的新改车选项、解锁特定载具的批发价格、游玩全新竞速模式,甚至是获得举办私人车聚的权利。” ——Newsire Private Takeover[] New Characters[]


主条目:LS Car Meet 主条目:Contracts 未知姓名的女性联络人 广播电台[]

[./https://gta.fandom.com/wiki/Monday_Dreamin%E2%80%99 Monday Dreamin’],来自 [./https://gta.fandom.com/wiki/CircoLoco_Records CircoLoco Records]的首部专辑, 也将出现在洛圣都改装车更新中. 目前不确定其是否会成为 [./https://gta.fandom.com/wiki/Music_Locker_Radio 天籁宝盒]内的新歌曲或者是释出为新的 [./https://gta.fandom.com/wiki/Radio_Stations_in_GTA_Online 广播电台]. [1]


Lost Souls Of Saturn & TOKiMONSTA — Revision Of The Past [./https://gta.fandom.com/wiki/Keinemusik Rampa] — The Church (previously appeared briefly in [./https://gta.fandom.com/wiki/GTA_Online:_The_Cayo_Perico_Heist GTA Online: The Cayo Perico Heist]) [./https://gta.fandom.com/wiki/Moodymann Moodymann] — Keep On Coming feat. CD Butch — Raindrops feat. Kemelion Margaret Dygas — Wishing Well Carl Craig — Forever Free Deichkind — Autonom (Dixon Edit) Adam Beyer — Break It Up tINI — What If, Then What? feat. Amiture Jamie Jones — Laser Lass Seth Troxler — Lumartes (Extended) [./https://gta.fandom.com/wiki/Tale_Of_Us Tale Of Us] — Nova Two Sama' Abdulhadi — Reverie Luciano — Mantra For Lizzie DJ Tennis — Atlanta Mano Le Tough — As If To Say Kerri Chandler — You Damian Lazarus — The Future feat. Robert Owens Bedouin — Up In Flames Red Axes — Calib 载具[]

今年夏天将会有17辆新车发布,其中有10台将随著7月20日的更新发布。ere will be 17 new cars in total over the course of the summer, with 10 dropping at launch on July 20.

Image Name Description CalicoGTF-GTAO-PreReleaseScreenshot [./https://gta.fandom.com/wiki/Karin 卡林] [./https://gta.fandom.com/wiki/Calico_GTF 凯力柯 GTF] 似乎是基于第五以及第六代的 Toyota Celica. DominatorGTT-GTAO-PreReleaseScreenshot [./https://gta.fandom.com/wiki/Vapid 威皮] [./https://gta.fandom.com/wiki/Dominator_GTT 公路霸者 GTT] 经典款的 [./https://gta.fandom.com/wiki/Dominator 公路霸者], 似乎是基于 1969–1970 Ford Mustang. Euros-GTAO-PreReleaseScreenshot [./https://gta.fandom.com/wiki/Annis 爱尼仕] [./https://gta.fandom.com/wiki/Euros 欧罗斯] 一台基于 Nissan 370Z的跑车. 从 [./https://gta.fandom.com/wiki/Grand_Theft_Auto:_San_Andreas Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas]回归. FutoGTX-GTAO-PreReleaseScreenshot [./https://gta.fandom.com/wiki/Karin 卡林] [./https://gta.fandom.com/wiki/Futo_GTX 福多 GTX] [./https://gta.fandom.com/wiki/Futo 福多]的变种款,基于 Toyota Sprinter Trueno (AE86). JesterRR-GTAO-PreReleaseScreenshot [./https://gta.fandom.com/wiki/Dinka 丁卡] [./https://gta.fandom.com/wiki/Jester_RR 小丑 RR] [./https://gta.fandom.com/wiki/Jester 小丑]的变种款, 大部分取自于第五代的 Toyota Supra. Remus-GTAO-PreReleaseScreenshot [./https://gta.fandom.com/wiki/Annis 爱尼仕] [./https://gta.fandom.com/wiki/Remus 雷穆斯] 基于 Nissan Silvia (S13). RT3000-GTAO-PreReleaseScreenshot [./https://gta.fandom.com/wiki/Dinka 丁卡] [./https://gta.fandom.com/wiki/RT3000 RT3000] 一台看起来是基于硬顶款 Honda S2000的跑车. TailgaterS-GTAO-PreReleaseScreenshot [./https://gta.fandom.com/wiki/Obey 奥北] [./https://gta.fandom.com/wiki/Tailgater_S 密探 S] 现代化的 [./https://gta.fandom.com/wiki/Tailgater 密探], 类似 Audi RS3 Sedan. WarrenerHKR-GTAO-PreReleaseScreenshot [./https://gta.fandom.com/wiki/Vulcar 福狮] [./https://gta.fandom.com/wiki/Warrener_HKR 守护星 HKR] [./https://gta.fandom.com/wiki/Warrener 守护星]的皮卡变种版, 类似 1974 Nissan/Datsun Sunny "Hakotora". ZR350-GTAO-PreReleaseScreenshot [./https://gta.fandom.com/wiki/Annis 爱尼仕] [./https://gta.fandom.com/wiki/ZR350 ZR350] 一台大部份基于第三代 Mazda RX-7的跑车. 从 [./https://gta.fandom.com/wiki/Grand_Theft_Auto:_San_Andreas Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas]回归. UnnamedEmperorVehicle-GTAO-CroppedPromotionalImage 尚未命名的 [./https://gta.fandom.com/wiki/Emperor_(manufacturer) 皇霸天] 载具 一台看似基于 Lexus RC F的双门跑车. UnnamedPfisterVehicle-GTAO-CroppedPromotionalImage 尚未命名的 [./https://gta.fandom.com/wiki/Pfister 菲斯特] 载具 基于 Porsche Cayman的双门跑车. UnnamedÜbermachtVehicle-GTAO-CroppedPromotionalImage 尚未命名的 [./https://gta.fandom.com/wiki/%C3%9Cbermacht 绝品] 载具 A 2-door sports coupe mainly based on the BMW M2 (F87) with some design cues from the BMW M6 (F13) and BMW M8 (F92). UnnamedVapidVehicle-GTAO-TrailerImages 尚未命名的 [./https://gta.fandom.com/wiki/Vapid 威皮] 载具 A retro version of the [./https://gta.fandom.com/wiki/Dominator Dominator], based on a fourth generation Ford Mustang New Edge (SN95). UnknownPfisterCar-GTAO-SideView-LSTunersTrailer 尚未命名的 [./https://gta.fandom.com/wiki/Pfister 菲斯特] 载具 A 2-door sports car based on the Porsche 992. Unknown2drSultanRSClassic-GTAO-RearQuarter-LSTunersTrailer 尚未命名的 [./https://gta.fandom.com/wiki/Karin 卡林] 载具 A 2-door version of the [./https://gta.fandom.com/wiki/Sultan_Classic Sultan Classic] or classic version of the [./https://gta.fandom.com/wiki/Sultan_RS Sultan RS]. Customization[]

The Car Meet area includes a Modding Area similar to other vehicle customization garages, except other players in the meet will be able to watch the customization process in real time.

“Plus, when GTA Online launches on PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X/S later this year, select vehicles will be upgradable with all new speed improvements and more. These special upgrades will be available only on PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X/S versions of Grand Theft Auto V — stay tuned for more details.” ——Newswire.

Some modifications will only be available in the expanded and enhanced version on [./https://gta.fandom.com/wiki/PlayStation_5 PlayStation 5] and [./https://gta.fandom.com/wiki/Xbox_Series_X Xbox Series X]/S in December.

Character Customization[]

A new Merch Shop and Tattoo Shop will be available in the car meet area.

“Playing GTA Online from now until the launch of Los Santos Tuners will give you the opportunity to earn some special rewards. Just “Meet Up” by playing GTA Online anytime between now and launch to get the Los Santos Customs Tee, and participate in any Impromptu Race (accessible via the Interaction Menu) to receive the Los Santos Tour Jacket.Stealing and successfully selling a vehicle to LS Customs in Freemode will also earn you the Los Santos Customs Coveralls, perfect for your inner grease-monkey. Claim your rewards by playing Los Santos Tuners on or after July 20. Your items will land in your Wardrobe 72 hours after logging in after July 23.” ——Newswire

Playing Online before the update will unlock a Los Santos Customs tee-shirt, [./https://gta.fandom.com/wiki/Impromptu_Races Impromptu Races] will earn the Los Santos Tour jacket and selling a stolen vehicle at [./https://gta.fandom.com/wiki/Los_Santos_Customs Los Santos Customs] will earn the Los Santos Customs coveralls.

图集[] 视频[] GTA Online- Los Santos TunersGTA Online- Los Santos Tuners 琐事[] The song used in the main trailer for the update is "Freaks" by Nez, Gangsta Boo and Moodymann. With the forthcoming release of the game's standalone version and the Expanded & Enhanced version in November 11, 2021, this is the last content update for Grand Theft Auto Online where a copy of [./https://gta.fandom.com/wiki/Grand_Theft_Auto_V Grand Theft Auto V] is required to play. 参考资料[] ↑ “The [Money Dreamin'] compilation will also feature in the next GTA Online update, with a special DJ mix version showcasing new interpretations of all 20 tracks from the album, compiled and remixed by Seth Troxler.” ——"CircoLoco Records Presents Monday Dreamin’" - Rockstar Newswire 导航[] 主条目:/Character Customization  NavigationTemplate:Gtao updates Template:GTAonline Events




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