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#grow是什么意思| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

1.生长;长大;发育When people, animals, and plantsgrow, they increase in size and change physically over a period of time.

e.g. We stop growing at maturity.我们成年之后不再长个儿。

2.成活;生长If a plant or treegrows in a particular place, it is alive there.

e.g. The station had roses growing at each end of the platform.车站月台的两头种着玫瑰花。

3.栽种;种植If yougrow a particular type of plant, you put seeds or young plants in the ground and look after them as they develop.


e.g. I alwaysgrow a few red onions...我总是喜欢种一些红洋葱。e.g. Lettuce was grown by the Ancient Romans.古罗马人最先种植莴苣。

4.(毛发、指甲等)变长When someone's hairgrows, it gradually becomes longer. Your nails alsogrow.


e.g. Then the hair began togrow again and I felt terrific.然后,头发又长起来了,我感觉棒极了。

5.留长(头发或指甲);蓄(胡须)If someonegrows their hair, orgrows a beard or moustache, they stop cutting their hair or shaving so that their hair becomes longer. You can alsogrow your nails.

e.g. I'd better start growing my hair.我最好开始留头发。

6.成长;长大;成熟If someonegrows mentally, they change and develop in character or attitude.

e.g. They began togrow as persons.他们开始长大成人了。

7.变得;变成;长成You usegrow to say that someone or something gradually changes until they have a new quality, feeling, or attitude.

e.g. I grew a little afraid of the guy next door...我开始有些害怕隔壁的那个家伙。e.g. He's growing old...他渐渐变老了。

8.增加;增强;增大If an amount, feeling, or problemgrows, it becomes greater or more intense.

e.g. The number of unemployed people in Poland has grown by more than a quarter in the last month...上个月,波兰的失业人数增长超过了1/4。e.g. Opposition grew and the government agreed to negotiate.反对的声音越来越高,政府只好同意进行谈判。

9.成长为;发展为If one thinggrows into another, it develops or changes until it becomes that thing.

e.g. The boys grew into men...这些男孩子长成了男子汉。e.g. This political row threatens togrow into a full blown crisis.这场政治争端有可能演化成一场全面爆发的危机。

10.(观点、计划等)产生于,源于If something such as an idea or a plangrows out of something else, it develops from it.

e.g. The idea for this book grew out of conversations with Philippa Brewster.创作这本书的想法来源于跟菲莉帕·布鲁斯特的谈话。

11.(经济或公司)增长,扩大,发展If the economy or a businessgrows, it increases in wealth, size, or importance.

e.g. The economy continues togrow.经济持续发展。e.g. ...a fast growing business.迅速发展的企业

12.扩大,壮大,发展(公司等)If someonegrows a business, they take actions that will cause it to increase in wealth, size, or importance.

e.g. Togrow the business, he needs to develop management expertise and innovation across his team.为了拓展业务,他需要提高整个团队的管理技能和创新能力。

13.(晶体)产生;使(晶体)形成If a crystalgrows, or if a scientistgrows it, it forms from a solution.

e.g. ...crystals thatgrow in cavities in the rock...岩石洞穴中形成的水晶e.g. We tried togrow some copper sulphate crystals with our children.我们想跟孩子们一起制作硫酸铜晶体。

14. see also: grown

Be careful not to confuse the verbsgrow up andbring up.Grow up is an intransitive verb, and describes the process of becoming an adult.I grew up in rural southern England.Bring up is a transitive verb, and describes the process of looking after and socializing a child....we both felt the town was the perfect place to bring up a family. Note then, that parents do not 'grow up' their children, they 'bring them up'.不要混淆grow up与bring up。grow up是不及物动词,描述长大成人的过程:I grew up in rural southern England(我在英格兰南部乡村长大)。bring up是及物动词,描述的是养育孩子并使之适应社会的过程:We both felt the town was the perfect place to bring up a family(我们俩都觉得这个小镇是养儿育女的理想之地)。注意:父母养育子女不能说 grow up,只能说bring them up。

相关词组:grow apartgrow away fromgrow intogrow ongrow outgrow out ofgrow up




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