gromacs PCA 做自由能景观图

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gromacs PCA 做自由能景观图

2023-06-25 12:10| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

在文献中看到有人做自由能景观图,记录下自己的操作过程 参考


gmx trjconv -f md.xtc -s md.tpr -fit rot+trans -o mdfit.xtc

选择backbone 以及 system用于输出


gmx covar -s md.gro -f mdfit.xtc -o eigenvalues.xvg -v eigenvectors.trr -xpma covapic.xpm


这里可以用xmgrace 查看生成的


gmx anaeig -f mdfit.xtc -s md.tpr -v eigenvectors.trr -first 1 -proj pc1.xvg gmx anaeig -f mdfit.xtc -s md.gro -v eigenvectors.trr -frist 2 -last 2 -proj pc2.xvg


perl -i1 pc1.xvg -i2 pc2.xvg -data 1 -data2 1 -o gsham_input.xvg


gmx sham -f gsham_input.xvg -ls FES.xpm


python2.7 -f FES.xpm -o free-energy-landscape.txt

用origin 软件作图 打开free-energy-landscape.txt,x y z 分别对应pc1 pc2 能量项,

然后点击Plot —> 3D XYZ —> 3D Scatter就好了(这步没看出来有什么用)

数据列表转换为矩阵表(Matrix) Worksheet —> Convert to Matrix —> Direct —> Open Dialog

在弹出的对话框中的Data Format 选项中选择X across column,X values in选项中选择 First Data Row,勾选Y Valuesin First Column,保持Even Spacing Relative Tolerance (%), 这里需要注意一下,有时候Origin程序会在转换矩阵表的时候报错,一般是“ Your X data are not evenly spaced, it has fluctuation of 11.11%.Please try changing the tolerance setting.If the fluctuations are very large, you should transform yourdata to XYZ column format by Worksheet: Convert to XYZ menu and then use the matrix gridding tool. ” 遇到这种情况,一般的解决方式是增大Even Spacing Relative Tolerance (%) 值就可以了,但是往往这时候数据点的间隔会有所增大,不过一般来说不会有太大的影响。

按照教程自己的报错,重新选择了XYZ gridding,成功转换成 矩阵

Origin菜单栏上的Plot —> 3D Surface —>Color Map Surface 这样做出来粗糙的一个3D自由能景观图。

接下来是修改参数 双击绘制好的平面,在弹出的对话框Plot Details 中,选择左侧对话框中Graph - Layer【注意,是在Layer激活的状态下,如下图所示】,然后在右侧的对话框中选择Size/Speed,在下面的Worksheet data, Skip Points if needed下的数据框中填写数字:数值越大,图中的平面约光滑。自己修改为300 200 200 在这里插入图片描述 然后点击level, 出现set level, 修改increment, 这里自己修改为1 在这里插入图片描述 然后再点击Surface, 修改 Enable Grids–None,同时在surface/projections取消勾选contour line

在这里插入图片描述 在这里插入图片描述

然后再修改色带legend, 双击legend,弹出color scale control对话框 在这里插入图片描述 点击Increment,这里自己修改为20,这样色带标签就只有三个数字了,画面更简洁。

修改level 中的 Increment 时值小点,一般为0.04-0.08,total 值越多,曲线越光滑。 在色带label 中的 increment 设置为20-40(label 将会是 level 中的 0.04乘以这里的值,这样色带label 稀疏,值可以清楚的显示出来。

同时也可以做一个2D map 图,这里2Dmap 参数设置需要同3D相同,这样两者结果一致

接着我们要从自由能景观图中获取点的坐标,首先获取最低势能构象的X Y Z坐标,获取后再origin的sheet中找到,然后在gsham_input.xvg文件中找到相对应的XY坐标,gsham_input.xvg有三列值,第一列为时间(ps),第二列为X坐标,第三列为Z坐标,这样匹配到时间戳后(假设这里第45000ps结构为最低势能),从VMD中提取相对应的复合物坐标,对该结构进行详细的分析。 提取的脚本为 gmx trjconv -f md_fit.xtc -s md.tpr -dump 45000 -o representative_45000ps.pdb


#!/usr/bin/env python import sys """ Utility tool to convert xpm files generated by GROMACS to a 3-column text file. """ USAGE = "USAGE: -f -o [-s]\n" USAGE+= "Options:\n" USAGE+= "\t-s\t(int)\tSorts the output by a given column" USAGE+= "\n" # always keep this line # Parse arguments read_input, read_output, sort = False, False, False xpm_file, out_file, column_sort = None, None, None for arg in sys.argv[1:]: if read_input: read_input = False xpm_file = arg elif read_output: read_output = False out_file = arg elif sort: sort = False column_sort = int(arg) if arg[0] == "-": if arg == "-f": read_input = True continue elif arg == "-o": read_output = True continue elif arg == "-s": sort = True else: print USAGE sys.stderr.write('ERROR: Option not recognized: %s\n' %arg) sys.exit(1) if not xpm_file: print USAGE sys.stderr.write('ERROR: You forgot to provide an input file.\n') sys.exit(1) if not out_file: out_file = "out.txt" # Parse XPM file xpm_handle = open(xpm_file) xpm_data = [] x_axis, y_axis = [], [] letter_to_value = {} for line in xpm_handle: if line.startswith("/* x-axis"): x_axis = map(float, line.split()[2:-2]) # We trim the last value if line.startswith("/* y-axis"): y_axis = map(float, line.split()[2:-2]) # We trim the last value if line.startswith('"') and x_axis and y_axis: # Read data xpm_data.insert(0, line.strip().strip(',')[1:-1]) if line.startswith('"') and len(line.split()) > 4: letter = line.split()[0][1:] value = float(line.split()[-2][1:-1]) letter_to_value[letter] = value xpm_handle.close() # Match x/y/data txt_values = [] for y_index, data_value in enumerate(xpm_data): y_value = y_axis[y_index] for x_index, x_value in enumerate(x_axis): txt_values.append([x_value, y_value, letter_to_value[data_value[x_index]]]) # Apply sorting if requested if column_sort: try: txt_values.sort(key=lambda x: x[column_sort-1]) except IndexError: print USAGE sys.stderr.write('ERROR: Column not found (%s)\n' %(column_sort)) sys.exit(1) # Print to file out_handle = open(out_file, 'w') for x, y, z in txt_values: out_handle.write("%3.5f\t%3.5f\t%3.5f\n" %(x,y,z)) out_handle.close()

以及 perl脚本合并PC1和PC2.

#!/usr/bin/perl -w # This program reads in two .xvg files (specified on the command line) and prints out a # concatenated output file suitable for input into g_sham for generating free energy landscapes. # The output line contains, for example: time value1 value2 # # Caveat 1 (should be obvious): both input files must contain the same number of data points # Caveat 2: the desired quantity should be the second item on the line in the .xvg file (after time) # # Values of -data1 and -data2 are the number of the data set in the input .xvg file(s), i.e. 0 would # be the first column (usually time), 1 would be the first data set, etc. use strict; unless (@ARGV) { die "Usage: perl -i1 input1.xvg -i2 input2.xvg -data1 1 -data2 1 -o graph.xvg\n"; } my %args = @ARGV; # define input and output files my $input1; my $input2; my $output; if (exists($args{"-i1"})) { $input1 = $args{"-i1"}; } else { die "No -i1 specified!\n"; } if (exists($args{"-i2"})) { $input2 = $args{"-i2"}; } else { die "No -i2 specified!\n"; } if (exists($args{"-o"})) { $output = $args{"-o"}; } else { $output = "graph.xvg"; # default output name } # define input data sets my $d1; my $d2; if (exists($args{"-data1"})) { $d1 = $args{"-data1"}; } else { $d1 = 1; # default to first non-time data column } if (exists($args{"-data2"})) { $d2 = $args{"-data2"}; } else { $d2 = 1; } open(IN1, "




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