Journals Submission Checklists

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Journals Submission Checklists

2024-07-01 04:52| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

You will need to provide the following items with your submission. For new submissions, please upload one complete Word or PDF manuscript file containing text, figures, and tables a part of the main text. Convert LaTeX documents to PDF for initial submissions. Any supporting information should be uploaded separately for review purposes. Revisions including resubmissions of previous rejected manuscripts need separate, production-ready files and must follow the revision submission checklist.

A list of authors, their emails, and affiliations. Individual author contributions can be indicated using the CRediT taxonomy. ORCID for all authors (required for corresponding author). Three or more suggested reviewers. Permissions to reuse any figures that were previously published by a non-AGU journal. Open Research Section: For data that support your research, a data availability statement must be present. This data must be deposited in a community-accepted, trusted repository and cited in the References section. For papers where software is central to the research, include a software availability statement and citation in the References section. Please see detailed information, templates, and examples in our Data and Software for Authors guidance. Copies of articles cited as unpublished and an explanation of need in your cover letter. This includes companion and special collection manuscripts submitted to this or other journals. Optional cover letter identifying any conflicts of interest (please enter in submission form).

We encourage all authors to register for anORCID. Published contributions and reviews are automatically registered to your ORCID when you enable auto-updates from Crossref and DataCite. We encourage using International Geo Sample Numbers (IGSNs) to identify all relevant samples. IGSNs should be identified in your paper by including them in the relevant dataset.




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