1.4 转考,退考及缺考相关事宜

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1.4 转考,退考及缺考相关事宜

#1.4 转考,退考及缺考相关事宜| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

本帖最后由 苏梳眠 于 2012-1-7 13:49 编辑 目录: 1.1.新GRE考试概略 1.2.新GRE报名相关事宜 1.3.新GRE考试重要规定解读 1.4.转考,退考及缺考相关事宜 1.5. 考位可以转让么?可以人为换考么? 1.6. 临时想考GRE,但是没有考位了,怎么办? 1.7.GRE有效期是多少?何时开始备考比较合适? 1.8.新GRE考试复议 相关链接: 新GRE考试FAQ 8G考前考前注意事项 9G考前注意事项(加强版) 1.4 转考,退考及缺考相关事宜 2011年8月1号至2011年9月30号之间参加新GRE考试的考生,将享受50%的考费减免优惠机会,但是同时也必须遵守特殊的规定。规定如下: 50% discount offer applies to the GRE®revised General Test administration fee only for tests taken from August 1, 2011 – September 30, 2011. Examinees who take the test during this testing period will be sent their scores by mid-November 2011. Fee and discount does not include all applicable fees, Value Added or similar taxes. Cannot be applied to previous registrations or combined with any other offers. Examinees who register within the promotional period may reschedule during such promotional period, subject to applicable fees, however any and all other cancellations and rescheduled exams are non-refundable. Not valid for cash or cash equivalent. There are no guarantees of seat availability, so examinees must register to reserve a seat. All other GRE terms and conditions are in effect. ETS may modify or discontinue this offer at any time without notice. 最重要的一点规定是,需要在此期间退考和转考的同学,不能获得任何的退款,同时ETS也不会保证考位的空余。所以笔者建议,如果已报上八月和九月新GRE考试的同学,努力争取参加考试,获得一次宝贵的实战经验,而不是早早的放弃或者退考,转考。同时,对于担心此次考试不能获得理想成绩,从而对申请产生影响的同学,大可不必担心。新GRE考试目前处于开始磨合状态,众多研究生院和高校也为设置明确的门槛,而且从众多版友反馈的情况看,研究生院在录取时一般以分数最高的一次成绩作为录取评估因素。 2011年10月以后参加新GRE考试的同学,转考和退考事宜在GRE网上报名程序说明中给出了明确的解答。 当您成功注册一个GRE考试后,系统将为您提供下列相关的服务: 转考 距考试日10天前(不含考试日和申请日),您都可以申请转考。但只有在您要重新注册的日期和考场仍有空位时,转考才可能进行。您须首先支付转考费并在“我的主页”中确认支付成功,然后通过“查看已注册考试”申请转考。如您已支付转考费因没有空位或超过转考截止日而未能成功转考,可将此款继续留在帐户中以便日后申请其他服务,也可申请退款。 可将退款申请表传真至86-10-82520243,然后联系教育部考试中心GRE考试呼叫中心要求退款,电话:86-10-62535050 取消考试 距考试日10天前(不含考试日和申请日),您均可申请取消考试。成功申请取消考试,您将获得相当于考试费50%的退款,其余50%被保留的费用将用于支付您的报名工作和预留考场座位的费用,而不退还给您。退款处理须经考生申请。首先您要登录教育部考试中心GRE考试报名网站,在“我的主页”中点击“查看已注册考试”完成退考。在网站提交退款申请后,您须向教育部考试中心GRE呼叫中心传真一份退款申请表,传真内容包括您的NEEA ID、姓名、生日、签名、证件号码以及证件的复印件等,传真号码是86-10-82520243,传真后再致电呼叫中心确认退款事宜。退款申请表可在考生须知中下载。 问:如何申请退费? 答:如果您在教育部考试中心GRE报名网站的账户内有余额,您可以随时在线申请退还余额。考生可登录报名网站提交退款申请,然后下载退款申请表,按要求填写后发送电子邮件到 [email protected]或者传真至010-82520243。 您可以选择把您的账户余额退回到您的在一个自然年内的有效原支付银行账户,或者通过邮政退款的方式直接退还给您,注意,邮政退款会直接从您的余额中扣除1%的手续费。 退款时间大概6周左右。 ETS官方网站关于Change or Cancel Your Computer-based GRE® revised General Test Registration: http://www.ets.org/gre/revised_general/register/change/cbt You must change or cancel your revised General Test registration no later than three full days (10 days in Mainland China) before your appointment or your test fee will be forfeited. For example: the deadline to reschedule a Friday appointment is Monday. Be prepared to provide your appointment confirmation number and the full name you used to make an appointment when rescheduling. Note: Testing fees and registrations are not exchangeable between paper-based tests and computer-based tests. How to Change or Cancel Your Test Date In Mainland China If you are testing in Mainland China, you must change or cancel your test registration online through your NEEA account. 考前10天均可转考和退考,但是需要缴纳一定的费用,具体操作方法,参见上面的规定。 经常会有同学来不及退考,会担心缺考产生相关的后果。 依据ETS官网的规定: Absence from a Testing Session If you are absent from a test session, institutions will not receive any information about your absence or about any previous scores you may have on file. 第二个解释: If no questions are answered for a specific measure (e.g., Verbal Reasoning), then you will receive a No Score (NS) for that measure. 第三个解释来自bulletin: Abesence from a Test If you are absent from a test administration, you will forfeit your test fee. Institutions will not receive any information about your absence or about any previous score you may have on file. 下面是我电邮ETS给出的解释: Thank you for contacting the GRE® Program. Dear Candidate, Regarding your inquiry: If you are absent from a test session, institutions will not receive any information about your absence or about any previous scores you may have on file. Score reports will be released only upon your request. 然后感谢nprotect同学的分享: Dear Candidate, Regarding your inquiry: If you did not show up to test on your scheduled test day, a no show will appear on your file to indicate that you did not test and you will automatically forfeit your testing fees. Please note that such information is strictly confidential and will not be released to institutions. If you wish to test again you will be required to re-register and pay the full testing fee. 所以大可不必担心,缺考不会有任何的考试成绩记录,只是这一次的考试费用被没收。同时ETS给出明确回答,只有当你有明确的送分请求时,ETS才会采取相应的行动。 最后补充关于ETS中退考和转考的费用规定问题: Fees and Policies Appointments cannot be rescheduled beyond one year of the original appointment date. If you do not cancel or reschedule as indicated above, your full test fee will be forfeited.If you cancel your revised General Test registration no later than three full days prior to your test date (10 days for individuals in Mainland China), you will receive a refund equivalent to half of the original test fee. Fees for test dates in the discount offer period of August or September 2011 are non-refundable. See Payment and Refund Policies. 首先是退考的相关费用规定:




Can I reinstate canceled scores? For US$30, scores canceled by you can be reinstated if your request is received at ETS within 60 days after your test date. You may fax or mail a written request to GRE Services. Your request must include your name, date of birth, daytime phone number, test date and registration number and payment. You may also indicate up to four free score recipients when you reinstate your scores. To designate score recipients, you must include the appropriate institution codes(PDF) and department codes(PDF) and indicate the scores you want sent. You may choose to send only General Test scores, only Subject Test scores or both scores, but you may not choose to have only those scores from a specific test date reported. If you do not select score recipients at this time, you must pay US$23 per recipient to have scores sent at a later date. Scores will be reinstated and reported approximately two weeks after your request for the computer-based revised General Test or on the approximate score report mailing date for the paper-based test. Your scores will be mailed to you and your designated score recipients shortly thereafter.




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