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2023-03-15 00:11| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


put away v.放好, 储存...备用, 处理掉, 放弃, 抛弃 put on v.穿上, 把...放在上, 装出, 假装, 增加, 欺骗, 添上, 使靠...维持生命 put up v.举起, 抬起, 进行, 提供, 表现出, 建造, 提名, 推举 put off v.推迟, 拖延, 搪塞, 使分心, 使厌恶, 扔掉, 脱掉, 劝阻 put into v.使进入, 把...翻译成, 在...上种植 put down v.放下, 拒绝, 镇压, 羞辱, 削减, 记下, 制止, 取缔 put out v.放出, 伸出, 生产, 消除, 打扰, 麻烦, 作出努力, 使退场put in 插话, put on 穿上, put down 记下来,写下来, put sth aside 放到一边, put it on 假装生气, put away 收起来, put sth by 存钱以备不时之需, put back,放回, put off 推迟,放下。 put in an appearance:露脸 “As is often the case, the director will put in an appearance in every office and then leave.” put... in the picture:把近况告诉…… “What new machines have been acquired? The manager wants the purchasing officer to put him in the picture.” put... in the shade:使……逊色 “The three winning essays have put all the others in the shade.” put... on the map:让……出名 “Some popular new products put the manufacturers on the map.” put... off the scent:误导…… “The suspect managed to put the police off the scent by directing them to a wrong place.” put on airs:摆架子 “I avoid talking to those who are arrogant and putting on airs too much.” put... on his guard:劝……当心 “Rumours that the company will lay off staff put some on the guard.” put... on a pedestal:把……当偶像崇拜 “Many students put their knowledgeable teachers on a pedestal by accepting their ideas without question.” put out feelers:放出触角 “The two political parties seem to be interested in a compromise, so they have started putting out feelers.” put a spoke in someone's wheel:妨碍某人的计划 “The research grant has been approved and should come to us soon unless someone puts a spoke in our wheel.” put one's money on...:对……有把握 “The ruling party will win the general election again. I can put my money on it.” put "paid" to...:结束……;毁掉 “A sudden serious illness put 'paid' to Michael's chances of taking part in the long-distance race.” put the lid on...:禁止…… “There have been reports about information insecurity. The police are determined to do something to put the lid on any further leakage of confidential news.”




to put sth. in/on/under/around sth. 把某物放到某物里/上/下/周围

to put sth. high up/low down 把某物放到高处/下面

to put a ball out (of court) 把球击到场外

to put an advertisement/announcement in the paper 在报纸上登广告/声明

to put one's trust/confidence in sb. 信任某人/对某人有信心

to put sth. into service/in order 把某物投入使用/整理好

to put sb. in an awkward or difficult position 让某人为难

to put sb. in a good/bad mood 让某人心情好/差

to put sb. over/under sb. 让某人当某人的上司/下属

to put sb. in goal/defence 让某人当守门员/防守

to put sth. on one side 把某物放在一旁

to put sb./sth. before or above sb./sth. 把某人/某事物看得比某人/某事物重要

to put sth. into ... 用…表达某事物

to put sth. in a few words 简述某事

to put sth. through sth. 把某物塞进

to put sb. through it 让某人受苦

to put a lot of oneself into sth. 全身心投入某事

to put a price on sth. 为某物定价

to put sth. towards sth. 为某事凑钱

to put sth. on sth. 将某物增加某数目

to put sth. to sb./sth. 向某人/某机构提出某事

to put sth. at sth. 估计某物为某数值 

put about : 散布; 宣称

Who put the news about? 是谁散布这消息的?

put across : 让某人认识(自己的个性); 沟通或传达(思想等)

She's very good at putting her ideas across. 她非常善于表达思想。

put aside : 放到一边; 储存

Let us put the question aside for a while. 这问题我们暂时搁一搁。

put away : 放好, 归位; 储存

Put away your tools after work. 工作完毕把你的工具收拾好。

put back : 拖延

Because of the bad weather, the voyage was put back twelve hours. 由于天气恶劣而延迟了十二小时启航。

put by : 把...搁在一旁; 不考虑

They put my idea by. 他们把我的想法搁在一边不加理睬。

put down : 放下; 写下

Everything he said was at once put down. 把他说的一切马上写下来了。

put forth : 提出; 发表

Darwin put forth the theory of evolution. 达尔文提出了进化论。


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