a governor是什么意思、发音和在线翻译

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a governor是什么意思、发音和在线翻译

2022-06-29 10:36| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

a governor 双语例句

1. a governor的翻译

1. The governor put Cui Ning in a more important position and promised that he could marry Xiuxiu.    于是郡王就更加重用崔宁,并说以后把秀秀嫁给他,秀秀和崔宁都很高兴。

2. The governor`s own compositions, according to a criminal complaint, have been rather less poetic.    但是摆在州长先生前面的一份起诉书表明,他的个人履历,可并不是那么富有诗意的。

3. Mr. Rajaratnam, the billionaire founder of Galleon Group, and Preet Bharara -- the Indian-born, Ivy League-educated prosecutor -- belong to a relatively small immigrant group who have formed a power elite in the U. S., with positions in corporate boardrooms and a governor's mansion.    创立对冲基金盖伦集团的亿万富翁拉贾拉特南和出身于印度、毕业于常春藤盟校的检察官巴拉拉都属于一个相对小范围的移民团体,这些人已经在美国形成了一个权力精英阶层,在商界和政界占据着显要地位。

4. 911查询·英语单词

4. He was Governor of Yunnan and gave up temporal power to write a novel with more characters than there are in the Hung Lou Meng, and to create a maze in which all men would lose themselves.    我收下衣物,挂在卧室客厅的衣橱里,每件衣服都官厚禄,一心想写一部比《红楼梦》人物更多的小说,建造一个谁都走不出来的迷宫。

5. a governor

5. This proposal, after they considered that the Kuomintang had let them fight alone for a year, produced such a bad effect on the people that they not only cursed the duplicity of the Kuomintang, but were determined not to recognize Lu as governor.    老百姓觉得国民党扔下他们孤军苦战了一年,这会儿又来这一手,十分气愤,大骂国民党两面三刀,决定不承认鹿钟麟这个省主席。

6. In the construction and production period, the company was supported and cared by Mr. Yuan Chunqing, provincial governor of Shaanxi Province, and other levels of government and authority, the company becomes rapidly a radiant pearl in guanzhong plain.    在工程建设和生产运行中,得到了陕西省省长袁纯清及省市县各级党政机关领导的热情关注和大力支持,使公司迅速发展成为关中平原上一颗璀璨的明珠。

7. Slezak plays a villainous Spanish governor who orders a shipwrecked crew of Dutch sailors to be enslaved and their captain, Henreid, hung.    斯莱杂克是一个卑劣的总督,让沉船上的丹麦水手为他干活,判船长亨瑞德绞刑。

8. On April 14, 1914, the Japanese governor promulgated `ukase number 62`, that the Taiwan Government Library be designated a public office. In November, a temporary office was put together in the Qingshui Master Temple of the Bangka area, in preparation for the official opening of the library.    大正4年(西元1915年)6月,首任馆长隈本繁吉(西元1915-1916年)迁馆於台湾总督府左后方(博爱路与宝庆路口,今博爱大楼)之旧彩票局内办公,同年8月9日正式对外开放服务。

9. danci.911cha.com

9. A member of the inner or higher bar who acts as a governor of one of the Inns of Court.    但tco要求很多最高层主管将它作为控制it成本的一种方法。

10. In one case in which a father killed his son by burying him alive, the Ministry of Punishments carefully reviewed the facts and concluded that the governor had acted wrongly in sentencing the father to be beaten for the crime.    根据一判例,有一父亲活埋儿子,刑部重新更审本案,并认定吉林将军判这位父亲杖刑乃是错判。

11. Amazingly, the governor of the central bank is not obliged to place his investments in a blind trust before taking office.      令人吃惊的是,这位央行行长在救职前并没有被要求将他所投资的保密信托平仓。

12. Hozier's History of the Russo-Turkish War (brown cloth, a volumes, with gummed label, Garrison Library, Governor's Parade, Gibraltar, on verso of cover).      454霍齐尔著《俄土战争史》(褐色布面精装,两卷集,封底贴有直布罗陀市总督步道要塞图书馆的标签)。

13. a governor在线翻译

13. I also made a new input circuitry for the governor.      我也作出了新的输入电路总督。

14. a governor的解释

14. Pressure governor valve are many types of a wide range of uses, mainly for transport, and industrial civilian areas.      调压阀种类众多用途广泛,主要用于交通,及工业民用领域。

15. a governor的解释

15. Complex by Governor Pre Vizsla and a few of his guards. Vizsla left his guards      两人抵达时,总督维兹拉和他手下一群卫兵迎接他们。

16. Yan Yanzhi, a fifth-century governor and poet, wrote that no other peak could surpass its beauty.      颜延之,一位五世纪的官员和诗人,写道世上没有其它山峰能超过它的美。

17. Remind secretaries of semiannual reports and ask them to send a copy of their worksheets to the district governor.      提醒秘书缴交半年报告,并要求他们寄一份他们的工作表的影本给地区总监。

18. Upgrade to the governor's bure and you can enjoy your own private Jacuzzi, a private garden with a waterfall      你可以在这里享受私密的温泉浴、瀑布花园和露天火山岩浴室。

19. This article introduced a test principle and emendation technology of automatic test system of motorcycle governor fork are introduced.      介绍了目前摩托车换档拨叉自动检测系统的测试原理及其校正技术,探讨了该校正技术在应用中存在的一些问题。

20. a governor什么意思

20. Cadman, a tiny one-eyed man, was a transportee, and coxs`n of the vice-regal gig in the time of Governor Macquarie.      卡德曼是一位瘦小的独眼人,他被流放到这里,还是麦考利总督当政时总督马车的车夫。

a governor 单语例句

1. Another car bomb exploded in Kirkuk as the governor's convoy was passing by, killing a bystander and wounding 14 people.

2. A car bomb exploded in Kirkuk as the governor's convoy was passing, killing a bystander and wounding 14 people.

3. Results of a poll by Tokyo officials showed 65 percent in favor, prompting city governor Shintaro Ishihara to cajole the public to get behind the 2020 bid.

4. The province's deputy governor also opposed the legislation, saying it needed more careful consideration because it imposes a new form of capital punishment.

5. A car bomb was discovered Sunday behind the governor's office in the northern oil city of Kirkuk.

6. North Carolina's governor declared a state of emergency as the storm's track shifted northward with a forecast landfall Tuesday on the North Carolina coast.

7. Governor Zhou Xiaochuan is concerned that cash from a record trade surplus is raising the risk of an asset bubble and accelerating inflation.

8. The celebrity governor known for his love of premium cigars was headed to the Ottawa airport when his motorcade made a detour to a hotel.

9. It was the third such firing of a ruling party governor this year stemming from a sweeping graft investigation in the chaotic West African country.

10. A defense lawyer says the confessed killer of a liberal Pakistani governor has pleaded guilty to a murder charge.




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