Module 8 Unit 2 Goldilocks hurried out of the house. 课件(共46张PPT) 2023

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Module 8 Unit 2 Goldilocks hurried out of the house. 课件(共46张PPT) 2023

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(共46张PPT)Module 8 Story timeUnit 2 Goldilocks hurried out of the house.英语(外研版)七年级下册单词和短语请预习下列重点单词和短语,并完成下面的表格及相关训练(标 的为重点单词拓展内容)。重点 单词 名词 1. 部件; 碎片; 一件/个/张________ (短语)破碎 ___________2. 部分; 地区; 地方 ______piecein piecespart课前预习重点 单词 动词 3. 返回; 归还 ________ (短语)返回某地 ________________4. 哭; 喊叫 _____5. 指向; 指 ________ (短语)指着…… __________6. 高声说; 大声喊 _______ (短语)向某人大喊 ______________7. 跳 ______returnreturn to sp.crypointpoint atshoutshout at sb.jump重点 单词 形容词 8. 睡着的 ________ (v.)睡觉 _______副词 9. 也(不) ________介词 10. 无; 没有 _________asleepsleepeitherwithout重点 短语 1. 散步 _______________2. 走进 ___________3. 起初; 首先 ___________4. 坐下 __________5. 从……跳下来 _____________6. 从……冲出来 ______________go for a walkwalk intoat firstsit downjump out ofhurry out of 学习新单词—看音标学单词/he (r)/ hair 头发 n./ a (r)/ either 也(不) adv./pi s/ piece 部件;碎片;一件/个/张 n./ sli p/ asleep 睡着的 adj. /r t n/ return 返回;归还 v./kra cry 哭;喊叫 v./p nt/ point 指向;指 v./ a t/ shout 高声说;大声喊 v./d mp/ jump 跳 v./w a t/ without 无;没有 prep./pɑ t/ part 部分;地区;地方 n.根据语境或提示,完成填空。1. The cup fell onto the floor and was in ________(piece).2. It's not polite to p______ at people.3. Peter can't go there and I can't ________.4. Don't speak loudly, please! The girl is a_______.5. When the bell rang, all the children _____________ (走进) the classroom.6. We can't finish the work w_______ the worker's help.学以致用piecesointeithersleepwalked intoithout7. The class was over, and the students ________________(从……冲出来) the classroom.8. The little boy is ________(cry) over there. What happened 9. The old man __________(return) to his home town last year.hurried out ofcryingreturned佳 句 仿 写1. Goldilocks wanted to sit down because she was tired.2. Finally, she tried the small chair.3. There's nothing  in my bowl ...4. They didn't notice Goldilocks at first.请在教材中标出下面的句子,并用句中黑体词或短语仿写句子。杰克今天没上学,因为他生病了。_____________________________________________________________最后,她到达了山顶。_____________________________________________________________她书包里什么都没有。_____________________________________________________________开始时他没有看到我。_____________________________________________________________Jack didn't go to school today because he was ill.Finally, she got to the top of the mountain.There's nothing in her bag.He didn't see/notice me at first.课 文 理 解快速阅读全文,将段落与对应的主旨大意连线。Para. 1          a. The Three Bears returned.Para. 2 b. Goldilocks was asleep in the small bed.Para. 3 c. Goldilocks tried the chairs.Para. 4 d. Goldilocks hurried out of the house.Para. 5 e. The Bears found Goldilocks in the略读一课堂训练通读全文,用完整句子回答下列问题。1. Which chair did Goldilocks like _____________________________________________________________2. How many beds were there in the bedroom _____________________________________________________________3. How was the small bed _____________________________________________________________4. Where did Baby Bear find Goldilocks _____________________________________________________________详读二Goldilocks/She liked the small chair.There were 3/three beds in the bedroom.The small bed was very comfortable.  Baby Bear found Goldilocks in his bed.请全面理解课文内容,并完成下列各小题。A. 选择填空 (   )1. What are the first two paragraphs mainly about Three bears' house.B. Three bears' life.C. What Goldilocks did in the house.D. Why Goldilocks went to the forest.深读三C(   )2. How did Goldilocks feel according to the last paragraph A. Angry. B. Worried.C. Sad. D. Tired.BB. 分享观点 读完短文,请围绕以下问题用几句话分享你的看法。What do you think of Goldilocks What will happen next ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________I think Goldilocks is very brave and clever. The Three Bears looked at the basket. They thought it must be the girl's. So they ran out of their house and tried to find her. Finally, they walked out of the forest and found a house near the lake. They knocked on the door ... A. 短文填空: 请根据课本内容,从方框内选择适当的词并用其正确形式填空,使文章完整连贯。注意每空一词,每词仅用一次,有两词为多余项。Goldilocks wanted to sit down because she was tired. First she tried all the three chairs but she liked the small one 1. _________ it was nice and comfortable. But she was very heavy and soon the chair was in 2. ________.读后回顾四she pointed because return pieces asleep door but nothing bed becausepiecesShe walked into the bedroom. There were three 3. ______. She liked the small bed because it was very comfortable. Very soon she was 4. ________ in it.The Three Bears 5. __________ to their house. Baby Bear cried because there was 6. _________ in his bowl and his chair was in pieces! Then Baby Bear 7. _________ at the little girl in his bed and said she was a bad girl. Finally, Goldilocks opened 8. _____ eyes, jumped out of bed and hurried out of the house without her basket.bedsasleepreturnednothingpointedherB. 复述课文: 根据下面的提示复述文章大意。知 识 探 究1Very soon she was asleep in it. 很快她就在小床上睡着了。【自主探究】 辨析asleep, sleepy与sleepasleep 作形容词,意为“睡着的;在睡觉的”,强调状态,只能用在系动词之后作表语;常用短语:be asleep“睡着”;fall asleep“入睡”,如:Is he asleep now in the room 他现在在房间里睡着了吗?sleepy 作形容词,意为“困倦的;瞌睡的”,在句中既可作定语,又可作表语,如:◇In the United States alone, sleepy drivers cause at least 100,000 traffic accidents a year. 仅在美国,昏昏欲睡的司机每年就造成至少10万起交通事故。◇The next day, they felt very sleepy when they work. 第二天,当他们工作时,他们感到很困。sleep 既可作动词,又可作名词,意为“睡觉;睡眠”,如:◇I sleep on the third floor. 我睡在三楼。◇I needed to get some sleep. 我需要睡一会儿。【习题演练】1. I had a good _______ last night.2. Bess closed her eyes and fell ________.3. I felt ________ all day.asleep sleepy sleep sleepasleepsleepy2The Three Bears returned. 三只熊回来了。【自主探究】 return在此作不及物动词,意为“返回”,相当于come/go back,常与介词to连用。【习题演练】4. 他从上海回北京了。He __________________________ Beijing from Shanghai.5. 我把书还给图书馆了。I __________ the books ____ the library.return还可作及物动词,意为“归还”。常用搭配:return sth. to sb.=return sb. sth. 表示“把某物归还给某人”。returned to/went back toreturnedto3Then Baby Bear pointed at the little girl in his bed and shouted, “Look! There's the bad girl!” 然后熊宝宝指着床上的小女孩喊道:“看!那个坏女孩在那里!”【自主探究1】 point作动词,意为“指向,指”。常用短语:◆point at意为“指着”,指距离主语较近的事物。如:He likes pointing at the words when he reads. 他阅读时喜欢用手指着字。◆point to意为“指向”,指距离主语较远的事物。如:He pointed to the house near the river. 他指向河边的那所房子。【自主探究2】 shout 作动词,意为“高声说; 大声喊”。常用短语:◆shout at “对……大声叫嚷”,含有因生气而对某人喊叫,带有感彩。如:Steve shouted at her. He was really angry now. 史蒂夫冲她大喊大叫,他现在是真生气了。◆shout to “向……喊叫”,只是由于相隔距离远而需要大声喊,不含感彩。如:He shouted to his son to help him. 他向他儿子喊帮帮他。【习题演练】6. 谈话时用手指着别人是不礼貌的。It's not polite to __________ others when you talk with them.7. 太吵了,我不得不大声朝她喊。It is too noisy. I have to __________ her.point atshout to【自主探究】 without是介词,意为“无; 没有”,后常接名词、代词或动词-ing形式。其反义词是with。4… so Goldilocks jumped out of bed and hurried out of the house without her basket. ……所以金凤花姑娘从床上跳下来,没拿上篮子就匆忙跑出了房子。【习题演练】8. 人类没有水无法生活。Human beings can't live _________ water.9. 汤姆没完成作业就玩电脑游戏了。Tom played computer games ________________________________.withoutwithout finishing his homework【自主探究】 either在此处作副词,意为“也(不)”。如:I can't dance. My sister Lisa can't dance either. 我不会跳舞,我妹妹丽莎也不会跳舞。5She tried the middle bed, but it wasn't comfortable and the big bed wasn't comfortable either. 她试了中等大小的床,但不舒服,大床也不舒服。辨析either, too, also与as welleither 意为“也(不)”,用于否定句句末,前面可加逗号,也可不加too 意为“也(是)”,用于肯定句或一般疑问句句末,前面可加逗号,也可不加also 意为“也”,用于肯定句,位于助动词、系动词或情态动词之后,行为动词之前as well 意为“也”,用于肯定句句末,前面不加逗号【习题演练】(   )10. —Do you like going fishing, ________?—No, I don't. My father doesn't like going fishing ________.A. also; too B. too; eitherC. either; too D. too; as wellB一、 完成句子1. 起初,我们没有看到张老师。__________, we didn't see Miss Zhang.2. 桌子上什么也没有,椅子也散架了。There was nothing on the table and the chair was ___________.3. 你想试试这辆新自行车吗?Would you like to __________________ At firstin piecestry the new bike课堂检测4. 他带着一把雨伞匆忙跑出了房间。He ________________ the room with an umbrella.5. 他用铅笔指着那幅地图。He ____________ the map with his pencil.hurried out ofpointed at二、 短文填空请从方框内选择适当的词并用其正确形式填空,使文章完整连贯。注意每空一词,每词仅用一次,有两词为多余项。happy he short think first tree so smile fast meet do after Long long ago, there was a rabbit and a tortoise(乌龟). They 1. _____ in the morning. The rabbit asked, “What are you doing, Mr Tortoise?” The tortoise answered with a 2. _______, “Oh, I'm running, Mr Rabbit.” The rabbit 3. _________ the tortoise had four short legs and he couldn't run fast. 4. ____ the rabbit asked the tortoise to have a race with him. The one who ran to the tall 5. ______ first was the winner.At first, Mr Tortoise ran very slowly, but Mr Rabbit ran very 6. ______. So Mr Rabbit stopped to have a 7. _______ sleep first, and soon he was asleep. Mr Tortoise saw 8. _____ sleeping under a tree, he didn't stop and went on running. At last, 9. _______ Mr Rabbit woke up(醒来), he didn't see Mr Tortoise. Do you know who was the 10. _______ to get to the tall tree metsmilethoughtSotreefastshorthimafterfirst一、 单句选词填空 piece shout part return cry without jump asleep 1. He ________ off the bed and hurried out of the door with his bag.2. Mrs Green was very tired and she was ________ soon.3. Babies _____ when they are hungry.4. The man by the river is __________ for help.jumpedasleepcryshouting提能训练5. The hill is a ______ of the village.6. Yesterday, my cup fell on the floor, and it was in ________.7. Sally __________ to the house to look after her sister yesterday.8. Can you see _________ your glasses partpiecesreturnedwithout二、 完成句子1. 起初,我没有看到他。__________, I didn't see him.2. 蒂姆没穿外套就匆匆出门了。Tim ________________ home without wearing his coat.3. 晚饭后她想去散步。She wants to ____________________ after dinner.At firsthurriedly lefttake/go for a walk4. 他试了试那辆新自行车,但它不舒服。He ____________________, but it wasn't comfortable.5. 小男孩指着时代广场的灯光,想去那里。The little boy ____________ the light of the Time Square and wanted to go there.tried the new bikepointed at三、 阅读理解BOnce a man was shipwrecked(遭遇海难) on a small, lonely island(孤岛). There was no one living on this island, so he hoped that someone could come to save him. Every day he watched the sea, but no ship ever appeared(出现).He thought he should do something to save himself. He built a little house out of wood. But one day, he arrived home to find his little house on fire. The smoke rose to the sky. He cried, “God, how could you do this to me?”Early the next day, however, a ship was coming to the island. It came to save him.“How did you know I was here?” the man asked these people.“We saw your smoke signal(信号),” they answered.It is easy to get discouraged when things are going badly. But we shouldn't lose heart, because hope is at work in our lives. Remember, next time when your little house is burning, maybe it will bring you better luck.(  )1. Why did the man stay on this island A. Because he tried to test his skill to live alone here.B. Because his ship had an accident(意外事件) at sea.C. Because he liked the island.D. Because his friends left him on this island.B(  )2. What did the man do on the island A. He did nothing but worry. B. He tried to save himself.C. He did something to have fun. D. He slept all day.(  )3. How did those people find the man A. The man made a fire as a signal to call for help.B. Those people found some food on this island.C. Those people saw the man's little house on the island.D. Those people found the smoke signal on the island.BD(  )4. What does the underlined phrase “get discouraged” in Paragraph 6 probably mean A. Get ready. B. Fall asleep.C. Fall ill. D. Lose heart.(  )5. What does the passage tell us A. A bad thing may turn into a good one.B. Accidents always mean good luck.C. Everything can go well in the end.D. Saving yourself is better than asking for help.DAC配对阅读。左栏是五个人的阅读需求, 右栏是七本不同书刊的内容或简介。请为每个人选择合适的书刊。(  )6. Jack, a 7-year-old boy, likes reading stories about children's school life. When he reads the story, it is just like talking about himself. (  )7. Chen Jie does well in maths. She likes doing maths exercises. Now she wants to read some books about mathematicians(数学家). (  )8. Ms White has a son and a daughter. She is a good mother and she wants to cook some delicious breakfast for her children. (  )9. Jenny is from the US and she studies Chinese in Guangzhou now. She likes Chinese poems very much. (  )10. Grace likes music very much, especially classical music. Now she wants to read some books about some great musicians. A. Zhang Yu, a cook as well as a writer, is very good at making all kinds of breakfast. You can read her book Breakfast Wake You Up and learn to cook breakfast.B. Hua Luogeng is a famous mathematician in China. Here is a book about his life.C. Wu Cheng'en was a famous writer in China in the Ming Dynasty(朝). His work Journey to the West is very famous.D. Du Fu, a great writer of poems in the Tang Dynasty. Now students still learn his works in Chinese classes.E. Li Zheng, a painter and writer, wrote the book Guide to France. It tells the famous places and delicious food in France. If you want to travel to France, this is the right book for you.F. Xi Liwen, a Chinese writer wrote a book named My Life as McDull. The books are about McDull's life both at school and at home. They are interesting and meaningful(有意义的).G. Here is a new book about the famous classical musicians of Europe in the eighteenth century. If you want to know more about them, this is a good recommendation(推荐).FBADG






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