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2023-09-09 02:33| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

1、The Challenge: Global Job imperative.挑战:全球就业形势紧迫。

2、The climate aridity event of Late Miocene can be correlated with the global climatic event.本区中新世末期气候事件与全球冷干气候事件一致。

3、The city was supposed to be a hub for global companies, with employees from all over the world.这座城市本应是全球各地企业的中心,在这里工作的人来自世界各地。

4、What makes hepatitis a global health problem?为什么肝炎属于一个全球卫生问题?

5、Child maltreatment is a global problem with serious life-long consequences.虐待儿童是一个全球性问题,它给儿童造成伴随其一生的严重创伤。

6、Global willingness to save and lend is running ahead of investment.在全球范围内,人们对储蓄和借贷的兴趣都远大于投资。

7、By global instance identifier.通过全局实例标识符。

8、I was forced to call the computer company's Global Support Centre.我被迫致电计算机公司的全球支持中心。

9、Such steep growth is not incommensurate with a surge in the global economic recovery.如此急剧增长是不适应于全球经济复苏势头的。

10、Chronology of global counter-crisis actions since 1st BRIC summit.自首次“金砖四国”峰会以来全球反危机活动时间表。

11、Other commodities have been turned into global markets and this is self-evidently a global issue.其它大宗商品都已形成了全球市场,而碳排放显然也是个全球性问题。

12、Press Release: Controversial whaling proposal fails at global meeting.新闻稿:在全球会议上备受争议的捕鲸提案未获通过。

13、What kinds of global issues might we address as partners?作为合作伙伴,我们可以解决哪种全球问题?

14、By the end of the century, the average global temperature will be 3.5 degree Celsius above normal.到本世纪末,全球平均气温比正常情况下升高了3.5摄氏度。

15、Indeed, I really believe in the benefits wrought by global warming.说真的,我确实相信全球变暖带来的好处。

16、Tar sands and biofuels represent only a small part of global energy use.沥青砂及生物燃料仅占全球能源消耗的一小部分。

17、Global workforce development doesn't always have to involve travel abroad however.然而,发展全球劳动力并不总是需要去到国外。

18、If the creation of a global variable is rolled back, then the variable no longer exists.如果回滚全局变量的创建,那么该变量将不再存在。

19、First, we need partners to come together in the global solidarity as never before.首先,我们需要合作伙伴在全球范围内从未有过地团结一致,共同协作。

20、The Olympics may be the ultimate quadrennial global competition.奥运会算是每四年一次的全球终极竞争。

21、Satellite remote sensing data are the basis for developing global scale oceanographic study.卫星遥感数据是开展全球尺度海洋学研究的基础。

22、Consumption shocks are progressively lowering global import demand for broiler parts.消费冲击正在逐渐降低全球分割鸡肉的进口需求。

23、It's also why we need to coordinate action at a global level.这也是我们必须在全球一级协调行动的原因所在。

24、As they move among global markets, US equity managers are actually contrarian.在全球市场中游走的美国股票基金经理事实上都是反向投资者。

25、Global droughts continue to ravage farmland, intensifying widespread malnutrition and poverty.全球性干旱继续肆虐农田,进一步加剧普遍的营养不良和贫困。

26、By 2075, the United Nations' mid-range projection for global population is about 9.5 billion.到2075年,联合国对全球人口的预测中值是95亿。

27、Of course, Evraz's swelling earnings have been helped mightily by high global metals prices.当然,耶弗拉兹收入的飙升很大程度上源于全球金属价格的总体攀升。

28、The first is that global supply chains will be disrupted, particularly in the electronics industry.第一项威胁是全球供应链会被打断,尤其是电子产品行业的供应链。

29、But we need to scale up these approaches, so that we can have national, regional and global impact.但是我们需要扩大这些规划的规模,使他们产生全国性、区域性乃至全球性的效应。

30、This house would establish a global language应该确立一门全球化的语言。

global翻译a. 通用的, 全球的, 球形的, 综合的, 普遍的【计】 共用【经】 全球的 详情




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