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2024-07-03 14:47| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

give over, give up

二者都可作“放弃”解,都可以接名词或动名词。但give up的语气要比give over强烈得多。试比较:We have already given up all hope of the high-pitched song of “detente”.我们对于“缓和”的高调早以不抱什么 希望了。(表达的决心坚定不移)Harry has given over his attempt this time but he may renew it at another time.这一次哈里放弃尝试,说不定另一次他 可能又继续干起来。(表达的决心不那 么坚决)

give one's hand, give one a hand

give one's hand意为“结婚”, give one a hand意为“帮助”。试比较:Mary chose to give her hand to John.玛丽决定和约翰结婚。The youth gave me a hand when I was lifting my baggage.当我提行李时,那个年轻人来帮我。

give up, abandon, desert, forsake, leave, quit

1.abandon的宾语可以是对其负有权利和义务的人(朋友、妻室儿女等)、物或事物(计划、希望、意见、职业等),例如:He abandoned medicine for literature.他弃医从文。desert的宾语主要是职责或应尽的义务; forsake的宾语可以是某种宗教信仰或爱好等,也可以是某人曾经一度爱慕或依恋过的人或物。例如:She forsook her worldly possessions to devote herself to the church.她抛弃所有而献身教会。2.leave为普通用语,表示一般的“离开”,与off搭配时表示“放弃”,例如:It's time you left off that childish habit of thought.你该放弃那种孩子似的思维习惯了。abandon强调不负责任,丢弃不顾,永远和完全放弃,例如:I would never abandon any friends.我永远不会遗弃我的朋友。desert强调背信弃义,违背允诺、誓言或逃避责任,为法律或道德所不容; forsake强调断绝感情上的依恋,含有并不违背法律和道德规范的意味; quit表示突然地、仓促地放弃; give up包含有abandon, quit或leave的意思。3.在原因或动机上, abandon, leave, give up可以是主动的、自愿的,也可以是被迫的、勉强的; quit则是主动的、自愿的,例如:I'd had enough, so I quit.我受够了,所以我辞职不干了。

give one's regards to, ask after, say hello to

这三个短语的意思是“问候”。它们的区别在于:ask after指向某人问起(另一人的)健康状况或福利、兴盛等情况,但所问候的人并不想知道详细情况,只表示一般的关心而已,例如:He asked after your health.他向你问候。say hello to与give one's regard to的意思和用法基本相同,后面都接被问候的对象,有时,这种问候是礼节性的说法,例如:Say hello to your parents for me, please.请代我问候你父母。Please give my kind regards to your brother.请代我向令兄问候。

give, offer

这两个词都可表示“给”。它们的区别是:give所指的“给”,对方一般是接受; offer所指的“给”,对方可能接受,也可能拒绝。试比较:He gave me some tickets.他给了我几张票。He offered me some tickets, which I re- fused politely.他要给我几张票,但我婉言谢绝了。

give, send

这两个词都可表示“送,交给”。它们的区别是:give一般指亲手给; 而send则指寄送或派人送。试比较:He gave me some pictures of Guilin.他给了我几张桂林的照片。He sent me some pictures of Guilin.他寄给我几张桂林的照片。

give, award, confer, grant, present

这组词都有“给予”的意思。它们的区别是:give是最普通用语。present较正式,指以一定的形式或程序赠给,并暗示所给的物有一定的价值。例如:When Mr. Brown left the firm, the director presented a gold watch to him.布朗先生离开这家公司时,董事长送给他一只金表。grant指依照对方的希望或要求给予,有权者以正式手续给予。例如:They have been granted permission to pull down the old theatre.他们已获准拆除这座旧戏院。award指有充分理由给予奖赏。例如:She's been awarded a scholarship to study at Oxford University.她获得了去牛津大学念书的奖学金。confer指地位较高者把名誉或地位授予较低者。例如:An honorary degree was conferred on him by the university.这所大学授予他荣誉学位。

give, afford

afford和give都有“提供”的意思,很多情况下可以互换,但当主语是人时须用give,特别在口语中。例如:I should like to give him a chance.我想给他一个机会。It afforded me an opportunity.这给了我一个机会。

give, afford, provide, supply

这四个词都有“给”“供给”“提供”的意思。它们的区别是:1.afford指为一定的目的而“给”“提供”所需要的东西; give指无需偿还地把金钱、物品、时间、麻烦等有形或无形的东西“送给”“授予”“供给”某人; provide主要指为某人、某物或某事“提供”“供应”某物品,尤指生活必需品; supply指用物“供给”“供应”或“提供”给国家、群众、工厂、城市、市场等,以部队为对象时,往往只供给生活必需品,而不指武器。例如:Some trees afford resin. 有些树产树脂。I should like to give him a chance.我想给他一个机会。Now we supply power to nine-tenths of the city's homes.现在我们向这个城市十分之九的家庭提供电力。2.afford后面可跟不定式或动名词,还常用在can, could, be able to后面表示“担负得起”某事物的费用、损失、后果等,以及“抽得出”时间、人力,其后可接双宾语,意思是“向某人提供某物”; provide后面可接for, with和against等介词; supply后可接介词to。例如:Our garden affords us fresh vegetables.我们的园子为我们提供新鲜蔬菜。More and more vegetables and fruit are supplied to the army.越来越多的蔬菜和水果供应部队。The programme aims to provide self-sufficiency for local needs.这项计划旨在使当地需要得以自足。


You will be given a chance to do the work.A chance to do the work will be given you.A chance to do the work will be given to you.你将获得这个工作的机会。


He gave twenty yuan for the dictionary.他花20元买了这本词典。He gave the dictionary for twenty yuan .他以20元卖了这本词典。




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