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2024-05-28 06:39| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Here is a list of commonly used phrasal verbs with the word back, plus examples of how to use the phrasal verbs in everyday conversation.下面是一个带有back这个词的常用短语动词的列表,以及如何在日常会话中使用短语动词的示例。

1. Answer back1.顶嘴

Answering back is to reply to someone in an authority role in a rude argumentative style. For example a child answering back to his mother when told to clean his room.回击是以粗鲁的论辩风格回答一个权威角色的人。例如,一个孩子在被要求打扫房间时,会对母亲顶嘴。

Timmy was a rude boy. He would always answer back at his parents. /When your boss asks you to do something, do it. Don’t answer back at him/her.蒂米是个粗鲁的男孩。他总是对父母顶嘴。/当你的老板要求你做某事时,就去做。不要对他/她顶嘴。

2. Back somebody up2.支持某人

to back somebody up means to provide them with support publically. In this same way, you can also back up a story, meaning that you support the story or validate it being true.支持某人意味着公开地为他们提供支持。同样地,你也可以备份一个故事,这意味着你支持这个故事或者验证它是真的。

I didn’t take your sandwich. Scott can back me up because he was with me all day. /Do you remember that time you had to back Tony up when he got in a fight?我没拿走你的三明治。斯科特可以支持我,因为他整天都在我身边。/你还记得那次托尼打架时你不得不支持他吗?

3. Back something up3.备份一些东西

to back something up is a term often used in technology conversation. When you back something up, it means that you make a copy of it to protect yourself from loss.备份是技术对话中经常使用的一个术语。当你备份某个东西时,这意味着你要复制它来保护自己不受损失。

Here are ABX Services, we back our work up daily on Google Drive and internal servers. /Back up your phone regularly to protect yourself from losing your photos and contacts.这里是ABX服务,我们每天在谷歌硬盘和内部服务器上备份我们的工作。/定期备份手机,以免丢失照片和联系人。

4. Back up

to Back up can also mean to move backward. It’s both used figuratively, such as moving backward in time or a conversation. And literally, in the case of taking a step backward.后退也意味着向后退。这两个词都是比喻性的,比如在时间上向后移动或在谈话中。从字面上讲,在后退一步的情况下。

Wait, let’s back up for a minute. Did you say you were in Vegas last weekend? /We’re standing too close to the water. Let’s back up because I don’t want to get wet.等等,我们退后一分钟。你说你上周末在维加斯吗?/我们站得离水太近了。我们后退,因为我不想淋湿。

5. Back down5.退缩

to back down means to give up or a fight/argument. Or, to let go of something you’re defending in a fight/argument.后退意味着放弃或打架/争吵。或者,放弃你在战斗/争论中所捍卫的东西。

If a hunter kills the Alpha male, the rest of the lions will back down from a fight. /Animal rights are important. I will never back down in my struggle to protect the rights of field mice.如果一个猎人杀死了大公狮,其余的狮子就会退出战斗。/动物权利很重要。在保护田鼠权利的斗争中,我决不会退缩。

6. Back into倒车

the phrasal verb back into is most commonly used when talking about driving a car. It means to move backward into a space (such as a garage) or to move backward and hitting an object.短语动词back into在谈论开车时最常用。它意味着向后移动到一个空间(如车库)或向后移动并撞到一个物体。

I’m so sorry for backing into your mailbox. I didn’t see it there. /Some people rather backing into parking spots because it’s easier to get out.我很抱歉打翻了你的邮箱。我在那里没看到。/有些人宁愿倒车进入停车场,因为这样更容易下车。

7. Back onto

when one thing backs onto another thing, it means that they connect to each other from their back side. We often use the phrase back onto when talking about property.当一个物体回到另一个物体上时,意味着它们从背面互相连接。我们在谈论财产的时候经常使用这个短语。

The farm backs onto a beautiful lake which is where the cows go to drink. /My childhood home backed onto a park where I played every day.农场背靠着一个美丽的湖,那是奶牛们去喝水的地方。/我童年的家背靠着一个公园,我每天都在那里玩耍。

8. Back out离开;退出

to back out means to leave or quit. It’s both used in real terms, like backing out of a room. Or as a way to explain an action taken. It’s also associated with literally moving backward.退出意味着离开或退出。这两个词都用在实词上,比如从房间里退出来。或者用来解释所采取的行动。它还与向后移动有关。

Gustave has backed out of the 100-meter race after breaking his leg last week. /Nearly a quarter of all accidents in America happen when backing out of the driveway.古斯塔夫上周摔断了腿,退出了100米赛跑。/当四分之一的美国发生车祸时。

9. Back off

To move away from or retreat from a fight, argument or confrontation.从战斗、争论或对抗中走开或退却。

You should back off now or I will punch you! /The hyena’s backed off when the lion roared.你现在应该后退,否则我就揍你!/狮子吼叫时鬣狗后退了。

10. Go back over

to go back over something means to repeat it or discuss it again for the second time.回顾某件事意味着重复或再次讨论它。

Good teachers go back over what they taught in a lesson at least twice before moving to the next topic. /Can we go back over the safety steps again before jumping out of the plane?好的老师在开始下一个主题之前,至少要复习两次他们在一节课上所教的内容。/我们能在跳下飞机前再回到安全台阶上吗?

11. Call someone back11.给某人回电话

when calling someone back, it means that the person had already called you before and that you call them in reply.回电时,意味着对方之前已经给你打过电话,你给他们打了回电。

Can you please tell Tom I will call him back? I’m in a meeting right now. /I need to call few people back this afternoon.你能告诉汤姆我会给他回电话吗?我现在正在开会。/今天下午我需要给几个人回电话。

12. Come back回来

Coming back means to return to a place you were before. It can be a physical place or a place in a conversation.回来意味着回到以前的地方。它可以是一个有形的地方,也可以是谈话中的一个地方。

When will you come back to Amsterdam next? I’d love to see you. /Did you hear that Justin Bieber is coming back to Tokyo for a second concert?你下次什么时候回阿姆斯特丹?我很想见你。/你听说贾斯汀·比伯要回东京开第二场音乐会了吗?

13. Fall back13.撤退

Fall back means to withdraw or retreat to a previous position.后退是指撤退或退到先前的位置。

The general told his army to fall back because they were losing the battle. /If I ever fail at being an actor, my fall back plan is to work at my dad’s shop.将军告诉他的军队撤退,因为他们正在输掉这场战斗。/如果我做演员失败了,我的后备计划是去我爸爸的店里工作。

14. Get back

Get back means to either regain something that was yours before or to return to a place you were before.“回来”的意思是要么找回以前属于你的东西,要么回到你以前的地方。

Can I get back that $20 you borrowed from me last week? /I will get back home from work by about 5 pm today.我能把你上周借我的那20块钱还给我吗?/我今天下午5点左右下班回家。

15. Hold back15.忍住,阻止

When something or someone holds back, it stops or hinders itself or another from saying or doing something.当某事或某人退缩时,它会阻止或阻碍自己或他人说或做某事。

I had to hold myself back from yelling at that customer yesterday. /Steve Jobs’ success in this younger years was held back by his large ego.昨天我不得不克制自己不要对那个顾客大喊大叫。/史蒂夫·乔布斯年轻时的成功被他过于自负所阻碍。

16. Keep back16.后退,远离

When someone or something keeps back it stay at a distance from the subject.当有人或某物退缩时,它就与被摄物保持一定距离。

Parents should keep their kids back from the edge of the train platform.  /Zoos have barriers to keep visitors back from the lion cages.父母应该让孩子远离火车站台的边缘。/动物园有障碍物来阻止游客进入狮子笼。

17. Push back #117.抵制

Push back means a negative opposing response/reply to something said or physically done.抵制是指对所说的或实际做的事情的消极的相反的反应。

The public pushed back with negative comments after United Airways released their statement. /I’m proud of my son who pushed back when bullied at school.在联合航空公司发表声明后,公众发表了负面评论。/我为我儿子感到骄傲,他在学校被欺负时采取了抵制态度。

18. Push back #218.推迟

To push back also means to delay or postpone the time of an arrangement. Often used in business and formal scenarios.推回也意味着推迟或推迟安排的时间。通常用于商业和正式场合。

The flight’s departure has been pushed back due to the snow storm. /We need to push the meeting back to Monday.由于暴风雪,航班的起飞时间被推迟了。/我们需要把会议推迟到星期一。

19. Ring back19.给某人回电话

to ring someone back has the same meaning as call back. It means to phone someone in return to a previous phone call they made to you. Often because you were either not able to finish the conversation with them, or missed their call.给某人回电话和回电话有同样的含义。它的意思是打电话给某人,作为他们之前打给你的电话的回报。通常是因为你不能完成与他们的谈话,或者错过了他们的电话。

She said she would ring me back after she finished eating dinner. /I love how the call centers ring you back when they have someone available to talk. I hated waiting in queues on the phone.她说她吃完晚饭后会给我回电话。/我喜欢呼叫中心在有人可以通话时给你回电话的方式。我讨厌排队等电话。

20. Set back

Set back is the phrasal verb of the noun setback which means a small problem or event which slows or temporarily reverses your progress.后退是名词“挫折”的动词短语,意思是一个小问题或事件,它减慢或暂时逆转你的进程。

The factory fire has set us back on our deadline. /Sarah’s poor reaction to her medicine has set her recovery back.工厂火灾使我们推迟到了最后期限。/莎拉对药物的不良反应阻碍了她的康复。

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