在SourceTree Windows中编辑一个提交信息(已经推送到远程)。

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在SourceTree Windows中编辑一个提交信息(已经推送到远程)。

2023-04-27 08:05| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

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How do I edit an incorrect commit message in SourceTree without touching the command line?

Additional details:

This is not the latest commit. Everything was already pushed to Bitbucket. This is a private repository and I am the only collaborator. I don't mind losing any of the previous commits, as I can re-commit them anytime. I don't want however to lose any code modification ever made.


As it seems impossible at the moment according to your comments and replies, I'm going to create a new repository and start all over. Thanks all for your help! 推荐答案

Here are the steps to edit the commit message of a previous commit (which is not the most recent commit) using SourceTree for Windows version

Step 1

Select the commit immediately before the commit that you want to edit. For example, if I want to edit the commit with message "FOOBAR!" then I need to select the commit that comes right before it:

Selecting commit before the one that I want to edit.

Step 2

Right-click on the selected commit and click Rebase children...interactively:

Selecting "Rebase children interactively".

Step 3

Select the commit that you want to edit, then click Edit Message at the bottom. In this case, I'm selecting the commit with the message "FOOBAR!":

Select the commit that you want to edit.

Step 4

Edit the commit message, and then click OK. In my example, I've added "SHAZBOT! SKADOOSH!"

Edit the commit message

Step 5

When you return to interactive rebase window, click on OK to finish the rebase:

Click OK to finish.

Step 6

At this point, you'll need to force-push your new changes since you've rebased commits that you've already pushed. However, the current version of SourceTree for Windows does not allow you to force-push through the GUI, so you'll need to use Git from the command line anyways in order to do that.

Click Terminal from the GUI to open up a terminal.

Click Terminal

Step 7

From the terminal force-push with the following command,

git push origin -f

where is the name of the branch that you want to push, and -f means to force the push. The force push will overwrite your commits on your remote repo, but that's OK in your case since you said that you're not sharing your repo with other people.

That's it! You're done!


On Version For UnPushed commit.

Click on previously committed description Click Commit icon Enter new commit message, and choose "Ammend latest commit" from the Commit options dropdown. Commit your message. 其他推荐答案

If the comment message includes non-English characters, using method provided by user456814, those characters will be replaced by question marks. (tested under sourcetree Ver2.5.5.0)

So I have to use the following method.

CAUTION: if the commit has been pulled by other members, changes below might cause chaos for them.

Step1: In the sourcetree main window, locate your repo tab, and click the "terminal" button to open the git command console.


[Situation A]: target commit is the latest one.

1) In the git command console, input

git commit --amend -m "new comment message"

2) If the target commit has been pushed to remote, you have to push again by force. In the git command console, input

git push --force

[Situation B]: target commit is not the latest one.

1) In the git command console, input

git rebase -i HEAD~n

It is to squash the latest n commits. e.g. if you want to edit the message before the last one, n is 2. This command will open a vi window, the first word of each line is "pick", and you change the "pick" to "reword" for the line you want to edit. Then, input :wq to save&quit that vi window. Now, a new vi window will be open, in this window you input your new message. Also use :wq to save&quit.

2) If the target commit has been pushed to remote, you have to push again by force. In the git command console, input

git push --force

Finally: In the sourcetree main window, Press F5 to refresh.




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