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2023-04-02 02:42| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

What are the pros and cons of living in Guangzhou, China as a Western expat?





Chats Jones

Pros: would be the rangy mixed nationals, the collection of universities, the historic Silk road, Pear river delta. A fast develo city and trade centre for export import. Great market areas.

Bi annual gathering of international trade if you’re looking for products and manufacturers.





Large contingency of Africans that have ingrained in the community and have gangs,

Likely Russians too!



Old city with old Overpopulated trains (though being upgraded)

High pollution levels (my experience 2019 sick after a weekend in the city, I couldn't put it down to anything sees as I was wheezing






William Regan


What is your favorite thing about living in Guangzhou, China?

I’ve a few reasons why I’ve called Guangzhou home for almost a decade now.

The Biggest Reason - The cost of living compared to the amount of opportunity here is great. I pay the same amount of rent for an apartment 5 minutes from the exact middle of a city of 15+ million people as I would for an apartment in my hometown of about 300,000 people and considerably less economic opportunity.




All told I spend maybe about $1,500 USD per month on my expenses here. The rest of my money? Completely discretionary — I can save it, invest it, or just spend it on the pleasures of food or travel.





Yulin Liu

Where is better for an expat, Guangzhou or Foshan?


I am a Foshan native, but I have to agree with other answers that tell you Guangzhou is a more cosmopolitan city with a significantly larger expat community and is easier to navigate for a foreigner. However, the downside is that the cost of living in Guangzhou is also higher, especially the rental, and the traffic congestion is also more serious. Moreover, the facilities in Guangzhou are also easily accessible even if you live in Foshan due to the convenient Guangfo Metro system.


At the end of the day, I think it all boils down to your purpose of teaching in China. If you want to enjoy typical expat lifestyle and constantly hang out with a lot of people from all around the world, Guangzhou will be a better choice. But if you want to experience the Chinese way of living, bond with the local students and learn more about the Lingnan culture, both cities are equally good.





Jessica Bolin


Expats in China-what are the best things and worst things about living in China?

Picking a best is hard, for me it's a toss-up between the food, and being just a train ride away from some great travel destinations (I hate flying).



Worst....worst is that no matter how much people may like living in a foreign country, it never becomes 100% home. In China it's made doubly hard to feel like you fit in when people are constantly talking about how foreign you are. Can't so much as get in a tax without the driver asking you why you're in China. Sometimes it just makes you homesick.






Tim Brown


What are the best cities in China for Western expats?


Shanghai, Beiing, Shenzhen, Guangzhou, and Hong Kong are the biggest cities in China. They are the best to start out in for a foreigner first arriving in China. I stayed in Shanghai for a few months when I first arrived, but it’s too busy for me. Those 5 cities are considered tier 1 cities in China. I lived in tier 1, 2, and 3 cities for various amounts of time. I liked being in tier 3 cities for living. I paid only about 1000 rmb per month for my two bedroom apartments there, but the availability of stuff to do is REALLY limited! I was most comfortable in a tier 2 city, though. Kinda the best of both worlds: housing was much cheaper than the big cities, but not as cheap as tier 3, but there was a lot more to do. I stayed in two different tier two cities: Hangzhou (the capital of Zhejiang province (just south of Shanghai) and Naning (the capital of Jiangsu province just north of Shanghai). I loved Naning. So much growth happening all the time, but not too expensive if you stay out of the city center. In my almost 3 years there, I saw the city go from 5 subway lines to 12 !











Kai Lu


What are the advantages and disadvantage of living in China?

I'm answering the question from the perspective of a Chinese who spend considerable time in foreign country.



Advantages of living in China will include:


Food. It's always a pleasure for me to visit the local morning market and check the the variety of fresh green veges and fruit available. Dining out is so affordable and again so many choices available.


Infrastructure and public transport. The experience of self -driving was smooth in the north-west of China ,even in some unknown small counties. The experience with the bullet train was even better.


Native language /culture. You're not in a daily struggle with second language and the alien culture. You belong to the majority of the society i/o a member of marginalized minority.


E - commerce. E- commerce in China is well establish and well integrated into the daily life. The speed of the logistic is amazing.


Labour cost. Labour cost in China is increasing quickly but still much lower than the western countries, which means ordinary city dwellers can afford to hire domestic helper, nannies, etc to outsource the daily chores.


No confusion of cultural identity of your children.


Job opportunity. Being the second largest economy in the world , the job market in China is far more dynamic.


Disadvantages will be:


1.Pollution. There are many clean and liveable cities in China, but the first/second tier cities are the ones where the jobs are available. For the level of pollution, I think Shenzhen and Shanghai is much better than Beiing.


2 .Food safety. This is also depend on where you live. There is big regional difference.Smaller cities tend to be more self- reliance on fresh food supply , hence safer than the bigger cities.

2 .食品安全。这取决于你生活在哪里,地区差异很大。小城市往往更注重新鲜食品的供应,因此在食品安全方面胜过大城市。

3.Over competition for resources ( education, medical, etc). For ordinary citizens, who have to rely on public education and medical systems, it's a daily struggle as the resources is always limited compared to the size of population.


4.Sky rocketing housing price. The ever increasing housing price is definitely a huge burden for the young people. And its also enlarging the gaps between haves and have- nots.


5.Distorted value system. China is transforming itself at an unprecedented speed for the last few decades. Inner peace is a rare commodity in such a society. People always quote Charles Dickens (A Tale of Two Cities) to describe the phenomenon: It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to Heaven, we were all going direct the other way.





Dylan Cayer

Housing: The price of housing isn't bad if you found somebody to share an apartment with or lived in a less popular area. My roommate pays around 2,000 a month and it's a large area in the center.


Work: although illegal by visa rules you would still be able to find part time work to supplement living costs.


Population: This can be both a good or bad thing depending on how immersed you would like to be. One thing to remember is that although GZ is a top tier city the foreign population isn't as high as Beiing or Shanghai.




Night life: from my experience most guys enjoy this side of Guangzhou the most. Although not on the standard of Beiing or Shanghai, Guangzhou has a pretty good scene for clubs, parties and foreign goods. From my experience GZ is the best food city in China with its diversity and price.






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