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2023-03-12 08:49| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


1、A comparison between the A Chameleon and A Dill Pickle,-group 2,A Chameleon,-Anton Chekhov,Anton Chekhov,was a Russian physician, dramaturge and author who is considered to be among the greatest writers of short stories in history. His career as a dramatist produced four classics and his best short

2、stories are held in high esteem by writers . He brought both the short story and the drama to new prominence in Russia and eventually in the Western world,Anton Chekhov(1860-1904),Brief introduction of Anton Chekhov,An absurd time A changeable policeman An innocent puppy A crowd of boring people All

3、 these told us a ridiculous and depressing story,A Dill Pickle-Katherine Mansfield,Katherine Mansfield,14 October 1888 9 January 1923,a modernist(现实主义者)writer of short fiction who was born and brought up in colonialNew Zealandand wrote under the pen name ofKatherine Mansfield. When she was 19 Mansfi

4、eld left New Zealand and settled in theUnited Kingdom, where she became friends with modernist writers such asD.H. Lawrence(劳伦斯)andVirginia Woolf(弗吉尼亚伍尔夫. ),After a six-years separation ,a pair of beloved lover met again . Everything have been so different and the love has already lost its beautiful

5、 feeling because of the time and reality . It just like the dill pickle, sour, spicy, bitter and sweet. It is not fresh and important any more but it contains all tastes 一对曾经深爱过的爱人在分离六年后再度相遇.物是人非,往昔的爱情早已在现实中失去美丽的感觉,恰似酸甜咸辣的莳萝泡菜,不再新鲜,不再重要,种种滋味混杂在其中。,Same Features,Contrast Symbolism Critical realism A

6、lot of dialogues Vivid and detailed description,野畜生,疯狗把它弄死好了,肯定赫是被狗咬了,它是那么小,它怎么会咬着你的?,你那手指头一定是给钉子弄破的。鬼东西,下贱胚子,受了害,我决不能不管,名贵的狗,狗是娇贵的动物,你这混蛋不用把你那手指头伸出来!怪你不好,野狗,弄死它算了。,还不赖,怪伶俐的,一口就咬破了这家伙的手指头,我早晚要收拾你,变色龙中:,奥丘梅洛夫警官那变色龙似的两面派嘴脸更是叫人难忘。有人说那不是将军家的狗时,他摆出一副警官的威严;有人说那就是将军家的狗时,他有“和颜悦色”,说小狗乖巧,赫留金惹事.警官表面上看似在不断为自己开脱

7、困境,实际上与小丑的滑稽表演没有多大区别。遇到上级便“和颜悦色”,阿谀奉承的两面派作风显得是如此虚伪,像见了主人伸出流满口水的舌头,晃悠着尾巴装出一副“可爱”相的狗一样遭到人们的鄙视与嘲笑。, 莳萝泡菜中: Do you remember that first afternoon we spent together at Kew Gardens? You were so surprised because I did not know the names of any flowers. But whenever it is very fine and warm, and I see some

8、bright coloursits awfully strangeI hear your voice saying: Geranium, marigold, and verbena. And I feel those three words are all I recall of some forgotten, heavenly language. . . . You remember that afternoon? Oh, yes, very well. She drew a long, soft breath, as though the paper daffodils between t

9、hem were almost too sweet to bear. Yet, what had remained in her mind of that particular afternoon was an absurd scene over the tea table. and he behaving like a maniac about the .serious and infuriated out of all proportion to the occasion. How delighted the sniggering tea drinkers had been. And ho

10、w she had suffered.,在回忆第一次邱园相会时,作者使用转折连词yet引出女主人公对同一个下午完全不同的记忆难堪尴尬,与前面所描写的男主人公理想化的描述形成了鲜明的对比。,Chameleon,Dill Pickle,VS,象征手法的运用,Chameleon: 变色龙的皮肤会随着背景、温度和心情的变化而改变;雄性变色龙会将暗黑的保护色变成明亮的颜色,以警告其它变色龙离开自己的领地;有些变色龙还会将平静时的绿色变成红色来威吓敌人。目的是为了保护自己,免遭袭击,使自己生存下来。 象征意义: 没有立场、原则,趋炎附势、见风使舵、欺软怕硬的人。,Dill Pickle 莳萝的英文Dill

11、源自古语dilla 字,其意为平静、消除之意。味道辛香甘甜,多用作食油调味,有促进消化之效用。 莳萝常用来烹调鱼类,烘焙面包,做汤,调味酱和腌渍小黄瓜。 象征意义: 它可以象征两人的爱情。当一对昔日恋人再度相逢,原来甜蜜的爱情已如莳萝泡菜般变得酸涩。其次,它可以象征着薇拉在见到昔日的“他”以后复杂的情感,就像莳萝泡菜的味道那样,充满了酸甜苦辣。就像黄瓜、青椒在被腌渍后味道有所改变,薇拉六年来所经历的生活也发生了变化。莳萝泡菜可以理解为象征着薇拉生活的变化容颜的改变,身体状况和经济状况的改变。,A Dill Pickle中其它象征,水仙花( daffodil )水仙花的花语是“自我陶醉,自我欣赏

12、”伴随男主人公出场的纸水仙就预示着“他”自恋自大,注重自我享受的性格特点 面纱,手套中则象征着六年的寻寻觅觅,苦苦谋生使薇拉将自己保护在层层伪装下,见到男主人公后,薇拉暂时卸下了心理的戒备,揭开了高领皮衣的衣领,揭起了面纱,摘下了手套。然而,当她看清了男子的真实面目,又一次失望后,她又回复了故事开始时的装扮。 怪兽(the strange beast)在第三十一段,它象征着心底长久以来埋藏的愿望,到遥远的神秘地方去旅行。在第五十八段中,怪兽再一次出现。这里怪兽暗指在薇拉心底深深埋藏的爱,返回,时代背景简介:,变色龙创作于1884年,作品发表前,正是俄国民意党人刺杀亚历山大二世(1881)之后,


14、mens status in the Vitoria era:,Limited rights of married women Opportunities for women limited to the household Limited socially acceptable pastimes for women Double standard in sexual activities Lack of gender equality in education,The life of women in Victorian era was generally centered on famil

15、y they were not given freedom to choose their life- they had no choice but to accept whatever was placed before them!,Dress is very conservative(保守),维拉是一位勇敢的女性。六年前,尽管维拉的旧情人年轻、强壮并且疯狂地爱着她,可是维拉还是选择离开了那个男人,因为她看到了那个男人性格里的自私和自负。当他们再次相见时,维拉再次选择了离开,因为她发觉那个男人依然自私和自负。在文中我们可以深切感受到一位勇敢的女性对生活的热爱,也对维拉的勇敢和独立产生赞赏和钦

16、佩之情,与其他同一时期的女性作家相比,曼斯菲尔德已经超越了她的时代。现代女性主义作品探讨的共同主题是不同性别间的关系问题。而在曼斯菲尔德的时代,大多数的文学作品是由男性作家创作的并以男性为主角。而莳萝泡菜是由女性作家创作并以女性为主角的作品。表现了作者对传统男权社会的无情批判,反映了女性对自我的追求和自由的呼唤。,A lot of dialogues In A Chameleon : “So you bite, you damned brute?” Otchumyelov hears suddenly. “Lads, dont let him go! Biting is prohibited

17、nowadays! Hold him! ah ah!” “find out whose dog this is and draw up a report! And the dog must be strangled. Without delay! Its sure to be mad. Whose dog is it, I ask?” “Surely it couldnt reach your finger. Its a little dog, and you are a great hulking fellow! You must have scratched your finger wit

18、h a nail, and then the idea struck you to get damages for it. We all know your sort! I know you devils!”,In A Dill Pickle,Vera! he exclaimed. How strange. Really, for a moment I didnt know you. Wont you sit down? Youve had lunch? Wont you have some coffee?“ Youve changed. Youve changed very much, he

19、 said, staring at her with that eager, lighted look. You look so well. Ive never seen you look so well before. Oh, yes, very well. She drew a long, soft breath, as though the paper daffodils between them were almost too sweet to bear. It has been, he said, very wonderfulespecially Russia. Russia was

20、 all that we had imagined, and far, far more. I even spent some days on a river boat on the Volga. Do you remember that boatmans song that you used to play?,“言者心之声”。按着生活逻辑,把对话写的符合各样人物的阶级地位和性格特征,这是刻划人物,展示他们内心世界的重要手段。契诃夫是中外闻名的文学语言大师。他的变色龙不在人物外貌的描绘和景物的铺陈上见长,而主要是以人物对话的生动取胜的。 最突出的是奥楚蔑洛夫这一人物,从他对下属、对百姓的语言中

21、表现他的专横跋扈、作威作福;从他与达官贵人有关的人,甚至狗的语言中暴露他的阿谀奉承、卑劣无耻;从他污秽的谩骂随口喷出来揭开他貌若威严公正里面的粗俗无聊。 在莳萝泡菜中,曼斯菲尔德通过对维拉和她旧情人的大量的语言为读者呈现出两人截然不同的性格特点。薇拉热爱生活,敏感温柔,坚强独立。男子自私,傲慢,冷漠,自以为是。,细节描写:契珂夫变色龙,主人公一出场穿的就是新的军大衣,暗示出这个警官是刚爬上去的;随着狗主人的不同而一再更换对狗的称呼、对狗的褒贬时,这件军大衣起作用。警官听首饰匠赫留金告狗咬人的状后要严惩“罪犯”,但一听说是将军家的狗时,立刻态度大变,说:“席加洛夫将军?哦!叶尔德林,帮我把大衣脱

22、下来真要命,天这么热,看样子多半要下雨了”于是,掉转话头,指责赫留金。 人群议论狗,说不是将军家的狗,警官又大发议论,要好好教训“罪犯”,又听说“没错儿,将军家的”结论时,大衣又发挥作用了“哦!叶尔德林老弟,给我穿上大衣吧好像起风了,挺冷你把这条狗带到将军家里去,问问清楚。就说这狗是我找着,派人送上的。”脱了大衣又穿了起来。最后真相大白,狗的主人是将军哥哥。于是,警官恐吓赫留金,“我早晚要收拾你”,并裹紧大衣,穿过广场径自走了。这个细节贯串全文,多方面刻画了人物的思想性格。 出场时穿的新大衣,显示警官耀武扬威的气焰;变化无常的过程,军大衣一会儿脱,一会儿穿,为自我解嘲作阶梯,生动地反映出警官对

23、权势显赫的将军的恐惧,趋炎附势,媚上压下的性格。,in A Dill Pickle,He interrupted her. Excuse me, and tapped on the table for the waitress. But she was thinking how well she remembered that trick of histhe trick of interrupting herand of how it used to exasperate her six years ago. He let it go at that. “That river life,” h

24、e went on, ”,曼斯菲尔德也对维拉和他的旧情人的行为举止进行了详细地刻画。如在小说中,曼斯菲尔德多次描写了维拉的旧情人不断打断她说话的情形:“他打断了她”,“他再次打断了她”。正如六年前一样,那个男人典型的行为就是不断打断维拉的谈话,然后把话题转移到自己的俄罗斯之旅上。 他完全忽视了维拉的感受和她当时复杂窘迫的心情。对这个男人的行为的细节描述为广大读者呈现了这个男人的自大、自私和冷酷。,The difference,1、Chekhov - complete plots KM-water down the plots(淡化情节) 2、Chekhov-simple words KM-the poetic language 3、Chekhov-narration in chronological order KM-using stream of consciousness 4、KM-from the perspective of Feminism Chekhov-not at all,




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