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generation是什么意思/翻译_generation读音音标/用法例句/同反义词 David • 2022年12月21日 pm6:00 • 英文单词 • 阅读 39



英 [ˌdʒenəˈreɪʃn] 美 [ˌdʒenəˈreɪʃn]

n.  (统称)一代人,同代人,同辈人; 代,一代,一辈(通常认为大约30年); (家史中的)一代,一辈



Oxford 3000 / Collins.4 / BNC.1344 / COCA.1026



(统称)一代人,同代人,同辈人all the people who were born at about the same time the younger/older generation 年轻的一代;老一辈 My generation have grown up without the experience of a world war.我这一代人在成长过程中没有经历过世界大战。 I often wonder what future generations will make of our efforts.我常常想:后代将怎样评价我们所作出的努力。 代,一代,一辈(通常认为大约30年)the average time in which children grow up, become adults and have children of their own (usually considered to be about 30 years) a generation ago一代人以前 My family have lived in this house for generations .我家祖祖辈辈都住在这房子里。 (家史中的)一代,一辈a single stage in the history of a family stories passed down from generation to generation世代相传的故事 a first-/second-generation American (= a person whose family has lived in America for one/two generations) 第一 / 第二代美国人(家人在美国居住了一、二代者) 一批,一届(从事特定活动的同龄人)a group of people of similar age involved in a particular activity She has inspired a whole generation of fashion school graduates.她激励了整整一届时装学校的毕业生。 (产品发展,尤指技术方面的)代a stage in the development of a product, usually a technical one fifth-generation computing第五代计算机技术 a new generation of vehicle新一代交通运输工具 (尤指电、热等的)产生the production of sth, especially electricity, heat, etc. the generation of electricity发电 methods of income generation产生收益的方法 柯林斯词典 N-COUNT (尤指经历或观点相同的)一代人,同代人,同辈人A generation is all the people in a group or country who are of a similar age, especially when they are considered as having the same experiences or attitudes. …the younger generation of Party members…年轻一代的党员 David Mamet has long been considered the leading American playwright of his generation.长期以来,戴维·马梅特一直被视为同代人中最杰出的美国剧作家。 N-COUNT 代,一代,一辈(通常认为大约是30年)A generation is the period of time, usually considered to be about thirty years, that it takes for children to grow up and become adults and have children of their own. Within a generation flight has become the method used by many travellers.就在不到一代人的时间里,坐飞机已经成了很多旅行者的出行方式。 N-COUNT (机械设备的设计和制造的)代You can use generation to refer to a stage of development in the design and manufacture of machines or equipment. …a new generation of IBM/Apple computers.新一代的IBM/苹果电脑 ADJ (表示家庭成员拥有某国国籍的时间长短情况)第…代的Generation is used to indicate how long members of your family have had a particular nationality. For example, second generation means that you were born in the country you live in, but your parents were not. …second generation Asians in Britain…英国的第二代亚洲移民 She is a first generation American.她是第一代美国移民。 N-UNCOUNT (能源的)产生Generation is also the production of a form of energy or power from fuel or another source of power such as water. Japan has announced plans for a sharp rise in its nuclear power generation.日本宣布了大幅增加核能发电的计划。 双语例句 He was the greatest batsman of his generation. 他是他们那一代最出色的击球手。 It’s easy for a younger generation of critics to laugh Limon out of court 年轻一代的批评家很容易对利蒙的观点一笑置之。 Manufacturers are working on a new generation of cheaper digital radios. 制造商正在研制价格更便宜的新一代数字收音机。 This stark image will remain etched in the memory of a generation of Berliners. 这种荒凉的景象将深深铭刻在一代柏林人的记忆中。 A new generation of scientists became fascinated by dinosaurs. 新一代科学家对恐龙研究着了迷。 David Mamet has long been considered the leading American playwright of his generation. 长期以来,戴维·马梅特一直被视为同代人中最杰出的美国剧作家。 Within a generation flight has become the method used by many travellers. 就在不到一代人的时间里,坐飞机已经成了很多旅行者的出行方式。 She is a first generation American. 她是第一代美国移民。 Japan has announced plans for a sharp rise in its nuclear power generation. 日本宣布了大幅增加核能发电的计划。 Faulkner has been hailed as the greatest American novelist of his generation 福克纳被誉为他那一代人中最伟大的美国小说家。 The idea of handing down his knowledge from generation to generation is important to McLean. 把自己的知识一代代传下去的想法对麦克莱恩来说很重要。 The present leaders have to decide whether to stand down and hand over to a younger generation 现任领导层必须决定是否应退居二线,把重任移交给更为年轻的一代。 The younger generation tell me that religion is ‘old hat’ and science has proved this. 年轻的一代告诉我,宗教已经过时了,科学已证明了这一点。 Everyone thinks there is some vast conspiracy wanting to hold down the younger generation. 大家都认为有一个想压制年轻一代的大阴谋。 He was one of the most creative and innovative engineers of his generation. 他是他那代人当中最富创造性与革新精神的工程师之一。 Jimi Hendrix inspired a generation of guitarists. 吉米·亨德里克斯启发了整整一代吉他演奏者。 They are a lost generation in search of an identity. 他们属于迷惘的一代,想要找寻自我。 Natural selection ensures only the fittest survive to pass their genes on to the next generation. 自然选择确保只有最适应环境的物种得以存活下来,把基因传给下一代。 This challenge will occupy Europe for a generation or more. 这将是欧洲在未来二三十年或者更长的时间里所要面临的挑战。 Tim seems to have escaped the cynicism which is the absolute plague of our generation. 蒂姆好像并没有染上我们这代人愤世嫉俗的通病。 Zidane has become the poster child for a whole generation of French-born youths of North African extraction 齐达内已成为在法国出生、有着北非血统的年轻一代的典范。 For some people, rap — the music of the hip-hop generation — is just so much noise 对某些人来说,说唱乐——嘻哈一族的音乐——简直就是噪音。 They belong to an older, more self-denying generation. 他们属于更加克己的上一代人。 It is the self-assurance of the new generation which makes them sure of their success. 年轻一代的自信让他们对成功志在必得。 A generation ago, it was thought that babies born this small could not survive 20多年前,人们认为这么大点儿的新生儿是活不下来的。 Failing to tackle the deficit would be towing away an opportunity we haven’t had for a generation 如果不能成功解决赤字问题,我们将错过等了一代人才等来的机会。 People of my generation who lived tough World War II have vivid memories of confusion and incompetence 我们这一代经历过二战的人都真切地记得当时的迷惘和无助。 Ours could well be the last generation for which moviegoing has a sense of magic. 我们这一代很可能是认为到电影院观影具有一种魔力的最后一代人了。 The state places great hopes on the younger generation. 国家对青年一代寄予很大的希望。 He belongs to my father’s generation. 他比我长一辈。 英英释义


the act of producing offspring or multiplying by such production

Synonym:    multiplicationpropagation

the production of heat or electricity dams were built for the generation of electricity a coming into being

Synonym:    genesis

group of genetically related organisms constituting a single step in the line of descent all the people living at the same time or of approximately the same age

Synonym:    coevalscontemporaries

the normal time between successive generations they had to wait a generation for that prejudice to fade a stage of technological development or innovation the third generation of computers



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