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2024-03-01 23:02| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

《Natural disasters》PPT教学课件 《Natural disasters》PPT教学课件

人教版高中英语必修一《Natural disasters》PPT教学课件,共28页。 Procedures 1.仔细阅读并理解文章大意; 2.从宏观角度抓住主题句,忽略掉次要信息。 3.运用自己的语言高度概括文章,形成全文的概要。 Points for attention 1.要准确运用词汇和语法结构:...

《Natural disasters》PPT下载 《Natural disasters》PPT下载

人教版高中英语必修一《Natural disasters》PPT下载,共17页。 学习目标 知道一些基本的自然灾害有哪些 掌握本课时的基本语言点如rescue,damage等 掌握听力技巧之精听细节 能独立进行新闻报道 Warming-up 1. What can you see in the picture? 2. What hap...

《Natural disasters》PPT课件 《Natural disasters》PPT课件

人教版高中英语必修一《Natural disasters》PPT课件,共20页。 Lead-in Tell what the disasters are and talk about them one by one. Pronunciation 1. Listen and repeat. Pay attention to the letters in bold. pipe ballet tend death keen glory fond...

《Sports and Fitness》PPT教学课件 《Sports and Fitness》PPT教学课件

人教版高中英语必修一《Sports and Fitness》PPT教学课件,共28页。 Lead-in Compare the following sentences and find out what kind of sentence structures they are. Everything seems all right now, doesn't it? This is important, isn't it? Give m...

《Sports and Fitness》PPT下载 《Sports and Fitness》PPT下载

人教版高中英语必修一《Sports and Fitness》PPT下载,共17页。 Do you know what it is? It is a great honour that Eiling Gu won the gold medal in the Womens Freeski Halfpipe. honour [n.] 荣誉,荣耀 medal [n.] 奖牌 Su Yiming is the champion of...

《Sports and Fitness》PPT课件 《Sports and Fitness》PPT课件

人教版高中英语必修一《Sports and Fitness》PPT课件,共22页。 Thinking Do you jog often? What sports and exercise do you like? What do you think sports and exercise can do for? Do you jog often? 越来越多的中国人正加入慢跑这一运动。它对人们的...

《Travelling Around》PPT下载 《Travelling Around》PPT下载

人教版高中英语必修一《Travelling Around》PPT下载,共16页。 Lead-in Look at the sentences. What does the tense in the sentences express? Im travelling around Europe for two weeks with my aunt and uncle. Were renting a car and driving ! My p...

《Travelling Around》PPT课件 《Travelling Around》PPT课件

人教版高中英语必修一《Travelling Around》PPT课件,共15页。 Lead-in Talk about travel destinations that youd like to travel to. What do you need to prepare for the trip? Reading and Thinking Recognise text type Before you read, look through...

《Teenage Life》PPT教学课件 《Teenage Life》PPT教学课件

人教版高中英语必修一《Teenage Life》PPT教学课件,共16页。 Lead in Compare the following sentences and mark the phrases in the sentences. She is my best friend. She went to see her grandparents every now and then. Yourroomislargeandbeautifu...

《Teenage Life》PPT下载 《Teenage Life》PPT下载

人教版高中英语必修一《Teenage Life》PPT下载,共21页。 Lead-in Look at the following pictures and talk about what kind of future activities you are interested in. Use the following expressions to practice one by one. Fast-reading 1. Whats t...

《Teenage Life》PPT课件 《Teenage Life》PPT课件

人教版高中英语必修一《Teenage Life》PPT课件,共29页。 Lead-in Talk about what kind of school clubs you are interested in one by one. Listening and Speaking Listen and complete the information by underlining the words you hear in the right...

《Languages Around The World》PPT课件(第4课时) 《Languages Around The World》PPT课件(第4课时)

人教版高中英语必修一《Languages Around The World》PPT课件(第4课时),共15页。 1. England is the place where Adele was born. 2. February 24, 2013 is the day when Adele won Oscar prize. 3. Do you know the reason why she is so popular? 练习:...

《Languages Around The World》PPT课件(第3课时) 《Languages Around The World》PPT课件(第3课时)

人教版高中英语必修一《Languages Around The World》PPT课件(第3课时),共15页。 While-reading Skim the passage and find the main idea of each paragraph. Para. 1 Chinese writing system is one of the main factors. Para. 2 Written Chinese was a...

《Languages Around The World》PPT课件(第2课时) 《Languages Around The World》PPT课件(第2课时)

人教版高中英语必修一《Languages Around The World》PPT课件(第2课时),共13页。 refer to 指的是;提到;描述;查阅;参考 1. Study this example and refer to the explanation below. 研究这个例子并参考下面的解释。 2. You may refer to your notes if...

《Languages Around The World》PPT课件(第1课时) 《Languages Around The World》PPT课件(第1课时)

人教版高中英语必修一《Languages Around The World》PPT课件(第1课时),共15页。 One language sets you in a corridor for life. Two language open every door along the way.Frank smith 一门语言能够带你进入人生的旅途,两门语言则为你开启人生旅途中...

《Languages Around The World》SectionD PPT课件 《Languages Around The World》SectionD PPT课件

人教版高中英语必修一《Languages Around The World》SectionD PPT课件,共40页。 基础知识复现 重点单词 1. native adj. 出生地的;本地的;土著的 n. 本地人 ①故乡/祖国/母语 ______________ ②以英语为母语的人 ______________ ③原产于 ______________...

《Languages Around The World》SectionC PPT课件 《Languages Around The World》SectionC PPT课件

人教版高中英语必修一《Languages Around The World》SectionC PPT课件,共44页。 语言知识讲练 高 频 词 语 1. equal n. 同等的人;相等物 adj. 相同的;同样的 【典例促记】 ⊙Our relationship is close and were equals, so I only need a few words to...

《Languages Around The World》SectionB PPT课件 《Languages Around The World》SectionB PPT课件

人教版高中英语必修一《Languages Around The World》SectionB PPT课件,共33页。 语言知识讲练 高 频 词 语 struggle n. vi. 斗争;奋斗;搏斗 【典例促记】 ⊙When I started studying German,it was a struggle. (P64) 我刚开始学德语的时候,是一件很...

《Languages Around The World》SectionA PPT课件 《Languages Around The World》SectionA PPT课件

人教版高中英语必修一《Languages Around The World》SectionA PPT课件,共78页。 语言知识讲练 高 频 词 语 1. native adj. 出生地的;本地的;土著的 n. 本地人 【典例促记】 ⊙How many billion people speak the UNs official languages as their native...

《Natural disasters》PPT下载(第5课时) 《Natural disasters》PPT下载(第5课时)

人教版高中英语必修一《Natural disasters》PPT下载(第5课时),共45页。 Learning objectives In this class, you will 1. read a news report about a natural disaster and two summaries of the news report; 2. conclude what a summary is and how to w...




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