in 词根词缀

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in 词根词缀

2024-07-17 12:55| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

前缀:il-, in-, ir-, im-


【词根来源】:(il-用于l前;im-用于b, m, p前;ir-用于r前;in-用于其它情况)   来源于拉丁语in。

【同源单词】:illegal, illegality, illegitimate, illiterate, illogical

前缀:im-, in-

① 表示“不,无,非”

impossible 不可能的(im+plssible可能的)

immoral 不道德的(im+moral道德的)

impolite 无礼的(im+polite礼貌的)

impartial 公平的(im+partial有偏见的)

impassive 无动于衷的(im+pass感情+ive→没感情)

impeccable 无瑕疵的(im+pecc斑点+able→无斑点的)

immortal 不朽的(im+mortal死的)

immutable 不变的(im+mutable可变的)

inglorious 不光彩的(in+glori光荣+ous→不光荣的)

incapable 无能力的(in+capable有能力的)

inhuman 不人道的(in+human人道的)

injustice 不公正(in+justice公正)

incorrigible 积习难改的(in+corrigible可改正的)

inconstant 多变的,无常的(in+constant稳定的)

indifferent 冷漠的(in+different不同的→同与不同的“事不关已” →冷漠的)

innocuous 无害的(in+noc毒害+ous→无害的)

inimitable 无可比拟的(in+imit模仿+able→不能模仿的)

insubordinate 不服从的,反抗的(in+subordnate服从的)

② 表示“向内,进入”

imprison 监禁(im+prison监狱)

impel 驱动(im+pel推→推进,驱动)

imperil 处于危险中(im+peril危险)

impulse 冲动(im+pulse跳动→冲动)

implicit 含蓄的(im+plic重叠+it→进入重叠→不直说→储蓄的)

impersonate 扮演,模仿(im+person人+ate→进入别人→扮演别人)

inborn 天生的(in+born出生的)

inaugurate 举行就职典礼(in+augur预兆,开始+ate→进入开始→就职;参考:augury预兆)

incentive 激励(in+cent唱歌+ive→把精神唱进去→激励)

incorporate 合并,并入(in+corpor团体+ate→成为团体)

inflame 使燃烧;激怒(in+flame火焰)

inspired 有灵感的(in+spired有呼吸的→有生命的,有灵感的)

indoor 户内的(in+door门→门内的)



inglorious 不光彩的

incapable 无能力的

incorrect 不正确的

incomparable 无比的

incomplete 不完全的

insensible 无感觉的

inhuman 不人道的

inartistic 非艺术的

injustice 不公正

informal 非正式的


inside 内部、里面

inbreak 入侵

indoor 户内的

intake 纳入,吸入

inland 内地的,国内的

inbreathe 吸入

inject 投入,注射

inrush 涌入,闯入


inspirit 使振作精神

inflame 燃烧

intrench 掘壕沟

intone 发音,呤诵

invigorate 给以勇气,鼓舞

ingraft 接枝

incurve (使)弯曲


【来源及含义】Latin: no, not [ig-, il-, im-, ir-]

【相关描述】This in-, "not", becomes i- before gn, as with "ignore"; il- before l, as with illiterate; im- before b, m; and p, as with imbalance, immiscible, impecunious; and ir- before r, as with irrefragable.

Don't confuse this Latin prefix, in-1, meaning "not", with another Latin prefix in-2 meaning "in, into, within, inside, on, toward" or with the prefix for English-origin words in-3 meaning "in, into; within".

【同源单词】ignorance, illiterate, imbalance, immaculate, immature, immovable


【来源及含义】Latin: in, into, within, inside, on, toward [il-, ir-, im-], in, into, etc.: include, incur, invade; also, used intensively, as in the words inflame and inflammable, or without perceptible force.

【相关描述】The in- changes or is assimilated to il- before l, as with "illuminate", to im- before b, as with "imbibe"; before m, as with "immediate"; before p, as with "implant"; and to ir- before r, as with "irrigate".

The form generally remains unassimilated in words formed in English; such as, inbreed.

Don't confuse this in-2, meaning "in, into, within", etc. with the Latin prefix in-1 meaning "not" nor with the prefix for English-origin words in-3 meaning "in, into; within".

【同源单词】illuminate, imbibe, immigrate, import, inaugurate, incalescent


【来源及含义】Old English, Middle English: in, into; within; toward; a prefix used in front of English words, not Latin or Greek elements; as in the words, indoors and inland

【相关描述】Don't confuse this in-3, meaning "in, into; within", with another in-2 Latin prefix meaning "in, into, within, inside, on, toward" or with the Latin prefix in-1 meaning "not".

【同源单词】inarm, inbeing, inboard, inborn, inbound, inbreathe

词根词缀:ino-, in-

【来源及含义】Greek: force, strength; seat of strength; muscle, sinew; fibrous vessel in a muscle

【同源单词】inoblast, inogen, inogenesis, inogenous, inoglia, inohymenitis

词根词缀:marathon-; and related entries ending in -athon, -thon

【来源及含义】Greek: derived from an ancient villiage in Greece, northeast of Athens; as a result of an important Greek victory over the Persians in 490 B.C.

【同源单词】hackathon, Marathon, marathon, marathon, marathon, marathoner




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