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#家长英语很差、发音不好能不能做英语启蒙?| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265



Parents' English is very poor, and pronunciation is not good ,how to do?

杰克大叔(Uncle Jack):OK, so don't worry about your pronunciation. What you want to do is create that English environment. You want to build that English foundation for your child. You want to make it natural and normal. The better you can do that, the easier it is for your child to pick up an English book, to listen to an English song, or watching an English cartoon, or whatever tool and pick up language. Why? It's not scary. They know some English, because you created that wonderful support, that wonderful environment for them. You made it fun. You made it interesting. So now they want to pick up that picture book, and they're going to listen to the audio or listen to the video, and they'll be able to pick up language much faster than you, right? As you're working hard to to use some English, and you give them that support, they'll be able to just quickly fly up, because you gave them that great support.



What if the parents can't remember the instructions in English?

杰克大叔(Uncle Jack):Okay, so start with what you can say, how much you can say, make a plan, write down the plan. What can you say in the morning? What can you say in the afternoon? Maybe you're just starting out, so you do like three to five sentences a day. Don't give yourself too much pressure. Start slow, baby steps, right? What you want to do is build a nice routine. You are getting used to your English voice too, right? It's not just your child getting used to mommy speaking or daddy speaking English now, but you need to know what your English voice sounds like too. So you start off with the basics. “It's time to wake up, or wakey, wakey. Let's eat. Or it's time to eat, let's play a game.” okay? And you start with those basic bits of language, and you do it every day, at the same time. You build a nice routine, nice pattern, and once you get comfortable with it, you add a little bit more, right, and you make a little, a little plan on a piece of paper. Or you buy some stickers and you stick them on the wall. When you're in the kitchen, I need to say that when I'm in the kitchen or you're in the bedroom, I need to say that when I'm in the bedroom or you're in the living room, oh, I need to say this right now.

好吧,从你会说的开始,你能说多少,制定一个计划,把它写下来。明天早上你会说什么,下午你会说什么,也许你才刚刚开始,所以你每天(只需要)说三到五句话。别给自己太大压力。慢慢来,一步一步来,好吗?你需要做的就是把(说英语)变成例行公事。你会开始习惯你(说)英语的声音,对吧?(因为)不仅仅是你的孩子(需要)习惯妈妈说英语或者爸爸说英语,你还需要知道你(说)英语的声音听起来像什么。所以你从最基本的开始。 “It's time to wake up, or wakey, wakey. Let's eat. Or it's time to eat, let's play a game.” 好吗?你从这些基本的语言开始,(并且)每天在同一时间做。你建立一个好的习惯,一个好的模式,一旦你适应了它,你再加一点,对,然后你在纸上做一个小小的计划,或者你买些贴纸贴在墙上。(这样)当你在厨房的时候,“噢,我在厨房要说那个”,当你在卧室的时候,“噢,我在卧室的时候要说这个”,或当你在客厅的时候,“噢,我现在要说这个”。


Do all family members speak English to their children?

杰克大叔(Uncle Jack):Again, if every person in the family can speak English, that's, that's perfect, right? But that doesn't happen very often. So is it necessary? It's not necessary. Again, it comes back to a parent, or two parents, maybe even a grandparent that is setting a nice foundation, building a nice environment. So it always goes back to the tools that you have, what you're going to say, the routine you are going to build for your child and for yourself. And once you do that well, you will see results even if you're the only person in the family speaking English. But at some point too, you can have your child become the little teacher and teach dad or teach grandma some English. That's a good idea. Remember, the more you say, the easier it gets. The easier it gets, the more you can say. So make a good plan and stick to it.



Do parents have to speak English to their children all the time?

杰克大叔(Uncle Jack):Of course, if you can speak English all day, that's the best results, right? But that's not even easy for the best English speaking parents out there. So is it necessary? No, again, it's about building that foundation. It's about building an environment. So you do what you can do. Let's say you're a working parent, you only have some time in the morning, or you only have some time in the evening or on the weekends.That's okay. That's when you do it. But you make it consistent. You build a routine, you build a nice pattern, you build a nice foundation. It doesn't have to be 24 hours, it doesn't have to be 100 %. But it does need to be consistent. You do need to set a nice pattern. If you set a nice foundation, then you don't need 100 %. You don't need 24 hours, you will get some results.



When parents speak English, is it better to speak faster or slower?

杰克大叔(Uncle Jack): I don't think this is a really important question, like I don't think it's that necessary. I think parents should speak slowly and clearly. You want your child to understand your language. It's the same with Chinese. When you speak Chinese to your child, you usually speak slowly and clearly, so your child knows how to use that language, how to pronounce certain words and and to understand ideas better. As a teacher in the classroom, I will test a child's understanding by speaking a little faster. But again, we don't want to bring the classroom into the home.


6、跟孩子说英语的时候可以用连读吗? 因为外国人都是这样说话的呀?

杰克大叔(Uncle Jack): That's true. I've been using it, but I absolutely 100% do not recommend it for children, right? It's important for children, especially when they get into the primary years, when they're getting into school, to enunciate their words. If they do not finish their words, then they will have a very difficult time later on in life understanding how to spell or which words are being said, which words are being used. It's more important for them in the early ages, especially, to enunciate their words. Once they get older, sure they can choose to use those reduce forms, like gonna, wanna shoulda. They're pretty useful for speaking. It can be important for listening skills, to understand, maybe what an American is saying. But it's not important for you to use that language. It's not important for your child to use that language, especially at the early stages of their life. They want to practice their mouth muscles, right? They want to speak correctly. And in, actually, in all of my classes, I think I've only got one reduced form, and that is “gotcha”, because it's such a fun word to use when we're playing hide and seek. But for the other words, I do not suggest it at all. Practice proper enunciation.

那倒是真的,我一直在用连读,但我绝对不推荐孩子也用连读,明白吗?这对孩子们很重要,特别是当他们跨入小学阶段,当他们进入学校后,(需要能)清楚地发音。如果他们不能(清楚地)发音,那么他们将有一个非常困难的时期去理解如何拼写,去理解哪些词在说,哪些词在用。对他们来说,早期发音,尤其是清晰地发音更重要。一旦他们长大了,他们当然可以选择使用这些连读的方式,比如,gonna, wanna shoulda.它们说起来很方便。连读或许作为听力技巧很重要,(因为)你可以理解一个美国人在说什么。但对于你来说不重要,对你的孩子来说,也并不重要,尤其是在他们人生的早期阶段。孩子们要练习嘴部肌肉,对吧?他们想说得准确。实际上,在我所有的课堂上,我只有一个连读的形式,那就是“gotcha”,因为当我们玩捉迷藏的时候,这是一个非常有趣的词。但换句话说,我并不建议(跟孩子)说连读,请练习正确的发音。




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