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#高中英语综合库选词填空练习题及答案| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

3 . Directions: Fill in each blank with a proper word chosen from the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.

A. maximize             B. subsequent             C. potential             D. personalize             E. misrepresented

F. limited            G. marketing            H. predictive            I. commercial            J. speed          K. absence

No child or young athlete should be subjected to genetic testing to find sporting talent or improve performance, conclude the experts in a statement published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine.

The scientific evidence on the effectiveness of these     1     tests is simply far too weak to back their use, says the experts in the fields of genomics, exercise, sports performance, etc. While the science of genomics has advanced rapidly over the past decade, the ability to interpret the meaning of genetic test results is still at a relatively early stage.

But that has not stopped the growth of the “direct to consumer” genetic tests, which claim to be able to spot children’s athletic talents or tailor training to     2     performance. This fast - growing market has caused fears that the still limited level of knowledge on the genetics of sports performance is being     3     for commercial gain.

To inform the statement, the panel looked at the availability of DIY genetic tests. It found 39 companies     4     tests associated with sport or exercise performance or injury - almost twice as many as in 2018.

The claims included: “    5     your training based on your sports genetics,” “Give parents and coaches early information on their child’s genetic     6     for success for sports,” and “We use your DNA results to help you lose fat, build muscle, get fitter.”

But the     7     of any good scientific data to guide selection of which variants to test weakens the value of multiple testing. Besides, while there is some evidence to suggest a link with enhanced physical performance, it is very weak, making the     8     value of these tests “actually zero,” says the statement.

The statement emphasizes the     9     of change in gene sequencing technology has got much faster than regulation. And it points out the importance of counselling before any genetic test is taken.

“While further evidence will undoubtedly emerge around the genetics of sport performance in the future, the data are currently very     10    . Therefore, in this stage of limited knowledge, no child or young athlete should be exposed to genetic testing to define or alter training or for talent identification aimed at selecting gifted children or adolescents,” it concludes.




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