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2023-08-17 22:47| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

1. 洪水;水灾    If there is a flood, a large amount of water covers an area which is usually dry, for example when a river flows over its banks or a pipe bursts.

    e.g. More than 70 people were killed in the floods, caused when a dam burst...           大坝决口造成洪灾,70 多人因此丧生。    e.g. This is the type of flood dreaded by cavers...           这正是洞穴探险者害怕的那种洪水。

2. 淹没;使充满水    If something such as a river or a burst pipe floods an area that is usually dry or if the area floods, it becomes covered with water.


    e.g. The Chicago River flooded the city's underground tunnel system...           芝加哥河的河水淹没了城市的地下隧道系统。    e.g. The kitchen flooded.           厨房被水淹了。

floodedPeople have been mobilised to build defences and drain flooded land as heavy rains continue to fall.大雨还在继续下,人们已经被动员起来修筑防洪工事,为遭淹田地排水。

3. (尤指暴雨后河水)泛滥    If a river floods, it overflows, especially after very heavy rain.


    e.g. ...the relentless rain that caused twenty rivers to flood...           引发了 20 条河流泛滥的持续降水    e.g. Many streams have flooded their banks, making some roads impassable.           许多小河的水已经漫过堤岸,造成一些道路不能通行。

4. 大量;大批    If you say that a flood of people or things arrive somewhere, you are emphasizing that a very large number of them arrive there.

    e.g. The administration is trying to stem the flood of refugees out of Haiti and into Florida...           政府当局正试图阻止大批难民逃离海地,进入佛罗里达。    e.g. He received a flood of letters from irate constituents.           他收到愤怒的选区居民洪水般涌来的信件。

5. 大批涌入;大量云集    If you say that people or things flood into a place, you are emphasizing that they arrive there in large numbers.

    e.g. Large numbers of immigrants flooded into the area...           大量移民涌入这个地区。    e.g. Enquiries flooded in from all over the world.           世界各地的问询纷至沓来。

6. (使)充满;(使)充斥    If you flood a place with a particular type of thing, or if a particular type of thing floods a place, the place becomes full of so many of them that it cannot hold or deal with any more.


    e.g. ...a policy aimed at flooding Europe with exports...           一项旨在让进口产品充斥欧洲市场的政策    e.g. Brokers expect the markets to be flooded with the shares...           股票经纪人预计股市会充斥着这种股票。

flooded...the danger of Europe becoming flooded with low-cost agricultural imports.低成本的进口农产品充斥欧洲市场的危险

7. (情感等)充满,使感受强烈,涌上心头    If an emotion, feeling, or thought floods you, you suddenly feel it very intensely. If feelings or memories flood back, you suddenly remember them very clearly.


    e.g. A wave of happiness flooded me...           我心中涌起一股幸福的暖流。    e.g. Mary Ann was flooded with relief ...           玛丽·安感到无比宽慰。

8. (光线)充满,照进    If light floods a place or floods into it, it suddenly fills it.

    e.g. The afternoon light flooded the little rooms...           午后的阳光洒满一间间小屋。    e.g. Morning sunshine flooded in through the open curtains.           清晨的阳光透过拉开的窗帘照射进来。

9. (河水)泛滥      If a river is in flood, it is flowing over its banks because it has more water in it than normal.


10. 泪如雨下;号啕大哭      If you say that someone was in floods of tears or in a flood of tears, you are emphasizing that they were crying with great intensity because they were very upset.

      e.g. The pain was so bad that I would be in floods of tears...             疼痛难忍,我就快大哭起来了。      e.g. They said goodbye in a flood of tears.             他们痛哭流涕地道别。

11. (洪水)迫使…离开,淹没,冲毁      If people, places, or things are flooded out, the water from a flood makes it impossible for people to stay in that place or to use that thing.


      e.g. Train lines were flooded out...             铁路线被洪水冲毁。      e.g. The river flooded them out every few years.             每隔几年他们就会因这条河的泛滥而被迫离开家园。

相关词组:flood out




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