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#互联网告别Flash时代:Adobe宣布2020年停止支持Flash| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Adobe Systems公司近日表示,计划在2020年底淘汰Flash播放器插件。2020年过后,Adobe将停止为Flash发布更新,网络浏览器将不再支持该技术。Flash曾经是人们观看视频片段和玩在线游戏时最常用的播放技术之一,但也因为存在安全性而饱受质疑。近年来,Flash的许多功能都已经被竞争对手HTML5技术所取代。而HTML5的好处之一是,它可以在网页上提供多媒体内容,而不需要用户安装和更新专用插件。


Adobe Systems has said that it plans to phase out its Flash Player plug-in by the end of 2020.Adobe Systems公司表示,计划在2020年底前逐步淘汰Flash播放器插件。

The technology was once one of the most widely used ways for people to watch video clips and play games online.Flash曾经是人们观看视频片段和玩在线游戏时最常用的播放技术之一。

But it also attracted much criticism, particularly as flaws in its code meant it became a popular way for hackers to infect computers.但该项技术也受到许多批评,特别是代码缺陷让它成为黑客入侵计算机的普遍方式。

In recent years, much of its functionality has been offered by the rival HTML5 technology.近年来,Flash的许多功能都已经被竞争对手HTML5技术所取代。

One of HTML5's benefits is that it can be used to make multimedia content available within webpages without requiring users to install and update a dedicated plug-in.HTML5的好处之一是,它可以在网页上提供多媒体内容,而不需要用户安装和更新专用插件。


Apple was one of Flash's most vocal critics. The late Steve Jobs once wrote a public letter about its shortcomings, highlighting concerns about its reliability, security and performance.苹果是Flash最强烈的批评者之一。已故苹果公司联合创始人史蒂夫•乔布斯曾经写过一封关于Flash缺陷的公开信,强调对其可靠性、安全性和性能的担忧。

The plug-in was never supported by Apple's iOS mobile devices.这款插件也从未获得苹果iOS移动设备的支持。

Adobe's vice president of product development, Govind Balakrishnan, said the firm had chosen to end Flash because other technologies, such as HTML5, had "matured enough and are capable enough to provide viable alternatives to the Flash player."Adobe的产品开发副总裁戈文德•巴拉克里钦南表示,公司已经选择关闭Flash,因为HTML5等其他技术“已经足够成熟,完全能够替代Flash播放器。”

He added: "Few technologies have had such a profound and positive impact in the internet era."他补充说:“在互联网时代,很少有技术能产生如此深远而积极的影响。”

Apps developer Malcolm Barclay, who had worked on Flash in its early days, told the BBC: "It fulfilled its promise for a while but it never saw the mobile device revolution coming and ultimately that's what killed it."应用程序开发者马尔科姆•巴克利曾参与Flash的早期开发,他告诉BBC:“Flash满足了人们的短期需求,但它没有预见移动设备革命已经到来,因此最终被淘汰。”

When Adobe acquired Flash in its 2005 purchase of Macromedia, the technology was on more than 98% of personal computers.Adobe公司2005年收购Macromedia获得Flash技术时,超过98%的个人电脑都在使用该技术。

But on Chrome, now the most popular web browser, Flash's usage has fallen off dramatically.但在现下最普及的网页浏览器Chrome上,Flash的使用率却急剧下降。

In 2014 it was used each day by 80% of desktop users, according to Google. The current figure is just 17%.据谷歌称,2014年80%的桌面用户每天使用Flash播放器,而目前只有17%。

"This trend reveals that sites are migrating to open-web technologies, which are faster and more power-efficient than Flash," Google added. "They're also more secure."谷歌补充说:“这种趋势表明,各个网站正在转向开放网络技术,这些技术与Flash相比速度更快也更节能,而且还更加安全。”

Google phased out full support for Flash software at the end of last year.去年年底,谷歌彻底停止对Flash软件的全面支持。

Mr Balakrishnan said it did not expect the demise of Flash to affect profits at Adobe.巴拉克里钦南不认为Flash的消亡会影响Adobe的利润。

"We think the opportunity for Adobe is greater in a post-Flash world," he said.他说:“我们认为Adobe在后Flash时代的机遇更好。”

But the firm added that it remained committed to support Flash up until the end of 2020 "as customers and partners put their migration plans into place".但该公司补充说,他们对Flash的技术支持将持续到2020年底,“这期间客户和合作伙伴会将他们的更替计划落实到位”。

英文来源:BBC翻译:王雅钰(实习生)编审:yaning 董静




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