Dr. Seuss' ABC

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Dr. Seuss' ABC

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Dr. Seuss' ABC


September 18, 1995


Icabod, Izzy, Mr. Zed






Sheila Rae, the Brave


The Berenstain Bears in the Dark

Dr seuss abc pc cover

Dr. Seuss' ABC, also known as simply ABC, is the first Dr. Seuss Interactive Living Books video released on September 18, 1995. It is based on the 1963 children's story and written by Dr. Seuss.

Contents 1 Story 2 Characters 3 Quotes 3.1 Introduction 3.2 Letter A 3.3 Letter B 3.4 Letter C 3.5 Letter D 3.6 Letter E 3.7 Letter F 3.8 Letter G 3.9 Letter H 3.10 Letter I 3.11 Letter J 3.12 Letter K 3.13 Letter L 3.14 Letter M 3.15 Letter N 3.16 Letter O 3.17 Letter P 3.18 Letter Q 3.19 Letter R 3.20 Letter S 3.21 Letter T 3.22 Letter U 3.23 Letter V 3.24 Letter W 3.25 Letter X 3.26 Letter Y 3.27 Letter Z 3.28 The End 3.29 Quit 4 Words Include 5 Pages 6 Mini-games 7 Songs 8 Demos 9 Gallery 10 Trivia Story[]

Readers learn the alphabet as Ichabod and his younger little sister Izzy (two yellow anthropomorphic rabbits) explore various creatures, objects, and humans that begins with each letter. The click points mainly comprise of them stating what else begins with each letter, and occasionally there's a musical click point. They talk about food words and eat the food whenever they felt hungry. The running gag in the story is a fastest yellow Zed named "Qunituple-Question-Mark", who keeps his name a secret until the third-last page of the storybook. The pet's name finally gets revealed on the "Z" page.

Characters[] Ichabod the Yellow Anthropomorphic Rabbit Izzy the Yellow Anthropomorphic Rabbit Aunt Annie the Old Lady Albert the Alligator Billy the Baby Barry the Barber Ben the Boy Bumblebee The Cat in the Hat (debut, cameo) Clyde the Camel Clown David Donald Doo the Boy in the Bed Ernie the Boy with the Ear Emily the Hen with the Egg Ethel the Elephant Fiffer-Feffer-Feff Greta the Girl Gus the Goat Gorney with the Goo-Goo Goggles The Grinch (cameo) Harriet the Hen Horton the Elephant (cameo) Hugo the Horse Ingrid the Iguana Iota (cameo) Jerry Jordan the Bear Kitten Katie the Kangaroo King Kevin Kerplotski III Little Lola Lopp the Young Girl Leonard the Lazy Lion The Lorax (cameo) Mario, Marvin, Mary, Melinda, Mike, and Minerva the Mice in the Moonlight Bears with Nine New Neckties Ned the Bear in the Nightshirt Norman the Guy with a Nose Olivia the Orange Owl Oscar (cameo) Otis the Ostrich Otto the Otter Paul the Bear with Pajamas Policeman Papa Peter Pepper's Puppy, Patches Queen Quinella Quincy the Quick Queen of Quincy Rosy Robin Ross Rupert the Red Rhinoceros Silly Sammy Slick the Brother of Sarah Sam I am (cameo) Sarah Slick the Sister of Sammy (Sammy's Sister) Ten Tired Turtles Thidwick the Moose (cameo) Uncle Ubb the Man Vera Violet Vinn Waldo Woo the Small Boy Warren Wiggins the Glad Boy Willy Waterloo the Big Boy Nixie Knox the Old Woman Xavier the Fox Young Yolanda Yorgenson the Young Girl Yogi the Yawning Yellow Yak Yertle the Turtle (cameo) Zizzer-Zazzer-Zuzz Mr. Zed Quotes[] Introduction[] Ichabod: [first lines] Hi! I'm Ichabod. Izzy: And I'm Izzy. Both: Welcome to Living Books! Izzy: We're gonna have fun with the alphabet! Want to come? Letter A[] Aunt Annie: I adopted Albert in August. -- Ichabod: What else begins with A? [an apple appears] Izzy: Apple. [Albert the alligator eats the apple] Izzy: [to Annie] Annie, Albert ate my apple. Aunt Annie: [to Izzy] Oh my! [then about Albert the alligator's appetite] Albert's appetite is always atrocious! [Aunt Annie turns to Albert.] Aunt Annie: Albert?! Apologize. Albert the Alligator: [to Izzy about his atrocious appetite] I'm sorry. -- Izzy: What else begins with A? Ichabod: Ape, and art. [the ape drops down from the vine and paints a picture, then the ape takes the picture and swings away on the vine] -- Izzy: Acorn. Anchor. Accordion. -- Aunt Annie: Alligators are almost always agreeable, aren't you, Albert? Albert the Alligator: Absolutely. -- [Zed pops out of uppercase A and climbs on what and reads "What begins with A?" when crossing] Zed: Not my name. [he then lets go and bounces on Albert's snout and exits] Ichabod: Who was that? Izzy: I never seen him before. -- Aunt Annie: Albert, away! [Ichabod leaves and Aunt Annie and Albert begin to leave] Adios! Arrivederci! Adieu! Auf Wiedersehen! [Aunt Annie and Albert disappear to the right] Izzy: [turns to the camera] Bye! [leaves] Letter B[] Ben: [blows a big bubble, then popping] Boy, that was big. -- [The baby babbles, and starts crying] Barry: [puts a bow on] Bow? [The baby continues crying; he cries because he doesn't like it when a bow is in his hair] Barry: [he unties the baby's bow] No bow. [The baby babbles happily.] -- Ichabod: Bird. Izzy: Boat. Ichabod: Banana. -- Izzy: The buzzing bee burst that bubble. Ichabod: Blow it to bits! -- Ichabod: Hmm. How about a big bug on a blue bed playing a banjo? -- Both: Bye! [Barry and Ben both wave good-bye] Baby: Bye-bye. Letter C[] Izzy: I know some other words that start with C. [a blue couch appears on the floor] Couch, [a cuckoo clock appears on the wall] Clock, [a cactus appears in the corner] and Cactus in the Corner. -- Clyde: I'm Clyde the camel, as you can see. My feet and where my hands should be. Some call me crazy, but I'll say, "I'm very comfortable this way!" [giggles] Yup? -- Ichabod: [couch turns green and crooked] Crooked couch. Izzy: [couch turns colorful] Colorful couch. Ichabod: [couch turns pink that's cozy with cushions] Cozy cushions. [couch turns back to blue and regular] -- Izzy: Carrot. Candle. Cookie. -- Izzy: [the Cat in the Hat comes in] It's the Cat in the Hat! Both: Hi! [the Cat in the Hat leaves] -- Ichabod: [a clown comes in] Clown begins with C. [the clown opens his plate cover, revealing a can] A can! [the clown closes his plate cover and opens it again, revealing a cup] Izzy: A cup! [the clown closes his plate cover again and then reopens it one more time, revealing a cake] A cake! Both: Mmm! [the clown then tries to blow his candles, but blows himself back out instead and a crash is heard offscreen] Ichabod: Careful! -- Both: Come on! Let's see D! Letter D[] Izzy: That duck-dog ditty was a dilly. -- David Donald Doo: Daddy, can I have a drink? [He gives him something to drink, and David drinks the water] David Donald Doo: Thank you daddy. -- Ichabod: Can that duck-dog do a dainty dance? Izzy: Doubtful. -- Ichabod: Doll. Izzy: Drums. Ichabod: Dollar. -- Izzy: [the sun outside the window begins to rise] Dawn. Ichabod: Time to start a new day. Let's go! [David Donald Doo yawns] Izzy: Okay! Letter E[] Ichabod: Earth. [The elephant changes into a planet earth.] -- [Ernie yodels, which it echos] Ichabod: With Ernie's excellent ear, an echo is easy to hear. -- Izzy: The entertainment eagle enters... Ethel the Elephant: Enough!!!! Izzy: ...and exits. -- [the elevator is going down] Ichabod: Elevator. [the elevator opens, comes of all, elevator closes is going up] -- Ichabod: Eight electric eels exercise early every evening. Eel #8: 5, 6, 7, 8! Come on, everybody! That those scales. Both: Encore! Encore! -- Izzy: Ethel the elephant eats exploding eclairs! [Ethel the Elephant eats and explosions until stops, burps] Ethel the Elephant: Excuse me. -- Ichabod: The Easter egg. -- Izzy: That's event extreme with exciting. Ichabod: Let's exit! [both runs away] Letter F[] Fiffer-Feffer-Feff: [one of the 4 fluffy feathers] 1, 2, 3, 4. -- Ichabod: Fiff's fast fingers fly on the fancy flute. [the musical flute plays, and applause softly first, then puts her flute away] -- Freddie: Flies on my favorite food. Both: Eww!!! -- [The frog gets in the Fiffer-feffer-feff played kicks football until crowds cheering, untouched wait until stops.] Ichabod: The foolish frog fumbled the flying football! Freddie: I fell on my fanny! [the frog's jump down.] -- Ichabod: How many "F's" in Fiffer-feffer-feff? [The 1 big F, plus 8 little f's, is nine in counting. Izzy like Fiffer-feffer-feff has '"F's".] Izzy: I have counted nine! Are there any feathers left? Ichabod: Fantastic! You found them all. -- Izzy: Do you know what Fiffer-feffs eat? Fiffer-Feffer-Feff: French fried fudge is my favorite treat. -- Fiffer-Feffer-Feff: Farewell, friends! [waves] Both: Farewell! Letter G[] Greta: Greetings, I'm Greta. This is my goat, Gus. -- Gorney: [a grasshopper appears] Here is a grasshopper, and my grandfather it gave me. [the grasshopper hops away] Gone. -- Gorney: Greta gave me a great gift. [Grinch walks, and Goo Goo Googles shakes the gift, then the Grinch saw Gorney, and the Grinch grabbed the gift] Gorney: The Grinch grabbed my gift. Greta: Greedy guy. -- Gorney: The goat grazes on green grass. [Goat eats the grass] [Flowers grow from the ground] Greta: Gus, don't eat my gardenias. [He eats them anyway] -- Goo Goo Goggles: Goldfish gulping green grapes. 2 Goldfishes: Mmm! Good. -- Zed: Giddy up goat! [Gus bucks Zed off his back] Gus: Good riddance! -- Greta: The gaggle galloping geese with guitars. Gorney: Good gracious! -- Greta: Gus gobbles galoshes and garlic. Eww! Gross! -- Greta: Goodbye! [Gorney waves goodbye, and Gus the goat bleats.] Letter H[] Harriet: Hey!... There's a hornet in my hat! Whew. -- Ichabod: How about a hug? Izzy: How nice. -- Hugo: Hiccup! Hiccup, hiccup... hiccup! [sputters] Izzy: Horrible hiccups. [Harriet and Hugo exclaims] Hugo: Thanks, I needed that. -- Izzy: The hamster has a house in the hay. Hamster: Hello! -- Izzy: Let's head home! [they both run away, and Harriet follows them] Letter I[] Zed: [getting out of the big I, then falling on the ground, causing a dent] I almost injured myself. [runs away] Izzy: He's hard to ignore. Ichabod: I wish he'd identify himself. [moves the arrow to click the bottom of the dent with water drops to form back the line] -- Ichabod: That's me. -- Izzy: Here's a good idea. Let's eat... ice-cream! Ichabod: Ice-cream. Yum! [Ichabod's eating ice-cream too fast.] Ichabod: I feel ill. Izzy: I imagine so. You ate too fast. -- Izzy: Igloo. [outside the igloo meeting is the igloo-man] Igloo Man: It's icy, I'd rather be indoors. [the igloo-man waving good-bye first, then igloo-man inside the igloo] -- Ichabod: Is this itch from insects or ivy? Izzy: I have no idea. But ice would be nice. [an ice cube appears] Both: Awww! [the ice cube melts away] -- Izzy: I have an incredible invention! [Izzy reveals an itch scratching machine, and Ichabod and Izzy use it to get the itches off] Both: Aww! [the invention disappears] -- Ichabod: In the far western part of southeast North Dakota, is an interesting animal called the Iota. Iota: [pops up] I loved insect. [shows a bug] Whether you cute... ingredient. Ichabod: Uh-oh. [the Iota drops down] -- Ichabod: [a bird arrives with an invitation, and drops it in Ichabod's hands] It's for us! We're invited! To the next letter immediately! Letter J[] Jerry Jordan: My name is Jerry Jordan, and my job is a making jam. It makes me feel so joyful, how proudly glad of who I am. -- Ichabod: Jack-in-the-box. Jacket. Jack-o'-lantern. -- Jerry Jordan: Jenny and Jill are joking jays. [the jay birds walk by] Jenny: I just got a ticket. Jill: What for? Jenny: Jaywalking! [they all giggle] Jenny: Surely you just! [the jay birds leave while giving an applause] -- Jerry Jordan: [the jam causes a splat on the shirt] Jumpin' jiminy, jam on my jersey. [he wipes it off] -- [shows jam on Jerry Jordan's finger] Jerry Jordan: I'm going jogging! [Jerry Jordan jogs to the right] Letter K[] King Kevin Kerplotski III: The kangaroo kissed the kitten. -- King Kevin Kerplotski III: Ohh, I forget, that's my keys to the kitchen. Kitten: The kangaroo and keys went to the kitchen. King Kevin Kerplotski III: Thank you! -- Katie the Kangaroo: I'm a kangaroo. Kyle the Kangaroo: I'm a kangaroo, too. [humming] -- Katie the Kangaroo: Kindly King Kevin Kerplotski the third. Plays the worst kazoo, you'll ever heard! [the king plays with worst kazoo, and you will ever heard] King Kevin Kerplotski III: [music plays loudly king's kazoo] Thank you. Thank you. Thank... you. -- [King Kevin Kerplotski III sneezes out loud] Katie the Kangaroo: Gesundheit! Letter L[] Zed: Let's learn about L's. [switches the sentence to "Left lollipop. Lazy lion licks a leg.", then getting off of the sentence, then jumping on the lion] Ichabod: "Lazy lion licks a leg"? [Leonard licks the leg 3 times, then tickling, laughing, then yawning, then switching the sentence back to "Left leg. Lazy lion licks a lollipop."] -- Ichabod: The lazy lion likes lime lollipops for lunch. -- Ichabod: Lola Lopp, like to sing. Li'l Lola Lopp: [singing] La-la-la-la... La-la-la-la... La!!!!!!!! [Leonard the lazy lion yawns holding on a lollipop.] -- Ichabod: Little Lola Lopp, laughs loudly. [Little Lola Lopp's laughing louder.] -- Both: Let's leave! Letter M[] Zed: [winking, then getting out of the word "little"] I'm not a mouse. What I am is a mystery. [puts a question mark on his head, then running away] -- Marvin: I'm Marvin, the mathematical mouse. We're all master, but in the multiplication. Mike: Three... times two... is six! -- Mary: I'm Mary, have you magenta mittens and a muffler. -- Melinda: I'm Melinda, my mom made me muffins with marmalade! Mary: Maybe, more on 'til Monday. -- Minerva: I'm Minerva, I'll make magic. -- Mice Choir: Mmm-mmm-mmm-mmm, mmm Mmm-mmm-mmm-mmm, mmm Mmm-mmm-mmm-mmm, mmm, mmm. Letter N[] One of the 9 bears: [Each bear with a necktie turns into a number all the way to 9] 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. [the numbers turn back into bears wearing neckties] -- Ned: Napkin. Necklace. Nest. Nickel. Nut. Nail. Naughty. Noisy. Nice. -- Norman: Ned needs numbers on his nightshirt. Ned: I do? -- Ned: Norman's nose noticed the noodles. Norman: Nutritious. -- 9 Bears with Neckties: NEXT! Letter O[] Otis: I'm overjoyed, to play the oboe, at the opera? [music playing oboe] Olivia: [singing] O, O, O, O, O... O!!!!!!! Ichabod: Outstanding. [applause loudly and lights out] -- Oscar: Hi! I'm Oscar, and this is Otis. Well, I'm going home this October. -- Olivia: Who? [Ichabod and Izzy point at the owl] Both: You! Olivia: Oh. -- Izzy: Look, there's Otto the otter! Ichabod: Hi! Otto: Hi. I've got onions in my overcoat. Onion? Ichabod: No. No, thank you. [Otto gives the onion to Otis, then swallowing, then gulping, burping, then crying] Otto: Okay, I'm off to the office. [Otto leaves, and they all wave good-bye] -- Both: We're off! [they both run away] Letter P[] Izzy: Pizza. Ichabod: Pickle. Izzy: Popcorn. -- Zed: [popping out of the pink pot, drawing a big P] P! Izzy: Who was that pink person? Ichabod: He popped out of the pink pot. [the big P disappears] Both: Peculiar. -- Ichabod: Peter's puppy Patches likes to play... piano! Izzy: Practiced makes protective. -- Paul the Bear with Pajamas: I paint pretty pictures. Pay one penny each. A parrot... a palm-tree... a panda... and a peach! Izzy: Perfect. -- Ichabod: What a problem. Poor Papa's planted in the pail. Pull! Push! Pull! Push! Pull! Push! -- Ichabod: That's proceed. Papa: Please? Pay me another visit! Letter Q[] Ichabod: Quarter. Question-mark. Quicksand. -- Queen Quinella: How quite all of the words that starts with Q? Like, quilt... and quart... and quail. [quail chirping] To name a few. -- Queen Quinella: My queen's crown is quivering. How quaint? -- Quackeroo: Quack! Ichabod: Quill. Quackeroo: Quit it, Queenie! -- [Zed jumps into quicksand] Queen Quinella: [pulls Zed out of quicksand] Are you quite alright? Zed: Quite! Queen Quinella: How queer! -- Queen Quinella: [kissed her hands and waved goodbye] Letter R[] Ichabod: What else begins with R? Izzy: Radio. Ichabod: Rhumba! [radio music plays the rhumba] Rupert the Red Rhinoceros: Ridiculous? -- Ichabod: That's a rock-n'-roll rock. -- Izzy: There is a rambling rubber rock. -- Rosy Robin Ross: Ready, Rupert? Let's roll! [bullcracks his whip] [Rupert walks away] Letter S[] Silly Sammy Slick: Sipping six sodas, that's mine it's spin. My stomach is squirming. But, sad shape our been. -- Ichabod: Sammy's sister, she scowled and scolded. [Sarah --Sammy's younger sister-- appears. At that Ichabod has "S" words and it's "sister", "scowled", and "scolded" which also both begin with "S". Sarah also has "S" words. The words "shocked", "selfish", and "slurped" appear. The 3 words --which Sarah uses-- on the said page begin with "S" as well. Sarah scowls at Sammy for drinking too many sodas and being selfish.] Sarah: [to Sammy when he didn't share the sodas as he slurped in them all] Sammy!? [She on Sammy uses the 3 "S" words "shocked", "selfish", and "slurped" in complete sentences, and the words highlight as she says them one by one. Indeed, they begin with "S". Sarah indeed gets angry and surprised. "Surprised" --although it's not seen but still a synonym for "shocked"-- also is an "S" word.] Sarah: Sammy!? I am so shocked! How selfish can you be!? YOU'VE SLURPED UP ALL THE SODAS! NOW, THERE'S NOTHING LEFT FOR ME! [Sarah walks away in disappointment. Sarah wanted a soda too, but Sammy slurped up all of them. She is still shocked or "surprised and mad". However, she unwillingly lets Sammy go with that one selfish mistake --claiming she is not going to tell on him. She lets her brother Sammy go with it just this one time. But also, she hopes it never happens again.] Silly Sammy Slick: [to his sister] I should have shared. Sorry. [At that, he knows he should share the next time and always promises to share.] -- Ichabod: Sam's spotlight in the sipped and sucked, there's a swizzled and slithered. And then, he need it was done. He smiled, and he'd –– sneezing filtered. Silly Sammy Slick: [sneezes] Sorry?! -- Izzy: Somersault. -- Izzy: A sorry sight! Ichabod: So long, Sammy! [Sammy sickly waves goodbye] Letter T[] One of the 10 turtles: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. -- Turtle #8: It's terrific went to the top of his tall tree. -- Turtle #10: Tennis, anyone? 9 Other Turtles: [in a sleepy voice] We're too tired. Turtle #10: Oh, well –– maybe tomorrow. -- Turtle #5: [telephone rings, holds on] Hello, tuttle-tuttle tree. [telephone mimic speaks] Telephone, Tyrone. Turtle #8: Tammy, I'll be Texas on Tuesday, Tarcia and Thomas until next Thursday. Till then. Ta-ta! [telephone holds off] -- Ichabod: Tire. Television. Teepee. -- Ichabod: Time to say "toodle-loo". Both: Toodle-loo! [they both wave and walk away] Letter U[] Zed: What am I doing up here? Ichabod: Unusual. Izzy: Use in it! -- [the umbrella falls on Uncle Ubb's foot] Uncle Ubb: Upside-down. -- Uncle Ubb: I'm use my umbrella, and you can't attached unique. Whatever it rains, and it was an unusually technique. -- Ichabod: What else begins with U? Izzy: Unicycle. Ichabod: Unique! -- Izzy: Utensils. Undershirt. Unicorn. -- Both: Until next time, Uncle Ubb. Uncle Ubb: Until then. Letter V[] Vera Violet Vinn: This is a very valuable violin. [plucks strings] -- Vera Violet Vinn: I also have a velvet voice. [singing] V is for vulture, Vermont and vanilla... also for village... volcano and villa! Ichabod: Vera Vinn has a vile voice? -- Vera Violet Vinn: I can play more vigorously when I take my vitamins. [the vitamins rattles, and violin plays: slow, medium, and fast until stops] Ichabod: Violence is a verdure? -- Ichabod: What else begins with V? Izzy: Volleyball. [they both begin to play volleyball, then bouncing around the screen, then falling down on the head] [the ball bounces across the screen until Vera stabs it with her bow] [the ball explodes] -- Ichabod: [again] What else begins with V? Izzy: Vibraphone. [she begins playing on the vibraphone] Ichabod: Very good! Izzy: Thank you. -- Izzy: What begins with V? Ichabod: Vines with various vegetables. Izzy: Vacuuming vegetables? -- Ichabod: Let's vamoose! Letter W[] Willy Waterloo: Worms love to waltz. -- Willy Waterloo: Wings. -- Willy Waterloo: There's a wacky woodpecker was wonderful whistler? -- Warren Wiggins: [underwater muffled]: I'm Warren Wiggins, I floated waters. -- Warren Wiggins: Waldo Woo is a whirling and whirlpool! Willy Waterloo: Wow! Warren Wiggins: Whoo-hoo-hoo! Waldo Woo: Whoa! -- Warren Wiggins: I wish Waldo was a whale. [Waldo wishing the humpback whale appears, and he disappears the Waldo Woo.] -- Willy Waterloo: Warren, Waldo. Wave! [they wave goodbye] Letter X[] Xavier: I'm the fox with the ax. Xerxes: I'm the extra fox. Because, he was an accident. -- Xavier: My name is Xavier. -- Nixie Knox: I'm the Nixie Knox, that is my name. What's caught plots that's sign it's picture frame? -- Nixie Knox: Spelling. S-P-E-L-L-I-N-G. Spelling! -- Izzy: Come on! To the next letter! [Xavier the Fox goes through the walls] Letter Y[] [Yogi and Yolanda watch Zed move up and down] Zed: Look at me! I'm a yo-yo! [Yogi and Yolanda watch Zed move up] -- [Yolanda dismounts Yogi the yak and pulls its tail, which makes him scream] Yogi: YOW!! [grunts] -- Ichabod: Yesterday, Yolanda's yak lost yards of yarn from on it's back. [Yolanda tries to make yarn by yanking Yogi the yak's hair.] Yogi: Yolanda? Please don't yank my hair. For soon, I have nothing there. Yolanda Yorgenson: Yes, yak. -- Yolanda Yorgenson: I yearn to yodel. [yodels] [yodel echoes] -- Yolanda Yorgenson: Yoo-hoo! Is that you out yonder? Yogi: Yes! [echoing] -- Yogi: I have a yen for yogurt and yams. Yum! [slurping] [A frozen yogurt in a cone and a candy yam appears. Yogi licks his lips for his thought of yams and yogurt. Then he takes one bite of his think bubble of it and eats it up as if he had yams and yogurt for real] -- Yolanda Yorgenson: Giddy-up, yak! [Yogi walks away] Letter Z[] Izzy: [about the Zizzer-Zazzer-Zuzz] Do you think he's escaped from the zoo? Ichabod: I do. -- Zizzer-Zazzer-Zuzz: This yellow pet is called a Zed. He has one hair up on his head. Zed: You bet guess I am he! The only pet that's starts with Z! Ichabod: So that's who you are! Izzy: Hi! Where'd Happy To Meet You Mr. Zed? -- Zizzer-Zazzer-Zuzz: I love Zizzer-zoof seeds. Ha! I could eat the zillion hour days. Izzy: A zillion! Ichabod: Zowie! [Zizzer-Zazzer-Zuzz eating and gulping all done.] -- Ichabod: The Zazzer's cousin, Zizzer-Zazz... taught had a play, great huge zither jazz! -- Ichabod: Zebra. Zipper. Zucchini. -- Ichabod: That's Zazzer-Zuzz, he hasn't so teeny. Izzy: And look, he's just like our checkered zucchini! Zizzer-Zazzer-Zuzz: Why, thank you. -- Izzy: How many "Z's" in "Zizzer-Zazzer-Zuzz"? [The 3 big Z's, plus 6 little z's, is nine in counting.] Izzy: [counts the "Z's", adds them, and gets "9"] I have counted nine. It's true! [Izzy --realizing her name and looks for some "Z's" in it-- tries to count some "Z's". And she has "Z's" like Zizzer-Zazzer-Zuzz.] Izzy: My name's Izzy... [she counts the "Z's" in her name and finds that she only has two "z's"] ...has some "Z's". But I have only two. [Ichabod --realizing his name and looks for some "Z's" in it-- tries to count some "Z's". But he finds zero "Z's".] Ichabod: [after finding no "Z's", he reveals out how many "Z's" he has in his name] "Ichabod" has ZERO "Z's". [The word "zero" appears when Ichabod says, "zero". Since "zero" is a word that also begins with "Z", Ichabod has zero "Z's" in his name even though Izzy has two. Ichabod is jealous that his name does not have any "Z's" in his name. So he was born without any in his name. His sister --Izzy-- was born with "Z's". But it was only two. Then Ichabod knows that most people --or in this case some Dr. Seuss creatures in the Dr. Seuss franchise-- with names --when born-- do not have any "Z's" in their names. As for Zed, his name is spelled "Z-E-D". But for "Z's", Mr. Zed has a "Z". He has only one though. The "Z" is the first letter in his name "Zed" and the one "Z" is the beginning one. Ichabod has zero "Z's", but knows that most people --who are born-- just do not have any "Z's" in their names. Most people have zero "Z's" in their names. As a result, Ichabod is one of them. Most people have "Z's" and most don't.] -- Zizzer-Zazzer-Zuzz: Z? Is a really hard letter. It zips... zaps... and zooms! Wow, what a letter! Couldn't be better? -- Ichabod: We've come to the end of the alphabet. Izzy: We've certainly been busy. Both: We'd hope you want to play again, Ichabod: With Ichabod... Izzy: ...and Izzy! [they both run away] Zizzer-Zazzer-Zuzz: Goodbye! [chuckles] The End[] Zed: [reads a sign saying "The End"] The End. I'm not done yet. I'm going to play with some more words. Bye! See you later! [runs away] Quit[] Ichabod: Are you sure you want to quit? Izzy: [when the user clicks "No", which the "No" character is the B creature] Let's play some more! Izzy: [when the user clicks "Yes", which the "Yes" character is the A creature] Okay. Come back and play again! Words Include[] A: Aunt Annie, alligator, acorn, anchor, accordion, adopted, Albert, August, ape, art, apple, ate, appetite, atrocious, apologize, airplane, agreeable, absolutely, antlers, azaleas, attractive, acrobat, amazing, automobile, accident, ambulance, alright, a-okay, away, adios, arrivederci, adieu, auf Wiedersehen. B: barber, baby, bubbles, bumblebee, bird, boat, banana, bow, bouncing, bottom, ball, bass, boogie-woogie, bear, blowing, bugle, balancing, bike, big, bug, blue, bed, banjo, boy, big, buzzing, bee, burst, bubble, blew, bits, bye, bye-bye. C: camel, ceiling, carrot, candle, cookie, Clyde, crazy, comfortable, cat, calendar, cone, cream, cool, conga, costume, closet, cowboy, correct, clever, cook, certainly, captain, clearly, carpet, clown, can, cup, cake, careful, couch, clock, cactus, corner, crooked, colorful, cozy, cushions, can't, cough, caught, cold, character, come. D: David Donald Doo, dreamed, a dozen, doughnuts, duck-dog, delightful, deal, don't, doll, drums, dollar, ditty, dilly, dinosaur, dined, David's, delicious, do, dinosaurs, dine, daisies, does, dainty, dance, doubtful, Daddy, drink, dawn, day. E: ear, egg, elephant, elevator, entertaining, eagle, enters, enough, exits, Earth, Ernie, excellent, echo, easy, Easter, Emily, enjoys, exhibiting, enormous, Ethel, eats, exploding, eclairs, excuse, elastic, elbow, eight, electric, eels, exercise, early, every, evening, everybody, encore, everywhere, exactly, extremely, exciting, exit. F: four, fluffy, feathers, Fiffer-Feffer-Feff, felt, funny, frisky, fellow, fast, five, frogs, flags, flip-flop, formation, flies, favorite, food, foolish, frog, fumbled, flying, football, fell, fanny, Fiff, face, fast, fingers, fly, fancy, flute, Fiffer, feet, funky, fun, French-fried, fudge, fantastic, friendly, flashy, flaming, farewell. G: goat, girl, googoo goggles, Gus, greetings, Greta, gaggle, galloping, geese, guitars, good, gracious, goldfish, gulping, green, grapes, grasshopper, grandfather, gave, gone, grazes, grass, gobble, gardenias, gobbles, galoshes, garlic, gross, giddy up, great, gift, Grinch, grabbed, greedy guy, good-bye. H: hungry horse, hay, hen, hat, hooray, howdy, Harriet, helicopter, hurry, horrible, hiccups, hoo-ha, hamster, has, house, hello, help, hot, hose, hydrant, happy, hey, hornet, how, hug, hear, honking horn-harp, harmonious, head, home. I: Ichabod, itchy, I, injured, ignore, identify, igloo, it's, icy, indoors, Ingrid the Iguana, inflate, Izzy, itch, insects, ivy, ice, Iota, isn't, idea, ice cream, ill, imagine, incredible, invention, invited, immediately. J: Jerry Jordan, jelly jar, jam, jack-in-the-box, jacket, jack-o-lantern, juicy jelly, jump, joy, jelly, juggling, jeepers, jiggling jellyfish, jitters, jersey, Jenny, Jill, joking jays, January, June, July, jogging. K: kindly, King Kevin Kerplotski, kazoo, kangaroo, keys, kitchen, kissed, kitten, kick, kettle, kite. L: lion, likes, lime lollipops, lunch, loves, leap, likes, limbo, low, laughs loudly, leg, looney loop. M: Mario, Marvin, Minerva, Melinda, Mary, Mike, move, mambo, mathematical mouse, master, multiplication, make magic, my mom made me, muffins, marmalade, magenta mittens, muffler, mail, mouse, meow, monkey, moose. N: nine, nightshirt, nail, napkin, necklace, nest, nickel, nut, naughty, noisy, nice, Norman's nose, noticed, noodles, Ned needs, numbers. O: Oscar, onion, overjoyed, oboe, opera, oily owl offer, oatmeal olive omelet, Otto, otter, ostrich. P: pizza, pickle, popcorn, paint, pretty pictures, pay, penny, parrot, palm, panda, peach, puppy, play, piano, pretty purple, pirate, pull, push, poor planted, pail. Q: quartet, quarter, question mark, quicksand, quilt, quart, quail, quite, queasy, quit. R: radio, ready, release, rocket, rhubarb, rice, rear, rock-n-roll rock, rambling rubber rock, rowdy rider, ropes, rodeo, rest, rhinoceros. S: six, sipped, sucked, swizzled, slurped, smiled, somersault, skillful, stuff, Sammy's sister, scowled, scolded, shocked, selfish, sodas, samba, sipping, spin, stomach, squirming, sad shape, sleeping, snoring. T: ten, tire, television, teepee, trouble, turtles, tend, to tumble, Tom, tuning, trumpet, tree, take, tennis, tomorrow, Tammy, Texas, Tuesday, twisting takes, talent, terrific, top, tall, those two turtles, terribly talented, tuny Tuna, toots, tune, tuba, tilt, tattletale, tickle, time, toodle-loo. U: utensils, undershirt, unicorn, unicycle, uniform, upside down, utterly, unruly, ukulele, up, until. V: violin, vines, various, vegetables, volleyball, vigorously, vitamins, vulture, Vermont, vanilla, village, volcano, villa, vibraphone, view, vamoose. W: worms, waltz, wacky woodpecker, wonderful whistler, wings, water, wall, wish, whale, whipping, whirlpool, wet, what, wave. X: ax, extra fox, express, excited, excellent, Mexican, exercise, Nixie Knox, x-ray, xylophone. Y: yak, yo-yo, yen yogurt, yams, yoo-hoo, you, yonder, yes, yesterday, yarns, yard. Z: Zizzer-Zazzer-Zuzz, zoo, zebra, zipper, zucchini, Zed, zips, zaps, zooms, zero, Zizzer-zoof, zillion, zither jazz. Pages[] A. Aunt Annie's alligator. B. Barber, baby, bubbles, and a bumblebee. C. Camel on the ceiling. D. David Donald Doo dreamed a dozen doughnuts and a duck-dog, too. E. Ear, egg, and elephant. F. Four fluffy feathers on a Fiffer-Feffer-Feff. G. Goat, girl, and googoo googles. H. Hungry horse. Hay. Hen in a hat. Hooray! Hooray! I. Ichabod is itchy. So am I. J. Jerry Jordan's jelly jar and jam begin that way. K. Kitten. Kangaroo. Kick a kettle. Kite and a king's kerchoo. L. Little Lola Lopp. Left leg. Lazy lion licks a lollipop. M. Many mumbling mice are making midnight music in the moonlight… mighty nice. N. Nine new neckties and a nightshirt and a nose. O. Oscar's only ostrich oiled an orange owl today. P. Painting pink pajamas. Policeman in a pail. Peter Pepper's puppy. And now Papa's in the pail. Q. The quick Queen of Quincy and her quacking quacker-oo. R. Rosy Robin Ross. Rosy's going riding on her red rhinoceros. S. Silly Sammy Slick sipped six sodas and got sick sick sick. T. Ten tired turtles on a tuttle-tuttle tree. U. Uncle Ubb's umbrella and his underwear, too. V. Vera Violet Vinn is very, very, very awful on her violin. W. Willy Waterloo washes Warren Wiggins who is washing Waldo Woo. X. Nixie Knox, ax, and extra fox. Y. A yawning yellow yak. Young Yolanda Yorgenson is yelling on his back. Z. I do. I am a Zizzer-Zazzer-Zuzz as you can plainly see. Mini-games[] Ichabod and Izzy's Alphabet Song Songs[] "A" - Aunt Annie's Alligator "B" - Barber Boogie "C" - Camel's Clever Congas "D" - Duck-Dog Does Dainty Dance "E" - Eight Electric Eels "F" - Fiff's Funk "G" - Galloping Geese with Guitars "H" - Horn-Harp Honk "I" - Incredible Inventor Itchy "J" - Jerry Jordan's Juggling J's "K" - King Kevin's Kazoo "L" - Little Lola Lopp's Limbo Leader "M" - Mandolins in the Moonlight "N" - Ned Needs Numbers in his Nightshirt "O" - Orange Owl's Opera "P" - Peter's Puppy Playing the Piano "Q" - Quartet Quacker-oos' Quacked of a Quacker Blues "R" - Rock-N-Roll in the Rock-N-Roll Rock "S" - Six Singing Sodas "T" - Ten Tired Turtles "U" - My Ukulele "V" - Vera Vinn's Vocalized Violins "W" - Worms Loved to Waltz "X" - Nixie's Blues "Y" - On the Back of a Yak "Z" - Zizzer's Cousin Played Zither-Jazz Demos[] Just Grandma and Me Arthur's Teacher Trouble The Tortoise and the Hare The New Kid on the Block Ruff's Bone Little Monster at School Arthur's Birthday Harry and the Haunted House The Berenstain Bears Get in a Fight Gallery[] DrSeussABCQuitPagePrototypeAdventure Workshop Preschool-1st Grade 8th EditionDr seuss abc pc coverLiving Books - Titles-Dr seuss's ABC.Volleyball Trivia[] Most of the dialogue is spoken either alliteratively or in rhyme. This Living Book is based on a Seussian guest star reading that Matthew suggested to be read by Deborah Norville. When Izzy says that Acrobat begins with A, an acrobat doesn't appear on the screen. Instead, she does something acrobatic herself. While Ichabod was given his name in the original book, Izzy wasn't named until this game. In the User Guide booklet for this game, a picture of the Options page shows just the "Quit" button instead of "Demos" and "Credits" buttons (pictured on the right), hinting that this was done while the game was still in development at the time. This "Quit" button never made it into the final for the Options page (in the final, it was replaced with the "Demos" and "Credits" buttons there), but eventually did in the third Dr. Seuss Living Book– which entirely lacked demos/samplers on the disc. DrSeussABCQuitPagePrototype

A prototype build of the Options page shows the "QUIT" button, which never made it into the final game.

This game can be featured in Adventure Workshop: Preschool 1st Grade: 8th Edition, and Adventure Workshop: Tots. When Queen Quinella's queen shoes turned to ballet pointed shoes, she loved them and danced ballet on them. On letter R, when you click on the big rock-n-roll rock, it plays Rock-n-Roll music and Icabod and Izzy join in to dance to the music. After the music is done playing, Ichabod calls the big rock a "Rock-n-Roll Rock". In letter V, when you click on Ichabod for the first time, it gives you the volleyball. When you click Ichabod the second time, it gives you the vibraphone. This is the only Dr. Seuss interactive Living Books game where a character says "Welcome to Living Books!". This demo version of this game uses the letter A on the page. Football and volleyball are the only balls to appear in Living Books: Dr. Seuss' ABC. Volleyball is the only round ball to appear in Living Books: Dr. Seuss' ABC. This demo version can be featured in Sheila Rae, the Brave, The Berenstain Bears in the Dark, Green Eggs and Ham, Stellaluna, and Arthur's Reading Race. A prototype of the demo version, featured in the first sampler, has a couple of differences from the final game as follows: A man's voice announces the title rather than does Ichabod. The music in the background is absent. This edit was oddly carried into the other samplers with few exceptions. The standalone demo version of the game has the Options button removed from the main screen, and the Quit button positioned to the center of the screen. While the Windows version of this demo keeps the game's own variant of the Living Books intro from the final game intact, the Macintosh version of the demo however reuses the same usual 1994 Living Books intro from Ruff's Bone. You leave the book when Izzy says, "Okay. Come back and play again!". However, you might want to keep playing the game when Izzy says "Let's play some more!". The "B the Road Runner" creature is the one for "No" while the "A the Bird" creature is the one for "Yes". Although the "A the Bird", "B the Road Runner", and "C the Lion" creatures (from the title of all adaptations including the book, the Dr. Seuss Beginner Book Video, and the CD ROM) do not appear anywhere else in the book aside from the cover, the "A" and "B" creatures are the "Yes" and "No" characters respectively for the Quit Animations screen in the CD ROM adaptation. This Living Books game contains "ABC" instead of page numbers at the bottom of the screen. This is the first Living Books game to feature a cameo appearance by the Cat in the Hat (from the storybook of the same name). He will appear if you click on the first C as part of "C........c.......C" on page C. This is the longest Living Book with twenty six pages. Possibly because the alphabet (in reality) has twenty six letters. Like The New Kid On The Block, this is another game (before Shelia Rae The Brave) to not include any foreign language options other than English. This is because the Spanish translations of any English word do not start with the same letter of the English word (i.e. "Manzana" means "Apple" in Spanish). As a result, there is no way to redo the book in Spanish to keep the alphabet flow intact. This cover has a picture of The Grouchy Guy (also known as "Sam's Friend" or "Guy-Am-I") from Green Eggs and Ham holding the Living Books logo. In the ABC sing-along, there is a hidden Easter egg by clicking, in order, S, E, C, R, E, and T, right after Ichabod and Izzy sing the ABC song. A man in a purple sweater appears and sings the first line of the Alphabet Song. This is one of only two Living Books games (the other being The New Kid on the Block) with interactive text. Unlike The New Kid on the Block, there is more interaction in the picture to click on aside from the text, hence a running gag is featured this time. This is the first Living Books game to switch from IBM files to the Mohawk engine (this even applies to the standalone demo version). However, the prototype demo in the first sampler still uses the IBM file format.




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