第11课 靠泊与离泊(带中英对照)

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第11课 靠泊与离泊(带中英对照)

2024-06-01 18:34| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

                       Lesson Eleven

             Berthing and Unberthing  靠泊与离泊

Dialog A:          Enquiry of Berthing Instruction

对话1:           询问靠泊指令

M/V Zhiyuan:       Singapore Radio, what is my berth instruction? Over.

“致远”船:      新加坡台,我船的靠泊指令是什么?请讲。

Singapore Radio:   Your berth instruction is clear at jetty No.3, 2100 hours local time. Over.

新加坡台:        你船的靠泊指令将定于当地时间2100时靠3号码头,请讲。

M/V Zhiyuan:       When will pilot embark? Over.

“致远”船:       引航员什么时候上船?请讲。

Singapore Radio:   Pilot will board you at 1800 hours local time. You will pick up pilot at the entrance of the strait. Over.

新加坡台:        引航员将于当地时间1800时登船,你将在海峡入口处接引航员,请讲。

M/V Zhiyuan:       On which side will I alongside?

“致远”船:       我用哪一舷靠泊?请讲。

Singapore Radio:   Starboard side, out.

新加坡台:        右舷,完毕。


Dialog B:          Berthing Operation

对话2:           靠泊操作

M/V Rainbow Pilot:   Dead slow astern.

“彩虹”船引航员:  后退一。

M/V Rainbow Third Mate:   Yes, sir. Dead slow astern. Now engine dead slow astern.

“彩虹”船三副:      遵命,后退一。现在后退一。

M/V Rainbow Pilot:   Stop engine.

“彩虹”船引航员:     停车。

M/V Rainbow Third Mate:   Yes, sir. Stop engine. Now engine stopped.

“彩虹”船三副:       遵命,停车。现在停车。

M/V Rainbow Pilot:   Stand by for letting go port anchor. (use VHF).

“彩虹”船引航员:   准备抛左锚(用VHF)。

M/V Rainbow Chief:   Yes, sir. Stand by for letting go port anchor. Standing by for letting go port anchor. (use handheld VHF).

“彩虹”船大副:     遵命,准备抛左锚。正准备抛左锚(用对讲机)。

M/V Rainbow Pilot:   Let go port anchor. Over.

“彩虹”船引航员:   抛左锚,请讲。

M/V Rainbow Chief:   Yes, sir. Let go port anchor. Now, port anchor is let go.

“彩虹”船大副:     遵命,抛左锚。现在左锚已抛下,请讲。

M/V Rainbow Pilot:   Push a little, tug aft (use VHF). Over.

“彩虹”船引航员:   顶一点点,后拖船(用VHF)。请讲。

Tug aft Captain:   Yes, sir. Push a little. Pushing a little. Rainbow (use VHF).

后拖船船长:       遵命,顶推一点点。我们正顶一点点,“彩虹”船(用VHF)。

M/V Rainbow Pilot:   How is chain leading? Chief, over.

“彩虹”船引航员:  锚链方向如何?大副,请讲。

M/V Rainbow Chief:   Cable round the bow up and down. Over.

“彩虹”船大副:    锚链方向直上直下,请讲。

M/V Rainbow Pilot:   Send heaving line ashore.

“彩虹”船引航员:  抛撇缆给岸上。


Dialog C:          Unberthing Operation

对话3:             离泊操作

                   (The pilot is on M/V Marina Ace/ELCO7 which is from Liberia. LOA: 199.6m. Breadth: 32.3m. Draft: 11m)

Pilot:             Are you ready to get underway? Captain.

引航员:         你们准备起航了吗?船长。

Captain:           Yes, ready to get underway.

船长:           是的,准备起航了。

Pilot:             Stand by engine.

引航员:         备车。

Third Mate:        Yes, sir. Stand by engine. Now engine stand by.

三副:            遵命,备车。现在备车。

Pilot:             Stand by for heaving up anchor. Chief. (use VHF)

引航员:          准备起锚。大副(用VHF)。

Chief Mate:        (on the bow) Yes, sir. Stand by for heaving up anchor. Standing by for heaving up anchor. Over. (use handheld VHF)

大副:           (在船头)遵命,准备起锚。正准备起锚。请讲。(用对讲机)

Pilot:             Single up fore and aft. Over.

引航员:          艏艉单绑,请讲。

Chief Mate:        Single up forward. Over.

大副:            船首单绑。请讲。

Second Mate:       Single up aft. Over.

二副:            船尾单绑。请讲。

Pilot:             Let go aft. Over.

引航员:          船尾解缆。请讲。

Second Mate:       Let go, Linesmen (use handheld VHF). Bridge, Aft is let go. Over.

二副:           解缆工人,解缆(用对讲机)。驾驶台,船尾已解缆。请讲。

Pilot:             Let go forward. Chief.

引航员:         船首解缆。大副。

Chief Mate:        Let go, Linesmen (use handheld VHF). Bridge, forward is let go. Over.

大副:           解缆工人,解缆(用对讲机)。驾驶台,船头已解缆。请讲。

Pilot:             Heave up anchor.

引航员:          起锚。

Chief Mate:        Yes, sir. Heave up anchor. Heaving up anchor. Over.

大副:            遵命,起锚。正起锚。请讲。

Pilot:             Port ten.

引航员:          左舵10度。

Helmsman:          Yes, sir. Port ten. Now wheel port ten.

舵工:           遵命,左舵10度。现在左舵10度。

Pilot:             Dead slow ahead.

引航员:          微速前进。

Third Mate:        Yes, sir. Dead slow ahead. Now engine dead slow ahead.

三副:           遵命,微速前进。现在微速前进。


Practical Expressions        实用表达方式

1. Is propeller clear?                      螺旋桨清爽了吗?

Yes, propeller clear.                    对,螺旋桨已清爽。

No, propeller not clear.                 不,螺旋桨处不清爽。

Keep propeller clear.                   保持螺旋桨清爽。

Stop propeller.                        停转螺旋桨。

Now propeller stopped.                 现在螺旋桨已停转。

2. Are fenders on berth?                  泊位上有碰垫吗?

Yes, fenders on berth.                  对,泊位上有碰垫。

No, no fender on berth.                 不,泊位上无碰垫。

3. Have fenders ready fore and aft.          船艏艉准备碰垫。

4. We will berth port side alongside.         我们船用左舷靠。

We will berth starboard side alongside.     我们船用右舷靠。

5. We will moor alongside.                 我们船将系泊。

We will moor to buoys ahead and astern.   我们船将系前后浮筒。

We will moor to dolphins.               我们船系缆桩。

6. Send out head line.                     送出艏缆。

Send out stern lines.                    送出艉缆。

Send out breast lines.                   送出横缆。

Send out one spring forward.            送出一根艏倒缆。

Send out two springs aft.                送出两根艉倒缆。

7. Do you have tension winches?


Yes, we have tension winches.


Yes, we have tension winches forward and aft.


No, we have no tension winches.


8. Have heaving lines ready forward and aft.   前后准备好撇缆。

9. Send heaving line ashore.                把撇缆打到岸上。

Send heaving head line ashore.            把艏撇缆打到岸上。

Send heaving stern line ashore.            把艉撇缆打到岸上。

Send heaving breast line ashore.           把横撇缆打到岸上。

10. The linesmen will use shackles for securing mooring.


11. Use centre lead.                      使用船头导缆孔(轮)。

Use panama lead.                    使用巴拿马导缆孔(轮)。

Use bow lead.                        使用船头导缆孔(轮)。

Use port quarter lead.                使用左舷艉导缆孔(轮)。

Use starboard quarter lead.            使用右舷艉导缆孔(轮)。

12. Heave on head line (s).                  紧艏缆。

Heave on stern line (s).                  紧艉缆。

Heave on bow springs forward.            紧双前倒缆。

Heave on three springs aft.                紧3根艉倒缆。

13. Pick up slack on head line (s).             继续松艏缆。

Pick up slack on stern line (s).             继续松艉缆。

Pick up slack on two springs forward.       继续松双艉倒缆。

Pick up slack on spring aft.                继续松艉倒缆。

14. Heave away.                            绞。

Stop heaving.                           停绞。

Heaving stopped.                        已停绞。

15. Slack away head line (s).                  松出艏缆。

Slack away stern line (s).                  松出艉缆。

Slack away two springs forward.            松出两根艏倒缆。

Slack away two springs aft.                松出两根艉倒缆。

16. Stop slacking head line (s).                 停止松艏缆。

Stop slacking stern line (s).                 停止松艉缆。

Stop slacking spring forward.               停止松艏倒缆。

Stop slacking two springs aft.               停止松双艉倒缆。

17. Hold on head line (s).                      刹住艏缆。

Hold on stern line (s).                      刹住艉缆。

Hold on spring forward.                    刹住艏倒缆。

Hold on two springs aft.                    刹住双艉倒缆。

18. Heave in easy.                            慢慢绞。

Heave alongside.                          绞靠。

19. Keep lines tight.                           保持缆绳受力。

20. Report forward distance to quay.            报前部离码头距离。

Report aft distance to berth.                报后部离泊位距离。

Forward distance to quay 5metres.         前部离码头距离5米。

Aft distance to berth 7metres.             后部离泊位距离7米。

21. We have to move 10metres ahead.      我们船必须向前动10米。

We have to move 10metres astern.      我们船必须向后动10米。

22. We are in position.                   我们船位置正合适。

23. Make fast forward.                    船首绑牢。

24. Make fast aft.                         船尾绑牢。

25. Stand by engine (s).                    备车。

Engine (s) standing by.                 已备车。

26. Are you ready to get underway?        你船准备起航了吗?

Yes, ready.                         是的,已准备了。

Yes, ready to get underway.            是的,已准备起航。

No, not ready.                       不,没有准备。

No, not ready to get underway.          不,没有准备起航。

Ready to get underway in 30minutes.     30分钟内准备起航。

27. Stand by for letting go.                准备解缆。

Standing by for letting go.              准备解缆。

28. Single up head lines and two springs fore and aft.


29. Let go everything forward.


Let go everything aft.


30. Stand by bow anchor (s).                备艏锚。

Bow anchor (s) standing by.              艏锚已备。

31. Your orders are to berth on No.3 jetty.


32. Your orders changed.


33. Proceed to entrance of breakwater for orders.


34. You may enter at 1100 UTC.


35. You may proceed at 0900 UTC.


36. Vessel turning in position 34°49′N, 061°22′E.

船在34°49′N, 061°22′E处转向。

Vessel manoeuvring in position 40°17′N, 051°27′E.

船在40°17′N, 051°27′E处操纵。

37. M/V Eternore Glory will turn in position 01°11′N, 101°37′E.

“永恒光荣”船在01°11′N, 101°37′E处转向。

38. M/V Yong Ding He will leave Dalian at 0900 UTC.


39. M/V Chang Sha leaving Shanghai port.


40. M/V Man Hai left Guishan Anchorage.


41. M/V Maritime King entered fairway in position 45°50′N, 101°11′E.

“海王轮”在45°50′N, 101°11′E处进入了航道。

42. Your berth is not clear until 1900 UTC.


43. Your berth will be clear at 0830 UTC.


44. You will berth at 0700 UTC.


45. You will dock at 0920 UTC.


46. Berthing delayed by three hours.


47. Move ahead 15metres.


48. Move astern 10metres.


49. Your vessel in position-make fast.


50. Pilot ordered for departing vessel at 0900 UTC.


51. Instruction:                      指令为:

Advice:                         建议为:

Information:                      信息有:

Question:                        所提的问题是:

Answer:                         对问题的回答是:




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