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#英语谚语大全| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

The four verbs bring, take, fetch and get are all used in a similar manner to mean moving an object from one place to another. However, there are key differences to the use of each verb that depend on where the speaker stands in relation to the objects. Bring、take、fetch和get四个动词用法类似,都可以用来表达物体从一个地方移动到另一个地方。但是,从说话者相对物体所站的方位来分析,这几个动词又有所不同。

Bring -Take

The use of bring and take is confusing for many students. The choice between bring or take depends on the location of the speaker. If the speaker refers to something that is at her current location, she uses bring.许多学生对于bring和take的用法感到迷惑不解。选择bring和take取决于说话者所处的位置。如果说话者指的是位于他当前位置的某物,就应该用bring。

Generally, use bring when something moves from there to here.一般来说,当表示某物从远处到近处时,应该使用bring。

I'm glad you brought me to this shop. It's great! 非常高兴你带我来这个商店。太棒了!

I'll bring the map with me on the trip.旅游的时候我会带着这个地图。

If the speaker refers to something that has been moved to a different location, she uses take. Generally, use take when something moves from here to there.如果说话者指的是某物被带到别的地方,就应该用take。一般来说,当物体从近处移动到远处时,就应该用take。

The coach took the boys to football field.教练把男孩们带去了足球场。

Jack took his laptop with him on his trip.杰克带着笔记本电脑踏上旅途。

Bring and take have a similar meaning when used with with or along (with). In this case, the expression used refers to including someone or something with you when you travel somewhere. 在与with或along(with)连用时,bring和take意义相似。在这种情况下,该表达指的是当你在某地旅行时,带着某人或某物。

She took her brother along with them on the trip.她带着弟弟一起去旅游。

I brought my book with me so I can read while I wait for you to finish.我身上带着书,这样就可以在等你时看看书了。

I took along a copy of the homework assignment just in case I had time to study.我带着家庭作业的复印件,万一有时间学习就可以做。

Finally, the verb bring is often used with other prepositions to make phrasal verbs with the same meaning of bringing someone from one place to the place where the speaker is located.最后,动词bring常与其他介词连用,来组成动词短语,它也可以表示将某物带到说话者所在的地方。

These include: bring over and bring by. 其中包括:bring over(把······带来)和bring by(带来)。

Could you bring over the game when you come? 来的时候你可以把游戏也带来吗?

I'll bring the chairs by when I come on Saturday.我周六来的时候会把椅子带过来。

Fetch - Get

When speaking about going somewhere and getting something and then bringing it back, use get (American English) or fetch (British English).当提到去往某地,拿到某物并将其带回时,我们会使用get(美式英语)或fetch(英式英语)。

Could you get the newspaper? 你可以把报纸带过来吗?

She fetched her diary and showed him the entry.她把自己的日记带了过来,并给他看了条目。

Important Phrasal Verbs重要的动词短语

Bring, Take and Get can differ greatly from each other when used as phrasal verbs. Phrasal verbs are verbs that are made up of a main verb followed by one or more prepositions known as particles. The particles of phrasal verbs can change the meaning of the original verb drastically. Here are some of the most common phrasal verbs with bring, take, and get. 当用作动词短语时,bring,take和get的意义截然不同。动词短语是由构成主动词的动词,后面接一个或以上的介词作为小品词组成的。动词短语的小品词可以使动词原来的意思发生较大变化。下面是一些常见的关于bring,take和get的动词短语。

Phrasal Verbs – Bring动词短语——bring

up = raise a child抚养孩子

She brought her child up on her own.她独自抚养孩子。

about = make happen导致

The change in our strategy brought about immediate success.策略的变更马上给我们带来了成功。

through = keep safe使脱险

She brought her parents treasures through the fire. 她将父母的宝贝从大火中抢救了出来。

off = succeed in doing成功地做某事

My sister brought off an incredible victorylast weekend. 上周我妹妹取得了令人难以置信的成功。

someone to = make someone to do something使某人做某事

I think she brought him to tears when she told him she wanted to break up.我觉得,她提出分手会使他泪流满面的。

back = to restart an older tradition恢复旧的传统

The fashion industry often brings back certain styles after a few decades.时尚产业经常在几十年后又使一些风格重新流行起来。

Phrasal Verbs – Get动词短语——get

across = make understood使······被理解

I hope I got my point across to the students. 我希望学生能够理解我的观点。

around = become well known出名

She gets around and almost everybody knows her.她出名了,几乎每个人都知道她。

by = make just enough money to pay the expenses挣的钱刚好够用

Many people are finding it harder and harder to get by these days.这段时间,许多人都发现糊口越来越难了。

down = be depressed沮丧

Sometimes find this job really gets me down. 有时候,这份工作真的让我沮丧不已。

down to = start doing something开始做某事

Let's get down to business and finish the report.开始做正事吧,把报告写完。

through = finish doing something完成某事

We got through the tests with four As and two Bs. 我们这场考试得了四个A,两个B。

Phrasal Verbs – Take动词短语——take

around = show someone something给某人看某物

Let me take you around the house.让我看看你的房子吧。

apart = to deconstruct something拆开某物

I need to take apart the cupboards and make some repairs.我需要把碗橱拆开修一修。

down = remove something拿走某物

Could you take down that ugly painting?你能把那幅难看的画拿走吗?

in = provide room for为······提供住处

We could take you in for the weekend.我们可以提供你周末的住处。

on = begin a new responsibility开始承担新的责任

She took on a new job.她承担了一份新的工作。

up = begin learning something new开始学习新的知识

I'd like to take up a new hobby soon.我想短时间内养成一个新的爱好。





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