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development faces

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China has enjoyed over 30 years of fast growth, but its further development faces energy, resources and environmental constraints. China is a leading producer of many important products, but it remains at the lower end of the global industrial chain. China is a big trading nation, but its exports are low in technology content and value added.In many cases, we have to rely on imports to meet the demand for core technologies. China's coastal areas and some of the big and medium-sized cities thrive in modernization, but many places in the central and western regions and the vast rural areas are still rather backward, and we have 150 million people living below the poverty line set by the United Chinese people's livelihood has made significant improvement, but we do not yet have a full-fledged social security system, and we are confronted with high employment pressure. Our people are more and more actively engaged in the country's social and political development, and citizens'basic rights and interests are better protected, yet our democracy and legal system still have room for improvement and such social ills as inequity and corruption still exist. 中国国内生产总值位居世界第三, 但人均水平较低, 只相当于发达国家的十分之一左右. 中国经济已保持30多年的快速增长, 但进一步发展受到能源、资源和环境的制约. 中国若干重要产品产量位居世界前列, 但总体上仍处于全球产业链的低端. 中国已经成为国际贸易大国, 但出口产品技术含量和附加值低, 核心技术仍然大量依赖进口. 中国沿海地区和一些大中城市呈现出现代化的繁荣, 但中西部和广大农村的不少地方仍然相当落后, 还有1.5亿人口生活在联合国设定的贫困线之下. 中国民生有了很大改善, 但社会保障体系不健全, 就业压力很大. 中国社会政治生活日趋活跃, 公民基本权利得到较好的维护, 但民主法制还不够健全, 社会不公和贪污腐败等问题依然存在. Two, "the Twelfth Five Year Plan" period of national urban gas development faces the situation 二、"十二五"期间全国城镇燃气发展面临形势 However, the basis of animal husbandry production is relatively weak, the development mode is relatively backward, the resources and environment constraints continue to increase, industrial development faces many constraints and challenges. 但是,草食畜牧业生产基础比较薄弱,发展方式相对落后,资源环境约束不断加剧,产业发展面临诸多制约和挑战。 Moreover, seen from the development prospect, under the dual influences of high penetration of potential users and replacement of video conference products of the high definition meeting room, the future development faces a great challenge. 而且从发展前景来看,受潜在用户渗透率已经较高以及高清"会议室"视频会议产品替代的双重影响,未来发展面临一定挑战。 Owing to the constraints and limitations of such factors as levels of economic and social development, especially in the process of economic structural adjustment, and establishing and perfecting the socialist market economic system, China's promotion of gender equality and women's development faces a number of new circumstances and new problems: social stratification of women's groups is becoming ever more complex, and the demands of women's life, development and protection of rights and interests have diversified; there are relatively marked imbalances between women's development in different regions, different social strata and different groups; outdated gender-unequal customs and practices that have survived from China's history and traditional culture have still not yet been completely eliminated, and violations of women's rights and interests still exist to different degrees in some regions. 由于受经济和社会发展水平等因素的制约和限制,特别是在经济结构调整和社会主义市场经济体制建立与完善的过程中,中国促进性别平等和妇女发展面临许多新情况和新问题:女性群体的社会分层日益复杂,女性生存、发展和权益保障的需求呈现多样性;不同地区、不同阶层、不同群体妇女发展的不平衡现象比较明显;历史文化中残存的男女不平等的陈规陋习尚未完全消除,侵犯妇女权益的现象在一些地区仍然不同程度地存在。 Modern application development faces a growing set of challenges 现代应用程序开发面临一系列日益增长的挑战: In the era of globalization, future development faces a bottleneck because of population growth and economic demands. 在全球化时代,人口增长和经济需求使得我们的未来面临发展瓶颈。 This is a time to realize that the challenge of development faces everyone. 这是意识到每个人都在面对的发展挑战的一个时代。 Moreover, insurance market development faces many special informational challenges that have been extensively documented in economic research even in wealthier countries. 此外,保险市场的发展,即使在富裕国家,也面临着许多已在经济研究中广泛记录的特殊信息化挑战。 Such research is targeted at addressing the obstacle that solar development faces of storing energy for use during nighttime hours when the sun is not shining. 这些研究意在解开阻碍太阳能发展的有关夜晚无阳光时太阳能储存的相关问题。 Global recovery remains fragile, international financial markets are volatile and the pursuit of sustainable development faces daunting challenges. 世界经济复苏进程脆弱,国际金融市场动荡,可持续发展任务艰巨,世界经济面临"增长关"。 While renewable energy development faces many constraints and barriers at the local levels, economic factors remain the main barrier in most cases and often subsidies are needed in one form or another in order for them to compete with conventional energy sources. 虽然可再生能源的开发在地方一级仍有许多制约和障碍,但在多数情况下经济因素仍然是主要障碍,往往需要给于某种形式的补贴,以使可再生能源能够同传统能源竞争。 However, the effective integration of the three dimensions of sustainable development faces two main obstacles: insufficient political momentum to translate the apparent political commitment to strengthening the social dimension into concrete action, and a lack of both policy coherence and policy space at the national, regional and international levels. 然而,有效整合可持续发展的三个层面面临着两个主要障碍:政治势头不足,无法将对加强社会层面的明显政治承诺化为具体行动,在国家、区域和国际各级,缺乏政策一致性和政策空间。 In 2008, researchers at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) developed a method to store solar energy by using it to produce hydrogen fuel from research is targeted at addressing the obstacle that solar development faces of storing energy for use during nighttime hours when the sun is not shining. 2008年,麻省理工学院 的研究人员通过使用太阳能从水中生产氢气燃料来储存太阳能[87 ] 。 这些研究意在解开阻碍太阳能发展的有关夜晚无阳光时太阳能储存的相关问题。 At its thirteenth session, the Commission on Sustainable Development faces the challenge of defining specific actions for implementation of the Millennium Development Goals and the Johannesburg Plan of Implementation on water, sanitation and human settlements. 可持续发展问题委员会在第十三届会议面临着确定实施《千年发展目标》和《约翰内斯堡执行计划》有关水、卫生和人类住区各项目标的具体行动问题。 The obstacles that the Division for Sustainable Development faces in implementing the many relevant recommendations made by the Permanent Forum are primarily related to the limited funding for the support of programmes and projects specific to indigenous peoples, although it makes available limited funding to indigenous people and other major groups' participants from developing countries to enable their participation in Commission on Sustainable Development-related meetings. 在实施常设论坛许多有关建议方面,可持续发展司面临的障碍主要是支持具体涉及土著人民的方案和项目的经费有限,虽然该司拨出有限的经费,让土著人民和来自发展中国家其他主要群体的参与者能够参加可持续发展委员会的有关会议。 内容可能不合适 例句仅用于帮助你翻译不同情境中的单词或表达式,我们并没有对例句进行筛选和验证,例句可能包含不适当的术语或观点。请为我们指出需要编辑或不应显示的例句。粗俗或口语化的译文通常用红色或橘黄色加以标记。 未找到该义项 广告

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