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drill [links] Listen: UK:*UK and possibly other pronunciationsUK and possibly other pronunciations/ˈdrɪl/US:USA pronunciation: IPA and respellingUSA pronunciation: IPA/drɪl/ ,USA pronunciation: respelling(dril) ⓘ一个或多个论坛线程和你的搜索词完全匹配 定义 | 西班牙语 | 法语 | 英语同义词 | 英语搭配 | Conjugator [EN] | 上下文 | 图像 WR Apps: Android & iPhone Word of the day 本页中: drill, driller'drill'与'driller'相互参照。 您可以在下面的一行或多行中找到它。'drill' is cross-referenced with 'driller'. It is in one or more of the lines below.

WordReference English-Chinese Dictionary © 2024:

主要翻译英语中文 drill n (tool: bores holes)SCSimplified Chinese 钻 TCTraditional Chinese 鑽   SCSimplified Chinese 钻头 zuàn tóu TCTraditional Chinese 鑽頭  Linda is putting up some shelves this weekend, so she'll need her drill.  这周末,琳达要组装一些架子,所以她需要用到她的钻头。 drill n (dentist's tool) (牙医)SCSimplified Chinese 钻头 zuàn tóu TCTraditional Chinese 鑽頭  Pete refuses to see a dentist because he hates the sound of the drill.  因为害怕钻头的声音,所以皮特拒绝去看牙医。 drill n (training exercise)SCSimplified Chinese 操练,训练,练习,演习 cāo liàn,xùn liàn,liàn xí,yǎn xí TCTraditional Chinese 訓練,練習,演習   SCSimplified Chinese 操练方法,训练方法 cāo liàn fāng fǎ,xùn liàn fāng fǎ  The soldiers spent the afternoon doing drills.  士兵们整个下午都在进行训练。 drill n (practice)SCSimplified Chinese 演习 yǎn xí TCTraditional Chinese 演習   SCSimplified Chinese 演练  It's OK. There isn't a real fire; this is just a drill.  没事儿的。并没有真的发生火灾,只是演戏而已。 drill [sth]⇒ vtr (bore: a hole)SCSimplified Chinese 在...上钻孔   SCSimplified Chinese 给...打孔 TCTraditional Chinese 給…打孔   SCSimplified Chinese 在…上钻孔 zài … shàng zuàn kǒng  James drilled a hole for the screw to go in.  詹姆士钻了一个孔,好打螺丝。 drill [sth] in [sth] vtr + prep (bore: a hole)SCSimplified Chinese 在…上钻(孔)   SCSimplified Chinese 给…打(孔)  Alison drilled a hole in the wall.  艾莉森在墙上钻了一个孔。 drill [sb]⇒ vtr (train)SCSimplified Chinese 操练 cāo liàn   SCSimplified Chinese 训练 cāo liàn,xùn liàn TCTraditional Chinese 訓練  The sergeant is drilling the new recruits.  教官正在训练新兵。 drill [sb] in [sth] vtr + prep (train)SCSimplified Chinese 在…方面对…进行训练  The teacher drilled the students in French grammar.  老师在法语语法方面对学生进行训练。 drill for [sth] vi + prep (bore a hole to extract: oil, water)SCSimplified Chinese 钻探 TCTraditional Chinese 鑽探   SCSimplified Chinese 钻取  The company plans to start drilling for oil in Arctic waters.  该公司计划开始在北极海域钻探石油。   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议 其他翻译英语中文 the drill n figurative, informal (routine, procedure) (俚语)SCSimplified Chinese 常规,规定程序, 规程 cháng guī TCTraditional Chinese 常規  When the CEO visits the office, what's the drill? drill n (fabric)SCSimplified Chinese 粗布   SCSimplified Chinese 粗斜纹布  The man wore a suit made from drill.  那名男子身穿一套斜纹衣服。 drill n (furrow for seeds)SCSimplified Chinese 播种沟 TCTraditional Chinese 播種溝   SCSimplified Chinese 条播沟  The gardener sowed the carrots in drills.  园丁把萝卜籽洒在条播沟里。 drill, drill music n (music: type of rap) (说唱音乐类型)SCSimplified Chinese 钻头音乐   SCSimplified Chinese 钻头说唱  Drill originated among the rappers of Chicago. drill⇒ vi (bore a hole)SCSimplified Chinese 钻孔 zuān kǒng   SCSimplified Chinese 打孔 zuān kǒng,dǎ kǒng  There was a woman standing near the wall, drilling.  有个女人正站在墙边钻孔。 drill vi (practise, train)SCSimplified Chinese 训练 xùn liàn TCTraditional Chinese 訓練   SCSimplified Chinese 操练 xùn liàn,cāo liàn  The soldiers had been drilling all afternoon.  士兵们整个下午都在操练。 drill [sth] into [sb], drill into [sb] [sth] vtr + prep figurative (instill)SCSimplified Chinese 将…灌输给…   SCSimplified Chinese 将…传授给…   SCSimplified Chinese 将…教给…  The teacher tried to drill the multiplication tables into his students. My parents always drilled into me the importance of studying hard.  老师试图将乘法口诀表灌输给学生们。我父母经常向我灌输努力学习的重要性。   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议

WordReference English-Chinese Dictionary © 2024:

主要翻译英语中文 driller, drill n (machine that drills holes)SCSimplified Chinese 钻孔机 zuàn kǒng jī TCTraditional Chinese 鑽孔機 driller n (person who drills)SCSimplified Chinese 钻孔的人 zuàn kǒng de rén TCTraditional Chinese 鑽孔的人   SCSimplified Chinese 钻孔者 zuàn kǒng de rén,zuàn kǒng zhě   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议

WordReference English-Chinese Dictionary © 2024:

动词短语drill | driller英语中文 drill down vi phrasal (bore a hole)SCSimplified Chinese 钻 TCTraditional Chinese 鑽 drill down vi phrasal (computing: go to lower data level) (数据)SCSimplified Chinese 细分 xì fēn   SCSimplified Chinese 钻取 drill down vi phrasal US, figurative (focus)SCSimplified Chinese 集中精力   SCSimplified Chinese 集中注意力  Jack was carefree when he was younger and often skipped school, but during his last two years of high school, he really drilled down and did well. drill down through [sth] vi phrasal + prep (computing: go through lower data levels) (数据)SCSimplified Chinese 钻取   SCSimplified Chinese 细分 xì fēn drill down through [sth] vi phrasal + prep US, figurative (focus on)SCSimplified Chinese 将注意力集中在…上   SCSimplified Chinese 将精力集中在…上 drill up vi phrasal (computing: go to higher data level) (计算机)SCSimplified Chinese 向上钻取 drill up through [sth] vi phrasal + prep (computing: go through higher data levels) (计算机)SCSimplified Chinese 通过...向上钻取   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议

WordReference English-Chinese Dictionary © 2024:

复合形式:drill | driller英语中文 drill bit n (tool: bores holes)SCSimplified Chinese 工兵铲 gōng bīng chǎn TCTraditional Chinese 工兵鏟  If your drill bit is not sharp, it will take longer to make the hole. drill hole, drillhole n (hole made by boring)SCSimplified Chinese 钻孔 zuān kǒng drill instructor n (military) (军队)SCSimplified Chinese 教官 jiào guān  The drill instructor was shouting orders at the recruits. drill press (drilling)SCSimplified Chinese 钻床 drill rig, drilling rig n (machine that bores holes)SCSimplified Chinese 钻机 zuàn jī TCTraditional Chinese 鑽機 drill sergeant n (military)SCSimplified Chinese 训练指导 xùn liàn zhǐ dǎo TCTraditional Chinese 訓練指導   SCSimplified Chinese 教官 xùn liàn zhǐ dǎo,jiào guān  The job of the drill sergeant was to create soldiers out of boys. drill team n US (sports: supporting dance squad) (体育)SCSimplified Chinese 拉拉队 lā lā duì drilldown menu, also UK: drill-down menu n (hierarchical list of options)SCSimplified Chinese 下钻操作菜单   SCSimplified Chinese 向下钻取菜单 electric drill n (power tool)SCSimplified Chinese 电钻 diàn zuàn fire drill n (evacuation procedure)SCSimplified Chinese 消防训练 xiāo fáng xùn liàn TCTraditional Chinese 消防訓練   SCSimplified Chinese 消防演习 xiāo fáng xùn liàn,xiāo fáng yǎn xí  We had a fire drill at the office today. hammer drill n (power tool)SCSimplified Chinese 锤钻 hand drill (portable drill)SCSimplified Chinese 手持式钻头 know the drill v expr figurative (be familiar with procedure)SCSimplified Chinese 熟悉流程   SCSimplified Chinese 了解该怎么做  When the difficult client phoned, he had to be put through to the senior manager immediately; everyone in the office knew the drill. power drill n (electrically-operated tool for making holes)SCSimplified Chinese 电钻 diàn zuàn   SCSimplified Chinese 动力钻机 diàn zuàn,dòng lì zuàn jī  A power drill is much more efficient than a hand drill. It's not a bad idea to wear goggles whenever you're working with tools like power drills. practice drill n (rehearsal of emergency response)SCSimplified Chinese 演习 yǎn xí TCTraditional Chinese 演習   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议 Collins Chinese Dictionary Plus (3rd edition), 2011: drill [drɪl] I n 1 [c] (=tool, machine) (for DIY etc) 钻(鑽) zuàn [个 gè] [of dentist] 钻(鑽)头(頭) zuàntóu [个 gè] (for mining etc) 钻(鑽)孔器 zuānkǒngqì 2 [u] (=fabric) 斜纹(紋)布 xiéwénbù 3 [c] [(for fire, air raid)] 演习(習) yǎnxí [次 cì] II vt 1 [+ hole] 在…上钻(鑽)孔 zài…shang zuānkǒng 2 (=train) [+ troops] 训(訓)练(練) xùnliàn 3 [+ pupils] (in grammar, maths, singing etc) 训(訓)练(練) xùnliàn III vi 1 ▶ to drill (into) [wall, floor etc] (在…)钻(鑽)孔 (zài…)zuānkǒng 2 ▶ to drill (for) [oil, water, gas] 钻(鑽)(探某物) zuān (tàn mǒuwù) 在这些条目还发现'drill': 在英文解释里: auger - bore - bore into - chuck - hand drill - jackhammer - jumper - spud - turn 中文: 钻 - 钻头 - 钻探 - 操 - 条播 在单词列表中: Top 2000 English words, Woodworking tools, Things that spin, 更多……同义词: practice, preparation, repetition, exercise, work-out, 更多……习惯性搭配: [fit, change] the drill bit, [tighten, loosen] the drill chuck, is the drill instructor, 更多……

标题中含有单词 'drill' 的论坛讨论:

There was a fire drill at school today. ...a tool in a machine such as a drill. - English Only forum ‘manuals of drill in threes’ - English Only forum a lightning drill - English Only forum a seemingly simple choice question for English drill - English Only forum a sort of electric drill - English Only forum An exercise vs. drill - English Only forum Anytime you see that net, drill it - English Only forum Become + noun + with (she became a drill ship with Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve) - English Only forum Bosh SDS and rotary drill bit - English Only forum breakthrough drill - English Only forum Can I drill something like a lesson? - English Only forum Chill-and-drill - English Only forum combine the ordinary artesian drill principle with the principle of the small circular rock drill - English Only forum don't drill down on specific policies - English Only forum Drill 9/32" holes - English Only forum drill and torch-resistant material - English Only forum Drill bit plant - English Only forum drill down - English Only forum drill down - English Only forum Drill in - English Only forum Drill in vs. instill in vs. impart to - English Only forum drill into - English Only forum Drill into? - English Only forum drill into/drill it into that - English Only forum Drill me to the floor - English Only forum drill or chisel - English Only forum drill over - English Only forum drill pipe - English Only forum drill something into somebody - English Only forum 更多……访问Chinese 论坛。帮助 WordReference: 在论坛上提问。 English Only论坛里有关'drill'的讨论 Go to Preferences page and choose from different actions for taps or mouse clicks. 查看 "drill" 的谷歌机器翻译。

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