so far 和 thus far的区别

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so far 和 thus far的区别

#so far 和 thus far的区别| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

so far 是常用的词组,表示“迄今为止”的意思;thus far在中学中不常用,它们什么区别呢?给出了答案:

They both mean until this point or until now (you can use them both for distance as well as for time.).

Both can be used in a figurative sense (比喻的,抽象的).

They can both be used in negative and positive sentences.

So is there a difference? Thus far is more formal. You would use thus far in formal correspondence, legal material, contracts, in academic works.

So far is for emails and in conversations.




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