人教版(2019)必修第二册Unit5 Music Reading for writing课件(共31张PPT)

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人教版(2019)必修第二册Unit5 Music Reading for writing课件(共31张PPT)

2023-04-25 17:30| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


(共31张PPT)Write a speech主备人:议课时间:3月4日授课时间:3月24日To learn what a speech is and its structure .To learn to write a speech .To experience the charm of music .学习目标 1’Read the text and discuss the questions in pairs.1. What was Sarah's problem 2. How did music help her during her difficult time 3. What is her advice to others 问题导学5’Look at the pictures.Do you love music How can music make you feel Please share your music stories.“ Music is the medicine of the mind. ”How do you interpret this sentence How do you interpret this sentence Look and predictWhat did happen on him Did music help him Read the speech and answer the questions.点拨精讲23'1. What was Sarah's problem 2. How did music help herduring her difficult time 3. What is her advice to others Sarah had a serious diseasewhich was difficult to cure.It made her feel much better because it is the “medicine of the mind”.Her advice to others is to use music to help when you have problems.Do you know how to write a speech Welcome the audienceIntroductionPropose of the topicPersonal anecdotePersonal feelingClose the speechThank the audience at the endStudy the language featuresTo make the speech touching, the speakers often use rhetoric to let their speeches more powerful.Rhetorical deviceSimile(明喻)A simile compares two things by using words such as “like” or “as”.Metaphor(隐喻)John is as cunning as a fox.A metaphor compares two things that are unrelated, but which are similar in some way.That businessman is a real fox.Rhetorical deviceRhetorical question(设问)A rhetorical question is a question that isnt meant to elicit an answer, but is asked to make a point.Personification(拟人)The sky weeps.Personification is when a thing, idea, or animal is given human attributes.How could I be so stupid Rhetorical deviceQuote(引用)To quote is to repeat a short passage, word, phrase, or sentence that came from somewhere or someone else.Repetition(重复)I came, I saw, I conquered.Repetition is the use of the same word or phrase in a poem, speech, ete. It can be used for different purposes, such as to heighten tension or to give emphasis....as Longfellow says, “Music is the universal language of mankind.”Match the names of rhetorical devices to the lettered sentences in the speech.metaphor ____personification ____quote ____repetition ____rhetorical question ____simile ____AEFBCDWhat expressions does Sarah use to talk about how music can make us feel ※Useful Expression:1. The song made me feel so muchbetter.2. Music gave me happiness.3. ... it made my spirits fly like a kitein the wind.4. Music gave me strength and broughtme relief.5. It was the rock I leant on...6. ...music gave me hope and a senseof satisfaction.7. It spoke words of encouragementto the deepest part of my being.称呼语Ladies and gentlemenFellow studentsDistinguished guestsMr. ChairmanHonorable Judges1.My name is...Today I am very glad to have the opportunity to make this presentation.I shall be speaking about...我是…今天很高兴能有机会做这个演讲。我演讲的内容是……2.Good morning, everyone! It is my great honor to share with you my opinions on...大家上午好!很荣幸能和你们分享一下我关于……的看法。3.It’s my great honor to be here/to have the opportunity to say something about...很荣幸能在这里/能有机会谈论一下关于……4.My name is Sara.I am honored to be here to share with you my opinion on what to learn in senior high school.5.My name is Sara. It's a great honor to be here to make a speech on behalf of our school. My topic is about what to learn in senior high school.开头部分常用语主体部分常用语1.The topic of my speech is...我演讲的主题是……2.I’ll divide this topic into five main aspects.我将从五个主要方面谈论这个主题。3.I would like to concentrate on the problem of...我想把重点集中在……问题上。4.Generally speaking, our life in senior high school is colorful but full of challenge.5.In my opinion, we have learned a great deal. Not only did we learn more about American culture and customs, but we also learned how to express ourselves in proper English.6.This program broadened our horizons as well as bridged some differences between two countries.7.I want to remind you all that we share the responsibility.结尾部分常用语1.I hope I have made myself understood.希望我说的大家都能理解。2.That’s all I want to say about this point.关于这一点,我就讲这些。3.By way of conclusion, I’d like to quote what Newton once said.我想借用牛顿曾经说过的话来结束我今天的发言。4.Thank you from the bottom of my heart for giving me this chance to speak to you today.我从心底感谢你们今天给了我这个演讲的机会。5.I wish you the best luck in everything you do.6.I hope all of you will make progress in your academy(学业)and keep in good health.7.Thank you very much for your attention.8.That's all. Thank you.How to organize a speechPara 1Para 2Para 3Para 4TopicIntroductionmy name is...the impact of musicProblemSolutiona serious diseaselisten to musicFeelingshappiness; strength; relief; satisfaction; encouragementHopetreasure musicBeginningBodyClosing课堂小结 1'WritingNow use what you have learnt to write a speech .当堂检测(15’)假设你是星光中学的李华,将参加主题为“Let’s Ride Bicycles”的英语演讲比赛。请撰写一份80词左右的演讲稿,主要内容包括:1.目前汽车带来的空气污染和交通堵塞等问题;2.骑自行车的益处,如节能环保、有利于健康等;3.号召大家骑自行车,过低碳生活。参考词汇:低碳生活 low carbon life;节能的 energy saving遣词造句完成句子①随着人们生活水平的不断提高,汽车已经成为最流行的交通工具。_________________________ people’s living standards, cars have become the most popular means of transport.②汽车的使用已经给我们的生活带来了极大的方便。Using cars __________________ great convenience to our life.③自行车非常环保。Bicycles are very ________________________________.With the improvement ofhas broughtenvironmentally friendly④自行车不会排放废气。Bicycles won’t ________________waste gas.⑤骑自行车是很好的锻炼方式。Riding bicycles _______________________ for us to exercise.⑥骑自行车有益于我们的身体健康。Riding bicycles ______________________our health.give offis a good wayis beneficial to牛刀小试假如你是光明中学的学生杰西卡Jessica,将参加主题为“My Chinese Dream”的英语演讲比赛,请撰写一篇演讲稿,主要内容包括: 1、梦想成为一名山村教师,帮助山村孩子; 2、山区偏僻,教育落后; 3、父母和朋友都反对; 4、我会…… 参考词汇: 乡村地区:rural area山村教师:rural teacher偏远 far away(from), be distant (from)落后:fall behind vt.反对:be against…推荐使用上本节课学习到的设问、比喻和重复的修辞手法Good morning, everyone! I’m Jessica from Guangming High School. The topic of my speech is “My Chinese Dream”. Have you ever thought about being a rural teacher As we all know, The rural area seems like an isolate island far away from the city and its education is falling much behind the city. And there the problem about the lack of teachers is especially serious. It is not surprised to find that my parents and friends are against my idea of being a teacher in such a place. I understand their thoughts and feelings, but I have something different to think about.Though poor, students in the village are working hard. Though distant from the mega city, the small county is full of fun. Though only a few live there, people are more friendly and kinder to each other. Hence, it is a good choice to lead a happy and peaceful life in the countryside.As the saying goes, “the teacher works as a beautician of the children’s soul”. The children in the rural areas are in great need of teachers and knowledge. And I was deeply moved by the children’s innocent smiling, by their diligence, and even by their positive attitude towards life. Therefore, I will study hard to struggle for my dream. I won’t regret my e on and join me! Thank you for listening to me!Complete the outline and use it along with rhetorical devices to draft your speech. Introduce yourself. Write about how music made you/him/her feel. Give the topic of your speech. Relate your/his/her experience to the audience. Write about your experience with music, orthe experience of someone you know. Close the speech.Hello, my name is ____, and I'm here totalk about _________. ______ years ago,__________________________________.Hello! My name is John, and I'm here to talk about the power of music over words. Two years ago, my grandmother passed away, and music has helped me cope since then.Sometimes words can’t describe what we are feeling, but music can. As Hans Christian Anderson once said, “Where words fail, music speaks.” Music is like a special language that everyone can understand. Have you ever heard a piece of music and remembered an important time in your life Perhaps when something important happened, or when you felt really happy or sad. I feel this way about a piece of classical music by Eric Satie called “Gymnopedie No.1”. It reminds me of my grandmother. It is like an old friend comforting me when I hear it.This music helps me remember how much I miss her. It helps me remember all the great times we had. And music helps me be grateful for that time together. If you struggle to find the words to help you, music can be your guide.感谢您的观看






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