invocation是什么意思 invocation的中文翻译、读音、例句

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invocation是什么意思 invocation的中文翻译、读音、例句

#invocation是什么意思 invocation的中文翻译、读音、例句| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

invocation是什么意思 invocation的中文翻译、读音、例句 作者:hyde • 2024-01-16 14:47:39 • 阅读 255


1. 意思和定义:首先,作为英语老师,我们需要知道“invocation”的含义和定义。“invocation”一般指祈求、恳求或者援引某个权威的话语。在某些仪式或者场合中,也可能用到该单词。


- The pastor delivered an invocation at the beginning of the church service.

- The invocation to the gods was followed by a sacrifice.

- The opening session of the conference began with an invocation by the chairman.

2. 词源和构词法:其次,我们可以从该单词的词源和构词法来深入了解它。“invocation”一词源于拉丁语“invocare”,意为“呼唤、祈求”。构词法则为“in-”(表示进入)+“vocare”(动词,意为“呼唤、召唤”)+“-ation”(名词后缀,表示“行为或结果”)。


- The word "invocation" comes from the Latin word "invocare".

- The term "invocation" is formed by adding the suffix "-ation" to the verb "vocare".

3. 类似单词或者近义词:第三,我们可以与其他类似的单词或者近义词进行比较,从而更好地理解“invocation”的用法和含义。例如,“prayer”、“supplication”、“petition”等单词都与“invocation”有关联。


- The pastor led the congregation in a prayer of invocation.

- The supplication of the people was heard by their deity.

- The petition to the government was signed by thousands of citizens.

4. 用法和场合:其次,我们需要明确“invocation”的用法和出现场合。由于该单词主要涉及祈求和恳求,因此通常出现在仪式、场合、学术会议等正式场合。


- The invocation at the graduation ceremony was given by the school prinl.

- The city council meeting began with an invocation by a local religious leader.

- The academic conference opened with an invocation to the scholars who had passed away.

5. 常见短语和句型:最后,我们可以了解一些常见的短语和句型,以便更好地使用“invocation”。例如,“an invocation of the divine”、“an invocation of the muse”、“invoke the aid of someone/something”等。


- The poem began with an invocation of the divine.

- The artist hoped that his painting would serve as an invocation of the muse.

- The company decided to invoke the aid of an expert in order to resolve the problem.




1. The priest began the ceremony with an invocation to God.


2. The coach gave a rousing invocation to his team before the big game.


3. The ceremony ended with an invocation of peace for all nations.


4. The invocation of the ancient gods was a central element of the ritual.


5. The speaker began his speech with an invocation of the audience's attention.





例句:This is our invocation in crochet of a bleached reef. (这个白化珊瑚礁的针织模型寄托了我们的祈祷。)


例句:Messaging and asynchronous invocation support. (消息和异步调用支持。)


例句:This is our invocation in crochet of a bleached reef. (这个白化珊瑚礁的针织模型寄托了我们的祈祷。)


例句:Rule services deployed in ILOG JRules can be accessed via EJB invocation, locally or remotely. (翻译:可以通过EJB调用本地或远程地访问ILOGJRules中部署的规则服务。)


invocation一般作为名词使用,如在the invocation([网络] 祈愿;祈祷)、dynamic invocation([网络] 动态调用请求;动态接口;动态激发)、font invocation(字型调用)等常见短语中出现较多。

the invocation[网络] 祈愿;祈祷dynamic invocation[网络] 动态调用请求;动态接口;动态激发font invocation字型调用invocation of procedure过程调用invocation of subschema[计] 子模式调用invocation procedure引用过程invocation style调用式样method invocation[网络] 方法调用;方法呼叫;方法激活point of invocation[计] 调用点procedure invocation[计] 过程引用, 过程调用例句

1. This is our invocation in crochet of a bleached reef. (翻译:这个白化珊瑚礁的针织模型寄托了我们的祈祷。)

2. Rule services deployed in ILOG JRules can be accessed via EJB invocation, locally or remotely. (翻译:可以通过EJB调用本地或远程地访问ILOGJRules中部署的规则服务。)

3. Judge, no adverse inference can be drawn - from Mr. Asher's invocation of the Fifth. (翻译:法官大人 不可因Asher先生行使 第五修正案的权利而做出反向推断)

4. Calls to the optimized local adapter invocation or send request APIs do not result in an inbound JCA request to drive into the target EJB. (翻译:针对优化的本地适配器调用或发送请求API的调用不会导致入站JCA请求以便进入目标EJB。)

5. Today with the invocation of the War Powers Act by the President, I am declaring a state of martial law in this city. (翻译:根据总统所颁布的命令 从今日起纽约市开始实施)

6. I ask you to stop the invocation just performed along with the curse on my family. (翻译:我要求你停止 祈祷刚刚已经执行 和对我家庭的诅咒一起停止)

7. Invokers provide the invocation logic to binding protocols and implementation technologies. (翻译:调用器为绑定协议和实现技术提供调用逻辑。)

8. Axis2 now supports both blocking and nonblocking invocation models. (翻译:Axis2现在同时支持阻塞和非阻塞调用模型。)

9. Think of it as a user-specified onLoad attribute invocation. (翻译:可把它视为特定于用户的onload属性调用。)

10. Invocation of deities to ward off theft, keep explorers from trampling on their graves. (翻译:调用神抵御盗窃, 保持探险家从践踏 在他们的坟墓。)

11. The Tuscany RuntimeWire invoker then receives the native message and finds the correct invocation chain to call. (翻译:TuscanyRuntimeWire调用器随后接收本地消息并找到合适的调用链来执行调用。)

12. If the reference is w-typed then the only invocation style available to the user is DII. (翻译:如果引用是w-typed的,则用户唯一可用的调用样式就是DII。)

13. Multiple commands in one ImageMagick invocation. (翻译:在一次ImageMagick调用中执行多条命令。)

14. As a result of the invocation of any link, the portlet may define a set of current render parameters. (翻译:作为任何链接调用的结果,Portlet可能会定义一个当前呈现参数集。)

15. In the case of a composite Web service invocation, multiple bars represent the response time of each endpoint. (翻译:对于复合Web服务调用,多个条代表每个端点的响应时间。)




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